
It has been a week, since he had been inside of the Omega Timeline, and became recruited into the Explorer Division, and needless to say, he had been a rather valuable asset to the Omega Timeline in general. He had been traveling from Alternate Universe to Alternate Universe, in order to bring as many people into the Omega Timeline as much as he can, and he did not always need to resort to violence and even end people doubt him, he did it on another way to bring them to the Omega Timeline, and the way he did it, is by mere persuasion alone. And there are some examples of him being able to do this.

In one example, he was able to persuade Flowerfell Sans and Frisk of the Flowerfell AU in coming to the Omega Timeline itself. Although Flowerfell Sans has doubts in this, and even admits that he thinks he is simply here to hurt him, Dust tells him that he can attack him if her wants, and he won't attack back, and allowed Flowerfell to attack him. Flowerfell was about to attack, but seeing that he is not going to attack himself, he decides to believe him and Dust smiled, grateful that this will work. And he was able to bring them both to the Omega Timeline without any issues whatsoever, and this is before Flowerfell had been destroyed. Luckily, there is Flowerfell Papyrus inside of the Omega Timeline, and how Dust is able to do that to him of all people, let's say that the human, Frisk, he was able to change Papyrus' mind and is able to bring him to the Omega Timeline without trouble. He only had more trouble with the Sans of that AU. And the Flowey of that AU is also a kind person himself, and easily knows that Dust can be trusted to go with.

In another instance, he is able to convince Axetale Sans, Papyrus, and the Aliza of that Alternate Timeline to come with him into the Omega Timeline, but did it mainly to the Sans of that Alternate Timeline first. At first, Axetale Sans only saw Dust as a source of food, but Dust proved to be way more powerful than Axe and is able to defeat him on combat, but he does not want to kill him, and just lets him live, and tries to convince him to come to the Omega Timeline with him, and too take his family members there as well. Axe, at first, refused, claiming that he is not going to leave his home and let Papyrus suffer and Aliza, but Dust reminded him that Aliza is already infected and is suffering from its effects already, and questions him at how long he plans to make her suffer, and even went as far as to say that, if he did love Aliza, than he would not have allowed her to suffer more. Convinced and defeated in that argument, he decides to come, but only if Dust collects the White Butterflies all over the area. And luckily, Dust, when at Axetale, is wearing a hazmat suit, which allowed him to be okay and not get infected. He collected all of the White Butterflies, and gave them to Aliza, which allowed for Ruby to reach her full strength, and than, Dust brought them to the Omega Timeline, with Aliza, Axe!Sans, and Axe!Papyrus free from corruption, with Axe!Sans' soul getting repaired, and his lifespan being back to normal once again.

And so, in all of these cases, Dust Sans was able to get them to join in the Omega Timeline, not by attacking them, but by mere convincing alone or by manipulating their feelings of their loved ones. But there are other cases where he did not need to go as far as to manipulate them.

In one case, Dust managed to invade Horrortale, and combined the Aliza and Flowey of Horrortale to come along with him. Aliza, although nervous, saw that he is truly kind and went along with him. But the Horrortale version of Undyne, was insane, and thought that it is her Sans, and thus, tried to kill him. But Dust, not wanting to go and fight Undyne, due to needing to get Aliza out of here, was able to teleport to a door and is insane of Horror's room, and after telling Aliza how to do it, Aliza did as she is instructed, and thus, Aliza and Horror!Flowey are safe from Horror himself. And man, Horror really did a number on her, half of her right arm is gone, and Dust was able to get one of the Sanses, a Scientist, to reattach her arm, which was slightly been given frostbite in one part of the arm, the palm. And because of that, Horror!Aliza felt immensely happy that she is able to be in a place where the Sanses and the other Monsters are far more friendlier and much more kinder to her than ever before. She even gets to meet her alternate counterpart from Axetale, who is the daughter of her Sans, and Aliza is beginning to wonder if she is also Sans' daughter, but even realizes they this is stupid, and decides to think that it is a rather stupid idea to think about. And due to Dust Sans being the first version of Sans that she has ever seen to treat her with genuine kindness and not treat her cruelly, Aliza stuck to him like glue, almost as if she wants ti be by his side at all times, and even watches his matches. And the thing is, Dust is now in a match of his own, which is a sparring match.

Right now, Dust is having a sparring match against Epic, who is one of the most experienced Sanses to ever exist in the Multiverse, the other being Ink, who had experience against people that are as powerful as Error Sans himself. And Dust, the person as he is, proved to be an immensely big challenge for Epic, due to the fact that he is a much more stronger version of him, and the fact that he is also physically strong enough to go against Epic himself, who can fight for to toe against even Killer himself.

"Wow, you are very powerful for a Dust Sans, Bruh."

Epic said, as he than charged at Dust and attempted to strike him, only for Dust to raise his hand and block the attack with his arm, and it pushed him back a little bit, before he than disappeared and went behind Epic, before he than attempted to punch him from the back, only for Epic to avoid the attack as fast as he can. But Dust appeared behind him, and used his Blue Magic to send him into the air, before attempting to slam him down to the ground. But Epic manage to land safely without issue and used his own blue magic and flings him in different random directions, and attempted to slam him down to the ground, only for Dust to teleport out of complete nowhere and in front of Dust, and than, he made vines erupt out from ground and wrapped them around Epic, who is caught in the vines. However, he than summoned an Epic Blaster and blasted the vines to smithereens, and Epic landed onto the ground once again. Dust than launched fireballs at Epic, but Epic made a wall of purple bones out from the ground and blocked the attack, and than, launched the purple bones at Dust himself. But Dust than launched his own purple bones, as both of the attacks cancelled each other out, and both Epic and Dust are unharmed from each other's attacks, as Dust than ran forward very fast, with only Epic being able to rival it, and attempted to grab Epic, only for Epic to move away. Dust than fired a Gaster Blaster, but Epic Sans than extended his hands out and they got sucked into the holes, which made Epic smile. This made Dust a little bit annoyed, but he than went behind Epic, and before Epic knew it, he than felt purple webbing around his torso, as Dust than slammed him down to the ground, as Dust smiled, with Epic standing up and speaking out.

"Not very funny, Bruh."

Dust than spoke out.

"I didn't laugh."

Epic rolled his eye lights and smiled, as Dust than launched Friendliness Pellets at Epic, only for Epic to kicked all of them away, as Dust went in front of Epic, with Dust being able to punch Epic hard and even is able to hurt him a little bit.

Dust and Epic breathed a little bit, as they looked and decided to call it a draw for now, and believed that this fight could go either way, for Epic, due to his experience and skills, and Dust due to the amount of magical powers that he has been able to absorb from the killing of the monsters of his Alternate Timeline, and even Bete Noire, which made him have more of a chance against Epic than a normal Dust, who, while they would be able to fight against Epic and give him trouble, would be defeated.

And both Dust and Epic are not the only ones that are being given training to one another. Many members of the Omega Timeline's Division, the ones they had just entered and joined in to fight, they are sparring with others. Storyshift Chara and Glitchdust Chara, they are training with each other, with Dust's Chara reaching Shift Chara how to make swords with their own magic and not always the knives, and Shift's Sword of Determination, it looks exactly like the sword that Chara himself holds.

And thanks to Chara's training, Shift is able to do the exact same thing that Chara can do, which is that she can shoot out beams of red energy out from the sword, can cause explosions, and can both parry and block. She is even taught the Shield of Determination, being able to use it in various ways, such as making a shield on the arm, a crescent-shaped shield, the Armor in the Red, and the spherical dome that is able to defend against attacks, and while Shift is not as strong as Chara, as Chara has Animosity inside of him, she is much more experienced than him, due to the fact that she experienced countless Genocide runs from the Frisk of her time, and thus, she is able to dodge much more efficiently than Glitchtale Chara, and after a bit of more practicing, she is able to fire multiple Swords of Determination and fire them in a similar manner to how Dust can fire his Tridents, and additionally, can manipulate vines, which is something that the Glitchdust Chara does not have. Storyswap is being taught the exact same thing, but she is more defensive, and can even use her defensive part of Determination to coat her allies or Storyswap Asriel in the Armor in the Red or the Sphere, to either reduce or completely negate damage.

Glitch and Geno are training with one another, Ganz is training with Abyss, Sans and Swap Papyrus are sparring with one another, and so on.

But now that Dust and Epic are done fighting, Core has decided to call them, and both Dust and Epic teleported to them, with Aliza hugging Dust's arm, strangely. Well, it is not strange for Dust, since he had gotten used to it. Dust smiled, as Aliza does the same, with them both looking at Core, who stares back.

"So, Core, what is it that you need this time?"

Core than decides to speak out to Dust.

"Team Void is deciding to attack, but for some reason, it is not in an AU, nor do they want to spread negativity to an AU this time. I noticed that Core seems to be wanting to look for someone and try to kill that unknown person. Nightmare, who had recruited a version of you, has sent his Dust and Horror had been sent, but for some unknown reason, Killer is not sent to do the job, even though they always come together whenever Dust and Horror go, which makes me suspicious."

Even Dust found it a bit weird. When Delta mentioned to him about that there was a previous version of Dust in his group, he goes along with Killer and Horror to take down their chosen targets, but in this case, Killer is not going to come along for some reason, which made Dust confused. Nightmare would never simply let Killer be left out and let the other have the fun. He did not even sent Insanity either. What in the world is going on?

"Okay, that sounds so unlike Nightmare. We'll find out about this later. Right now, where is the AU that they are at right now?"

Core looks at Dust and closed her eyes for a little bit, before speaking out.

"Actually, it is not in an alternate universe. It is in an alternate timeline of some kind, and there is only one inhabitant there, a human, a type of Frisk there. It seems like they killed the inhabitants of the Underground. But Nightmare would not send Killer to try and help kill this human, I'm unsure."

Dust than looked down at Core and spoke out.

"Than what are we waiting here for? Let's go and save that version of Frisk."

Core nodded, as she than got Ink to come over here and make a portal. And Ink came as fast as he can and made an Ink portal, as Dust and Epic looked at the area and spoke out.

"You ready, Epic?"

Epic smirked, as his left eye glows purple, with Dust speaking out.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be, Bruh."

Dust nodded, before he than turned to the portal, and ran in, with Epic following behind, as both Dust and Epic entered into the Timeline. They looked around, and they saw where it is that they are inside of right now. And right now, it appears that they are inside of Snowdin, or at least, this timeline version of Snowdin. But it looks empty and feels empty, and Dust spoke out.

"Yep, they definitely killed the inhabitants of this Timeline. How in the world did this happen to their timeline anyway, and what happened before they attacked."

Epic shrugged, and Dust, sending magic with High LV, went to a direction, as Epic followed him.

"Woah, Bruh, where are you going?"

Dust than spoke out.

"I'm sensing Magic with High LV. And they are closing in on something."

Epic than looks at Dust and spoke out.

"Think you can teleport while sensing them, Bruh?"

Dust looked at Epic before speaking out.

"I'll try. Hopefully I don't end up teleporting in front of them in accident."

Dust than grabbed Epic by the shoulder and the both of them teleported to the location of where the other Dust and Horror are at. And when they got to the area of where they are at, they saw them, the other Dust and Horror Sanses, their weapons out, and they are attacking someone. And it is someone that made Dust confused.

Standing before their eye sight, about to be attacked by some Sanses, is a Frisk unlike what Dust had seen before. She is wearing a red sweater with a single yellow stripe, and has a blue scarf, with her being the age of possibly 16, maybe 17 years of age. But her face still resembles that of Frisk. Epic looked at her, as he than spoke out.

"Wait a second, Bruh, I recognize that Frisk anywhere."

Dust looked at Epic, as he than spoke out.

"This Frisk is from the timeline known as Flowey Possession. It is where Flowey takes over Sans. Now I can see why Nightmare refuses to send Killer."

This made Dust confused, as he spoke out.

"How is she the reason that Nightmare refuses to send Killer?"

Epic spoke out.

"I'll talk about that later, Bruh. But right now, let's give these 2 a Bruh Time.

Dust than looks at Epic and spoke out.

"You use Bruh way to much, and it makes no sense. 'Bruh' Time? That sounds weird."

Epic than spoke out.

"Don't judge me."

Dust rolled his eyes, before he than raised his hand, and before both the other Dust and Horror can strike, a wall of purple bones rose up and blocked against the 2 Sanses, as Dust and Epic appeared, as Dust spoke out.

"Sorry to break it to ya, buddies..."

This made the 2 turn around, with Dust surprised at seeing another him, and Horror unhappy to see the other Dust, his Scythe of Fear out, as Dust spoke out.

"But unfortunately, what you are doing, cannot happen."

Horror got mad, as he than spoke out.

"You, I oughta chop ya into pieces for making me fail Boss!"

Dust smiled, as he spoke out.

"Unfortunately for you, Horror, you won't be fighting me. Epic?"

Epic smiled, as he ran forward and punched Horror to the side, and sends him flying away, while Epic runs to fight against Horror Sans. And not, it is GlitchDust against a normal Dust Sans, as Dust than took out his Trident and points it at GlitchDust, while GlitchDust wins his Scythe and points it at the normal Dust, Scythe and Trident against each other, as GlitchDust spoke out.

"I gotta say, killing your kind is one thing...but to join Nightmare, that is a new low for you, buddy, especially since you are version of me."

Dust than spoke out.

"I got no choice. Nightmare forced me to join his group. If he didn't, than he would have killed my brother and me."

GlitchDust narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Than you should have died instead of joining and going this far."

GlitchDust than ran at Dust, as Scythe and Trident clashed against each other, with FP!Frisk going behind a tree to avoid getting involved in the fight. GlitchDust and Dust clashed against each other, as the Scythe and Trident clashed and grinds against each other's blades, as Dust ducked the Scythe and tried to swing the Trident, only for GlitchDust to avoid the attack. GlitchDust than swung his Scythe and launched a magenta slash at Dust, who than launched a purple slash. But the magenta slash overpowered the purple slash, and nearly hits Dust, only for Dust to avoid getting hit. He than launched Tridents down at GlitchDust, but he than made vines erupt from the ground and the tridents pierced the vines, before they detonated and exploded, before GlitchDust jumped backwards and avoided getting stabbed by Dust using his trident. Dust than launched fireballs at GlitchDust, who than used the arrow-shaped magical blasts and fired right threw them, while Dust was caught by surprise at this, before Dust dodged the attack. This made Dust stressed, due to the fact that this version of him is a lot more stronger than him. After all, he is simply a normal version of Dust, and is at LV 19. But GlitchDust, he is at max LV 20, and he is much more stronger compared to Killer, who is also LV 20. Dust narrowed his eyes, as GlitchDust landed onto the ground, and he looked calm, but it is very obvious that he is furious at Dust for joining Nightmare, but GlitchDust spoke out.

"You don't have to keep doing this. You can still do the right thing."

Dust than looked down, and gripped his trident, as he than spoke out.

"Sorry, other me. But I already went too far to turn back now. And you know that, since you went to that point yourself."

GlitchDust narrowed his eye sockets, as he than spoke out.

"I only could not turn back when I had my powers. But I turned back when involving Nightmare, because I refused to go with him continuously. You should have done the same and died, rather than join in on his cause."

Dust looked down unhappily, as he than spoke out.

"You know the at I can't turn back, now that I have gone with Nightmare. You can't convince someone like me who has decided to go this path, even though I am you."

GlitchDust looked down and clenched his fist, as he than spoke out.

"I had a feeling that you wound say something such as that, me."

Dust clenched his weapon, before charging at Dust, it GlitchDust simply sighed, and teleported out of the way, as he than spoke out.

"Core, if you can here me, so you mind bringing my Asriel to this fight. I just want to finish this fight quickly, so that Nightmare does not find me."

And indeed she did, as she than was able to summon Asriel thanks to Ink using his portal, and ran fast towards Dust, clashing against the Chaos Sabers of Dust's trident. But then, GlitchDust came behind and grabbed Dust by the back of his jacket, before throwing him into a tree, as Asriel than launched rainbow fireballs at Dust, who launched his own, but the Asriel's Fireballs overpowered Dust's, as Dust than got hit by the Shocker Breaker. GlitchDust than went on the tree, as he spoke out.

"Hey, you okay kid?"

Frisk looked at GlitchDust, and saw his scythe, before nodding and spoke out.

"Let's get outta here."

GlitchDust than held her shoulder, before teleporting next to Asriel, who has Dust be thrown into out of the battlefield, as Epic went next to Dust.

"Okay, let's get outta here...but to a different AU."

This made GlitchDust confused, as he spoke out.

"Wait, what?"

Before GlitchDust could question Epic, Dust and Asriel are then sent to what appears to be Outertale again. This confused Dust and Asriel, as Epic spoke out to Dust.

"Okay, now that we are here, now we can discuss this version of Frisk that you are seeing, Bruhs."

FP!Frisk looked at Epic, as Frisk spoke out.

"Epic, what is happening?

Epic than spoke out.

"I'll tell you later."

This made Dust surprised, as he than spoke out.

"Wait, you know her?"

Epic nodded at Dust, as he than spoke out.

"I do. And it is because of this one thing that she can do."

This made Dust and Asriel confused, as Asriel than spoke out.

"And what is that, Epic? You know that I have no idea what it is that makes this Frisk special."

Epic smiled, as he than spoke.

"Well, Bruhs...it is that this version of Frisk...

...is able to befriend Killer himself."

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