Fearful Determination
Dust sighed, and he looked around the Omega Timeline, and sees that they have finished repairing the damage that Team Void had caused. Dust then held his head, as he then sat down onto the bench, and he took a little bit to process what had happened yesterday. Apparently, he went up against a Rock version of himself, he teamed up with Abyss against the brash parody of Fresh, who is the exact opposite of him, and even has seen his first TransVoid Being, who is inside of his left eye. He clearly thought he that has seen everything. But he turns out to be wrong, as he clearly did not see everything. How in the world does he end up getting involved in the messes that the Multiverse has, and how the Multiverse is able to produce such a mess like that, he will not know. What he does know, is that the next time that he has a problem, he will need to be careful.
The Gaster that he had bonded with has left, and because of this, he has lost access to his powers, including the Chroma Hands, which means he has only the powers that he had gained after he killed Betty. Of course, the reason is that the Gaster he bonded with has something important that he needs to do, but he will come back, just so that he can aid him again. But how long it will take, he does not know.
As for Dream, the alternate Dream, he is able to stabilize the AUs with their positive feelings, and due to his large aura, is able to gain equal amount of positivity, to the amount of negativity that Nightmare and Shattered has made. Thanks to this that Nightmare and Shattered will not gain the strength that they will have when they are against Team Hope, due to now that there is much more positivity then before, which will aid Dream in being able to fight back against them.
Dust looks down at the ground, as he closed his eyes, as he clearly wishes that he can have a break for what had just happened to his life, for what has been brought up to a point as big such as this. He just wishes that he can finally rest for the entirety of his life, just as he has wanted, before he has gotten out of his AT just to stop Nightmare. But now, because of Nightmare having decided to invade his personal life just to bring him to Team Void, that life is forever gonna be the of of Dust's grasp, with no way to reclaim it.
As Dust looked down and sighed, he then hears a voice spoke out to him.
"Is something wrong, Dust?"
Dust then looks up for a little bit, as he then sees Core is now sitting next to him, and Dust then spoke out to him.
"Core? I thought you were gonna be with Righteous, so that you can hang out with him?"
Core then spoke out to him.
"We did hang out. We even did our date, and it is a very great one. So, I decided to take the remaining time to check on you. So, what is wrong?"
Dust sighed, as he then looked down at the ground for a little bit, before he then spoke out.
"Just...thinking...about my old AT. And honestly...it makes me sad, because I wondered what kind of life I would have if I had not been taken on this war in the first place, how things would have gone out for me in the rest of my life. And honestly, it makes me feel sad about it, because what I want will most likely be out of my grasp, especially with the life that I could have built for murder if Nightmare had not decided to go in and try to interfere with my life."
Dust then continues to spoke out, a sad look present on his face.
"Honestly, I wondered what would have happened if I was not brought into this, wondered how would my life play out if I was not involved in this. But now...thanks to what Nightmare has been doing to me, I will never know. Honestly, my old life, it would be much more preferable then this."
Core then puts a hand on Dust's shoulder, as Core then spoke out.
"And I agree with you. Your old life would be far more better then being in a world where you discover the Multiverse. It would have been better to appreciate the life that you once had, your old life, then thrown into the New Life you are in. But even if you are thrown into something you never wanted, that does not mean you should give up. Why do you think that you have Determination inside of you? As long as you remain Determined, it will allow you to power through anything."
This made Dust thanks about it for a little bit, before he then spoke out.
"Yeah, you're right, I guess. Thanks, Core. I think I needed to hear that."
Core smiled, as Phantom Papyrus appeared, and smiled, as he did a thumbs up, as if assuring to him that he will be there for him. Dust smiled, as he did the same.
Dust nodded, as he spoke back silently.
"I know you guys will be, Papyrus."
Papyrus smiled, as he then vanished. As Dust looked down for a little bit, before Ink then came before Core and Dust, and he seems to not be happy for some reason.
"Ink, what is the matter?"
Core said, as Ink then spoke out.
"Core, we now have a bit of a situation on our hands. And it is not good."
Core then looks at Ink, as she then spoke out to him.
"What's wrong?"
Ink sighed, as he then spoke out.
"MafiaTale, it is now being attacked by members of Team Void. It is composed of the Murder Time Trio, with Nightmare and Shattered being present, and a new member. And this new member...I am gonna need to have Dust, the Asriel of his AT, Geno, Glitch, Last Breath, and the Bad Time Trio to help me in this. Dream is already trying to take care of the 2 negative brothers."
Core narrowed her void eyes, as she then spoke out.
"So be it. Fine. Dust, go get your Asriel. Ink, get the others."
Dust and Ink nodded, as they both teleported out of the area that they are in. Dust narrows his eyes, as he then spoke out.
"I wonder who the other new member is that is gonna make me fight them."
He looks down, and his fists clenched.
"If it is who I think it is...then kill her again."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The sound of a Tommy Gun fills the air, as the entire city is in chaos, as pieces of buildings are falling down on top of people, everyone screaming in fear, with the sounds of bloodshed all over the place, piercing and blasting is heard, as a Sans dodged a Trident, and pulls out his firearm.
This is none other then Mafia Sans, who is holding his Tommy Gun, and is doing all that he can to go against the ones that are attacking his AU. And needless to say, the situation for him is becoming a chaotic one. And he is not the only one fighting inside of this situation.
His brother, Papyrus, is also dealing with this, as he has his Sniper Out and is shooting the ones attacking, only for an Axe to slice the attack, as another one is showing in the fight.
And it is of the Gaster of this AU, who is doing all that he can to protect the Frisk of this AU as well. In this version of MafiaTale, Frisk is much more older, as well as a female, as she is behind Gaster, who has his hand in front of her in order to protect her.
The group is fighting against the Murder Time Trio, who are using all of their powers against them, and needless to say, their weapons are not doing much, due to the fact that the Murder Time Trio are easily countering through the attacks as if they are nothing. Murder looks at Mafia Sans, as Mafia then spoke out to him in what seems to be an Italian monster accent.
"Ya ain't killin' us that easily, ya lookalikes. If we're goin' down, we're gonna do it while we throw hands at ya."
Murder than teleports in front of Mafia, who raises his trident, and he then spoken out to them.
"Try throwing your hands at this."
He than thrusts his Trident into the head of Mafia, who then tries to shoot him, but then, a Scythe appeared and struck at the Trident before it can attack him. This made Mafia surprised, as he then looks up and sees Dust, who almost looks like him, but has the scarf wrapped around his neck, as his mouth curled into a little bit of a frown of sorts.
"Get back."
Dust said, and Mafia, actually listened, as he does crawl back, before Dust then punches Murder in the face, sending him back a little bit, before he lands onto the ground. Then, Ink appears, and spoke out.
"Hey, you got any friends, bring them to the portal. Go inside if you are the last ones."
Mafia nodded, as he and Papyrus go around searching for the others. Frisk goes in, as Glitch, Geno, Last Breath, Asriel and the Bad Time Trio appeared, as Killer spoke out.
"Back for another round I see."
Glitch went forward and raised his Sword of Determination, before speaking out.
"You bet. Now we are a bit more powerful then last time."
Last Breath and Geno went between Glitch, as Murder and Horror took a step forward, and Dust spoke out.
"Insanity, time to play."
Then, Insanity appeared, as he holds Papyrus' head in his hands, and the Bad Time Trio decides to go against him. They both teleported elsewhere to settle their battle someplace else.
Dust then looks around...and he then sees the new member, killing a human and draining their soul, as his eyes widened, along with Asriel's eyes.
"Oh, I was right the whole time about my hunch in the new member."
Dust said, as they look at the new member of Team Void.
Dust said, as Betty looks at Dust, as well as his friends, before she then spoke out to him.
"Oh, you must be the one known as Dust."
Dust stepped forward, as he clenched his fist, and his eyes narrowed, he holds onto the scarf of the Papyrus of his AT's precious RESET, as his left eye flared.
Clearly, he is not happy to see Betty again, especially with what he had to go through in order to deal with her. He also clearly has not forgotten how powerful and tough Betty is, due to the fact that he has gained most of her magic, as he stepped forward, and Betty spoke out.
"Nightmare told me about you, Dust, about how you manage to prove vital in your role to kill me, along with your pesky father, and the fact that you took my power when I am killed by you. Clearly, I made the mistake underestimating your power, and I allowed you to get the upper hand on me."
Dust than walked forward, his eyes narrowed a little bit more, as he then spoke out.
"I had taken you down once, Betty. And now that I gained your power...I will kill you again."
Bete Norie smiled, as she looks at Dust, before she then spoke out.
"You may have won against your Bete Noire, but that is is not as strong as me. For you see, I am from the timeline, where I had won. Because of this, I am a lot more stronger then what your Betty can do."
She then extended her hand, and made a Scythe appear out her hands, as she then took a stance, and she then spoke out.
"Here, I will finish what that other Betty could not do to you. I will kill you, and I will take your soul so that you will be my servant."
Dust smiled, with only his left eye showing, as he then spoke out to her.
"It is so on, kiddo."
As Dust looks at Betty, a male voice spoke out to him.
"Wait, Sans!!"
This made Dust stop, as he then turns to see that Asriel Dreemurr is here, and has his Chaos Sabers out, as the markings and eyes changed, ready to do battle.
Dust is surprised at this, as he then spoke out to him.
"Asriel, what are you doing?"
Asriel looks at Dust and spoke out to him.
"I'm gonna be joining in on this fight. I want to make Betty pay for what she had done to me, even if this is an alternate version of her."
This made Dust surprised and unsure, as he then spoke out.
"You sure you want to join in against Betty? You know that this one is much more stronger then the one that we have faced in the past, and she is not gonna be one hell of a cakewalk for all of us."
Asriel narrowed his eyes, as he then spoke out.
"I will join in. After all, I trained with my father, and you, in fighting, so I should take her on more better then before."
Dust was unsure about this, but he then sighed, as he then spoke out.
"Okay. If you want to fight with me...then we need to watch each other's back. Be careful, for this one is much more stronger then the one back in our Universe."
Asriel nodded his head, as he then looks at Betty, who then looks amused, and spoke out.
"Asriel Dreemurr, the lost, yet reborn prince. I took your soul once, but I had lost it when my timeline ended. Perhaps...I can take yours as a replacement."
Asriel stepped back, as he looks at Betty, clearly not wanting to let that happen again. After all, he practiced with Dust, and he is able to fight in a dollar manner to how Betty can do it. So he will not let his guard down for even a second against the one that bares the Soul of Fear itself.
Dust then extended his own hand, and made his Scythe of Fear appear in his hands, as he then looks at Betty, before he then gets ready to fight, before Betty spoke out.
"Now this will be interesting, Scythe against Scythe, a Soul of Fear against the Soul of Determination and a Rainbow Soul. Let us see who will come out in triumph."
Betty than charged forward and tried to slice the 2 of them, but Asriel than went in front of Dust, and he then took his turn to go against Betty.
Asriel clashed his Chaos Sabers against Betty's Scythe, as he does all he can to take her down. And luckily, he is able to gain lessons in fighting from his dad, which is now able to allow him to take on and go against Betty, or at least, this version of Betty, who is more stronger then the one that he has faced before.
Betty then swung her Scythe hard and sends him back a little bit, as Asriel then landed down onto the ground, before Betty swung her scythe and made a magenta fiery slash at Asriel, only for Asriel to cover his swords worn rainbow flames, and did his own fiery slash projectile at the magenta slash, which cancelled each other out, before Asriel than lunged forward and tries to slice her head off, only for Betty to raise her scythe to defend against Asriel. Betty gets pushed back, as Asriel than slammed one of his Chaos Sabers into the ground, and made the ground increase in heat, before it erupted into rainbow flames, and it actually managed to burn Betty badly, as Betty jumped back from the Rainbow Fire. Betty narrowed her eyes, as she lunged forward and tries to piece Asriel with her spear, before Asriel than raised a wall of rainbow fire to defend against the attack, and it forced Betty back a little bit, before he then raised his hand, and summoned Shocker Breaker down on top of Betty, which electrocuted her very badly. This made Betty step back a little bit, before she then looks at Asriel and launched her Arrow Blasts at Asriel, who then launched the Angel of Death comets at her, and the 2 attacks cancelled each other out. Asriel then narrowed his eyes, before he then raised his hand, and launched the Star Blazing attack above her, as the Stars went down and exploded into more smaller stars. Betty did all she could to get out of the way, but she still got hit by the attack, multiple times.
As Betty stood up, Asriel ran forward, and she crosses his arms, Blades in hand, as he prepares to swing them both at the same time in order to decapitate her head. But then, Betty than shifts her hands into shields, as she raised them up; Sid blocked the attack with as much strength as she can muster. She looks at Asriel, and his deadly glare is actually making her quite nervous, but she does not let such emotions affect her that badly, as she then forcefully struggles against Asriel, before Asriel then kicked her hard underneath her jaw, and sends her flying, before Dust than decides to take action. He leaps up into the air, and forced his Tridenr, as he than tries to launch it down at her. But Betty blocked it with a shield she made from her hands, and crashed down to the ground. She then stands back up, and she looks, only to see Dust now having his one Scythe in hand, as he is now ready to slice Betty into halves.
But Betty dodged the attack, as Dust simply slammed it down to the ground. But then, Dust smiled, as all of a sudden, dark energy appeared and exploded towards Betty's direction, sending her into the air, and causing her to get hurt even more then before. He than extended his hands, and launched Arrow Blasts at Betty, who then raised her hand, and summoned her Arrow Blasts as well, and the 2 attacks collided, as Dust than made a Trident appear in the other hand. Then, both Dust and Betty began to clash and grind their weapons against each other. Their faces close to each other, and Dust smiled, as he wants to mate Betty suffer, especially since this is an alternate version of Betty. But then, Betty disappeared, and slashes at Dust's back, hurting him badly, and causing his HP to be taken.
Dust grunted, as he turns around and and fired his Gaster Blaster at Betty, who than dodged the attack, and appears in front of Dust again, and punches him in the face, sending him flying backwards into the building, and it made Dust a little bit more hurt then before. Dust than raised his own hands, and fires Undyne's Spears at Betty, who than did all she could to avoid them. But then, vines erupted and wrapped around Betty's wrists and ankles, preventing Betty from moving, as Betty got pierced multiple times by them.
Dust smirked, as he then pierced the Ground with his Trident, and made more Tridents erupt from the ground, as Betty then jumped up into the air, to avoid getting hit. But as she did, Dust fired purple flames from the Trident, and hits Betty, sending her back down to the ground. Betty stood up, as she than looks to see that Asriel is rushing in to her, before Betty dodges his Chaos Sabers. She then made her spear, and tries to thrust it into Asriel's Soul, but Asriel then leapt back, as he then lunged forward her again, catching Betty by surprise, in which he tries to use his Chaos Sabers to pierce her body, as Betty got hit in the stomach, pierced, as Betty snarled in our anger. She than clenched her fists, which ignited, before she then launched flames into Asriel's chest, sending him back and burning him badly. Thankfully, though, he has a lot of HP in his normal form, and it is almost as much as Dust's HP, being almost more higher then him.
As Betty looks at the Goat Monster and Skeleton, 2 powerful Boss Monsters before her very eyes, they both walked forward, their weapons in hand, as Dust and Asriel charged. But Betty made her hands into blades, as she also charged, and they both struck at each other, as both Asriel and Dust clashed against her. Betty smirked, however, as she is ready to use her power, she just needs to wait for the right time to do it.
Dust then kicks her hard into the stomach, as Dust then made a bunch of Gaster Blasters appear behind him, before he then fired his Gaster Blasters at Betty Noire, in hopes that he will kill her. But Betty was ready, as she then widened her eyes, and used her most powerful ability, Rhabdophobia, as she the attack that Dust has, now gaining control over his Gaster Blasters. But Dust is not surprised, because he knew that she would use her Gaster Blasters against him. So, that is why he didn't use all of them.
"Try handling this, Sans."
Betty said, as she than fired the Gaster Blasters at Dust, who than widened his eyes, and used his Gaster Blastermination, which shocked Betty, as he then spoke out.
"Clearly, you forgot I had this."
He than launched it, and easily overpowered his own Blasters, and struck at Betty, who got hit by them. The Blasters stopped firing, as Dust and Asriel narrowed their eyes, and they look to see if she is still alive. And it turns out that she still is, but only barley, as she then tries to stand up, as Dust then spoke out.
"You gonna admit that you had given up now?"
Betty snarled a little bit, as she then spoke out.
"No...I won't...not yet..."
As Betty tries to stand up, she then saw that the Murder Time Trio, along with Insanity, have reappeared, and they looked like they had been through hell, as the Bad Time Trio, along with Glitch, Geno, and Last Breath, as they look like they are getting very exhausted. Last Breath even looks like he is barley clinging onto what little remains of his life.
"Heh...seems that they are a lot stronger then expected."
Killer said, as Murder nodded his head a little bit, with Horror speaking out.
"Well...let's say that we call in someone that can aid us. The old man that Cross hates."
Dust nodded, as he then pressed onto a device, and began to speak silently, but Dust knows that it is something bad, as he then fired his Arrow Blasts, and tries to kill Dust...only for the Arrow Blasts to get intercepted by hands with spikes on them.
"What the..."
Then, a voice spoke out.
"So...it is finally my time to shine."
Then, a glitchy portal appeared, which is purple, and then, a skeleton came out, resembling Gaster, except he has Xs all over his body, and yet, looks a lot more evil compared to him.
The other Gaster smiled, looking down at the members of Team Void, and he then smiled a little bit, before he then spoke out.
"Hello, Team Hope. It seems that we have underestimate you."
Dust notices the Xs all over him, and spoke out.
"Are you related to Cross?"
The Gaster smiled sinisterly, as he then spoke out.
"I am...I am known simply as...XGaster."
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