Getting Closer
Dream sighed, as he looked around and see that the entire AU has changed again. Now there are Mettaton all over the place, including their swap versions, as well as Napstablooks, due to the group being able to find Napstablook, which is the puddle from the beginning. Because of this, the group is getting more and more closer to reaching their goal, in that they are going to free the AUs from the fusion that it has become.
Systematic, he himself is taking advantage of the fused AU himself, however, by using Fatal_Error's power to copy and paste code, and thus, thanks to this, in addition to his connection to the MainFrame, he is able to paste the code of Help_Tale in order to try and recreate Alphatale. After all, Help_Tale, in Systematic's eyes, is said to almost resemble Alphatale, due to the fact that it contains cities in all parts of the underground, which Alphatale is said to have, and while the technology is nowhere near as advanced as Alphatale's, it is still very advanced then all of the other AUs, although this is mainly because of the fact that all of the technologies in all of the AUs combined to make it this way, and this is something that Systematic took advantage of, as he copied even the code of the technology present inside of Help_Tale.
Well, at least someone is having an advantage that they have, but Dream felt a little bit of a bit so happy time, due to the fact that he is in the constant presence of Nightmare, his brother. Being on the presence of his brother made Dream very uncomfortable, despite the fact that he and Nightmare are equal in power, and the fact that they'll simply weaken each other in one another's presence. But it is more then just that. Truth is...Dream isn't just weary of Nightmare, rather, he feels immense guilt when he is next to his brother, because of the fact that he had never stopped all the agony and pain that happened to him.
Dream then fished his hand from his back, and pulled out something, as he looks to see what is in his hand. A book, and not just any book. It is the same book that Nightmare had always read, before he had become this evil.
Even after all that has happened, even with what occurred between him and Nightmare, he has never forgotten the good bond that he had with his brother, who, despite being a being that embodies the very aspect of evil and suffering, he was originally one of the kindest and most gentle people to ever be born.
The bond between the both of them is one that Dream could not forget, and everyday...he just hopes they with the power that he has, and if he gained some more, he will be able to free his brother's mind, and bring him back to his former self. Especially after what the villagers had made him do...and what it made Dream do.
...and he could not forget what his brothers last words are, before he had become fully corrupted.
"I'm me."
Dream could not help but feel guilt in what he had done, or rather...what he had not done. He had allowed the villagers to cause pain and suffering for Nightmare for something that he had no choice in, despite how kind he is. And the Villagers, all of them that had caused so much pain to him...they paid the price with their lives and existence, now having become corrupted beyond repair.
They have become inhumane and something...else, now corrupted beyond repair, and even Dream's power won't make a difference, as they have become this way to far too long. But he can feel that their original selves are still inside of their corrupted existence...but are unable to do anything about it, and have to live their lives in their own shells of misery and agony, the agony that Nightmare has returned to them after all that they have done to him. They were selfish and biased in their mindset, and their selfishness became their downfall after all that they have done.
Dream sighed, as he held his head and shook it. He cannot think of it now. Besides, he needs to make sure that Nightmare does not do anything insane and drastic. So he is gonna put his mind into it, shakes his thoughts off, before he turns to look and see where he is at. He is now inside of the MaiinFrame, as he spoke out.
"How did it come to his?"
He looks of me at his book, before he goes back to Help_Tale, and sees Ink and Swap present, as as well as the other swap characters that are present inside of the area that they are in, in Snowdin, and the fact that Gradient and Blueprint are here, along with their other half-brothers. He looks at the group that is before them, before he then looks down at the book that was originally his brothers, before he then shook his head. He knows that he should not think of this, he should not think of the fact any, for he can never change it.
He looks at Ink and Swap again, as he remembers the time when the both of them were a group together.
He remembers the time when the Star Sanses came to be, when they go all around to protect and care for the Multiverse, making sure that it remains alive and safe. But then, he and Ink, split and disbanded the Star Sanses, due to how Ink cared more for the AUs then for the people themselves, which made Dream realize that the Star Sanses was not meant to be with Ink not caring for people. But Dream does take the time to think this.
'Someday...I hope that the Star Sanses can come back again., and help other people...just like we have in the past.'
Dream shook his head, before he flies to them, his Positivity Aura covers a chunk of Help_Tale, just as Nightmare is present, and his negativity covers a little chunk of Help_Tale as well.
Error, inside the mind of Systematic, is shown to be looking, as Error404 is trying to complete his own AU, to recreate Alphatale. And needless to say, he is in a little bit of distress, due to what has happened to him from before, when B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. 666 was possessed by Malware.
Error...he could not get what has happened out of his head. Because of what his Righteous Forced Destroyer set said to B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, Malware took over the body of the fused transformation of both Error and Error404, all so that he can become Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. And needless to say, it is one of the worst experiences of his life, and the first time that Malware took control of Error. It was so bad that...Error felt like his own life was being drained away, due to what Malware was doing, decaying his life, but at the same time, he is forced to continue healing, due to the power of the MainFrame keeping him alive. And the feeling that Malware had given to him inside of the is incomprehensibly horrible.
And inside of the mind...he saw what must have been Malware's appearance...or supposedly, should be. But he does not know if this is really Malware, or something else, simply a form that Malware decide to take. He just hopes that it really is just a form, and not his real appearance.
Right now, inside of the mind of Systematic, as Error404 controlling the body, the entire mind resembles a combination between the MainFrame, Error's Anti-Void, and Fatal_Error's Anti-Void. The sky is dark with a bit of blue, similar to the MainFrame's black abyss, b to the ground is white, with Echo Flowers all over the place. Red and Blue strings are on the sky, as well as a cliff that leads down to a core, possibly the control room that is meant for one of them to control the body. Error sat down onto the ground, and the Echo Flowers began to repeat the conversation that both Error404 and Fatal_Error had.
It is a very weird place that is inside of the combined minds of all 3 of the glitchy skeletons. But it is not on the same properties, as this is their mind, and not the real thing, meaning that it does not turn people into what they are, or consume their very own beings in the case of the MainFrame, which nearly happened to William, when he first tried to connect with it. At least Error404 got lucky, otherwise he'd have been killed and consumed by the power of the MainFrame.
"This is weird. I don't know if I'll ever get used to this."
Error said, as he looks around the entire mind scape that all 3 of them are in, with Error404 down the cliff in the controls. Error shake his head, as Fatal_Error intertwined his hands together, and Fatal looks around, seeing the code of the MainFrame everywhere inside of the fused mind of Systematic. And the code is...insane, to be specific. The code is able to do almost anything and everything, containing all numbers, vectors, combinations, integrations, etc. The power of the MainFrame is limitless. Fatal wonders, as he spoke on to himself.
"Would I be able to use this to bring back my Papyrus?"
His voice was a soft whisper, as he looked at the code around the MainFrame. As that happened, Error looked down at his hands and clenched his fist, as he began to think about something.
"Our fused form, is powerful...but just how much? Is it comparable to Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, even if it is slightly weaker, or is it slightly stronger? I don't know, but it seems to be comparable to Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. And now...I wonder...does this form has a B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form as well, and...a Malware possesses form?"
This made Error concerned and admittedly a little bit worried. Systematic is already an extremely powerful fusion, one of the strongest that Error404 has made, thanks to Fatal_Error being involved in it. So how powerful would Systematic be in either a B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form and a Malware possessed form, which Error will call, JustSystematic. And honestly, Error is actually a little bit concerned, for they are both incredibly powerful transformations that will likely do far more damage then imaginable. Although JustSystematic will be weaker, it will be dangerous, due to Malware being in control, and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y will be powerful, due to grabbing onto the MainFrame's limitless power. But what makes Error afraid, is the possibility that Malware may pull a Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y out of complete nowhere. Meaning that if Malware were to be in control, and activate the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form, along with JustSystematic...the damage and power that Malware would possess would be incredibly immense. He would likely be unstoppable, and he doubts that Righteous Error and Omnipotent, this time, won't be able to win against a transformation as powerful as that. That would possibly be their most powerful fusion transformation to ever utilize, and one that is truly unstoppable. Error could only imagine the destructive damage that Malware would do if he is in such a state like this. This made Error shook, as he hugged himself a little bit. But he then shakes his head and tries his best to not think about it. He then looks back, as he goes forward to look at the cliff that is in front of him, and wonders how Error404 is doing after all of this? He seems to be able to get used to the body that he has, with being able to control Systematic, despite how strange and bizarre the appearance of Systematic can be.
"I wonder how the boss is holding up?"
Error said, as Fatal spoke out.
"Ehhh...who cares. He does what he does, and he is already doing it."
Error rolled his eyes, annoyed, as he looks down at the bottom of the cliff, and he continues to wonder what Error404 is thinking of right now.
Error404 smiled, as he is shown to be pasting the machinery that is in Help_Tale. This is something that Error404 cannot help but do, as he feels like that he needs to take it. After all, he is one of the most intelligent monsters of all of existence, second only to his mother, who he hates with every fiber of his soul. 404 looks down at the machinery, as he briefly sees the computers that he used to work on, before they turned back into the machinery of Help_Tale. 404 smiled a little bit, as he shook his head, and the 3 mouths smiled with him, due to the fact that he is in control of the body. After all...the power that he has now gained from the form that he is now is unlike any other form he has done. He has felt B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, Error666, and has ever felt B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, but not once has he been able to feel a form as powerful as this, as Systematic, which is actually stronger then most of the other forms, with the possible exception of Malware404, possibly being able to rival it, although if 404 were to believe, the form is weaker then Malware404, because unlike Malware404, Systematic cannot continue getting stronger, as Malware404 is in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form, while Systematic isn't. In fact, 404 believes that the only way to get stronger, is for Systematic to go into a B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y of his own, which will most definitely rival the power of Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, but what is the consequence of that, in being able to initiate such a transformation? Well, it is best for Error404 to not know of this.
As he finishes being able to paste the machine that he has done, he went back into the MainFrame, as he spoke out.
"Now I am getting closer. Closer to where I will rebuild AlphaTale, the AU that I had lost. No matter what happens, I will bring it back."
He clenched his fist, as he continues to think of what it is that he is fighting for, why he is in such a situation in the first place in his whole life. But as he began to think to himself...a voice spoke.
This made 404 surprised, although he did not show it on his face, as he then turns around to see where they voice had came from. And it is from someone that he least expects to see.
Osiris has appeared inside of the MainFrame again, as his toothy smile is present onto his face. Obviously, he seems to be rather happy at the fact that he gets too see 404 again, although it is obvious that the reason why is not good. Systematic stepped back a bit, as he clenched his fist and got ready for a fight.
"Osiris...of course you'd still be here."
Systematic spoke out, as 404 is the one in control of the body, and Osiris nodded. He has not forgotten the fact that, when 404 was still inside of the MainFrame, Dust, using his Nightmare Mode form, used his powers to bring members of Team Void into the MainFrame, where he took immense pleasure in killing them as painfully as he could. Even using the bite onto them, so that he is able to take on their form.
"Of course I am still here, William. Why wouldn't I be? And I can see that you've fused with Error and Fatal_Error to make this form...a new monstrosity."
Osiris chuckled a little bit, as Osiris then spoke out.
"Are you here to fight against me, Osiris? After all, you did it to me once when I was under the control of Malware, and I'm pretty sure you want to do it again."
Osiris shook his head, as he then spoke out.
"As much fun as that would After all, Team Void is gone, and you're now separated from them, and you haven't been killing anyone yet. So...for now...I'll let that pass. But that does not mean that you are off the hook from me just yet, William. After all...after you are done...I still am going to make sure, you pay for all that you had done."
Systematic rolled his eyes, as he then spoke out.
" can try. But what I am now...I am now far stronger them last time, and more in control of what I you can place your bet in being able to defeat me."
Osiris smiled, as he spoke out.
"Oh, I certainly will try and do so, William. After are not the only one that can command the MainFrame, for I am capable of doing the same thing that you yourself are able to do inside it."
Systematic narrowed his eyes, as Osiris turns away and spoke out.
"For now...however...I need to get going. After old friend is calling me. And I cannot simply let them wait. Goodbye for now, William."
Osiris then teleported from the section of the MainFrae that he is in, as Systematic looked a little bit unease at the sight of the fact that Osiris had came out of complete nowhere and talked to him. Of course, he knows that he is going to have to face against him someday. But for now, he is going to have to keep all of his priorities in trying to bring back Alphatale, and cannot let himself be distracted. But there is one thing that he has been wondering. He has not seem Infected for quite a while. Where is he? Systematic is a little bit uneasy at the fact that Infected has not shown up, but he is going to make sure that Infected is found, so that he can make him suffer so very badly.
But 404 also sensed a that worse then Infected, as he then spoke out.
"Of was only a matter of time before...he...arrives. Well...At least I now have something that will fix that. And all it going to a dead Multiverse."
404 raised his hand, and he lifted up 2 familiar apples from another Multiverse, where Dream and Nightmare are dead, or rather, everyone else is dead...and left behind are 2 apples that are familiar to the both of them.
It made 404 interested, looking at the apples that are in his hands. 404 smiled, as he has a hunch on how powerful they will be if they eat one more, the 1,000th apple. Perhaps it will make then ascend to the level of a Guardian, probably even more then a normal guardian, and will truly be unkillable. And it is the perfect way to deal with the one that he will be forced to fade again, someone much more worse then Infected.
After all, there is a reason why he is called the God of the Multiverse, and most importantly of all...
There is a reason...why he made Error his student.
Dust is shown to be sleeping inside of a bed of his own house, as he is under the covers with Vivian and for some reason, Red, as Dust began to dream of something. He dreams of being inside his home AT, as he is laying down onto a grassy field of sorts, one that is near the city, with trees present all over the place. Dust looks up at the sky...and he looks to see that the sun is above is...moving? Wait, why in the world is the sun above him starting to move? Then...a voice spoke out.
"Hello, Dust?"
Dust recognized the voice is coming from the sun...and he realized the the not a sun at all. It is Dream.
A golden ball of light moved inside of Dust's mental world, as the voice of Dream spoke out to him.
"Do you mind if we can converse with you for a bit?"
Dust nodded, as he sat up straight and spoke out.
"Yeah, sure you can."
The golden orb is now next to Dust, as a transparent figure of Dream appeared, as the golden orb made 2 pairs of wings come out from behind the transparent figure's back, and a halo above, as Dream spoke out.
"Dust...I have been getting worried about this situation for a long time. With Help_Tale and Systematic...but...I feel like that there is much more of a terrible problem that awaits us, one that is even worse then 404."
This made Dust confused, as he turned around and he then spoke out to him.
"What do you mean by that?"
Dream then shook his head, as he then spoke out.
"For reason that even I don't get...I have been feeling a powerful presence from beside Help_Tale, and it is certainly not a good presence at all. The presence is very horrible, surpassing even 404 in terms of how evil it is, and only Nightmare can rival it, but I felt that the entity is much more insane compared to my brother."
Dust looked at Dream for a bit, as he then spoke out.
"Is it possible that Infected is here? After all, does fit such a description like that?"
Dream shook his head, as he spoke out.
"No, I don't think so. I had sensed Infected before, and I know what he feels like. But this...this one is filled only of pure anger and rage...and the sadism of this is even worse compared to Infected. Not to mention stronger then him. is something else."
This made Dust a bit more worried now, as he then spoke out.
"Oh stars, that is seriously not good. The fact that there is some this powerful means that we are gonna have some more trouble, right?"
Dream nodded his head, as he then spoke out.
"That is right. And because of this, we need to get ready for when the evil arrives, and this evil...will possibly be the most dangerous one we encounter."
Dust narrowed his eyes, as he rose his hand, and when he did, he used his power to summon hands, that resemble Gaster's hands. Dust narrowed his eyes, as he then spoke out.
"Well...luckily I am ready for this. Was able to practice in using Chroma Magic, and perhaps...they will be of use to us. And with my Nightmare Mode..."
But Dream then spoke out.
"This monster is likely too powerful for us, Dust. And even compared to Error404, it will not be enough. We need someone that can stand up to the power of this power as well. Someone that is able to rival those that exist outside of the AUs, and are as powerful as gods. And not even Nightmare Mode will be enough for to handle against this new threat."
Then...another voice spoke out.
"Not even me?"
Then, a mysterious figure then appeared inside of the mind of Dust, as Dust turned around, and spoke out to the entity that is before him.
"Who are you?"
The figure stopped, as he then spoke out.
"A version of Last Breath, and a more powerful version of him. You are Dust, correct?"
Dust nodded, as he spoke out.
"I had seen what has happened inside of the void, due to Gaster helping me be inside of it without being erased, and I had seen what Alphatale had done. But I had also seen...that there is someone else that fits Dream's description. A being that came from Alphatale, a Sans, but one that is fills with DETERMINATION and Rage. And if I were to believe, that entity is related to 404 in a way. And he is by far one of the most dangerous Sanses that ever exists, and even 404 would have trouble against him."
This made Dust and Dream worried, as he spoke out.
" this why you are here, to help us fight against this entity of rage?"
The figure nodded, as he stepped into the light.
"Yes, we do have a very common enemy after all. An entity that is too dangerous to live in any single way or reason. An entity that make even 404 look tame when they are born evil."
The entity continued to walk, as Dust is now able to see his appearance.
"After all...who better to have by your side..."
The figure appeared into the light, and the full appearance of this Sans is revealed to them.
"...Then simply me?"
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