Dust shook his head, as he held onto his face for a little bit, before he then spoke out.
"This is one of the most ridiculous moments of my life."
Dust sighed, as he shook his head again. Clearly, he had gone through much more better times then this.
It has been a day since he changed back from his Sukuinushi form, and it is one of the worst ways he changed back to his normal self. When he separated himself from the other Sanses, defused from them, Dust felt tired and strained, due to the fact that he is carrying a lot of power at once. Luckily, Dust's durable body and Determiantion, as well as the Determination of Geno and Glitch, alongside Axe's high LV, was able to allow them to separate safely, being only strained all over their bodies.
Of course, that does not stop not change the fact that they had been in pain from it, as inside of the mind, Axe's left arm and Glitch's Right Arm had been removed, as they felt the pain in that their limbs has been removed, and it is one of the worst feels ever felt. At least they got their limbs back, but they could not move that much for an entire hour, forcing them to wait until they can regain motor functions over their limbs again, much to Glitch and Axe's frustration.
Dust is now deciding to go outside, due to the fact that he has nothing else to do anyways, and the fact that he needs to get his limbs back up and running again after what must have been such a long time being sore all over the place and having to rest so that the soreness could leave much more quicker. Dust sighed, as he clearly does not want to slack off, as they are in a situation where slacking off is not an option of any sort, as Dust continues to walk inside of the Omega Timeline. But as Dust continues to walk inside of it, a voice calls out to him.
"Heya, Dust. How you've been doing?"
Dust stopped, as he then turned to the one that had spoken to him, and it turns out to be someone that he is very familiar with, and is also someone that he finds a little bit weird, due to her AU, but is still very good about trying to make puns.
This lady is known as Aftertale Toriel. In her AU, Sans and Papyrus, along with Toriel and Asgore, switch places, although others may have also switched places as well. She is the younger sister of her Asgore, and is just as strong as a Classic Sans, with the only differences being that, her Gaster Blasters are called the Dreemurr Beamers, and the fact that she has access to orange magic, which makes a person continue to move against their will, increasing their momentum, but making them unable to stop.
And needless to say, it is a very huge situation for Alter!Toriel, especially when it involves the Multiverse. She met Team Hope when her AU was attacked by Killer Sans and the other members of Team Void. And needless to say, it was such a harrowing experience for her. Only reason that she is still alive now is because of the fact that Team Hope came in at just the nick of time to rescue her. And luckily, her Asgore also survived, along with Altertale Sans and Papyrus, which is sort of weird when the classic versions of Sans and Papyrus took notice of it.
"Heya, Alter, I'm doing good myself. Is your bro doing okay?"
Alter!Toriel nodded her head, as she then spoke out.
"Yeah, he's doing fine, and is even getting along with the other Papyruses and Swap Sanses, although there is one Swap Sans that is missing...and she is with my fell self."
This made Dust Sans instantly realize who she is talking about.
"You mean Alterfell you?"
Altertale Toriel nodded her head.
Alterfell Toriel is, as the name suggests, is a Fell version of Altertale Toriel. Her personality is similar to Underfell Sans, as well as the fact that she can be a very embarrassing and very seductive flirt, but can be a big softy, and even Dust can tell. However, she tends to hide this part of herself by being a jerk, or, as Alterfell Toriel puts it, being Bitchy at times, and even when she has a crush on someone, she denies it to others, and to the crush, can act a little bit threatening. Except for the fact that she now has a crush on someone from inside of the Omega Timeline.
Dust then spoke out.
"So...where is she?"
Altertale Toriel smiled, as she puts her hand on top of his shoulder, and snapped her fingers, as both Dust and Toriel teleported in hidden sight, as she and Dust look from behind a tree, and see what she has been doing.
Apparently, Alterfell Toriel kind of gained a huge crush on Underswap Sans, who acts like a small sweet guy, and thus, while she is threatening him, this is simply because she wants to date him, due to how cute he is in her eyes, but cannot bring her soft side out of her face and mouth. She is grabbing him by the scarf and has a rude expression on her face, but she has a blush present. Toriel snickered, as Dust teleports her and himself away before Alterfell found notice, as Dust then spoke out.
"Maybe it is best that we do not follow them again, especially like this. Very rude to go inside someone's personal secrets, you know, especially since it is of romance."
Alter!Toriel sticks her tongue out, as she then spoke out.
"Whatever you say, Dust. But...now...gotta go."
She then teleports to another location, and Dust looks with a sign, as he has no idea what Toriel is about to do next. Although knowing her, she is probably gonna do what other Sanses can do, mess with her brother, do puns and pranks and all of that sort of stuff. Dust sighed, as he then decided to go and check up on Axe and Glitch, too see how they are both holding up.
As Dust goes in to try and teleport, Core spoke out.
"Hello, Dust."
Dust then turns around and sees that Core is here, and is looking at him again, as Dust then spoke out.
"Oh, hey, Core, I didn't think that you were gonna appear all of a sudden."
Core spoke out.
"Well...I know that you are going to Axe and Glitch, to see if they are both okay, and I should tell that they are okay, they are just recovering from their ordeal still with the transformation that you both are in. They can move their limbs a little bit more then before, but still not entirely so."
Dust nodded his head, as he then spoke out.
"So you say. But I'm assuming that this is not the only reason you have decided to come and talk to me, am I right?"
Core nodded her head, as she then spoke out.
"Yes, unfortunately. Another Alternate Timeline is being attacked, and because of this, you are needed, due to the fact that...it is the one you have faced yesterday. And I am not talking about the fusion of the 4 Sanses from before."
This made Dust's eye sockets widened a little bit, as he then spoke out to Core.
"Don't tell me it's not the alternate Betty again."
Core nodded her head, as she then spoke out to him.
"Unfortunately, it is her. Nightmare had ordered her to come and attack that Timeline, as well as trying to get the alternate versions of Frisk and Asriel, due to how unique and strong they are in their own way."
This made Dust confused, which Core sees, as she then spoke out.
"Ender!Frisk is able to use fire magic and can dodge almost as well as Classic!Sans, while Asriel has access to his usual powers, similar to your Asriel, except that, when he gets angry, he instead gains traits of his Omega Flowey form, due to the fact that Ender!Frisk has given off a half of his soul to Asriel when he is still Flowey. He also has been training to fight for what must have been a few years. And because of this, Betty wants to take them so that Team Void can have them."
Dust looks down and sighed, as he shook his head, as he then spoke out.
"Well...I'm gonna need to bring some people to try and help evacuate the survivors, if there are."
Core nodded her head, as she then spoke out.
"Don't worry. You won't being going in this alone, for I have some people that are going to aid you in this."
Dust then looks at Core and nodded his head, before he then spoke out.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go."
The AT of Endertale is now in one hell of a mess, as Team Void has decided to attack and kill countless people, not just humans. Many people are trying to right back against them, especially against the Murder Time Trio, which are three of the four that entered, and they are doing all that they can to go up against the ones that are doing this. But this will focus on 3 people.
One of which is none other then Betty Noire, who, for an unknown reason, is back in her normal form. Perhaps it is out of arrogance thar she believes that she can take on whoever it is that she is up against, or something else, she and Kumu separated, and while not as strong as in real form, she is still very powerful, due to the amount of souls she has absorbed, especially with the human souls, which she made a bunch of Kumulings with. And now, she is facing off against 2 people. One of which is a human that has one half of the Red Soul of Determination.
This is none other then Endertale Frisk. This version of Frisk, similar to Glitchtale Frisk, is a male, but is a little bit more older then him, as well as wresting a red scarf and boots, resembling Papyrus' scarf, and is wearing a coat similar to Sans' coat, only smaller and has a Delta Rune symbol on it. This Frisk is able to utilize fire magic, and can dodge so fast that he is close to Sans' level.
With Ender!Frisk, is Ender!Asriel, the son of Toriel and Asgore. This Asriel came to be when Frisk gave up half of his soul just to Asriel can be revived. His powers are similar to his Glitchtale counterpart, except when he transforms. Unlike Glitchtale Asriel, who transformed into his God form, this Asriel can partially turn into his Omega Flowey form, although the form is most noticeable on the arms.
Betty smiled, as she then spoke out.
"What's the matter? Are you too scared to go against me?"
Frisk then stepped forward, and spoke out.
"What do your think?"
He than runs up toward Betty, as Betty also charged at Frisk, and began to try and attack him. But Frisk dodges the attacks and grabs Betty by the handle of her Scythe of Fear, as Betty and Frisk struggled against each other for a little bit.
But Betty than leans and falls backwards, as Frisk got thrown away by Betty, who then stood up and tried to slice her, but Frisk, having trained and practiced with Sans, automatically dodged the attacks, as she than went before Betty and punched her as hard as she could, while flames also launched at Betty, and burned her shoulder a little bit. Betty was shocked at the fact that she had gotten hurt, by magical fire nonetheless, and it seems that the flames hurt a lot more then with Toriel and Asgore, and for some reason, she cannot use that type of flame against Frisk. It seems that Frisk's flames are empowered with Determination, which explains why they are red for some reason.
Betty looks at Frisk, her eyes widened in pain, as Frisk blows fire from his nose, as he prepares to fight again. Asriel then ran forward, Chaos Sabers in hand, as he then swung his Swords at Betty, who blocked with her Scythe. Then, Kumu appears behind Asriel, after regaining his shape from the scythe, and tries to pierce Asriel, only for Frisk to kicks fast and tackles Asriel out of the way, as Kumu missed. Needless to say, Betty is getting very annoyed, due to the fact that they are both proving just as troublesome as the Frisk and Asriel of her timeline. Betty than launched a Scythe Slash at Asriel and Frisk, but Frisk and Asriel got out of the way as fast as they can, as the slash hit some of the trees, and needless to say, both Frisk and Asriel are not having the time of their lives, due to this. Betty is an entity of the Soul of Fear, meaning that Determination is the perfect counter. But both Frisk and Asriel each only have one half of the Soul of Determination, so the chances of defeating Betty is reduced by a half, as Betty smiled. She than made her Spear, and then, she used her Hallucinations at Asriel, as she then launched her spear at him. Frisk than launched her Fireball at the spear, hurting Kumu, but did not kill him. Betty smirked, as she than decides to take a chance and go at Frisk, believing that she has used up all of her dodges, as she than launched at him, and prepares to kill him. But before she can land a hit on Frisk and pierce his skull, Betty is suddenly surrounded in Blue Magic, and is thrown back, before being hit by Purple Bones, and struck by a Gaster Blaster, which came out of nowhere.
This caught Frisk and Asriel by surprise, as Asriel spoke out.
"Frisk, what was that?"
Frisk looks at the scene that had happened before their eyes, as he then spoke out.
Then, the sound of teleportation was heard, and both Frisk and Asriel turned to see, to Ender!Asriel's shock, another Asriel, as well as what seems to be their Sans, excerpt that the hood is over his head, it is not fluffy, and his eyes are red on the right side, and red and cyan on the left.
Dust has now arrived in Endertale, along with Glitchtale Asriel, as they manage to find Betty. But Dust felt kind of annoyed for some reason. This is because of the fact that, when he entered Endertale, for reasons unknown to even himself, he grew in height, even though he is fine the way he is. Perhaps it is because it is his body needing to adapt to the the code of the Alternate Timeline or something, he does not know, but what he does know is that he needs to take down Betty. Ink had gotten some of his allies to evacuate the citizens of Endertale into the Omega Timeline, and this is because Error is going to get ready to attack at any moment and destroy the AU.
"Who...who are you both?"
Frisk said, as Dust spoke out.
"I'm an alternate timeline version of your Sans, same as with my Asriel behind me."
Asriel now resembles the other Asriel in terms of height, meaning that he has shrunk. This made Asriel unhappy with this, but he does not complain, as he spoke out.
"Are you both okay?"
Ender!Frisk and Ender!Asriel nodded their heads, as Betty then spoke out.
"So, you both came back to me again, huh? Hehehehehehehe..."
Betty then stood up, as she then spoke out.
"Well..than it is time to go all out against all of you."
Kumu then got in front of Betty, as Betty throws her spear at Kumu, who than covers the spear. And then, the spear, controlled by Kumu, pierced Betty in the chest, as she then began to transform into an appearance that Dust had seen her do.
"So that's how it works, huh? Well then, it is time for me to take them down. Hey, Kiddo, you able to fight still?"
Dust spoke out, referring to Frisk, as Frisk nodded his head, and unleashed a red fireball, before he spoke out.
"I am."
Dust smirked, as he then spoke out.
"Then let's go."
Dust smiled, as he then fired his Purple Bones as quickly as he can at the one that's attacking Endertale.
Betty, having consumed and drained even more souls than before, is now far stronger then last time, as she then sliced through the purple bones, but then, Dust went forward and swung his Scythe, as Betty blocked the hit, but then, Frisk came forward and launched fire into her face, burning her badly, as Betty stepped back and held her face a little bit, clearly in pain, as Betty then launched Arrow Blasts at Frisk, who dodges automatically, but is getting tired. Thankfully, Dust takes over in the next turn, as he then launches Fireballs at Betty, who gets hit by them, before he then made his Trident appear, and stabbed the ground, as Tridents than erupted from the ground in order to pierce her. Betty went up into the air, in order to dodge the attack, but then, she is suddenly hit with a red fireball and a rainbow fireball, as they struck her in the chest, and send her back down to the ground in pain.
The 2 Asriels smiled, their Chaos Sabers and flames erupt from their hands, as they got ready to fight back against Betty with their own weapons. They both then rushed forward and swung their swords, Glitch's in Rainbow Fire and Ender's in Red Fire, as they struck Betty as much as they can. But Betty than launched forward and raised her own Scythe, the blade became covered by a larger and sharper blade, as she tries to cut the 2 Asriels in half at the same time, only for Dust to use the Tridents and block the attack, before he then rushed forward, raised his own Scythe, and swung it at her, as he is then able to strike Betty with the Scythe before she even realizes what is about to happen, as she gets launched into the tree, and Dust then landed, before he then raised his hand up and launched Tridents, Arrow Blasts, Spears, Fireballs, Purple Bones, and Pellets down at Betty, in hopes that this is enough to kill her. but unfortunately, it wasn't, as Betty then launched out of the rubble, and tries to swing her scythe at Dust, who blocked it with his Trident, and got pushed back a little bit from the attack, before Dust looks and sees that Betty then launches a magenta slash at Dust, who launches his own Magenta Slash at the slash itself, and the 2 attacks cancel each other out. Dust and Betty looked at each other, as Glitchtale Asriel raised his hand to the air, and launched Star Blazing and Shocker Breaker at Betty, who is able to avoid the attacks. Betty smiled, acting a little cocky, and tries to attack Ender!Asriel, only for her to suddenly glow blue. This caught everyone by surprise, as Betty then spoke out.
But then, Betty got launched into the air, and is out of sight, as a voice spoke out.
"Well, that was fun for you, kid. But for me, it was anything but."
The group turned to see who it is that had spoken out to them.
Ender Sans had finally appeared, as he spoke out.
"So...you're another me, huh?"
Dust nodded, as he then spoke out.
"Yeah, I am. What are you doing here, though?"
Ender!Sans looks at Dust and spoke out.
"Kind of wondering what was going on and trying to find Frisk, which I did now."
Ender!Frisk made a bit of a cheeky smile, as Dust then looks at the town, and sensed that the remaining people inside of the town are almost out, as he spoke out.
"Well, we can talk more later. Right now..."
Dust launched purple webs, wrapping them around the others, as Dust spoke out.
"Time to go."
Dust teleported next to the portal to the Omega Timeline, which is made by Dream, as the Murder Time Trio are being held back by the Bad Time Trio. Seeing that everybody is gone, the Bad Time Trio teleported back through the portal, as Sans, Swap Papyrus, Dust Sans, and Ender Sans used their blue magic to send the Murder Time Trio away.
"Okay, we're done. Now we can-"
But before Dust can finish, blue strings wrapped around Ender!Frisk and began to pull him in.
Error sans then came out of nowhere and uses his Blue Strings onto Ender!Frisk, as he then spoke out.
"Don't think you can take off that easily, kid. You're coming with us."
Error began to pull the strings, in an attempt o try and take Ender!Frisk, but then, the strings were sliced by vines and swords, as Error got hit with a Rainbow Blast of energy, before being slammed down by a large vine.
The 2 Asriels got unhappy, as they both decide to enter their transformations, the God of Hyperdeath for Glitch!Asriel, and Omega Flowey for Ender!Asriel, or at least, partially in the arms. Needless to say, Error was not happy, as he then raise on top of an Error Blaster, summoned more, and then fired them at the evacuated, bit Glitchtale Asriel summoned his Hyper Goner and sucked in the attack, as Fatal_Error Sans came out to join in.
Needless to say, Error was not happy, as he then spoke out.
"Not again."
But Error did what he does and goes against Fatal_Error then goes to combat against him yet again, and Dust then spoke out.
"Okay, he's distracted! Now we go!!!"
The 2 Asriels, Ender!Frisk, and Ender!Sans nodded, as then went inside of the portal that Dream has made into the Omega Timeline, and as they see that the last of the denizens of the AT is out, Fatal_Error was launched back inside of the Omega Timeline. Dream immediately closed the portal, before Error could have a chance to get in. Ender Sans looks down at Dust, as he then spoke out.
"You've got so many questions that tin need to answer for me."
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