Dusttrust and Seraphim
Now...now Dust has seen a lot of stuff. He is low facing the members of Abyss' group, and needless to say, they are kind of odd to look at. As said by Abyss, it is composed of Ganz, Beats, Kin, Cross, Mecha, and apparently, Color was once in their group, before he had decided to leave. And they are meeting them inside of a place that Abyss knows, which is of a dimension with white sans, crystal blue see, and has a house in the middle of the beach.
And all of them...well, almost all of them, they seem to be pretty friendly people to be with. But Kin seems to be a little bit distrustful to the group, due to the fact that he is meeting these people for the first time. Of course, he does. It know why this is the case, but Dust does not seem to care, as he is well aware that they will not be of an actual friendship unless proven, but he does not prove anything. He is simply here to help them if they help his group in return.
Glitch, who had became awake and decided to join the group, since he has nothing to come back to, has shown to be getting along with the other members of the group, simply due to how friendly they are. Although he is very angry at Dust for what he had done, he does sympathize with him, as he did not have a choice back then, and he only got too desperate. And on a side note, he is even helping him with the problem that he has, which is of the unstable body that he has right now. He has been feeding him food that is both magic and infused with physical matter, such as the Butterscotch Pie, which have been useful for Glitch, as he is eating more and more of it, and eventually, it gave him the physical matter that he needed in order to keep on staying alive, although it didn't reverse the process, just simply halted it.
His HP is still 21, and he still has 999 DEF, but now, due to all that has happened, he had gained a permanent stat of Determination, which made him permanently strong. It is thanks to this that he is able to give Dust a rather big challenge, and has even taught him a trick that Frisk had taught him, and that is to manipulate Determination. Although he did not learn much, he is able to learn from Frisk in how to use it defensively, although he did not do it, and so he taught him how to use Determination defensively, such as making armor, or by infusing bones with Determination, which Glitch was able to do, even though Dust learned to make infused-Determination Weapons, but does not want to learn how to make armor. He is able to infuse his bones with Determination, which made taking down more tougher than before, though not to the same extent as Dust, and thanks to what he has seen Frisk do, he is able to cover himself in the Armor of the Red, which made him more tougher than deal with than ever before. But his ATK did not change, and he only has 1 ATK still, not that it does not change anything, since he still had the Karma power inside of him, which allows him to use it as poison damage.
But Glitch is currently trying to make a Melee Weapon for him to use, such as a Sword, especially since Dust is using blades to act as his weapons, and he thinks that he should do the same, make a weapon that can help him with this, and make it as strong as he can. But so far, he is not doing very well, especially since he is unable to make a sword for some reason. However, Dust does help him with some other stuff, such as using the bones in a similar manner to Undyne's Spears, which he has access to when he killed her. Glitchtale Sans copied this method, and so far, it is very great for him to do it. Now that he has been infusing DT into his bones, he is able to cause more poison damage than ever before when he did not have DT. And as such, he is now very tough to the point that he is close to Dust's level of difficulty, though much easier to fight against due to the fact that Dust had much more determination, and the fact that he has much more weapons at his disposal, even the Fear powers that he had when he killed Bete, the very same person that had killed Glitch in the first place.
But it is not just magic that Dust has improved. He has also been helping Glitch with his physicality, and while he physically more durable than before, he is not that strong. And because of this, he had decided to try and help Glitch with that problem. Although it is a little bit difficult, due to the fact that he needs to try and raise his stat to 1. Thankfully, though, there have been some progress, although it is not changing his ATK in anyway. And the reason why he wants to help Glitch in physicality is due to the fact that he will need to face either Insanity or Horror, due to the fact that they have physicality of their own. And this is necessary, so that Glitch can be ready for either of them, although he thinks that Glitch should go up against Insanity, especially since his stat also has a 1 in the ATK that it has, making him fit for Glitch to fight up against.
Right now, though...Dust and Delta are getting ready to try and find 2 more other Sanses. But this time, they are going separately. For Dust, he is going to try and find a version of himself called Dusttrust, while Geno is going to try and find a version of Sans called Seraphim. These 2 are very powerful themselves, although in different ways. He is powerful by the fact that Dusttrust gained Determination and LV, just like Dust himself has, and Seraphim, he did it due to the fact that he absorbed human souls, like Color and Delta had done, except that, unlike the other 2, he had gained power through all 7 human souls, which makes him infinitely more powerful than the other Sanses. But that does not necessarily mean that he is the strongest of the Sanses because of the fact that, surprisingly, there are people that are much stronger than him, and these version of Sans haven't absorbed a human soul, but got stronger by something else. And luckily, both of them are not gonna be going with this alone. Ganz is gonna go with Dust, along with Glitch, and this is mainly because he wants to see how much he improved on his power. While Abyss, Geno, and Color are going to come with Delta to try and see if they are able to try and bring Seraphim to their side. Well, at least hope for the best that they can do that.
Inside of an Alternate Timeline version of an Alternate Universe, there exists a new type of genocide timeline, one that is very similar to the one that Dust himself is once in. And yet, it is much more different, and the difference exists inside of the Judgement Hall, where the fight is taking place.
Inside of the Judgement Hall, the entire area of it had now changed. It is now monochromatic in a way, almost looking grey and black all over, black due to the shadows, and inside of the Judgement Hall, there exists 2 people fighting against each other. The first one being Frisk, who is fighting against someone, but is sent flying backwards into a pillar by the strength of a certain monster's attack. But the second person is not a human at all. No, it is of a monster. This monster have a very strong resemblance to Sans, but only when it comes to his face, as everything else is different.
This version of Sans resembles a Swap Sans, but has eyes similar to that of Dust's eyes, except that he still kept the yellow part of his left eye, he has Papyrus' hoodie around this waist, and has purple swords in his hands. This version of Sans is known as Dusttrust Sans. In this AU, it is a fusion between Underswap and Dustbelief. The Underswap Papyrus has tried to go on the same route that Dust Sans has went, but Swap Sans is forced to kill him in self-defense. And ever since then, when he learned of the reason why Papyrus did all the things that he had done, he went mad, and decided to take matters into his own hands, as he than decided to continue Papyrus' work, by killing as many of the monsters as he can, if not all of them. Of course, though, that did not happen, as many of them survived somewhere in the True Lab, but are unable to be found. But that did not matter, because Dusttrust got what he wanted. And in return with his immense LV and Determination, he became powerful. Only downside, is that he is weaker than Dustbelief, because he gained an ATK of 210 and the DEF of 430, in comparison with Dustbelief', who's 999 in these 2 categories. However, this does not seem to effect Dusttrust in anyway, as he is still able to fight agains the human, although admittedly, with trouble, but even than, he has been able to kill the human a bunch of times with his newfound power. But slowly and surely, he is starting to lose the fight against the Human, who is able to grow stronger and learn from his fight against Dusttrust, as they swung their Knife against Dusttrust, summoning a red slash against him. But Dusttrust avoided the attack, as he is able to bring out his second sword.
Dusttrust Sans held his swords in his hands, both of them colored purple, as he prepares to fight against the Human that had came here to go and meet their death. He than did a X-Slash quickly, as the purple slashes came rushing at Frisk, who than swung their knife to try and get rid of it, only for the slash to still be there, forcing Frisk to avoid the attack by going into a tight spot, being barely able to save their skin, hit did take some damage from the attack. Dusttrust looks at Frisk, who has taken over Chara, as Frisk smiled, her mouth having became red, as she held her knife tightly in her hands, as she than looks at Dusttrust, and charged at him, with Dusttrust charging at her as well, and made an attempt to try and take her down. He launched bones at her, which she is able to dodge, and than fired Gaster Blasters at her, which she dodged as well, until she went in close to Dusttrust, in which she swung her knife, and Dusttrust swung her swords, as the knife and swords clashed and grind against each other.
Dusttrust ducked down and dodged the knife stab, as he than sliced Frisk across the chest with his 2 blades, making an axe shaped wound. This made Frisk stumble backwards a little bit, before Frisk than ate some food in order to heal from the attack. Frisk than charged at Dusttrust, who did all that he can to defend against the attack. Frisk swung and made red slash projectiles at Dusttrust, only for Dusttrust to make a purple slash at Frisk, and cancel it it the attack, as Dusttrust than made some Gaster Blasters fire at Frisk, only for Frisk to dodge. But Dusttrust is also going into a losing battle, as he than began to feel tired, and as that happened, his swords than turned white, meaning that it is no longer being infused with Determination, and is now weaker compared to the True Knife that Frisk using, and Frisk took the time to strike. Frisk charged at Dusttrust, and swung her knife to strike at him in order to finally finish the fight. But before that can happen, all of a sudden, purple bones erupted from the ground in front of Dusttrust, stopping the attack, which made Frisk shocked. And before he knew what is happening, Blue Magic covered Frisk, and sends her flying into a wall, before bones pierced Frisk, and then, a Gaster Blaster, one different from Dusttrust's Gaster Blaster, appeared out of nowhere and blasted the human to oblivion, as there is nothing left of her remaining after the surprise attack.
"Huh? What just happened?"
Than, a voice spoke out.
"Hello, other me."
This made Dusttrust turn to see who it is...only to what stunned that the people that came to his location, bare a very strong resemblance to him, but all of them are wearing blue jackets, and are immensely strong themselves, as Dusttrust can sense that there is DT in all of them, but the one in the middle, Dust, he resembles him a lot. Could they all be a friend of his?
"Who are you?"
Dusttrust spoke out, as Dust than stepped forward, before he than spoke out to Dusttrust.
"Someone who had been in the same situation as you. Especially since I am a version of you from a different Universe."
This made Dusttrust interested, as he goes up to Dust, as he than spoke out.
"You have the same eyes that I do."
Dust than shrugged, as he than spoke out.
"Ehh...went into the same spot as you do. Had to kill my own kind just to stop a rotten kid. And I say you are doing the same thing as well."
Dusttrust nodded, as he than spoke out.
"Yes. I am."
Dust smiled, as he than spoke out.
"Say...how about we work together to bring the kid down. And we will force them to give up. After all, you want the kid gone forever, right?"
Dusttrust nodded.
"Yes, I do. For she has been the reason that I had suffered for far too long!"
Dust smiled, as he than spoke out.
"Well...how about we work together and try to bring down the kid. After all, I was able to do it to one that had the same problem you are in."
Dusttrust smiled, as Glitch Sans and Ganz went next to Dusttrust and Dust, as their eyes flared. But for Dust and Dusttrust, they ended up doing something else in their stances.
Dust Sans and Dusttrust Papyrus, along with their phantom brothers, all appeared and got ready to fight against the human. The 2 Papyruses have their eyes flared dangerously, as Dust looked at the human, and spoke.
"Let's dunk her."
The kid came back, as Frisk held her knife tightly in her hand, and Dusttrust looks at Frisk, as he than spoke out.
"Hello, Human. I see you came back once more. But this time...it will be different...because now..."
Dust, Glitch, and Ganz appeared from the shadows, as Frisk's eyes widened in shock at what they are seeing, as Dusttrust spoke out.
"I am not alone."
Frisk snarled a little bit, as she than gripped her knife even more tightly, before she than swung her Knife at Dusttrust. But Dust appears in front of Dusttrust, and swung his scythe, making a pink slash, as the 2 slashes counter each other much more easily.
Frisk covered her eyes with one of her arms, before Dust than rushed forward, and and swung his Scythe at Frisk, who countered with the Knife. But when that happened, Dust than felt something. His Stat increased, as he than saw something in his profile. FILE 0, is what it is called. This made Dust stunned, as he than spoke out.
"Didn't expect to have that. But you know what, I like it."
But Dust, deciding that he does not need an increase in power, changes his stats back to normal, as he than sees that Glitch had appeared behind Frisk, and fired Gaster Blasters at her, burning her body badly, and when she stood up, Ganz appeared in front of Frisk, and punched her very hard, causing blood to come out of her mouth, as she spat it out. But the instant that happened, Dusttrust appeared right in front of Frisk, and before the human can react, Dusttrust thrusted the attack right into Frisk's chest, causing her to die instantly. This made Dust surprised and a little bit happy, as Dusttrust smiled a lot, due to the fact that he now has a way to defeat the human, and it will make the human ever regret coming to him and causing genocide in the Underground in the first place.
Then, the human came back again, but the Phantom Papyruses came out of nowhere, with Phantom Papyrus stabbing Frisk with red bones, and Swapdust Papyrus using a Gaster Blaster to annihilate the kid. Seems like this is going to be the most fun time of Dusttrust's life.
Geno, Color, Delta, and Abyss are inside of a void of some kind, and luckily, due to their power, they are resistant to the power of the Void itself, as it is able to prevent them from being like Gaster. And right now, they are seen talking to someone, and the person that they are speaking to, he is a very large Sans to be speaking to. He us 10 feet tall in height, possibly more, 3 pairs of wings, a jawless Gaster Blaster on his head, a rainbow cape and hood, a sharp tail, and has a jawless skull, with 3 jaws that are useless for speaking, with the wings and the ribcage having all 7 human souls inside of them.
This is Seraphim Sans, who is from an Alternate Timeline called The Thought. In this AT, Sans had decided to absorb the 7 Human Souls, along with Frisk's soul, and is able to become a being of godlike might and supreme power. And needless to say, it went a little bit bad for him, due to the fact that he is forced to go under the identity of Wing Ding. Basically, he is as strong as Asriel Dreemurr, as he is now a being of infinite power, due to the 7 Souls inside of him. But unlike Asriel, he can speak to the 7 human souls, or at least the people that have them, and this includes Frisk and Chara, both of whom share the same red soul. And none of the other Sanses can fight him. Of course, Color is the closest to being able to fight him, but he only has 6 Human Souls, not to mention the fact that he has a fragile body. He may have been able to heal thanks to Dust's Butterscotch Pie, but that is all it did. But it did give him more physical matter, so he will be a bit more tougher than before. The group continue to speak to Seraphim Sans himself.
"And that is what we want you to be in."
Seraphim than looks down a little bit, before he than speaks out to him.
"So...let me get this straight."
He than looks at Color and Geno, along with Delta and Abyss, as he does a little bit of a recap.
"You had met a strong version of Dust that refused to work with Nightmare, and you decided to make a group, with Dust as the leader, and you are traveling to different AUs to try and find others that can help you in your task to stop Nightmare from continuing whatever he is doubt?"
Delta nodded his head.
"Yeah, and not to mention that he has a large group at his side. Usually, he would have the Murder Time Trio at his side, but this is much more larger.
Almost like it is meant for an entire Multiverse to conquer, or something like that."
Color than took the turn to speak out.
"And as you see...that is a huge problem for all of us."
Geno than took the time to speak.
"So...you are coming along on not?"
Seraphim looks at everyone, as he than spoke out.
"That does sound like a problem. And knowing you, Delta, you would never joke about any of this when it comes to Nightmare."
Of course, Seraphim knows of Geno and Color, due to having met them in the Void, as well as the Safe Screen, which is connected to the void in a way, and he met them more frequently than Delta. Of course he has met Delta, but not as much. Seraphim crossed his arms, as he than spoke out.
"Well, I don't like to wonder away from home, but...considering how important this is, I think it is safe to assume that I am going to be really needed against him. So alright, I'm coming along."
Delta nodded his head, as he than spoke out.
"That's great to here. Welcome to the team, Seraphim."
Seraphim smiled, as Delta spoke out.
"And Abyss, I think they may have gotten Dusttrust by now. Think you can make a portal for them?"
Abyss nodded, as he than made a portal, for Dust and the others to enter. After a minute, Dust, Glitch, and Ganz came out of the portal, with Dusttrust now following them. All 4 of them landed onto the ground, as Dust spoke out.
"Thank for that, Abyss, now did you guys yet-"
As Dust looked and saw Seraphim, he was stunned, as he spoke out.
"Woah. You are huge. You must be Seraphim, right?"
Seraphim nodded, as he than spoke out.
"Yep. And you must be this other Dust Sans that Delta talked about. It is not often to find a heroic version of Dust."
Dust than smiled as he spoke out.
"Pleasure's mine. And Delta, is that all of them?"
Delta shook his head.
"Not yet. There is one more group that we need to go to, and you need to take Glitch and Geno with you."
This made Dust looked at Delta in confusion, as he spoke out.
"Who am I taking along?"
Delta smiled at Dust, as he than spoke out the name of the group that he wants to go to.
"The Bad Time Trio."
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