Dusty Megalomaniac
A pair of footsteps were heard from the end of the hall, echoing as if from a dark, continuously blackening cave. The footsteps continue to walk to the destination that it wants to go to. And then, within the entrance, a figure covered by the shadows came. The figure walked closer and closer into the blue light. And when the figure finally came out of the shadowy hallway, the figure revealed himself to the entirety of the place.
This is none other than Frisk. He is the 8th human to fall from Mount Ebott, and is the one responsible for the continuous deaths of the people in this place. Frisk has the red soul of determination, which allowed Frisk with a power like no other, and it is the power, to manipulate the timeline. Every time that he dies, his consciousness comes back, and whenever he reaches the end of his journey, he would reset time, and go back to the beginning, in order to see the results. But the one that they have done the most, is genocide. When they got a taste of it, they cannot stop, due to the fact that, there is another human that has been with him, a ghost, that keeps on pushing Frisk to do genocide. And this time, the results he made, are not a very pleasant one, especially with what he had done. As Frisk enters the area, he than looked around, and saw that there is something new here, and that is the area that is he is very familiar with.
A hall, Royal, yet no longer golden. It is blue and dark, like the royalty of what it once was is stripped away to bring forth a new, menacing life. And it is thanks to the one that is standing at the end of it all. At the end of the hall, is a figure, a skeleton, at a height that is slightly taller than Frisk by about 2 inches, and wears a blue jacket with a white shirt and pink slippers. The hood is now over his skull, and his face has changed. His smile was humorous, now tainted into being psychotic. His eyes one white, with the left turning cyan and yellow, representing Patience and Justice. But now the Justice is gone, and DETERMINATION replaced it.
This is none other than Sans, who is the most difficult enemy that Frisk has to face upon countless and countless of genocide runs. Unlike other monsters, Sans is well aware of the resets, but does nothing to stop it, with the exception of when Frisk kills absolutely everyone. Sans has tried to stop Frisk many times in the past, only for Sans' effort ATK be in vain, only resulting in his death instead. But this time, it is different. Too different to be even of the same result this time. Now, Sans is the one that commits the genocide before Frisk could. He killed as many monsters as he can, all in an effort to gain as much LOVE as he possibly can. He regrets all that he had done, but too him, it is the only way that he can put an end to this insanity that Frisk is putting him and the other monsters through. Especially when it came to his brother, Papyrus, who he had been forced to kill, in order to stand a chance against Frisk. But in the process, his sanity cracked a little, to the point of laughing insanely and in a grieving way. But Dust cannot stop himself, even if he wanted to. The task to defeat the human is too important to him. He killed many of them with powerful magic, such as Flowey, Toriel, Undyne, Mettaton, Muffet, and Asgore, and in doing all of this, he gained their powers, all of their magic, and during all of this, his Physicality increased to an immense degree. When he finally reached the end, when he finally went to Judgement Hall, his LV had changed. His LV, has reached 19, and Frisk, simply a measly 7.
Of course, he did miss some monsters, but he is still far stronger than the human, and now that he can remember all of the RESETs that the human had done, he is going to use it to his advantage. And with the combined magic of all of the monsters at his side, he will make sure that killing the human, will be the biggest hell that Frisk will gain from him.
When Dust looked and saw Frisk, he smiled, as he spoke out.
"Heya. We're back here again."
Sans' voice has now changed. His voice feels lighter, and at the same time, deeper, but his normal voice still remained. Frisk stepped back, as he felt afraid for the first time. He wonders if the DT inside of Sans is messing his voice a little bit, especially with one that is at such a very high amount. Sans looks at Frisk and smiled menacingly, as he than spoke out to the human before him.
"Hehehehehehe...but now...things are different. You did not get all that you want. All you got, was a lesser amount of power compared to what I have. Your SAVE Points are useless, you gained weaker power, and now...I will make sure, that you will pay, for all the constant genocides that you have done. And when I am through with you, I will be the most determined monster in the Underground. I'll reset everything back from the way it was, everyone will be alive, while you...you will never come back here again."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Frisk presses the act button, and checks Sans' stats, and they have changed to an alarming degree.
"Sans LV-19. HP: 60,660
ATK-999 DEF-999
Finally, he is now ready to slaughter you."
Frisk is done analyzing, as he than charged at Sans, who than fights back.
In another life, I would die of a dream
Having found an idea before the world fell apart
Could it be that I'm getting stronger?
I'm deteriorating.
Sans summoned a Blaster out of nowhere, and fired it at Frisk, instantly killing him, as Frisk returns and fights again. But Sans than used his blue magic to send Frisk flying back, and slammed into a pillar behind him, before he than made some purple borns rise up from the pillars, only for Frisk to jump out of the way, and tried to slice Sans. But Sans dodged the attacks and he returns with an attack of his own, by summoning Asgore's Trident, and swung it at Frisk's body, causing a lot of HP From Frisk to be gone. Frisk the swung his knife at Sans, only for Sans to raise his trident, and blocked the attack, and step back from what Frisk nearly tried to do to him, and Sans than extended his hand out, and summoned a bunch of spears, and fired than at Frisk, who did all that he can to avoid getting hit, only for Sans to summon a spear in front of him and pierce his soul, killing him again.
Murder the loved one
He would die by his kind brother
In a well-placed stake
Took his life, perished without saying a word
A silence and left
Sans looked down, as he recalled killing his brother, and although he did speak and Papyrus spoke out to Sans, too him, everything was silent, like he is hearing voices in his head to go back, and believed that he did not speak out to his brother at all, and believes him killing without hesitation. Even though he can hear the screams, in his mind, the sound never existed, the voices never existed, as he continues killing the monsters to try and stop the human. They do not reach his ears, for he is dead by his desire to end Frisk's constant genocide.
Corrupted, I'm running out of time
Hurry before I meet the child
I must save my being, fearing death
I feel reborn in my whole body
What a pleasure to hurt people.
Sans than summoned a bunch of vines at Frisk, who reappeared, and Frisk dodged them, only for Frisk to get hit by the vine from behind, and killed Frisk again. Frisk than reappeared once more in front of Sans, and both Sans and Frisk began to think back before this. They began to think back at the one timeline where they did had a moment of feeling very happy and fulfilled, because they had been giving each other so much fun. But Sans knows that this is all in the past, and completely believes that he cannot go back to that. Too him, the past will not save your life. It is here to lead you to your doom. He continues his assault without hesitation, as he fired purple sharp bones at Frisk and stabbed him, as Papyrus appeared and fired red bones at Frisk, the bones stabbed Frisk, but they did not kill him yet.
Accompany them until their last moment
The air sings a melody of pain
Fallout, each murder has its consequences
The inhabitants perish anyway.
Sans than summoned a fireball in his hand, as he looked at Frisk directly at his face. Frisk's form flickered, as it changed to that of a kid of the same age, but with a green sweater and a single yellow stripe across it, horizontally. Behind Sans, a figure flickered, being that of a skeleton that is only comprised of a head with a red scarf and gloves, with the eye sockets glowing red themselves. Sans than launched the fireball, and Frisk charged, only for the fireball to impact the ground, and detonated, making multiple fireballs appear all over the place, and many of them hit Frisk. But Frisk endured, and continues to get to Sans, in order to kill him. But Sans summoned some purple bones down from the sky, and rained it on top of Frisk in order to kill him. But Frisk got out of the way fast, and was able to dodge them, only for Frisk to be surrounded by Pellets, and they are circling around him, before they then hit Frisk, causing a lot of damage and agony to him. And than, Sans sped forward like a blur, and grabbed Frisk by the neck, before turning his wrist fast, snapping Frisk's neck.
Frisk returned back once more, and charged at him, only for Sans to manifest this trident, and ran fast to Frisk, as both the True Knife and the Trident clashed against each other, both of the strongest weapons rivaling each other's might, both in the hands of genocidal murderers. Dust smiled with madness in his mouth, while Frisk began to sweat, as red eyes stared directly into his own eyes. Than, Sans stepped back, before he than thrust his Trident, and pierced Frisk in the heart, only to run and pin him to the wall, as a Gaster Blaster fired at the position Frisk is in, obliterating him. Frisk reappears inside of the Save Screen, and attempts to press the Save button, so he can remain continued into this, but before he can do that, a purple bone appear out of nowhere, and stabbed Frisk in the hand, before vines appeared and block the button, as Sans managed to be aware of the Save Screen's existence. The only option now, is to continue. Frisk, with no choice, continues, as the ghostly form of Sans smiled behind Frisk, ready to take pleasure in the pain that he will give the human that had tormented him for so long. Frisk came back, and he is really afraid of what is about to happen next, as Sans' left eye flared purple.
Only shortening their releases
Execution, with a snap
Give them a quick death
madness guides me
Frisk than charged at Sans, as he than used his blue to slam Frisk into the ceiling, walls, and ground, before he than summoned purple bones up from the ground and into Frisk'a body, killing him. Frisk than came back, with the green-sweater kid behind him, and the ghost of Papyrus behind Sans, as the 2 entities smiled at each other with cruelty and madness within their very own eyes. Frisk charged at Sans, as Sans than made purple strings appear out of his fingers, and forced Frisk to move around the bones going onto the purple strings, as he then changed the soul to a green, and fired a bunch of spears and bones very fast and rapidly, as Frisk continue to take damage. Finally, he changed the soul yellow, as Frisk is forced to fire at a Gaster Blaster that acts like a disco ball from Mettaton. Unfortunately, the human was not fast enough, and he got hit. And Sans finished it off by firing a spear into Frisk's face, killing him again, as Frisk fell down to the floor, limp, and unmoving, until he comes back again.
Now it's late for remorse
Like a veil of acts that I ignore,
Evil strikes not the heart but the head
The repeating dust routine.
Frisk was now back in the Save Screen, as he stares at the 2 other buttons in front of him. There used to be a Save Button, but now, it is replaced by the button that says, RESET.
(You shouldn't come back,
But you weren't...my friend.)
Frisk, with a tear coming out of his eye after a long time to decide, thinks that, he misses the old Sans, mainly because of how much of a puny guy he is. He missed his pranks, he missed his humorous behavior. He missed all of it. So, he than moves his hand and tries to press the button, only for something unexpected to happen to Frisk again. All of a sudden, a black tendrils wrapped itself around Frisk's arm, stunning him, as the child behind him, now having red eyes with black eyeballs and black liquid coming out of his mouth and eyes, appeared, as a wave of darkness overtook the Save Screen. But Frisk only said the name of the person, before he was consumed by the wave of darkness.
Sans sensed something wrong, as he than looked, only to see that it is none other than the kid in the green sweater, as he spoke out.
"So, you're finally here, kid, and with a new look. It took you long enough. Let's get to the point than."
Chara gripped his knife and smiled, as he than charged at Sans and began to the and kill his hated foe. Sans, not wanting to be outdone, takes out the trident and charged at Chara, both at inhuman speed. They than clashed against each other, and Chara, due to something wrong happening in this timeline, is being like he is now at LV 19, even though it is not true. But even the stats are at LV 19, meaning that something glitched the stats. But Sans does not care, as he continues his assault, Trident and Knife matching each other blow for blow, as both kept pushing.
Mistreat the poor condemned souls
Need a powerful opponent ready to face me
Pushing them 6 feet under
Every EXP point quenches my thirst
The grip had to come if I gave in.
Sans and Chara continued to swing their weapons, red slashes on both sides, as Sans leapt back, and fired a bunch of tridents, and fired them at Chara, who than went forward and clashed against them, sending them out of the way. But Sans decided to change it, by launching fireballs, and when Chara hits them, they simply detonated and exploded, launching smaller ones and causing pain to Chara, making him frown for a little bit, and made him a little bit unhappy. But then, he is than suddenly enveloped in blue magic, as he is than sent flying backwards and almost hit the wall made of bones, only for Chara to stop himself, with a creepy expression on his face.
But Papyrus, as a Phantom, flies at Chara, his king opened happily in glee to torment Chara, as he than punched him hard, and tries to send him flying into the bones, only for Chara to land on a lucky safe one with his feet, and leapt back at Sans, who than made vines to try and attack Chara. But Chara sliced through the vines, as he continues to make a beeline towards Sans.
In the Save Screen, Frisk banged onto the screen that shows the fight between Chara and Sans, as he cries out, I'm sorry, to Sans. But Sans, blinded with hatred and rage, felt like this is not real, and became deaf to its desire for forgiveness.
Bewitched, I now feel its effect
Deaf to the frightened cries of the victims
Addicted to hate, eliminate them
The choice of sacrifice is launched
No one stops a machine has killed
Sans teleported behind Chara and stabbed him in the stomach, chasing immense agony, but Chara than swung his knife, which Sans blocked with a Spear. He made the Trident disappear, as he then grabbed Chara by the arm and twisted it, breaking the bones inside of it, with Chara shrieking out in agony, and Sans smiled, seeing just how much in pain and suffering Chara is feeling right now. He began wondering and even doubting that he can still be himself again, as he is unsure if he has a single form of empathy and remorse left inside of him.
Royal Guard, Missing Sovereigns
From my hand, to the last are defeated
Determined to become the hero
the raw and modern era of a new scenario
Calming in the name of good this chaos
Is there a monster heart left under the cloak?
But Chara yanked his arm out, and pulled out some Butterscotch Pie, and ate it, raising his HP high enough to try and surface and kill Sans. He than charged at Sans again, who than goes into combat against him one again, as he summoned his trident again.
Frisk, back at the Save Screen, continues to pound and strike the barrier, only to see a crack. Seeing that there is an opening, he began to hit it and hit it and hit it again, as the crack became more and more greater than before.
As Chara and Sans continue to fight, Sans is beginning to become more and more desperate, as he used all of his tricks as much as he can in order to stop Chara, who keeps on cutting through them, except for the Trident..
Now become my nightmare
Sparkling purple essence in the dark
Waiting patiently by the door
No chance of it getting away
Chara and Sans clashed against each other, as Sans and Chara, they are both feeling tired. But Chara is very stubborn, and so is Sans, as Sans and Chara continue to clash, with Sans trying to stab Chara in the head, only for Chara to duck, and swing his arm, knocking the trident out of his hand, and is now ready to kill Sans, who has a look of hatred and fury in his eyes, despite his smile, with Sans extending his hand to try and manifest an attack, hopefully just in time.
The echo...resounds.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Before the attack can hit, something got in the way. Chara looked wide eyed, and so did Sans, as Frisk stood in between the both of them. Sans was stunned, as he spoke out.
"There's...2 of them?"
Than, Sans felt something inside of him, as he spoke out to himself.
"Is this what mercy...feels like?"
Than, Frisk spoke out to Sans.
"Sans...I am very sorry, for having you be brought into this. Please, take my soul, and fix this terrible mistake that I have made. Kill...Chara."
Than, Frisk's body disperses, leaning only his red soul behind. Chara, not wanting to lose it, goes in fast to grab it. But Sans' outstretched arm grabbed onto it first, and made a powerful shockwave. One so powerful that Chara was sent flying into a pillar. But Chara grabbed his knife and stood back up, as he looks to see Sans. There is nothing different about him, except that...the red part of his eyes are glowing on their own, and not by Sans' own power. Sans could feel his power increase, but not his LV. Despite this, his stats have increased to an immense degree. And it is enough to kill Chara. But he also has another trick up his sleeve that he can now access.
As Chara smiled menacingly at Sans, ready to fight him, Sans laughed. This made Chara confused, until Sans spoke out.
"Kid..aren't you forgetting something that you are supposed to have?"
Chara than looked at Sans, and his eyes widened in shock. Underneath Sans' hand, is a button, the RESET Button, now in Sans' hand. This made Sans smiled. Perhaps this kid deserves another chance after all.
"But first."
All of a sudden, a purple bone pierced Chara in the stomach, sending him into the air, and Gaster Blasters surrounded Chara, before they fired, as Chara's body became obliterated. Sans smiled, as he spoke out to the now dead Chara.
"Get dunked on, ya Megalomaniac."
He than pressed the RESET Button, and than, time Reset back to the way it was, before Sans commuted his own Genocide. Unfortunately for Sans...this did not fix the problem that Sans has after he had been forced to commit Genocide on his own people in order to stop Frisk and Chara. Namely, his newly concentrated and gathered determination and the powers that he had absorbed, after he had killed everyone, they are now apart of him, permanently. But then...a voice spoke out.
"FASCINATING...THIS TIMELINE IS...STRANGE. MAYBE...JUST MAYBE..."/❽︎☞︎✌︎💧︎👍︎✋︎☠︎✌︎❄︎✋︎☠︎☝︎⑤︎❄︎☟︎✋︎💧︎ ❄︎✋︎💣︎☜︎☹︎✋︎☠︎☜︎ ✋︎💧︎⑤︎💧︎❄︎☼︎✌︎☠︎☝︎☜︎📬︎ 💣︎✌︎✡︎👌︎☜︎⑤︎☺︎🕆︎💧︎❄︎ 💣︎✌︎✡︎👌︎☜︎⑤︎❾︎
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