Fatal Error Fight
Dust teleported back to the same area that he was in again, the empty version of Waterfalls that he was in before. He looked around inside of the AU that he is in, and that is if it is inside of an AU. He has no idea what it is, as he does not sense any sort of life present. He began to walk around inside of the area that he is in and sees something odd. The entire AU that he is in is glitching out. He does not know why that is the case, but he does have one idea of sort.
"Must be some sort of incomplete AU in a way. All that is complete is the map, but not the people that are in there. But why is something like this able to exist in the Multiverse? Is it even inside of the multiverse? I don't even know."
As Dust moves around, he then goes to Hotlands, and looks around inside of the lab. He checks the machinery and the computers, but they were kaput. Dust narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
"Okay, so that does not work."
He then teleports to the CORE, to see if there is a difference, and the thing is, the walls of the CORE look as though it is damaged. But other than that, there is no changes. Dust then looks around, his eyes narrowing a little bit, as he realizes that he has not checked Snowdin and the Ruins. He teleports to Snowdin...and saw that the entirety of Snowdin is still fine, but the pathways are different, a little bit more complex and difficult to traverse then the normal Snowdin path. Luckily, the houses are still present, even the house that he and his brother lived in. The glitching affect is a bit more severe than the other areas, but that is it.
Dust narrowed a little bit, his eyes now filled with worry, as he turned to the direction of the Ruins, before he teleported inside of the Ruins. He then began to walk around, and even teleport around. Just like with Snowdin, the pathway is a bit more complicated than before. Although, admittedly, it is a little bit easier than before. He sighed, as he spoke out.
"Okay, so there is not much difference, but what about New Home?"
Dust turned around, and teleported into New Home, and that is when things truly are getting a little bit out of hand. The Glitching inside of New Home is a bit more severe than the others, possibly the most glitching out of the others. And Dust also notices that the pathway ends there, meaning that there is no way to enter the throne room, or rather, the throne room does not exist at all. One thing he also notes is that...the gravity in the entire Underground is strange. It is normal gravity when he walks, but as soon as he jumps, he can float in the air, like the gravity is turned off.
"Okay, this is so weird."
Dust said, as he looked at the buildings...and for some reason, they are extending upwards far more than the underground's ceiling can take. The problem is, the ceiling is gone, replaced by a black void from above. Dust narrowed his eyes, as he then 'swims' up, and began to look and see strange windows on the sides. The windows at the sides show different AUs, almost like computer screens of the sort. Dust looked around, as he felt interested by what it is that he is seeing before his eyes.
"I wonder if I am able to interact with the AU, maybe even enter it."
He touched one of the screens of an AU, this one being Underfell, and surprisingly, he felt cold air coming through it, the same one that Underfell has. This made Dust retract his hand back. This made him raise a bony eyebrow, as he spoke out.
"Okay, so I can do that."
Dust then looks around, and he then spoke out.
"I wonder if..."
Dust then teleports back to Waterfalls, the gravity changing to that of a moon-level gravity, as his floats down. He lands down into the ground, and he looks to see the water of the area. And when he did...he realized that he missed a detail of sort. Apparently, the water is able to change into a few pocket dimension locations that out-code Sanses have. One of which is the Doodle Sphere, the other 2 are Anti-Voids, that being Error and Fatal Errors. The other also seems to be the MainFrame. But strangely, he cannot access the Omega Timeline, even though he should. As for the other few, each of them in different sections of the water. Dust narrowed his eyes, as he sees that Ink Sans is not in the Doodle Sphere. Error is in the Ant-Void, but Dust knows very well that he'll try and kill him. Dust then looks to Fatal_Error's Anti-Void and spoke out.
"Well, might be a risky shot, but I'll go to Fatal's place. After all, compared to the other places, Fatal won't kill me immediately. Just hope that he would be cooperative with me."
Dust then steps forward and looks down at the water that has the scene of Fatal's Anti-Void, before he then spoke.
"Well...here I go."
Dust then goes towards the water, and dived into it, as he enters the body of liquid. But when he did, the gravity of the water switched. He now felt heavy, as he is going down into the depths of the dark liquid itself, like he is under extreme pressure, as he goes into Fatal's Anti-Void. He closed his eyes and waits for his destination. And then...after a little bit, he is finally out of the incomplete AU. He fell down, and landed onto the ground that is near the echo-flowers, his clothes felt very wet, which quickly dried up from the open air.
He then sat up, went onto his knees, and when he did, get got spotted by the very skeleton that he is looking for.
It is none other then Fatal Error, and he seems to be the same as he was before. He looks at Dust, as he then spoke out.
"Woah, whoever you are, that is quite the fall you took. Who even are you anyway? And why are you here?"
Dust then looks at Fatal, before he extends his right hand out, and he clenched his fist, as Fatal was caught by surprise of the Scythe that he made. It didn't take long for him to realize what kind of Sans that he is.
"No way...Dust?"
Dust nodded his head, as he then spoke out.
"Yep, it's me. I ended up falling into the core by accident. Now I look similar to Core!Frisk with my monochromatic appearance."
Dust nodded his head, as he spoke out.
"I'll bet. What are you doing here anyway?"
Dust looks at Fatal and spoke out to him.
"Well, right now I am trying to find my way back to the Omega Timeline, trying to see if my friends and family are okay. Although, I admit that I have no idea of they will be able to recognize me in a way. Do you think that you can help me?"
Fatal looks at Dust, and he then looks down for a little bit, before he then spoke out.
"Well, I suppose that I can try and lead you to-"
But as Fatal said that...he stopped, as he turned around to a direction behind him. It is almost as if he is...hearing something, even in ways that Dust cannot hear. Dust looks at Fatal in a weird way, as he spoke out.
"Fatal, what's wrong?"
As Dust said that, Fatal then looks down at the ground, and realizing that something bad is about to happen, and when he does, he shouted out.
"Get down!"
All of a sudden, coming out from the ground itself is a black limb with a red hand that ends in claws. Dust is caught by surprise, as he is then tackled by Fatal. But by instinct, Fatal made a portal underneath Dust, and the both of them fell in, and at the same time, red and black pixel clouds appeared, as it follows the 2 skeletons into the portals.
Fatal and Dust fell inside of what seems to be another empty AU, but with monster dust everywhere. This must be the Killertale, or the SomethingNew timeline. Dust and Fatal got off from the ground, as he spoke out.
"Ghhh...Fatal, what was-"
Fatal then shouts at Dust.
"No time to explain!! Right now, hide!!!"
Dust, taking Fatal's warnings to heart, then ran behind the tree as fast as he could, although he does peak a little bit, in order to see what or who it is that is making Fatal all panicked for some reason. Then, the red and black pixel cloud crashed into the ground in front of Fatal, as Fatal jumped back and looks at the one that is making him as worried as he is. When the debris cleared, he looks and saw who it is that has made Fatal very worried.
Standing before Fatal Error Sans is none other then a red humanoid entity, resembling a hedgehog, but taller, with 4 arms, the body red and black in color, as well as a third eye in the torso. The tall entity looks down at Fatal Error Sans, as he then spoke out to him in a menacing way.
"We meet again, my previous target!"
Fatal Error Sans recognized this bastard very well. If he remembers, this entity shares the same name that he has, but with the Sans replaced with Sonic. So he, is he believes, is called Fatal Error Sonic, which is sort of weird to Fatal Error Sans, as he thought that he is the only one who has that. And this thing, he tried to consume him and his code before in the past, only he ends up failing. Last time, the fight ended in a tie, due to Fatal Error Sans being immortal, and their last attack ended up sending him to another AU, but now...it seems he'll have to fight against that 4-armed behemoth again for round 2. Fatal Error Sans stepped back, as he then spoke out to the hedgehog that's before him.
"Ah great. You again. It seems you never had enough from last round, huh? Have you forgotten one happened before?"
Fatal Error Sonic smiled, as he then spoke out at him.
"Oh, I have not forgotten what had become between the both of us before, skeleton. But this time...I am much stronger than before, and unlike last time..."
Fatal Error Sonic then flexed his fingers, his claws glinting a little bit, as he spoke out.
"I will take what belongs to me."
Fatal Error Sans smiled dangerously, as he then spoke out.
"You'll try taking my code, but like before, you'll fail."
Dust Sans teleported away, as the 2 Fatal Errors stared and glared at one another. Fatal Error Sans and Fatal Error Sonic took a stance at one another, as their eyes narrowed dangerously. Fatal Error Sans may not know of whatever new tricks that Fatal Error Sonic has, but he knows of the ones that he had seen him do, and this time, he will make the effort to try and defeat him on his terms.
Both Fatal Errors charged at one another, as they readied their attacks to try and kill the other one and conquer one another's life. A battle between 2 familiar rivals happens again, but this time, the battle will go on much more differently then before, for now, both have become stronger then they were before in the past.
Fatal Error Sans fired his Fatal Blaster, as he tries to incinerate Fatal Error Sonic in the blast, but he jumped out of the way, and this time, did something completely up expected, yet was able to do today. He then suddenly dashed as a collection of pixels and glitches, and tries to grab onto Fatal Error Sans. Bit Fatal Error Sans was able to teleport out of the way, before he then swung a bone at Fatal Error Sonic, but Fatal Error Sonic swung his claws to counter the bones. He then launched red strings at Fatal Error Sonic, who then teleports out of the way and tries to grab him, but Fatal Error Sans saw what was about to happen, steps back, and he then tries to use defense to handle against the attacks at him.
Fatal Error Sans raised bones up from the ground, as Fatal Error Sonic used his claws to cut and slice through the bones. Fatal Error Sans narrowed his eyes, as he jumped backwards and made some bows erupt out from the ground to try and attack Fatal Error Sonic. But Fatal Error Sonic warped the code in the AUs, making spikes appear and counter the bones that are coming at him. He then warped reality again, this time to try and send Fatal Error Sans down a bottomless pit. But Fatal Error Sans made a Fatal Blaster and began to ride it into the air, as he flies forward at Fatal Error Sonic, ready to blast him to smithereens. Unfortunately, Fatal Error Sonic jumped out of the way, and claws at Fatal Error Sans, right in the face.
As Fatal is sent down to the ground, multiple hands appeared out from the ground, resembling Fatal Error Sonic's arms, but with what seems to be black thread dangling from the black part of the arms themselves. They all tried to grab Fatal Error Sans, but he is able to get out of the way as fast as he could, as Fatal Error Sonic then appeared from behind and tries to grab the back of his skull, only for Fatal Error Sans to teleport out of the way, and wrap Red Strings around Fatal Error Sonic, causing him immense pain.
Fatal Error Sans, using his red strings, then swings Fatal Error Sonic to the ground, and fired 2 Fatal Blasters at him. The damage was immense, yet Fatal Error Sonic is able to heal from his wounds. He stood up, and looked at Fatal Error Sans, as he spoke out.
"You have improved. But not as much as how much I have."
Fatal Error Sonic then used his pixel dash again, so that he can try and catch Fatal Error Sans. But Fatal Error Sans jumped out of the way, before he then summoned a Fatal Blaster, and rides on it, as he looks at Fatal Error Sonic, who is in his dash mode. Fatal Error Sans narrowed his eyes, as he then fired bones at Fatal Error Sonic, who then used his claws to swipe them out of the air, before he then tries to grab onto Fatal Error Sans, only for Fatal Error Sans to try and fire a Fatal Blaster at him, as well as jumping off.
But Fatal Error Sonic took control of the Fatal Blaster once again, and Fatal Error Sans, using a familiar move, fires the Fatal Blaster to counter the one that Fatal Error Sonic has corrupted. The blaster exploded, as Fatal Error Sonic then reappears back into the ground as his normal self, as Fatal Error Sans teleports back to resume the battle, as he then charged with the bone in his hand.
"Try and take this on!!"
Fatal Error Sans said, as he leapt up and punched Fatal Error Sonic in the face, causing him to stumble backwards a little bit, as he is then hit by the Fatal Blasters again, getting him hurt once more. Fatal Error Sonic claws at Fatal Error Sans again a bunch of times, but Fatal Error Sans teleports behind Fatal Error Sonic, before pushing him with his bone
as Sans knocked Sonic away with his bone, he made a portal underneath him that brings him to another AU, and the Fatal Blasters formed above Fatal Error Sonic, blasting him down into the AU, and it is none other than Outertale, which both Fatal Errors fought inside of before. Fatal Error Sans went into the portal to chase after him, as he then launched and fired bones down at Fatal Error Sonic, who then teleports out of the way.
Fatal Error Sonic looks around, and spoke out.
"Back in this place of astronomical codes, I see."
Fatal Error Sonic said, as Fatal Error Sans spoke out.
"Just keep talking. Soon, you'll be out of the way."
Fatal Error Sonic smiled, as he spoke out.
"I would not be so sure about that."
This made Fatal Error Sans confused, until a shadow appeared behind him, and it did not take long for him to realize what is about to happen next. A hand then grabbed him from behind, as he felt Fatal Error Sonic attempting to use that power of his again, trying to absorb and consume his code, so that he can make himself much stronger, and since he had grown more powerful since last time, consuming code all over the place, he seems to be able to do it this time...or at least...so he thought.
All of a sudden, a burst of Determination erupted from Fatal Error Sans, and Fatal Error Sonic, in shock of this, spoke out.
"What? Even when I have increased my power, he can still resist being consumed by me?! How is this possible?!"
Fatal Error Sans got up again after the absorbing attempt again, now a little bit more madder then before. He stomped the asteroid and broke it, as Fatal Error Sonic is sent into space, but at the same time, Fatal Error Sans leapt up and began to attack using his bones and fists, thanks to Error404 training him with it. Fatal Error Sans fired his Fatal Blaster at Fatal Error Sonic at point blank range, but Fatal Error Sonic made a pair of portal, which redirected on top of Fatal Error Sans. Fatal Error Sonic then extends his arms to try and catch Fatal Error Sans, but Fatal Error Sans used his red strings to wrap then and bind the arms together, as Fatal Error Sonic retracts the arms and sliced them off. Fatal Error Sans then fired a Fatal Blaster at Fatal Error Sonic, in order to try and destroy him. But Fatal Error Sonic dodged it. However, Fatal Error Sans teleported above, and decide to do a familiar attack.
Fatal Error Sans then summoned countless blasters into the air, as he tried to fire them all down at Fatal Error Sonic in order to destroy him. But Fatal Error Sonic dashed away from the attack as fast as he could, although he still got hit by a couple of the Fatal Blasters as he tries to get out of here. He them crashed to the ground, and stood up, as he spoke out.
"He will not defeat me this easily."
Fatal Error Sonic then looks up and sees Fatal Error Sans firing bones down at him. But Fatal Error Sonic wrapped reality to an extent, as the bones then suddenly flickered into the opposite direction, as Fatal Error Sonic spoke out.
"Return to Sender."
Fatal Error Sans then summoned a Fatal Blaster and used it to block the bones as much as he can so that he does not get hit by them. He then sees the Fatal Blaster get sliced, as Fatal Error Sonic grabbed him by the neck, but a bone stabbed him in the arm, forcing him to let go, although Fatal Error Sonic does regenerate from the damage itself. Fatal Error Sans, however, does not let Fatal Error Sonic take the chance to defend, as he runs a fast as he could at him, his sharp bone in hand, before he then prepared to make a jump in order to make his attack at him.
Fatal Error Sans leapt up and slashed at Fatal Error Sonic, in order to try and damage him as much as possible. And sure enough, he did.
Fatal Error Sonic felt the immense damage of the attack, as he went onto his knees. He touched his chest, as he felt the slash on the head of his real body, and not in the hedgehog head. He narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
"So even now...it is not enough..."
Fatal Error Sans dropped to the ground, as he then launched Red Strings at Fatal Error Sonic. But to the shock of Fatal Error Sans, he then summoned his own Red Strings at Fatal Error Sans' own from his fingertip. As that happened, Fatal Error Sonic got mad, as he then spoke out
"I have had enough of you not giving me what I want, you always prevent me from reaching my goal by your inability to be consumed by me!"
His body starts to change, as he then spoke out.
Fatal Error Sans' shocked, as he sees that Fatal Error Sonic is now about to enter a transformation of some sort. The red and black parts of his body began to switch, he began to have more eyes, the teeth becoming sharper, he grew a pair of horns, as well as an extra pair of arms and claws, now making him look far more menacing then ever before, not to mention a bit more larger then before, almost 2 times his size.
Fatal Error Sonic has now entered his own rage mode, but this one in the form of a transformation, called Critical Error. He is now much more stronger and deadlier in this form, his physical powers enhanced far greater then before, the claws becoming sharper, and even his feet are shown to have talons of some sort.
Fatal Error Sans smiled, as he then charged at Critical Error Sonic, who does the same. But Critical Error Sonic is now proving to be a bit more stronger and more harder to compete against then before. Fatal Error tries to use his bone walls again to block Critical Error, but Critical Error simply charged into the bone wall and broke through it as if it is made of balsa wood. He then swiped at Fatal Error and did some serious damage to him, as he is sent flying backwards into another Astroid, and crashed into it.
Fatal Error then teleports into the air, and launched his Red Strings at Critical Error, who simply sliced through it like no big deal. But he still does get hit by the Fatal Blasters, as they struck him hard in the face, sending backwards and crashing down. Fatal Error landed onto the ground, and tries to summon more Fatal Blasters at Critical Error to try and kill him, but Critical Error got out of the way as fast as he could, as he then spoke out.
Fatal Error smirked a little bit, as he shouted out in his own rage state.
Critical Error smiled angrily, as Fatal Error is the same, as he then tries to bathe at one another. But when that happened, a large black bone suddenly pierced in between the 2 of them, as a familiar voice spoke out.
"Huh, there you are. I was wondering where you scampered off to."
Both Fatal Error and Critical Error turned around to look it is that has arrived and interrupted the fight. And sure enough, it is someone that Fatal Error has sided with, and is now having use for Fatal Error.
Error404 has finally arrived, and when he looks at Critical Error, the one that is attacking a henchmen of his, one he considers very useful, he spoke out.
"You know, not many have a lot of nerve to take some henchmen that I need for my purpose. Perhaps I should teach you a lesson."
Critical Error, thinking that he is as weak as Fatal Error, spoke out.
He swipes and claws at Error404, but to his shock, Error404 simply grabbed at one of the fingers of Critical Error with a little effort, as he spoke out.
"How amusing."
He then goes fast towards Critical Error and punches him hard in the hedgehog head, and this one actually hurts a lot, as he then hits him in the arms and legs, with Critical Error trying to catch him, but he is way too fast, and even using his Virtual Warping did very little to change the outcome, Critical Error sends his code puppets to take care of Error404, but Error404 easily bats them away without even trying. Critical Error does land some blows on Error404, which did kind of hurt, but eventually, Error404 goes to the back of Critical Error's giant form, grabbing at the fur, and carrying him over his head, which is insane, as Error404 is smaller compared to Critical Error, for he is 2 times larger then him.
Then, Dark Blasters hit Critical Error, damaging him a lot, before Error404 used Blue Mastery to send him into another Astroid that is large enough for his size,
fired a God Ray to freeze him in place, before he then spoke out to Error404 with smug condescendence.
"Well, you had your fun, now have good day."
He then made a portal to an unknown destination, as he then used his Blue Mastery to send Critical Error through the portal, before closing it on him, as Fatal Error spoke out.
"Well...at least you arrived on time, I almost thought that you were too busy to help out."
Error404 then spoke out.
"I needed Error's help with something. And aside from that, what happened that lead to this point, I'd you don't mind me asking."
Fatal Erorr sighed, as he broke the news to Error404. This is going to be a very interesting information for Error404, especially on the entity that he had seen fight against Fatal Error, especially one that has the same name that he has.
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