It has been...3 months, since that incident with Horror. And luckily, he is able to catch a break from that. Or more like, he would have. Because Undyne saw that he can use her spears, she forced him to practice, and luckily, due to Sans having gained enhanced physically, he is able to keep up with Undyne in many of their varying sparring matches. And Sans actually was able to quickly learn and master the use of Undyne's spears in such a short amount of time, something that Undyne is very proud of. And Sans, in return, had begun teaching Papyrus to use his Blue Magic more effectively, and the fact that he can use the Gaster Blasters, with his right eye being red, the same color of both of Phantom Papyrus' glowing eye sockets. And luckily, he is getting some handle on using his blue magic the way that he does it, and even Papyrus was stunned, as he than spoke out.
Sans than spoke out.
"I had to practice it on some objects for that I can move objects the way that you had seen me do it. Admittedly, it took a very long time for me to perfect it. Months at most, and it is very long months for me to do something such as this. But don't worry, bro. Just, be patient and take your time. It is the only way to be able to master this power."
Papyrus nodded his head, as he spoke out.
Sans smiled and did a thumbs up, as he than felt his phone vibrate, before he than picked up and spoke out to whoever is on the other side.
"Hello? Who is this?"
Than, he heard the voice of none other than Toriel herself.
"Hello, Sans, how are you doing?"
Sans spoke back to her.
"Great. How about you and your kid?"
Toriel than spoke out to Sans.
"I'm doing fine, Sans. And Asriel is too. He really liked his birthday. And thank you for bringing him that cake."
Sans spoke out to Toriel.
"Hey, just wanted to make the kid happy, nothing more. Anyways, you want me for something?"
Toriel than spoke out.
"Yes, actually, we have a guest inside of the house, and we have not introduced Papyrus and you to her yet. So can you and your brother release come to the house to greet her?"
Sans spoke out.
"Ehh, why not? After all, me and Papyrus are gonna go back home anyways to meet the new guest you have. I'll see you soon, Toriel."
Toriel and Sans both hung up, as Sans spoke out.
"Hey, Paps. You ready to go and meet the new guest in the house?"
Papyrus nodded, as Sans stood up, touched Papyrus' arm, and they both teleported into the house, as he spoke out.
"Alright, here I am."
Toriel than jumped to see that Sans is here, as she than spoke out to him.
"It is very happy to see you having arrived in the house on time, Sans. Anyways, I would like for you and Papyrus to meet your visitor. Meet Betty."
Sans and Papyrus went to the living room, and there is someone there that seems to be a little bit...off.
Standing before Sans, is a girl at a height that is the same as Frisk. She has brown hair with pink tipsX and wears clothes that are purple, pink, and magenta, with brown boots that reaches up to her knees. Next to her a blob of pink mass with a face. She looked innocent, as Betty spoke out to the 2 brother.
"Hello, my name is Betty. It's nice to meet you."
Her voice sounded friendly and innocent, as Papyrus was happy to see a new friend. Sans simply looked at her. He does not know why, but he has a strange feeling about this girl, and now a great one.
Papyrus said, as he than shook her hand, and they both retracted. Sans than looks at Betty, a little suspicious, as he than spoke out.
"The name is Sans. Heya, kid."
Sans held out his hand and shook it. Luckily, he did not put up a whoopee cushion on there, as Sans hear Phantom Papyrus' voice speak out.
Sans than spoke out to Papyrus.
"You and me both, Paps. I'm gonna check her stats."
Before Betty let go, Sans used the time he has left to check Betty's stats. The stats were all question marks...except for the description.
'Bearer of the Soul of Fear.'
This made Sans confused, as he also noticed a Pink Soul.
'Fear? I have never heard of a soul trait like that. I have heard of Bravery, Justice, Kindness, Integrity, Patience, Perseverance, and Determination. But Fear? I do not like the sound of that. And I have never seen a color like that on a soul. What is she?'
Sans than let's go of Betty, as the blob began to growl at him. Sans noticed this, and he than spoke out to Betty about it.
"And who's that little blob next to you?"
Betty looks at the blob, with the face, as she than spoke out.
"Oh, that's Kumu. My only companion."
Sans than looks at Betty in the eyes, as he than spoke out.
"So, what are you here for, Betty?"
Betty had a sweet smile on her face, as she than spoke out to Sans.
"Why, I simply wanted to know how the magic that you monsters have work. So I figured that I should question about it."
Sans than looks at Betty, not wanting to tell her, as he than spoke out.
"Oh, uuuuh, my magic is way too unusual, so it won't be of any help. You can ask my friend, Alphys. I think she will be able to give you some demonstrations on how monster magic works, right?"
Betty smiled, as he spoke out.
"Well, of course."
Sans than spoke out.
"By the way, who did you meet, first?"
Betty then spoke out.
"Your friend, Frisk. He saved me when I was nearly crashed by a car. He saved me. And I am very thankful of him."
Sans looks down at Betty, as Phantom Papyrus spoke out to Sans.
Sans than spoke out to Papyrus, although only he can hear Sans' voice.
"Yeah, I do. And if there are some suspicious activities that are happening, than I'll need to launch my own investigation. Because whatever this Betty person is, she sure ain't normal."
He than looks down at Betty, as he than saw that Frisk had came back, and he and Betty began to converse with one another, as Sans spoke out.
"When we start investigating, remain present with me and do not disappear until we've finished, okay?"
Papyrus nodded his head, as he agreed, before he than began ti disappear, until Sans starts to make his investigation. He does not know why, but he knows this. That this Betty person is bad news, and he would rather not know what happens if she gets what she wants. For now, he needs to remain vigilant and cautious when around someone such as Betty, due to how mysterious she is in Sans' eye sockets. His left eye glowed purple with Malice, as he spoke quietly.
"I don't know what your intention is, Betty. But if it's bad, I'll stop you, like I stopped Chara."
There had been a meeting, between Asgore and Jessica Grey, who is the leader of the Anti-Monster Department.
At first, it was going smoothly. But than, Asgore had to confess what he had done, involving the killing of kids to break the barrier, and one of them, was Jessica's daughter, which made Jessica reject that sort of peaceful coexistence between monster sand humans. This lead to Asgore being locked up, and when Sans looked, he saw Betty, hidden behind a wall, and she smiled strangely. This made Sans suspicious, as this is not normal behavior. His suspicion towards grew even more than ever before, due to how she was there so very suddenly.
And than, an accident came when it involved his brother, Papyrus. He was at a type of construction job, but then, he began to act all weird. Although Sans can't see, he can tell that something is been wrong with Papyrus, and when the metal beams began to fall, Sans managed to bring our vines from the ground, and grab them, before telling the civilians to clear away. They did, but as that happened, Sans than felt something coming, but Phantom Papyrus was able to block it with a wall of red bones before whatever it was that was about to hit Sans could have the chance affecting him, and he was able to bring the beams down safely without any sort of deaths. After this, he had to report his suspicious to the authorities, and while Papyrus won't be accused as intentionally dropping metal onto other people, he will have to be observed for 24 hours, until they know that he is safe. Sans sighed in unhappiness, due to this, as Sans is getting frustrated, and now, he is at his house, with Frisk and Asriel.
"This is getting ridiculous. We have only found more and more questions and we found no real answers. And there is no way that we can find them."
Frisk looks down, as he than began to thought of something.
"Sans, don't you find this strange that, these accidents appear whenever there are both monster and humans cooperating and working together?"
This made Sans stopped, as he does realize that, and he than spoke out.
"Yeah, I do notice that. Whenever there are monsters and humans separated, they are fine. But when there are monster and humans together and coexisting, an accident occurs. It is as though that someone does not want this sort of thing to happen."
Asriel than looks at Sans as he than spoke out.
"Are you saying that the Anti-Monsters Department are involved in this somehow?
Sans than looks at Asriel, as he than spoke out.
"There is no doubt about it. Asriel, we need to get inside of the Anti-Monsters Department and see the surveillance cameras in order to see what is causing all of their. Frisk, I want you to stay here, just in case something comes to attack the house."
Frisk nods his head, as Sans puts a shoulder on Asriel, and the both of them disappear in thin-air, as they went to their destination in order to find out what's happening.
With Gaster...
Gaster was looking no through some stuff inside of his desks, as he than saw something, a book of sorts, and he began to see what this book is all about.
"Hm? The Tale of the Twin Siblings again?
Perhaps I'll be able to finish it this time. This language is easier to understand after all I've learned these past few days."
Gaster had than sat down onto a chair, and he began to read it.
The two siblings, both powerful wizards responsible for creating the barrier, had agreed on all during their shared ruling of the kingdom. However, their opinions on monsterkind differed The soul of Determination wanted to destroy the barrier, while Bravery thought it was a good measure to keep the peace. Confident, Bravery challenged her brother. If he could prove to be more powerful than she, he could destroy the barrier. Bravery's power was greater, but as the battle continued she felt an incredible strength within her sibling. His Determination had no limits, leading him to victory. Bravery felt humilliated... as a consequence of this she lost her trait, and with it... her magic. She exiled herself, searching for a trait greater than Determination. And alas, she found it. To change the very essence of your soul... a dangerous and forbidden spell. However, she cared not for the laws of magic. She returned to once more challenge her brother. During their final confrontation, [Redacted Text] power overcame Determination. This time, instead of growing stronger Determination lost more and more power as the battle preogressed. The kingdom fell into ruin from the destruction of the battle. She came out vitorious. But her soul could never adapt to the sudden change.
With Sans...
Sans and Asriel than looked to see where they are, and saw that they are in the surveillance room, as Sans spoke out.
"Oh look, we actually ended up in the right place
it'll be a while until I can teleport us out. So let's check on those recordings."
Sans than began to type away on a computer, as Sans spoke out.
"What are we looking for exactly?"
Asriel than spoke out to Sans.
"I have a feeling that the AMD had something to do with this whole mess. Whatever they did, it's all recorded. And they're probably trying to hide it somewhere..."
Sans looks at Asriel and nodded, as he began to type away, but he than noticed something.
"How funny, this room doesn't have cameras."
But than, Asriel noticed something onto the computer, as he than spoke out.
"Sans look."
Sans stopped, as Asriel pointed at something.
"This folder has weird recordings from different places."
This made Sans confused, and he checked one. He than looked and saw that Betty is kneeling onto the road, and as that happened, Frisk came long ask summoned a shield onto the road, which confused Sans.
Even Asriel was confused, as he spoke out.
"Why would Frisk summon their shield in the middle of the street?"
Sans than looked down, and spoke out.
"Betty said that Frisk save her from a car ready to crash into her in the middle of the road. But look, there is no car. Something is not right."
Sans than did more research, and began to look into more folders, until he then saw one of them.
"This one is from the meeting day. In front of gaster's lab."
Asriel than looked, and saw something in the cameras.
Sans looked and was confused, as he spoke out to him.
"Wasn't she sleeping at his lab when the reunion was happening?"
Sans than looked down, and then, it finally made sense.
"The accident, the one that Papyrus was involved in, it is all her. We have to warn the others."
But as he said that, a voice spoke outZ
"I wished to be the one to reveal the big surprise..."
Sans and Asriel turned to see Betty standing outside the door, and at the same time, Gaster was finishing the story.
"A pink trait...a 'Bete Noire'...the SOUL of FEAR."
Gaster said, as Bete and Kumu smiled menacingly.
"Oh well... not like it matters. I already obtained all the information I needed."
Sans glared, as he spoke out.
"Let's go."
But before Sans could act, he is suddenly shot in the back, and it prevented his magic from being used. Asriel shouted out his name.
He turns around to see that it is none other than Jessica, who had a gun in her hand. It made Sans very unsurprised, as he than spoke out.
"Figured that you would be working with the kid."
Then, Bete Noire began to speak out.
"Your SOUL is really special Asriel. Mind if I take it? Akumu is hungry."
Bete Noire than made a spear out her own soul, as she smiled at Asriel, who is caught in her hallucinations. Sans glared, but he remained clam, as Jessica pointed her gun at Sans, keeping him from using his powers, as Bete Noire than prepares to kill the monster that bares the Rainbow Soul.
But Bete does not want Asriel to go away suddenly, as she than used her powers, and he made Asriel's vision see what appear to be Chara in front of him, as he is too stunned to move, and Sans shouted out.
But Asriel did not seem to listen, as Bete can speak out.
"He can't hear you."
This made Sana angry, but he then remembered something. He may not be able to use magic, but someone else can. He narrows his eye and concentrated on trying to summon him so that he can be able to protect Asriel from where Betty will do.
Both her and Kumu, are eager to kill and take Asriel's soul.
"Don't worry...I'll make this quick."
She than prepares to throw her spear at Asriel, and she did, she threw at him fast, and Asriel had just enough time to see the spear coming, but not long enough to stop it. So he closed his eyes, and waited for the pain. But...it didn't happen. Asriel opened one eye, and he than saw something, a red gloved hand, hovering, as it caught the spear, as Sans smiled wider, before speaking out.
"Kiddo...I have question for you."
Then, another hand appeared, and than, a head, the head of Papyrus' skull, as his eye sockets glowed red, with Bete Noire shocked at the sight of what she is seeing.
Sans smiled cruelly, his left eye glowing purple, as he than spoke out to Bete Noire.
"Did you honestly think, you had fooled me that easily? No, I was ready for this."
The Phantom Papyrus then threw the spear back at Betty, and stabbed her in the shoulders, shocking her, as Papyrus than turned to Jessica, who was shocked at what she is seeing.
"No, how, how can this be?! You're back in the jail cell!"
But Phantom Papyrus does not answer, as he charged at her, and he than punched her very hard in the face, knocking her off of her feet, before he stabbed the gun with a sharp red bone, destroying it. Sans felt his power return, but he than saw Kumu coming towards Asriel, determined to get his soul, only for Papyrus to get in front of Kumu and head butted him very hard, sending him back to Betty, who is trying to get the spear out of her shoulders. Phantom Papyrus disappeared, as Sans grabbed onto Asriel's shoulder, and the 2 of them disappeared, and went to Gaster.
Gaster turned around, and he looked at Sans' face, and realized that Sans had discovered it, just as Gaster did.
"We have a huge problem in our hands."
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