Coded Cosmic Determination

(Mistake I made in the previous chapter. Ten and the Astral Mother were back in the Omega Timeline, not in the MainFrame still)

100 snarled at the sight of Error666, who smiled at the older brother of Error404, as he got ready for the fight of his life. Error666 got into a stance, as he got ready to go against him. The Astral Mother, looking at Error666, spoke out to him.

"What the hell? You look like my disgraced child and his bug. Who the hell are you?! Are you still my pathetic son?!"

Error666 looks at her, and he spoke out.

"I am neither Error404 or Error Sans, I am Error666, the Puppet Master!!! It's over, Astral Mother, I come for you and your brainless, loyal dog, Samson!!!"

The Astral Mother then snarled, as she goes out to try and attack him, but Seraphim Dust and Fatal interrupted it by attacking her, as he spoke out.

"More like, we got her, Error666!!! 100's all yours!!"

Fatal Error nodded, as he spoke out.

"No kidding!"

As that happened, Ten No Kami, who is looking at the fight that is prepared to go down, spoke to herself.

"That fool, he's going to destroy everything if I don't get out of here."

As she said that, she got ready to leave and get out of here before she could possibly be destroyed, only for chains to go towards them and wrap around their tentacles. Ten looked over pissed off to see Emperor Multiverse there at the other end of them, as she screamed out.


Emperor Multiverse breathed a bit, no longer wanting to fight the Astral Mother, as he is here to make sure that Ten No Kami gets what she deserves.

"...I must have a death wish, that joining with that thing left me completely drained. However I can't just let this thing get away."

Emperor Multiverse then began to muster up the strength to fight again. Omni got up and began to flex his arms and legs as lighting began to come from his body.

Error666 turned to look at Emperor Multiverse, and he sees a side that the Emperor had never done before, and it is astounding, as he then thought to himself on this scene.

'Wow, even you too. 404 was wrong about you. You really are amazing.'

Omnipotent then stood up, as he flexed his limbs and finger a bit, as he then spoke out.

"Good, Finally I'm back up to full strength again."

Omnipotent began to walk to 100, as Error666 then began to speak to himself.

"To think that thing is putting up such a intense fight. Samson, to 404. Such ferocity and such rage. Fueling you like it is, that power is intense. I don't think I'll have much effect on him. Especially with how he's going."

Omnipotent then goes beside Error666, as he then spoke out to him.

"Ares, Good to see your done with your nap."

Omnipotent looks at Error666, as he then spoke out.

"I see you're back in that fusion. And...I may have seen it, but I never bothered to observe it. And...the fusion..."

Omnithorn then spoke inside of his mind.

"This fusion is a lot more different then what we're doing."

Omnipotent nodded, before he activated his Omnithorn form, erupting with power as he then went to 45%, lighting erupted from every hole in his body with him already beginning to melt away. Error666 covered his eyes from the sheer power. And now that he is using his Conduit Soul, he is drawing the willpower from others in order for strengthen himself, and thus, the melting was not as bad as before.

"Wow Ares, you've gotten a lot stronger since the last time you fought 404 in that form. I bet if you faced off against that creature and 404 again the fight would have different results. You really are amazing."

Omnipotent, as he continues to attack 100, spoke out.

"Your not the only one who trains you know. Speaking of fights though, we should come up with a plan to attack this thing. That form have any secrets?"

Error666 shook his head.

"No, as you remember that this form is only a combination of Error and Error404's power, and while it increased isn't that much compared to 100. Maybe if I was summoned earlier and 100 is made of metal, the outcome would have been different. And unfortunately...Warlock isn't here. And I think that this time, I don't think there's much we can do against against 100 at this state.

This made Omnithorn mad, as he spoke out.

"Great, we now have to fight without Warlock."

Error666 nodded, as a voice spoke out inside of his head.

"But maybe I can add some more tricks.

When that happened, Error666 spoke out.


Then, a black shockwave erupted from Error666, as it knocked Omnithorn a little bit, as well as 100, although he only skid back, as a familiar black substance began to cover Error666, making the shirt and the stripes on the pants red, before the teeth became sharp and separate, yet still being yellow, with the eyes red and blue rings again but now with a yellow pupil in the center of the socket. Eyes also appear onto the hood.

Just666, now no longer in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form, looked at himself, as he then spoke out.

"Damn, the form is only as strong as Excalibur, except slightly above it. Well, better then nothing. HEY, MINDLESS RAGE BEAST!!!!"

Just666 then shouted at 100, which caught his attention, as Just666 spoke out

"Your fight is with us now!"

Just666 smiled, as 100 roared and screamed at him, before charging at him.

The Omega Timeline inhabitants looked, as an Asriel spoke out in fear, holding onto his mother.

"Mama, we're not gonna die, are we?"

Core looks at the scene before her, as she spoke out.

"Oh Will, please."

Just666 and Omnithorn looked up at the Beast of Rage, as they then got ready for the fight of their lives. 100 then appeared behind them and punched Omni into the ground while Just666 jumped back and used strings to trip up 100 causing him to fall. Omni then flew high up and threw a large Zeus thunderbolt at 100 that exploded on impact. They both watched as the smoke cleared only for 100 to still be standing. Just666, smirking, goes to 100 and continues to punch and kick him in the head, as 100 is continuously getting attacked and hurt all over. He then jumped into the air, as he summoned a Blaster, now corrupted by Just666, as he then spoke out.

"Take this. MALWARE BLASTER!!!"

The blaster fired at 100, as 100 raised his arms to block against the attack, and 100 did all that he could. But then, 100 noticed that his own arms are starting to turn black, as if they are rotting from the blast. 100, in pure rage, fired his Pure Uncontrollable Blast at Just666, who barely avoided the attack. Then, 100 launched up at Just666, as he punched him in the gut, sending him back down to the ground, before Omnithorn leapt up at him and punched him hard, only for 100 to make a shockwave and sends Omnithorn launching towards Just666, who used his strings to catch him.

"ARGH! H-Hes too damn strong!!"

Omnithorn said, as Just666 then shouted back.

"Quit complaining and keep fighting!!!"

Just666 attacked 100, as Omnithorn joined in and attacked 100 once again.

With Emperor Multiverse, who is fighting both the Astral Mother and Ten No Kami alongside Fatal Error and Seraphim Dust.

Needless to say, fighting against those 2 is a pain, as they are both in a league of their own. Luckily, Emperor Multiverse is now stronger then 404, due to the form, but this doesn't change the outcome a single bit. The Astral Mother continues to fire Alpha Rays and Gaster Hands at Seraphim Dust and Fatal Error, who get out of the way and fire their blasters at her, as well as try to hold her in place. Seraphim Dust even fired a Combined Blast with the Chroma Blasters, and the Astral Mother got out of the way, only to get hit still because it followed her. Fatal Error then fired Fatal Blasters at the Astral Mother, who got hit, but she then fired an Alpha Ray onto Fatal Error, which combusted him. But Fatal is still alive, and a bit more madder then before, as his eyes then both turned red, and he began to attack far more furiously, as he launched red strings and Fatal Bones at the Astral Mother in order to try and take her down very quickly.

For Emperor Multiverse, he fires his King's Blasters as fast as he can, as Ten continues to fire blasts of Cosmic Essence at him, only for wormholes to be made in order to stop them. Ten then launched tentacles at Emperor Multiverse, who then summoned chains to stop them. But then, a tentacle that he did not notice came out of nowhere and struck him hard, hurting him badly, and making him cough blood, as his bones cracked a bit, and he spoke out.

"D-Damnit all."

Emperor Multiverse looked around, as he hears the screams of the Multiverse surrounding him. He look down, as he never felt this way before. He never felt this much of a fighter, and yet, he is doing it. He looked down, as he began to speak to himself.

They're....they're all counting on me and I can't even muster the power to stand. Why am I so pathetic, my life? My life of luxury and laziness is finally showing, In a moment of crisis I can do nothing, not even fight for my own life. How do you do it 404, Error and everyone? HOW DO YOU MUSTER THE COURAG TO DO WHAT YOU?!"

He punched the ground, now feeling such self-loathing for to first time in his life, as he looked down at the ground, and spoke out.

"All I can do is just sit and look pitiful as someone beats my ass into the ground. How can you all fight like its your last one, the last day you'll see the sun, the last day you'll eat, sleep or even feel anything at all?! How can you do it?"

He then closed his eyes, as he thought of how the people of the Multiverse once looked up to him, and at that time, his behavior was of a false just and kind behavior. But then...he opened his eyes, and he realized something.

"Maybe thats the difference, While they fight with all they have I'm still struggling to even think about the idea of me dying at all. I'm scared of death...scared of pain. I'm no fighter, I can't even comprehend the fight I'm in now. However...If I'm going to be king, If I'm going to be the one that these people look up to then I need to be more than their King! I NEED TO BE THEIR WARRIOR!!! TODAY I AM KING!MULTIVERSE NO MORE! TODAY.....rather I like it or not....TODAY I'M A WARRIOR!!!"

Emperor Multiverse snarled, as he fired his King's Blaster at Ten...but now the change of the King's Blaster occurred, with the bottom jaw black and white at different sides, this time the black side being on the left and white being on the left, while the top part of the skull is black on the right and white on the left, an Emperor Blaster, as it hits Ten, which made her scream in agony, but she snarled at him.

"What a disgusting fool!!! Well, at least you'll die knowing what it means to finally stand up for something. That at least is a bit honorable, I suppose."

Ten chuckled sinisterly, as she then fired a volley of blast at King who then mustered up whatever strength he had and began to doge the attacks and avoid the tentacles.

"I need to keep this up, I need to fight on. If this gray blob of fat gets away then everything will have been for nothing!"

Emperor Multiverse then spoke to himself, and without thinking, he then, to his one shock, fired his own version of the god ray, which is a purple colored ray and paralyzed Ten for a moment.


Ten and the Astral Mother shouted, as Emperor Multiverse looked in shock, but he smiled as he spoke out.

"I...I did it, my own God Ray!!! Yes...take this, Ten!! Because now...I have a new name for it!! King Ray!!!!"

He fired his King Ray at Ren, who got hit again, causing unimaginable pain, but Ten then swatted Emperor Multiverse away, as Ten shrieks at him.


Ten attacked once more, as Emperor Multiverse then began to fire his King Ray at Ten No Kami, and Fatal Error began to resume his fight against the Astral Mother. But as that happened, Seraphim Dust and looked see the other Alphatale members waking up. Going to them, Aurora spoke out.

"Ugh...what the hell? What happened?"

Aurora said, as Alpha!Frisk spoke out.

"Agh my head hurts, feels like someone was messing with it."

He then got up and shook his head. Quenya the stood up with Muffet joining her.

"Whats happening?"

Muffet asked, as Seraphim Dust went to them.

"You all alright?"

Everyone turned to look at Seraphim Dust, and Frisk spoke out.

"Yeah, do you know what happened?"

He points his finger at the Astral Mother and Ten, as he spoke out.

"These 2 controlled you and made you attack some people. We had to fight you to get out of of their control."

This made everyone shocked, as Frisk spoke out.

"Huh, no wonder why my head hurts?"

Then, Quenya spoke out.

"Wait, who's that?!"

Everyone turned, as 100 and Just666 are fighting one another, and Seraphim Dust spoke out.


This made Quenya shocked, as she spoke out.


"M-Mother Quenya?"

A voice spoke out, as Quenya turned around to see Excalibur walking to her. Although the voice was distorted, Quenya recognized his voice.


Quenya spoke on shock, as he nodded his head. Quenya was shocked, seeing what happened to her adopted son. She always remembered him as a little skeleton that looked like a cute little boy.

But this...this is something else. Quenya approached Adam, still in his Excalibur form, before she then hugged him, and Excalibur, with his extra arms and normal pair, did the same. Quenya teared a little bit, as she spoke out.

"Adam...I'm...I'm so happy to see you're alive."

Adam nodded, as he hugged his adopted mother, as she spoke out.

"I am too."

Quenya teared a little bit, before letting go of him, and kissing the top of his sword-shaped forehead, as of assuring to him that she still sees him as her son. Quenya then looked at the side, and sees 100 pummeling Just666 to the ground, as she spoke out.

"I have to help him. I'm not letting this walking ball of rage kill him!!!"

Excalibur nodded, as he spoke out.

"Let me join in!!"

He then grabbed onto 2 11D Multiverses, and made them into swords, as he then held them in both of his hands. This made Quenya surprised, but she smiled, as she spoke out.

"Then, let's go!!!"

Quenya and Excalibur then ran to 100, who is fighting against Just666.

As 100 and Just666 continues to fight, 100 launches so much consecutive punches at Just666, who tries to use his own consecutive punches to counter 100. But 100 then lands an extremely powerful hit, before he then sends him to the ground, and this knocked the Malware possessed transformation out of him, as 100 prepares to stomp him, and Error666 look to see the attack happen...but then, very suddenly.


Quenya shouted out, as she launched a spear at 100.

She then fired a Fear Spear at 100, hitting him and causing him to feel fear for a bit, but his rage began to consume him once more and try to fight off the fear. As that happened, Error666 looked and sees Quenya over him. As Error666 looked at her, the William inside of Error666 blurt out of her.

"M-Mother Quenya?"

Quenya smiled, as she picked Error666 up, and looked at him, and smiled.

"Heya, son."

Error666 felt a tear leaked out of his left eye, before hugging Quenya, gently, as Quenya smiled and hugged Error666 back, as William briefly gained control over the will of Error666, due to not forgetting all that she had done for him and his brother.

Error666 sniffled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"I...I missed you so much, Mother Quenya."

Quenya smiled, as she spoke out.

"Yeah, and I missed you too, William."

Quenya then picked William in the forehead to show her motherly love, as Error666 looked at her with a quivering yet happy smile, as tears of joy leaked out from his sockets. Quenya smiled, and wiped them away, as she and the others turned to 100, who recovered, and needless to say, he is furious at Quenya's actions.

Quenya smiled, as she summoned a Fear Spear, and with Error666, Excalibur, and Omnithorn at her side, she spoke out.

"Now then, it's time to send this beast down!!! NGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

She, Error666, Excalibur, and Omnithorn charged at 100, as 100 slammed his hands to the ground, causing everyone to leap up as well. But Excalibur charged in first, as he began to slash and stab at 100, using Metaphysical and Physical slashes at him, with the Metaphysical ones invisible to all but 100, who could see them, but he still got hit, and is sent backwards in pain. He then roared, as he fired his Pure Uncontrollable Blast at Excalibur, but Excalibur, he looks at Error666, who fired his Master Cables at him, and when he did, Excalibur grabbed onto the Master Cables, before using it to change into a red and blue sword. He then sliced through the Blast with 3 of the blades, before slicing 100'a ribcage, making 100 roar in pain, with the sword even unraveling back into Master Cables and wrapping around 100, binding him in place. But Omnithorn took the chance and decide to go on the offensive as well, as he fires Zeus' Pistol, as the lighting bolt attack hit 100, almost incinerating him, but 100 still survived and remained together, as he broke through the Master Cables. But Omnithorn is not done, as he fired the Zeus' Missle, in where he summoned a Homing Blaster, covered it in electricity, and fired it at 100, which exploded like a missle, as electrical explosions happened. Then, Quenya attacked, as he sliced and stabbed at 100, causing a lot of agony to him. Quenya then jumped back, and launched a spear at 100, and 100 jumped away. But the spear then changed direction, having locked onto 100, as it hit him still, inducting fear into him, as Quenya then grabbed 100, in spite of his body being hot, as she then turned his body and kicked him to the ground, causing a massive explosion. When that happened, Error666 took the turn, as he then punched and struck 100, as fast as he can, before using the Master Cables to wrap around 100, as the cables forced 100 into a state of binding, which made 100 still, before the Cables changed to Black, and Blue Mastery is activated, causing 100 to feel crushed under the weight of extremely heavy gravity, and due to Error's training, the gravity is far more heavier then before. But 100 has had enough, as he then ripped the cables off of him, before grabbing Error666, and uses his Hug of Death onto him, as he tries to crush him to death, except for the fact that this form can regenerate to the point of defying death itself.

But at that happened, all of a sudden, a hammer hits 100, and caused him to be launched away, as well as letting go of Error666, as Delios joins in the fight.


Delios shouted, as he grabbed onto Omnipotent and steadied him, as he collapsed a bit. Islothorn then spoke out.

"Ares, I can't give you any more power. I'm completely drained. Your on your own, my boy."

Omnipotent opened his eyes and nodded his head, as he looks to see Delios.

"Heya, Delios. Sorry...I didn't want you to see me like this."

Delios hugged Omnipotent, as he spoke out.


Omnipotent was surprised, but he smiled, as he and Delios stood back up.


Ares nodded, as he readied himself, before a Wisp attack and struck 100, as a familiar voice spoke out from the Wisp.

"Boom Boom."

Then, the wisp hit 100 in the face, sending him backwards, and making him roar in agony, as laughter spoke out.


Everyone turned to see Infected coming, as he joined in with the fight.

Infected smiled, as he spoke out.

"You're're not joining in this fun without me."

Quenya looked, as Error666 spoke out.

"Of course, he shows up."

Then, Infected changed into his Black Being form and goes to attack 100, as 100 charged at the Black Being, and both attacked one another, their hands locking into one another, as the both of them roared into their faces. Error666 looked down, as he spoke out.


Everyone looked at Error666, who is unhappy.

"Ughhh....d-damn...I wasn't wrong even a inch. Samson...he's unbeatable. Just look at that. We did everything and he just brushed us off, his speed, his power...they're bounds over anything we could do or dream of."

Error666 then stood up, as Excalibur then spoke out.

"Brother...what now?!"

Error666 looked at everyone, and Quenya can see hopelessness in the eyes for the first time, as Error666 spoke out.

"Well, to be honest I was thinking of watching him beat Jacob into a paste while I wait to die hehehe." E!666 chuckled while Omni looked at him not amused at all, and he spoke out

Omnipotent looked unamused, as he then spoke out, very sternly.

"William, we need a plan, now."

Error666's face then got serious as he stood tall, his fist clenched.

"You were there Ares, theres nothing we can, everyone is watching, hoping there's some deus ex machina that will save them, same us. However...even with 404 and Error's own power, theres nothing we can fucking do! Its all over, don't you get it?! They win. That's all the fat lady's sung, this story is over."

Everyone looked like they didn't want to believe that this is it, as they watched 100 brawl with Infected's Black Being transformation, the explosion going off like sparks around them. Omni stood up as well as he turned around and watched as Emperor crashed down before Ten smashed one of their tentacles over him, and Seraphim Dust and Fatal being beaten down by the Astral Mother. Omnipotent, seeing Error666's point, spoke out.

"So...its really finished then."

Everyone watched as 100 punched Infected out of his transformation and began to pound him into the ground sending pieces of his bones flying all over the place. People began to scream from how far 100 was from them. 100 then looked as he then stepped over them and made his way towards the inhabitants of the multiverse.

"OH NO!!!"

Core screamed, as 100 began to go then...but before he knew, all of a sudden flames appeared out of complete nowhere and struck 100, and while not enough to seriously damage him, it is enough to hurt him and launch him to the side, as a voice spoke out.

"It seems that my time had come, huh?"

Everyone turned, as they heard an unfamiliar voice spoke out, and look is see someone having arrived into the Omega Timeline.

A kitsune appeared, as she looks at 100, and needless to say, she is not happy, and Error666 spoke out.

"Wait...I recognize you, you're Ran Yakumo, Yukari's Shikigami!"

Ran looks at Error666 and nodded, as he spoke out.

"Correct, and Yukari...she figured that you need my help, as she is too busy with keeping our home AU intact due to what the Beast of Rage is doing after making sure Righteous!Error is able to recover. So...I'll be taking her place, especially since his power is causing a disturbance to the home that me and Yukari live in."

She looks up at 100, who roared in pure rage, as he charged at Ran, who rolled her eyes a little bit at this, before she charged at him, as she prepares to fight for her home AU.

Ran Yakumo looked up at 100, as blue flames danced around her, as she spoke out.

"You have caused too much damage to all of existence, 100. It is time you're destroyed once and for all."

She then jumped into the air, and launched fireballs at 100, hitting him in the face, which made him a little bit hurt, but it pissed him off a little bit more as well, as 100 roared at her.


100 then clapped his hands, as Ran Yakumo teleported out of the way, before she then launched Danmaku at 100, in order to try and give him as much pain as possible, as she then launched more fire at 100, as she spoke out to herself in a low tone.

"Revolting Beast..."

As she said that, 100 clapped his hands, and Ran Yakumo took flight into the air without aid, as she looks down at at 100, who is now getting more and more madder, before he fired a Pure Uncontrollable Blast at her, and she barely got out of the way, before launching more fire at 100, who endured getting hit by them continuously, as 100 screamed.


As that happened, the ground began to shake, as Delios then entered the fight, and he fired his Alpha Blaster, hitting 100 in the face. 100 got hurt, but he was mad, as he then began to swat at Delios, who jumped out of the way, as he then summoned a bone tower and crashed it down on top of 100. But 100 recovered from that, and then tried to hit Delios, but Delios swung his hammer of Resentment, and when he did it, it inflicted emotion damage to 100 unlike any that he had ever felt before in his life. Delios and Ran stood side-by-side, as Delios spoke out.


Ran shook her head, as she spoke out.

"No, this is mine. Be with your brother, for I think he has no strength left."

Delios nodded his head, as he spoke out.


Delios then began to summon bones and blasters, and then, began to prepare his Alphatale Meteor attack once again, as 100 clapped his hands and hit Delios, but he uses Alphatale Resistance, and keeps on moving, uses using chunks of the Anti-Void in order to make the meteor, and after a little bit, he finished, with the meteor being an unimaginable size, before he then picked it up, and threw it up into the air. But that is not all. Then, Delios jumped into the air, and with his feet at his full strength, and due to getting hit by 100, he kicks it down, now giving him 30 times to damage then before with that shockwave attack, as the Alphatale Meteor crashed on top of him, before Delios jumped away back to Omnipotent, who is still on the ground, hurt a little bit, as Ran Yakumo then looked back at 100, who is hurried beneath the mountain of bones, blasters, and anti-void ground.

Ran Yakumo then readies her fireballs, as she prepares to go and attack 100, when all of a sudden...the mountain that is piling under 100 exploded out, as it scattered all over the entire Omega Timeline, and needless to say, 100 is beyond pissed off, as 100 roared into the air.


The scream was so loud that Ran Yakumo made a wall of flames to block out the scream, as well as cover her ears, as the DT Shout caused a lot of shaking, she almost cannot believe that 100, even after taking this much punishment, would still be standing, and her somehow, he is. He then looks, and she sees that 100, he is now peaking once again, due to his Rage power, and it is now far more dangerous then it was before.

100 began to glowing red hit and is looking as though he is melting, yet he is still keeping himself together through rather unknown means, as his body began to grow so hot, it is almost impossible to touch him without getting hurt, with 404's transformations possibly being able to do that. 100 began to roar at the top of his lung.


The roar was so loud, it caused a massive shockwave that pushed Ran back and everyone to the ground, as everyone at the Alphatale group can barely stand against it. Omnipotent looked, as Quenya spoke out.

"Unreal! And we can't just stand here!! We need to do something!!"

Excalibur then spoke out.

"But how?! 100 is far beyond our power!! We can't grow in strength in the same way that he can!!! We're nothing but fodder to him!!!"

Error666 looked down and snarled out.

"Damnit!!! All of this fighting has been for nothing!!!"

Omnipotent looked at the sight, of 100, powering up more and more then before, as he spoke out.

" this it? Is this how it ends?"

As he said that...then...a familiar voice spoke to Ares, someone that Omnipotent knows of very well.

"Ares boy! I better not hear you giving up!"

Omnipotent was shocked, as he looks up and spoke out to it.

"Is that...Gabriel..."

Although nobody else can see, he can see the appearance of the TransVoid Being in front of him.

It is a large demon, sitting on a throne, as Gabriel spoke out.

"Yes boy, I heard about your fight with this creature from islothorn, I've come to help however I can. Do know that I can only help for a few moments otherwise Zarla will take this opportunity to attack my kingdom. You can make it up to me later."

Omnipotent was happy and grateful, as he spoke out.

"Awesome Gabriel you're the best! William! We just got our deus ex machina!"

Error666, who heard then, then looked at him.

"What are you talking about?"

Omnipotent then spoke out to Error666, as hope appeared in his voice.

"Gabriel just offered to help us out, his power is much greater than Islothorn's, however I doubt we'll survive the exchange."

Error666, now desperate, shouted out.

"Anything will do! 100's about to waste the entire multiverse and likely everything else if we don't do something!"

Omnipotent, nodding his head, then looked up at the sky of the Omega Timeline, really seeing Gabriel, then spoke out.

"Alright Gabriel, We're ready!"

Gabriel nodded, as he held his hands, and red orbs appeared above them both, as he shouted out.

"My power is too much for the both of you, so it'll have to split. GIVE THAT MONSTER EVERYTHING YOU GOT!"

And then, he sent his power down to Error666 and Omni who immediately began to scream from the pain and strain. It was far too much, even if halved between the two. They're minds, while fine, their bodies couldn't barley handle the power. Error666, however, began to unleash something, as he began to grow butterfly wings similar to 404's other transformation while Omni's body erupted into flames with him melting almost instantly. Omni then fell to the ground in exhaustion not even able to take it while Error666 could handle it. Omnipotent, exhausted, and held by Delios who came to his aid, turned to Error666, and spoke out

"H-How on earth are you still standing?"

Error666, strained a little bit, then spoke out.

"ARGH!!! I-It must must be 404's regeneration, an ability from the MainFrame. It must be countering the strain from this guy's power. though I'll likely still blow up into code if I'm not careful."

As he said then, he then transformed from Error666 into Perfect!666 with the power from Gabriel. Error666 then got over the hill and found a equilibrium to the power and managed to handle it with help from the MainFrame. His left eye turned yellow and the lines that go down his face have a fire-like pattern, with the coat having red lines spreading onto the blue parts, the eye socket also a burning yellow color.

Omnipotent, looking at this, smiled, as he spoke out in a weak tone.

"Wow William, Your amazing."

Quenya and Excalibur also looked in awe, as they spoke out.

"You got this, William!!!"

"Give 100 a bad time!!!"


Perfect666 chuckled a little as he then got serious and looked towards 100, and spoke out.

"Alright then. Lets put this boost to the test!"

Then, he suddenly moved faster than what could be written and shattered right through 100's skull with a single punch, making him move away from Ran Yakumo. 100's head began to fall apart as he teetered back and forth. Perfect666 looked back with a smirk only for 100 to gab him by the face before he ould react and slam him into the ground.


Perfect666 shouted as he kicked 100 back, 100 only moving a few inches back. Perfect666 then shouted out.

"Devil Blaster!!!"

Then, a blaster that has Gabriel's horns and fiery eyes fired a blast that is covered in flames, which hit 100 and did cause damages, but didn't do much, as he charged at him. Perfect666 narrowed his eyes, as he then shouts out.

"MaliceNova Beams!!!"

Then, the wings fired beams of fiery energy at 100, as they caused even more damage to him, but it did morning more then anger him, as he roared out, before getting close to Perfect666, who's not very happy

"DAMNIT! THERES NO WAY! He's still faster and stronger than me! I can't handle the rest of the power from this guy! THERE REALLY IS NOTHING WE CAN DO! WHAT A MESS!!!"

Perfect666 shouted in anguish as 100 grabbed Perfect666's neck and lifted him up, as 100 then began to punch Perfect666 in the face shattering his skull with each punch.

"N-no! it's not enough!"

Omni shouted out with anger. But then, Perfect666 remembered something. He turned and looks to see Fatal Error and Seraphim Dust fighting against the Astral Mother. Taking this chance, stopped one of 100's fists, he kicked 100 off of him, and even firing a Devil Blaster to knock him away even more then ever before, before he launched his cables, now on fire called the Prince Cables, as he then grabbed at Fatal Error's Soul, before reeling him in, and he then spoke out.

"Fatal, I need your aid!!!"

Before Fatal can react, Perfect666 grabbed onto Fatal's soul, as Fatal began to fuse with Perfect666, with Malware shouting out.

"Hey, throw this into the mix!!!!"

Malware then used his Cosmic Essence to empower the new fusion even more, combining it with Gabriel's, as a powerful explosion erupted. Everyone watched, as a new larger form appeared, with 5 pairs of wings on his back, giving him a total of 10 wings, all of whom are on fire, 5 pairs of bone horns surrounding the skull like a crown and a halo on his forehead, also covered in flames that are white, with 3 pairs of flaming mouths and red fiery eyes and a single purple plus-shaped pupil on the glowing eye sockets, also looking like it is on fire, with the eyes on the sides of the skull glowing white with a blue iris and red pupil. The scarf is also made of white flames, the number 404 being red and blue, as 5 pairs of hands, meaning 10 hands now appeared, with claws made of white extremely hot fire are present, and the palms and back part of hands a red color. The neck is also fire, in a combination of white, red, blue, and purple, taking the place of the strings, as the black coat became white, the blue circle is a white one with a red 4, and the sweater became red, with white pants and a red line, and white slippers. Now, it is time, for PerfectSystematic to make his move.

Everyone watched in shock, as they see PerfectSystematic rise up, his fists clenched, and he feels immense rage at 100. The power that PerfectSystematic is is colossal. It makes even his JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form look so weak for even trying to be powerful. PerfectSystematic then flexed his fingers, and got into a stance, as he roared at 100.

"Come on, Samson!!! Show me what you've got!!!"


100 roared, as he charged at PerfectSystematic, who then does the same, and punches 100 with all of his might, before he shouted out.

"Devil Claws!!!!"

He sliced at 100, as the fire burned 100, creating physical and metaphysical scratch marks onto 100, who roared on pain. But PerfectSystematic wasn't done, as he shouted out.

"Goetia Cables!!!"

Then, white cables came out of PerfectSystematic's Fingers, as they go to try and grab 100. 100 attempted get out of the way, but the cables followed him and latched onto him, as they began to initiate the effects of the Grandmaster Cables, but with a new effect at the end. As he began to drain magic, and crush him at the same time. 100 felt his body about to decay and burn at the same time. Now wanting to know what is about to, 100 grabbed at the Cables and ripped it off of him before it can finish it's affect, as 100 fired his Pure Uncontrollable Blast at PerfectSystematic, in order to kill him. But PerfectSystematic held his finger out, all 10 of them, as the then began to circle in front of PerfectSystematic, and energy began to form in the center of the circle, as PerfectSystematic spoke out.

"Distortion Ray, Underworld Cannon!!!"

Then, an extremely large sphere of fiery energy erupted from the finger, as it charged and is shot at 100, and clashed it against the Pure Uncontrollable Blast itself. This attack caused a massive explosion that made everyone get knocked off balance, even the Astral Mother and Ten No Kami, as they are all struggling to stay up. 100 and PerfectSystematic also looked, with him not being too happy with 100 surviving, as he then charged at 100 again, with 100 doing the same. But 100 grew in power much faster, and even though PerfectSystematic is able to hurt him, now his strikes hurt far less then ever before, as 100 launches consecutive punches, and PerfectSystematic does the same thing with his hands to keep up, but 100 is getting faster and faster with his growing rage, even though PerfectSystematic is technically doing the same with the MainFrame, until 100 lands a hit on PerfectSystematic. The moment that 100's fist made contact with his skull, PerfectSystmatic was launched backwards and hit the ground hard, as he felt pain unlike any other, due to 100's knuckled glowing and making a monster explosion to add the damage a bit more then before. But PerfectSystematic refuses to go down, as he shouted out.


He then put all 10 pairs of wings together, as they began to make a sphere of fiery decaying energy, enough to destroyed 5 realities at the same time. 100 charges at him, and using them Cosmic Essence, PerfecrSystematic made a barrier surrounding the both of them, as an explosion occurre, but thanks to the barrier, prevented the Omega Timeline from being destroyed. Unfortunately, 100 is still alive, just badly hurt, as he punched PerfectSystematic, as he lands down to the ground. Ran Yakumo went beside Quenya, as PerfectSystematic spoke out.

"Damn it. I'm...I'll still not gonna be strong enough to keep up with him. 100...he'll win."

As he said that and closed his eyes, Infected shouted out.


Infected's wisp then attached to 100 and began to lift him up, way high, so high that 100 was no longer within reality itself. Infected went to PerfectSystematic and looked up at him, as he is on his feet.

"That should buy some time. Whats the plan dummy?"

PerfectSystematic shook his head, having lost hope in the bright.

"There nothing I can do, nothing we can do. We've underestimated Samson's strength. Even with the power from a outside force theres nothing we can do. I'm all out of ideas."

PerfectSystematic said as he turned back to normal Systematic and fell to his knees and punched the ground in anger. Infected then remembered his explosion that knocked out 100 before.

"Hey! I know you just said you want to sit down and accept death, but I have a score to settle, and I won't have that giant fucking baby kill us all before I do!"

Infected said, as he looked up at the fusion. Systematic still however has accepted his fate and closed his eyes. Ten witnesses the power, and she looks to see what is happening to him.

"Looks like when 100 gets back he intends to destroy this entire reality. Looks like we'll have to rebuild Alphatale within the Trasvoid after all."

Ten said looking up, Emperor was lying on his back, hurt, as 100's power could be felt from this reality and the next. But Emperor Multiverse, he just simply refuses to stay down, as he slowly stood up and hits Ten with a blue chain, hurting her, as she snarl.


Then, a King Ray hits her, as Emperor Multiverse shouted out.

"If this reality get's destroyed, you're coming with us, to oblivion!!"

As the reality is shaking, Infected then spoke out.

"Hey! Listen here. I got an idea."

But Systematic does not want to listen, as he spoke out

"Whats the point, there's nothing we can do. Once Samson gets back down, we're finished."

Systematic said completely washed, feeling hopeless still, but Infected was pushy, as he grabbed the limp Systematic, as he then spoke out.

"Listen here, you whining piece of shit! If you wanna die, go for it! However, I refuse to die before I get one lick in on that son of bitch, William! I want you to listen closley! My wisp were able to damage that thing before and did it again recently. I reckon if we put enough force behind my wisp, we can knock him out for good maybe even kill it!"

Systematic then opened his eye shocked as he remembered the same thing Infected was talking about. Systematic, now filled with Hope, shouted out.

"YOU'RE A GENIUS! We'll use that entity's power on one of your wisp and have this running away with it's tail between his legs!"

Systematic then powered back up to PerfectSystematic. Infected grabbed a wisp from his chest and threw it to PerfectSystematic, who caught it. He then put all of his power into the wisp turning its purple hue to an extremely bright gray. PerfectSystematic reverted back into Systematic as Gabriel and Malware channeled their powers through Systematic and into the wisp. Finally the wisp was filled up with power and energy practically ready to burst at the slightest wrong moment. Infected nodded, as he spoke out.

"That should be good."

Systematic nodded, as he can sense the power of the wisp, before speaking out.

"Yea, this guy has enough power to even destroy this reality and the probably more. Heheheh, better be careful otherwise the story is history for real."

Then, a voice spoke out.


Systematic and Infected turned to see that Excalibur is going to him. He sighed, as he then puts his hand onto the wisp, and channeling the energy that Ten No Kami had infused inside of him, puts it into the wisp, making the grey brighter then before, as Alpha changed back to normal, but with Ten's Essence still inside of him.

Alpha smiled sadly, with Quenya he spoke out.

"William...if this is the last time I see you...I want to-"

But Systematic held his shoulder, as he spoke out.

"You don't need to say it, Adam. I know. safe, okay? Don't want you dying again after having to go through the trouble of bringing you back, ya know?"

Alpha nodded his head, as Quenya hugged her adopted son, as she spoke out.

"If this is our last goodbye...I want to say...I love you, William, as a son I always cherished. I just wish I could make this time longer, so I can spend more time with my son."

Systematic nodded, as he puts a few of his hands onto her back and hugged her, as Systematic spoke out.

"I love you too, mom. I love you too. Just...please, be safe.

Systematic then let go, as Quenya and Alpha looked at Systematic with tears in their eyes and a sad, yet proud smile on their faces, as Systematic then grabbed onto the wisp tightly so it does not come loose. He then looked up to see 100 charging up all of his power, as he then spoke out

"Better get there quick."

Perfect then began to fly up into the air at immense speeds. Everyone looked up, as Systematic dodged the bolts of DT Lighting coming off of 100's body so strong that they were scorching nearby Hypverses too. Systematic flew faster, faster than he thought possible.


Systematic did all that he can to move quickly, and while flying continuously fast, a voice spoke out, which belongs to Gabriel himself.

"Young man..."

This made Systematic surprised, as he spoke out.

"Heya, you're one of Ares' space friends, right? What is it?"

Gabriel then spoke out to him.

"Listen to me very carefully, that power you have isn't nearly enough to beat that thing. If what I gave you couldn't do the job then what you have won't do it either. I have a army of beings here ready to give their power to you but know this you will quite literally have zeptoseconds to get that power from your hand to that monster otherwise you can wish your entire Eden Orb goodbye."

Systematic look down at the wisp, thinking back at his brother and his apprentices, Error and Fatal Error, before he spoke out.

"Then give it to me."

This made Gabriel surprised, as he spoke out.


404 responds to him.

"I'll be the bomb, I'll absorbing everything and send this guy so far that he won't even have a chance to think, but you must send it to me the moment I get out of this...Eden whatever. Understand? I'll give the signal."

Systematic then puts the Wisp into his hood, and flew up towards 100, who is still carried by the wisp. As 100 is almost ready to destroy reality, Systematic grabbed him by the ankle, as he flies up into the air fast, before making a portal out of the Multiverse, and going as far as he can to the boundaries in where he needs to be.

"Hehehe heya stranger! Lets go on a little field trip!"

He then flies upwards, until he is able to go to the top of the orb, the place that he needs to be.


Systematic then goes to try and exit...but he is simply knocked back a bit.

"What?! Oh shit!!!"

Systematic shouted, as Islothorn and Gabriel noticed it as well.

"He can't break the orb!!"

Islothorn spoke out, as Gabriel then spoke out.

"Come on, young man."

Malware then spoke out.

"You better not fail on this one, you fucking idiot!!!"

Systematic began to use his fists to punch and hit the top, as he shouted out.


As he kicked and pushed against it with all of his might, 100 looked at Systematic and opened his mouth, as he prepares to fire his Pure Uncontrollable Blast. But Systematic noticed, and when 100 fired the attack, Systematic moved, as he fired at the top of the orb, making an opening large for them to get out.

"Heh, thanks for that one, 100. All that I need to destroy you. Kinda ironic on that one."

Then, Systematic flies out with 100 still in his grip, and the bomb still in his hood. And when he looked back, as 100 continues to grow in immense might, he looks and sees something...his orb, hanging onto a giant leaf, of a tree. A tree so large that...he cannot comprehend the size, as well as many others orbs. And then he looked down, and he saw something so amazing, concepts that he has seen and not seen, so incomprehensible, yet so beautiful.

"So...this is what we are, huh?" Something so small I such a grand and large tree."

Systematic looks down at himself, and Error and Fatal, the both of them nodded at him, as they smiled, as if they are assuring to 404 that they are with him to the bitter end, which puts a smile on his face. He then felt a punch in the face by 100, who is still struggling, and now, not wasting anymore, he shouted out.


As he said that, then, he feels it, Cosmic Essence all over his entire body, they are gathering into his form, and it is so amazing, so immense, as he never felt this much power before. He can feel it, the Cosmic Essence from the youngest infant Beings to the Unnameables themselves, he can feel it all, coursing into his very body. Systematic felt himself glowing bright, as he looks down at 100, and with a genuine smile, he spoke out to him.

"You were amazing, Samson. Both your raw power and strength. Your brutality, all of it! Everything about you is what I look for in a fight. You gave me the best fight I could have asked for. I only hope one day that you'll be reborn with your senses and we can do this again. For fun of course, hehehe."

100, however, didn't respond as kindly to his younger brother.


100 roared, as Systematic sighed, and spoke out.


Systematic let out his own roar, and the moment that happened, Systematic and 100 exploded in a bright ball of raw power and Cosmic Essence. The explosion was so intense, that it shook the entire upper part orbs of the tree itself with many orbs that were attached being thrown off the tree and landing in the waters below.

Everyone, who was still within the Multiverse, watched as a bright light shinned from the small hole and nearly blinded all of the contents within the orb.

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