
(This chapter is based off of the Alphatale chapter in its wiki called Dawn's Purge)

Delios and the others looked, as they see the sight of Omnipotent, now controlled by the entity named Faker. Dust and Error took a step back, as Omnipotent stepped forward. Each step causes a great shake in reality, as he moves forward to them. As Righteous!Error prepares to fight against Omnipotent, Delios stepped forward and put his left hand in front of him.


This made Righteous!Error rather surprised at this, as he then spoke out to Delios.

"Delios. You can't be serious. You know that you'll be fighting him, right?"

Delios nodded, as he spoke out.


He then held his hands out, and summons his Hammers of Jealousy and Resentment,

as he then spoke out.


Righteous!Error looked, as Yukari Yakumo appeared, and made a boundary between this area and the rest of the Omega Timeline, as he then spoke out.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Delios looked at Righteous!Error and he nodded his head, determined.

"YES. I AM."

Righteous!Error looked, before sighing and backing up, so Delios can fight. Delios then looks at Omnipotent, who continues to trudge forward, his fists clenched a bit, as he controlled by Faker.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Delios looked and sighed, as he spoke out.


Delios began to step forward, before he and Shadow!Omni charged at one another, before the both of them clashed. This caused a powerful clash that made everyone fly backwards, with Righteous!Error skidding back a little bit, but held his ground, as Righteous looks at Faker, who continues to confirm Omnipotent with his powers.

With Delios and Shadow!Omni, they are both fighting against one another inside of the Omega Timeline, with the main town separated by a boundary created by Yukari Yakumo. So it is safe from the fight that is happening between the both of them. They are both extremely fast, as Delios punched Omnipotent, which sends him back a little bit, and did hurt him, before Shadow Omni punches Delios, and made him skid backwards as well. But Delios swung his Hammer of Jealousy at Shadow!Omni, which caused massive damage to him and made cracks in his bones, as Shadow!Omni is sent extremely far into the Omega Timline, and Delios began running to him.

As Delios ran to him, he made countless home shards, and fired them at Omnipotent, who got hit by them continuously and damaged pretty badly. But Shadow!Omni then ran as fast as he can to Delios, as he then tries to punch him, only for Delios to jump out of the way. He then summoned an Alpha Blaster below him, which fired down and hits Shadow Omni pretty severely. Shadow!Omni is now on the ground, and when Delios landed, he then summoned a Bone Tower of some sort, as they surround Delios. When Delios began to stand up, the bone tower began to fall down all around Shadow!Omni, causing a lot of massive smash to him. Delios narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.


As Delios looked, he saw that Shadow!Omni is still alive, and is then running fast towards Delios, who hits him with 80% of his power, causing massive pain to Delios. He then began to run around and began to attack him from all sides, as Delios continuously gets hit, as Delios fired a beam of energy at a Delios from his third eye, which sends him back down to the ground, before firing a Homing Blaster, with the energy blast fired and hitting Delios with immense force, causing massive damage to him. But Delios survived, due to the fact that, Shadow!Omni is not the only one that is connected to a powerful being, for he is connected to one himself, and the one that gifted him his hammers in the first place. He then ran fast to Delios and fired his Alpha Blaster again, but this time, it did 30 times the damage to Shadow!Omni, as Shadow!Omni felt even more damage then before. Omnipotent was able to attack Delios with 80% of his power. But since Delios is able to dish it back, with 30 times the amount of power then what Shadow!Omni can do, he is hit and damaged with a far more greater amount of damage then before. Shadow!Omni then fired a shockwave punch of some sort with 100 percent of his power, but Delios intentionally ran up to the punch and got hit by it physically, and is only allowed to stay alive, because Delios has his Alphatale Resistance to keep him alive. And now, for the next part of his attack.

As Shadow!Omni crashes and hits the floor of the Omega Timeline, Delios then lands onto the ground, and runs as far away as he can. He then began to make something. He grabbed chunks of the Anti-Void in the Omega Timeline, as he began to stack and mingle it along with Blasters and Bones, and he did it as fast as he can, before Shadow!Omni is able to take up from what it is that he'll do next.

As Shadow!Omni began to stand up and look up at what Delios is doing, he sees that Delios has finished, having made a gigantic clump of Anti-Void Chunks, Bones, and Blaster of an unimaginable size, with Delios carrying it over his own head. Delios looks at Shadow!Omni, as he jumped into the air as high as he can, in order to gain as much height as he can, so that he can send it down to the ground fast as he can. After a bit, he then spoke out loud.


He then sends the large clump down, as Shadow!Omni then goes up to try and punch the Alphatale Meteor to pieces. But because Delios was hit with 100 percent of his power, Delios is able to multiply the attack by 30 times the amount, now making it stronger then Shadow!Omni's own physical strength alone.

The Alphatale Meteor then crashed into the ground, along with Shadow!Omni under it, as it caused a massive explosion so much that the entire Omega Timeline and the Multiverse shook, as well as some nearby Multiverses. Delios landed onto the ground, as he looks to see if Shadow!Omni is still alive. Sure enough, he is still up, but is not too happy then before. He is also a bit weakened then before, due to the fact that the Alphatale Meteor did a lot onto him. Delios narrowed his eyes, as he then summoned an Alpha Blaster and fired it at Omnipotent, who then again fired his Homing Blaster. The 2 Blasters, this time, they are low evenly matched them before, as Delios and Omnipotent glares and looked at one another, with Delios holding his hammer and Omnipotent looking at Delios with his third eye and his 2 shadowy-corrupted eyes. Delios narrowed his own, as they glow what seems to be a yellowish-brown color, and looks at his brother, who he is now facing up against. Delios never liked to have to do this, fighting against the one brother he loves more then anything else, but he knows that Ares will not listen. But will do we has to do in order for free him from Faker.


Then, Delios looked down, as he remembers all the times he spent with Ares, all the happy memories he spent with him, as well as with a certain machine of sorts possessed by a female ghost. His time with Aurora, he remembered all of it even after so many years. He looks down and clench his fist tighter around one of his hammers, before he looks up at Shadow!Omni, before speaking out.


He then stepped back, before rushing to him, jumping on top of his Alpha Blaster, before leaping into the air, as he's ready to hit Shadow!Omni.

With Righteous!Error, Dust, and Yukari, they looked up to see the large form of Faker, as Righteous!Error clenched his teeth tightly, his hands clenched tightly, as he looked up at him.

Although he would normally feel confident about taking on other beings, such as 100, against Faker, it is different. Because the truth is, he can't truly beat him, no matter what he does and how much he tries. As far as he is concerned, trying to go against Faker is suicide. Although he'd take on 100 with issue, that is because of some conditions that 100 had that made him stronger. But Faker...Faker is in a league that's entirely his own. Righteous!Error narrowed, as he looks up at the sight of Faker, who spoke out.

"Aaaaahhhh...such a shame that my slave is now fighting against his brother. No matter, I'll deal with all of you."

Righteous stepped forward, as he spoke out.

"Well, then you'll be lucky that it is my turn to deal with you, Faker

Faker looks down at Righteous!Error, and almost looks a little bit amused, as he then spoke out.

"Hmhmhmhmhmhmhm...you may be powerful, a lot more stronger then a normal Righteous!Error because of your consumption, and the amount of consuming that your Myriad had done...but even you are nothing compared to the strength that I alone possess. You will fail, just like the one I took down."

Righteous!Error narrowed his eyes a little bit, as he then spoke out to him.

"Too bad I won't go down as easily as the ones you know."

He then looks at him for a bit, before he then fired a Glitch Ray at Faker, who got hit with it, and did get slightly pushed back, but he looks amused, as he spoke out.

"Heh...impressive, but too bad it is not-"

But before he could finish, multiple Unnameable Blasters fired at Faker, hitting him with much greater force then the Glitch Ray. Faker was pushed back a little bit more, before bones then appeared and stabbed Faker. But this did nothing more than annoy him at best, as he looks at Righteous!Error and spoke out.

"Is that the best that you can do?"

Righteous!Error shook his head, and spoke out.

"No. But even if I did try my best, you still would be able to handle it. So I'm gonna go and take care of you my own way."

He then opened the eyes on his sleeves, as they shined a blindingly bright light, as Righteous!Error appeared behind Faker, who then manipulated his own shadow and made a wall of some sort, which prevented Faker from getting hit. But as Faker looked, beams fired out from Righteous!Error's Overseer Eyes, which hit and pierced Faker for a bit, but did nothing, as Righteous wrapped strings around him, and sent him into the air, before he then tries to slam him down with as much force as he can muster.

But Faker's laughter was heard, and Righteous!Error stepped back, as he looks to see Faker getting up, looking as fine as ever, and not a single damage was given to him. Not even a scratch. Righteous!Error narrowed his eyes, as he expected this. Faker turns his head 180 Degrees, as he looks at Righteous!Error, who clenched his hands tightly, and he looks up at Faker, who seems almost amused at him.

"Is that all? How pathetic."

Righteous!Error, stepped back as he clenched his fist tightly, as he spoke out.

"Why don't you come and find out?"

Faker smiled a little bit, as he then went to him at speeds that surpasses concepts. And Righteous!Error then teleported, as he is now into the air, but Faker was behind him, and punched him, only for Righteous!Error to make a glitch portal to make him punch something else, as he then teleported to the ground, and looks at Faker, who lands down and made a large crash, as it made Faker jump a little bit. Faker looks at Righteous, as he then spoke out to the Polothorn.

"Hmmm...you're almost much more intelligent then the other ones that I've met. Impressive. But not even that will save you. All of you Sansses will fall, you will all die, and there is nothing that you can do to stop me."

Righteous!Error stepped forward, as he then spoke out.

"But it won't stop me from trying to. I know I'm nothing compared to me. I'm well aware of that, but not even that will mean anything to me. I'll still fight you, no matter what happens to me."

Faker seemed amused, as he spoke out.

"How pathetic."

He then goes to Righteous, who then held his hand out, and when he did, Faker got briefly frozen in Space-Time for a bit, before he is then hit by a Unnameable Blaster, and although he did get pushed back, and he is continually hit, Faker changed this so that he feels like he is being splashed by water. Faker looked at Righteous!Error again, only to see that he is gone, and is then attacked from above, as the Glitch Ray fired onto his face, which then sends him down to the ground a bit, as Righteous spoke out.

"This son of a bitch is more tougher then expected, yet he keeps on getting hit. He's toying with me, and I know that it is not because he knows I'm weak. I've seen what he can do, destroying things that he doesn't need to see, create, and control how the rules of existence work around him, but he isn't destroying me in the fight with one of his powers, even though he can do it. He's probably hit getting amusement of what I am doing, thinking that I am weak. No matter, I'm gonna need to help in trying to defeat this disgusting bastard."

He clenched his fist, as he sees that Faker is now charging at him. But as that happened...before he knew it, all of a sudden...Faker and Righteous suddenly switched places. This made Faker shocked, before he is then hit by a Sub Blaster with one of the Double Eyes on it, which hit him. This made Dust and the others shocked, as they turn around to look and see that Alpha has arrived. He looks and turns to see Faker, who he feels revolted at.

"Righteous, who's that?"

Alpha said. Righteous looks at Faker, confused...but then remembered that this is the Alpha of GlitchDust's Multiverse and not the one from his Multiverse.

"Faker...one of the most dangerous I've ever been able to go against. Can't even beat him by myself. I'm gonna need some help in this."

Alpha looks up at Faker, and he sees how revolting he is.

Faker gawked his head to the side, as his mouth opened a bit, and needless to say, Alpha can't help but feel like he wants to throw up.

"Ghhh...it's so disgusting. Okay, I'll help. And Dust, I think I'll be able to change back to normal. Just wait until I'm done."

Dust's eyes widened, but he nodded his head for a bit, as he looks at Alpha, who then fights Faker. He stepped forward, his Conduit Soul glowing within him, as he then runs as fast as he can to him, before jumping onto the air, as he shouted out.


All of a sudden, bones appeared out of nowhere, and they began to attack Faker. Faker tried to use his speed to move out of the way, but for some reason, the bones always hit him, even with how fast he is compared to anyone else. Alpha then held a bone in his hand, and using the Conduit of Change, he is able to turn the bone into a sword. He then leapt at Faker and swung his sword at him, which struck Faket a bit, before he stabbed him. Faker then tried to grab onto Alpha so that he can absorb his Life Force, but Alpha switched positions with his Change power, as he then leapt beside Righteous!Error. Faker then moved, but Alpha then used his Conduit of Change to change his perception so that he knows where he is going. The problem is...not completely. He can only see him partially. He then teleported, along with Righteous, as Faker tried to strike at them, but missed. Faker then threw his sword at Faker in order to stab him, but Faker used his power of Meta Control, in order to break the sword, from the moment it hits him.

Alpha was shocked, but then saw that Faker is now behind him, before he punched him as much as he can. Faker, seeing Righteous, changed his body so that he is as durable as he is now, due to the fact that he has consumed Multiverses to make himself stronger then he was before. And it worked, Alpha got hit by Faker, but he is now much more tougher then before, as he is sent down to the ground, with a lot of cracks on his body, which slowly start to heal. He then looks at Faker, who is coming down, but Alpha switched his and Faker's positions, so that he is the one falling down, and Faker is the one on the ground. But Alpha made a Sub Blaster and flies next to Righteous, as he spoke out to him.

"How much does it that to kill him?"

Righteous!Error spoke out.

"I tried to do that, but...I honestly don't know if he can be killed. As far as I can tell, he's too tough for me to bring him down. And I doubt that at your Conduit Mastery, even that will be of little use for all of us."

This made Alpha snarl a little bit, as he then spoke out.


Dust and Error looked, as Error spoke out.

"This is nuts. How is that..."

Dust looked and spoke out.

"Even I have no idea."

Faker looks up at the 2 Skeletons, as he then spoke out to them.

"Tch, so there are 2 of you, big deal. It will not make a difference in what I will do to you."

He then prepares to attack, but then, another blast hits him, which felt like a tiny stint. This made Faker confused, as he then turned around and looks to see who it is that is able to hit him from before.

Fatal Error Sans also appeared, as he fired his red strings at Faker, before firing his Fatal Blasters at him, who simply dodged it and swiped at him, and if he was simply a normal Error Sans, he'd be killed on the spot. But his DT Prevented his death, as he is sent crashing to the ground. But then, Faker grabbed his entire body, and smiled.

"Hope you don't mind if I can take your life for my own, Fatal."

He then began to use Supreme Life-Drain. Although, the problem with this is that Fatal's Determination keeps him from truly dying and going away, and Faker, slowly seeing that something is wrong, spoke out.

"Wait a second, why isn't it that you're-"

But before he can react, Unnameable Blasters and Sub Blasters fired at Faker and hit him from behind, as he lets go of Fatal, who is still alive and is a bit worn out, but is otherwise alright. Faker looks and goes to Righteous!Error, as he spoke out.

"Is that the best that you can-"

But Righteous!Error then did something unexpected. He held out his right hand, and a sphere of red energy appeared, as he then shouted out.

"Perceptive Multiverse!!!"

All of a sudden, the sphere began to grow, as Faker is now absorbed inside of the sphere that has consumed him. As he went inside, Faker looks around and sees that he is in a city that is made of red bones, giant skeleton skulls are president, as there are binary code in their eye sockets, looking at Faker. And above the sky, are the eyes of Myriad, as they look at Faker. Around the city is what seems to be a sea of Cosmic Essence and Code together, as Faker can see every thought, every physiology and phycology, defined and undefined, everything Physical and Non-Physical, everything perfect and desirable, and everything Truth and Lies.

Then, spheres appeared and grabbed onto Faker, as each sphere seems to be as powerful as a Multiverse. As that happened, Righteous appeared from above, and fired his Glitch Ray at the orbs that are on Faker, as they exploded.

"Gotta thank my 404 for this. He sure was able to help me learn my own version to make a True Multiverse myself. But do you know what is much greater then Truth? It is simple. The answer to that question...Perception."

As he said that, he then suddenly summoned countless versions of a normal Error, as they attacked and piled onto Faker, in order to try and pin him down. Righteous!Error narrowed his eyes, as he looks down at Faker, who then exploded out from the pile, as he roared out.


But Righteous then spoke out.

"Neither do you know everything about me. I may be a Righteous!Error, but I am different from the one that you know of. And you're right...I can't take you down, but there is something else that I am able to do. And you'll need to find out soon by yourself."

He then raised his hand, and Myriad's Glitch Eyes fired down at Faker, in order to cause as much pain as possible, as Faker then tries to use his power in order to resist getting hit, but at the same time, he needs to figure out a way to try and get out of the mess that he is inside of now. May his Absolute Guidance bring him to his true victory.


Everyone looked, as they see a red orb of some sort in the place of where Righteous!Error was, as Alpha looks at it.

"What...what happened?"

Alpha said, as Dust spoke out.

"I don't know. But I don't think that this will hold Faker for long. All it did, is by us time to come up with a plan of some sort, especially since Delios is too busy fighting against Omnipotent."

But Error spoke out.

"Well, how can we, you assholes??!! Righteous and Alpha threw everything they can at this disgusting glitch, and it did nothing more then annoy him!! Even at our strongest, we can't do anything!!!"

Dust then spoke out.

"Damnit. But we can't just simply give up on this now. If Faker wins...who knows what he'll do. And even Righteous looked afraid of what Faker can do with his power.

Everyone, and even Yukari, for once, looked a little bit unsure of how to deal with this situation. even Yukari seemed very weary, as they have no idea what to do. But then...a voice spoke out.

"Then perhaps...I can be of assistance."

This made everyone stop, as they then to look at where the voice came from, and they are stunned to see who it is that has arrived.

Standing behind the group, is Error404, but it is not the one that the others know of. Dust spoke out.

"What the...404? Where did you-"

But 404 held his hand out, and spoke out.

"Before you continue...I'm not the 404 of this Multiverse. I'm a different one. I am the one that Righteous!Error resides in."

This made everyone surprised, as Error spoke out.

"Woah. Didn't expect that. Why are you here?"

404 then spoke out.

"Righteous was able to contact me about Faker being here. And needless to say, I'm not happy with that. So I figured that I'd step in and try to help deal with it."

This made Yukari confused, as she spoke out.

"And how can you? Even with all of your power, you'll not be able to win against him, no matter how strong you are. Not even I am able to deal with him."

This made 404 turn around and look at her, as he spoke out.

"Well...perhaps not your power alone. But...I do have an idea that can boost your power even more then before."

He then held his hand out, before putting it onto his chest, and when he did, a blue glow appeared, before he then held his hand out, and showed Yukari something.

Error404 smiled, as he held his Conduit Soul out, and showed it to Yukari Yakumo.

"Righteous!Error, he told me all about you in what you can do. You have the power to Manipulate Boundaries, which means that you can affect essentially anything, even the power and strength for a person by making them weaker and stronger, as even those hand boundaries and limits of their own. And my Conduit Soul...might be the solution to this problem."

This made Yukari Yakumo stunned, as she spoke out.

"How...how so?"

Error404 smiled a little bit, as he then spoke out to her.

"It's simple. This soul has the power to control the aspects and fabrics of the entire verse and functions that balance it/sustain it. And in a way, it is similar to your power, but greater. So...if you use this...it might just be enough to take out Faker."

He then held his soul out to her, as he spoke out.

"Of course, you won't keep it, since I am the Cyrene true wielder of it...but, it you will still be able to channel its power. Make good use of your Boundaries in order to take down Faker."

The soul floats up to her, as she then held it above her hands, before she touched it, and as she did...her eyes glowed blue, and a symbol of a blue dragon appeared on her purple outfit, as she felt surprised at what is happening to her now. But now...now she felt stronger, and her boundaries are greater, as she felt a little ecstatic a little bit.

Yukari smiled, as she is holding the Conduit of Balance in her hands.

"Very well then. I'll make good use of this power myself."

Yukari then held it in her hands, as she then began to channel the power of the Conduit Soul of Balance into her power of Boundaries. She looks down and smiled a little bit, as she does all that she can to concentrate, and use it to take Faker down.

As she closed her eyes to concentrate, all of the sudden, the red orb began to crack, as Alpha realizes what is about to happen.

"Oh no, Faker's breaking out!!"

Dust was horrified, was Error404 narrowed his eyes a little bit, watching Yukari and see what she'll do. But Yukari remained calm and focused, as she continues to channel the power of the Soul into her power.

As that is happening, the orb cracked more and more and more...until eventually, it broke, as Righteous!Error is shown getting thrown out aid crashed next to Yukari, as Faker came out, now looking even more madder then before, as he spoke out.


But Yukari smiled, as she opened her eyes, which are now glowing a little bit more blue then before, as she spoke out, her voice booming, but it didn't sound like she is screaming or yelling. In fact, she sounded normal, as her voice echoed of the past lives of the previous incarnations of Balance.


Faker looks, as Yukari then held her hand out, and a boundary appeared around Faker, as she clenched her fist, and all of a sudden, Faker felt his power weakening, far more then expected, more then even Error404's Balance Ray, and more then even at the level of an Advanced Beginner. But she is not done just yet. As that happened, she then made a boundary around Faker, making look like he is not gonna be in a different section of pocket dimension separate from the Omega Timeline, as Yukari smiled a little bit wider then before.

Everyone watched, as they did not expect for Yukari to do this. This is far beyond what 404 can do with his Conduit Soul. It is as though she is a bit higher in mastery then 404, despite being able to use it for what must have been a few minutes. Seems like her Boundary Powers and her knowledge of using it helped her a bit. Faker looked around, and banged onto the Boundary wall, which isn't breaking, due to the fact that Faker is now weakened enough to be unable to break it, as he began to shout out.

"NO!!! NOOOOOO!!!!"

Faker shouted, as Yukari then used her Gaps to send the section of boundary that she made away, as the Boundary Dimensjon and Faker is then sent to an unknown destination...bit when the Gap opened, 2 large hands appeared out of the Gap, as a voice shouted out.

Then, the portal changed, remarking faces from the Ultimate Ensemble, as Faker disappeared. Yukari smiled, as she felt very strong. She then feels the Conduit Soul of Balance leave her, as it is brought back to the original owner, 404, while Yukari smiled, as her power over Balance fades away for a little bit. Of course, she has no idea how long the affect will last until Faker's back to normal...but for now, she just hopes it will be a long time.

Everyone was stunned at this, but only Righteous!Error was the only one that can speak, as he spoke out.

"Wow...amazing Yukari. You're an even better Conduit of Balance then what 404 can do. Amazing."

Yukari smiled at what it is that Righteous!Error had said, as she then spoke.

"Coming from you, it means something."

Righteous nodded, but he is still on the floor, as Error404 spoke out.

"Hmm...seems he is injured so much by Faker. He's gonna need to take some time to recover."

He then used his Blue Mastery to lift Righteous!Error into the air, as Yukari spoke out.

"Mind if I can come with him, in order to see how much he'll recover?"

404 looks at her and spoke out.

"Well...since you're technically his girlfriend and lover...fine."

Righteous then spoke out.

"Wait...the others, there's something else that is-"

But Error404 used Pixel Manipulation to make a gag stops him from speaking.

"Don't speak now, Error."

Yukari smiled a little bit, as Error404 them opened a portal, and went back to his Multiverse, as Yukari followed suit. Everyone watched, as the portal closed, and the boundaries surrounding the Omega Timeline are gone. But as that happened, Alpha spoke out.

"That reminds me. Dust, here."

He then grabbed onto Dust, and with his power, is able to remake Dust's code again, and put it into his Core Body, as well as using the artificial red soul that he has made, still containing his animosity at the fullest extent, and after that...Dust looked like his normal self again, and felt as strong as before...although he did still keep the Grey Magic.

"Nice. Thanks Alpha."

Dust said, as Alpha smiled. And when that happened, they look to see that Omnipotent is back to normal, with Delios also holding him.


Dust nodded his head.

"Yeah, glad he is."

He and the others teleported, meaning Error and Alpha, as they went to Core, who looked freaked out.

"Hey, Core. Something up?"

Core nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Yes, I saw your fight with that thing. What was that?"

Error then spoke out.

"Just some disgusting bastard that thought it would be a good thing to look like a twisted mockery of 404. That's all."

Error then has a bar of chocolate out, and his tongues are out as well. And as that happened, along Multiverse appeared.

He's still looking as tall as ever, as he looks down at Error.

"I can see you are still loving chocolate as though you are a little boy, Error."

Error looks at King Multiverse and rolled his eyes, as Error spoke out.

"That reminds me. King...have you noticed 404 being...off, recently?"

This made King Multiverse confused, as he spoke out.

"Why do you ask?"

Fatal then goes to King Multiverse, and spoke out.

"404...I met him, and is acting...strange, he...he acted like he was a mindless robotic from drone and attacked me, even speaking unlike himself. He...he attacked me, like he was controlled by something?"

This made King Multiverse confused, as Core felt concerned.

"That...doesn't sound like 404. He never acts like that."

King Multiverse, however, knew deep down that something is up, and so, he asked Fatal.

"Did you see what controlled him? Or who?"

Fatal nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah...some hybrid between a squid and a human, and a pink skeleton next to her."

This made King freeze...as he realizes what is about to happen.

"Oh no."

This made Dust concerned, as well as Error, as Error spoke out.

"King? What's wrong?"

King turned around, and was about to speak out, but then, Alpha began to feel pain.


Alpha cried in agony, as everyone looked, and sees something off about Alpha. His hands began to change into claws, and he is getting taller for some reason. And then...horns began to pop out from the sides of his head, as his skull began to change.

This made everyone scared...but the situation is about to get worse, as a black portal opened, and everyone screamed in fear, as they saw something on the sky.

Up above and coming down from the Omega Timeline, is an extremely large entity of some sort. She is a large entity resembling a squid at the lower body with dark grey and light grey coloration, and wear a dark cloak with a wing on the front. She also has a face similar to that of Core!Frisk's face, excerpt her face has a stitch coming down from her left eye,  and there are diamond shapes on her hair. She is falling down to the center of the Omega Timeline, one of her tentacles goes to grab Error, as one of her tentacles is shown to have wrapped around Ink, who she has suddenly taken, and King Multiverse looked in horror, as he spoke out.


Ten smiled, as she spoke out.


She then spread her arms out, as a blind flash of light appeared, blinding everyone that's present

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