Within the alternate Anti-Void, Righteous!Error is seen inside, as he watches through a glitched screen of some sort, and he looks at what Ink is seeing.
And needless to say, Righteous!Error cannot help but feel very impressed and interested at what it is that he is seeing before his very eyes. He never thought that there was gonna be a Multiverse that is capable of doing this...and yet...there it is, Gradient, created from the battle between Error and Ink, leading to this entity's creation. A bit ironic in how, Error, despite being a destroyer, aided in the creation of someone that resembles him. Although, there may have been a Multiverse that has this sort of stuff, and he never knew that it existed. After all, he paid more attention to his own Multiverse, then to the other Multiverses that exist out there.
And he can sense the power that Gradient has. It is as strong as both Error's and Ink's power in e same way. Meaning that Gradient has all the powers of Error and Ink, and has even his own unique set of powers. And this made Error confused, as why is this AU possessing a Gradient, but his own AU does not? After all, he and his Ink have fought many times in the past, and they always have a lot of debris that is everywhere, and yet, for some reason, Gradient never comes, as well as no other accident kid of their own. Perhaps his Multiverse is made very differently from the other Multiverses, and that is able to make Gradient appear in the one that GlitchDust is in? That is the only best guess that he has when he is seeing something such as this, and the only logical explanation that he can think of when it involves this strange situation.
"Hmmmm...maybe I can talk to my Error404 about helping this little guy practice in his powers...but first, I'll wait for Ink to finish training this little guy. Then I'll use my powers to hell him train, and then, Error404 can take care of the rest."
Error spoke out to himself, as he stares into the screen, and sees Gradient with his new glasses, similar to the original Error's.
Ink was somehow able to realize that Gradient has sight problems, and is able to make a pair of glasses for him. Gradient also began to practice with his ability to create using Ink, as well as using pixels, which he is able to teach himself to use. Hopefully, the Error404 of this multiverse is able to train him, and not do the same thing that his Error404 did in his multiverse when involving him.
After all...the last thing that he needs, is for Gradient to die like he did, when he is fused with Error404. And since Gradient is now a being similar to Error himself, he would not be surprised that Gradient would be capable of fusing just like Error himself can't as well as another Error fusion from another multiverse, called Systematic. He just hopes that this does not happen to the kid. But what makes Righteous worried, is that his original self, the original Error, he is going to find Gradient, and will try to get rid of him, which he does not doubt, as Error kills anything that is created, and since Gradient has been an entity that is created, he will not doubt try and destroy Gradient. But that will not be a problem to Righteous, because he plans on seeing Gradient before the Original Error comes along, and teaches him the powers that he has, or rather, the ones that he has, that are just like the original Error, before he had met Error404 and became the way that he is. He just hopes that Ink can finish training him before Error decides to come and find him.
Fused AU...
Murder Sans blinked, along with Vivian, Dustbelief, and Dream, as they looked around and see that they are back at the beginning of the entire area, in the green patch, the one where Flowey usually appears in whenever they greet them. But Murder...he can sense that things are different, and looked around the area that the entire group is now in. As he looked around, he turned around and sees that someone is coming. Then, another voice, just like that of a Sans, appeared... it with the tone that resembles that of Toriel.
"Oh appears that I have some visitors that have arrived."
Then, the sound of walking is heard, as Murder looks to see that it is a Sans that he knows very well back in the Omega Timeline.
It is none other then Altertale Sans, the place where Sans and Toriel swap positions, and it appears that...the locket worked. The souls have been separated, and the Sanses are finally out. Alter!Sans looks at Murder, and spoke out.
"Ahh...Dust...I see you are here."
Dust then spoke out.
" that really you?"
Alter nodded his head, as he spoke out to him.
"Of course, it is me, thanks to all of you freeing me, and the other Sanses."
Dust felt relived, as he held his head, as Dream spoke out.
"Thank goodness, I was worried that we would not have been able to bring you back, as well as all of the other Sanses back."
Then, the other Sanses began to wake up, along with IT Frisk and Flowerfell Frisk, as they all stood up, and they looked to see that Alter!Sans is now back, making everyone realizes that the Sanses have finally separated from the IT entity that it was composed of.
"Well, at least you returned back, Alter. How are you feeling, after getting separated from what you were composed of?"
Glitch!Sans said, as Alter spoke out.
"Well...admittedly, I am still a little bit shaken at what had happened. I thought that I was going to lose my mind, due to the fact that I keep on hearing voices around me, and the fact that the place that I was in is cramped. I could not even move my body,
And all I saw was darkness.
This made everyone a little bit uneasy, as Dream then goes to Alter!Sans, and puts his hand onto his chest, before he glows golden, in order to make sure that he can recover quicker from this ordeal. After he is done, he stood back, and Alter!Sans felt a little bit more calmer then he was before, as TimeKid then spoke out, worried.
"What about the other Sanses, are they also okay?"
Alter!Sans nodded his head, as he then spoke out.
"Yes, they are. In fact, one of them, Science Sans, he is okay as well."
TimeKid sighed in relief at this information.
"Well, at least we have the locket that will help us in separating them, because what had just happened, it is such a big disaster."
Dust nodded his head, as he then spoke out.
"Well, you said that there is another Sans that you had seen that is still okay, right? Mind bringing us to him?"
Alter!Sans nodded, as he then spoke out.
"Of course, and I believe he will be very useful in being able to find the other entity that you are looking for."
Dream then spoke out.
"You mean, one of the IT entities inside of this fused existence?"
Alter!Sans then spoke out to Dream.
"If that is what you called these fused beings, then yes."
Dream nodded his head, as IT Frisk stepped forward, along with Flowerfell Frisk, as Vivian gripped onto Dust's hand tightly, as Dust then held hers tightly in return. Alter!Sans then spoke out.
"This way."
He turned around and walked away, as the other members of the group followed suit, with Dustbelief Papyrus next to Dust, with Braixen and Ninetales also following him. Dust narrowed his eyes, as they turned white again. He has a very bad feeling about this, but does not say more, as he continues onward, and the group continues to follow Alter!Sans a while. After the group continues to move, they then reached what appears to be a lab of some sort. And it is a lab that Murder recognizes. It is the lab that he has back at the house, from behind. It is underneath the home he once lived in, basically similar in purpose to a basement. And inside of the Basement, he looks and sees that another Sans is present, and it is one that he recognizes.
It is Science!Sans from Team Hope. It appears that he is able to remain in existence as well and get separated, as Science then took notice of them.
"Oh, you pals made it! I thought you were caught in that IT situation like me and the others."
Vivian shook her head, as she then spoke out.
"Not all of us. I dragged Sans and Papyrus into my shadow, so that we could be safe from what happened, although Sans changed, due to something happening to the MainFrame or something."
Flowerfell Sans then spoke out
"And me, Glitch, and TimeKid were saved, thanks to Righteous saving us. Dream also is fine, although I am not sure how."
Science nodded, as he spoke out.
"Well, I am glad that you are here, and it is thanks to all of you that we are now free."
IT Frisk nodded their head at Science!Sans, as Murder then spoke out.
"Also, Science...Alter said that there is another IT entity that you manage to find, right? Mind telling us what it is?"
Science nodded his head, as he then spoke out.
"Of course. Here you go."
He then pulled out a monitor, and he shows it to everyone, with the group looking into the screen. At first, it is morning but cold misty fog, and because of this, it made it impossible to know what it is that is before them, or rather, the area that the camera is in right now. But them, something shocking happened, and it is not a good shock at all. It is a very bad shock. A silhouette appeared from the mist, with many heads and arms, and a single eye on the chest. But the is one that Murder recognizes.
"Oh no..."
Vivian looks at Dust, and is about to ask what is wrong to him, but then, Dustbelief took notice of the head's shape, before he then spoke out.
This made everyone look stunned at this, as Science!Sans nodded his head at the group.
"Yes, it is. It is indeed. The next IT entity is none other then Papyrus himself."
Vivian looked horrified, at seeing Papyrus becoming the way that he is. She cannot believe that Papyrus has to suffer such a fate like that. Dust, not wanting to see this anymore, turns to Science!Sans, and spoke out to him.
"Tell me, is he in the area that connects and leads to Waterfall, just like it has in all other AUs and ATs?"
Science!Sans nodded, as he then spoke out.
"Yes, he is. after all, that is where a Papyrus usually battles the human."
Dust nodded his head, as Dustbelief Papyrus then spoke out.
Dust then spoke out.
"Then we go there. But first, let's take a look around Snowdin and see if the other Sanses are alright, as well as the Sanses that have survived being separated."
The group nodded, as Alter spoke out to them.
"I'll take you to Snowdin. Follow me."
Alter walked away, as the group followed again. But Dream...there is something that he needs to know first before he can come along with the others. He goes to Science!Sans, and spoke out to him.
"One last thing, Science. Do you know what became of Nightmare and Shattered, if they are inside of the fused AU?"
Science!Sans nodded his head at Dream, as he pressed onto another button, and the monitor switched, and both Nightmare and Shattered, but they are frozen inside of some strange liquid resembling ice, but the composition appears to be tougher, and is not melting. Both Nightmare and Shattered are shown to be conscious inside of the strange prison that they are in, and tried to use their tentacles to bash out of it, to no avail.
"For reasons that even I have no idea about, bout Shattered and Nightmare are trapped inside of these strange icy blocks, and that is if they are ice. And because of this, they cannot escape. They are trapped inside of it, permanently, so no harm done."
This made Dream sign in relief at this.
"Well, at least my brother and my other self will not get in the way of restoring everything back to normal. But what of Error and Ink, where are they?"
Science Sans then spoke out.
"That, I cannot say. But my best guess is that they are either on the Doodle Sphere, the Anti-Void, or the Omega Timeline, as they are the only areas of the Multiverse that they are likely to have landed in. But other then that, nothing else. And Bill Sans is not present either, but has not done anything insane yet. Bet he is just out there doing what he usually does without any issue."
Now this is problematic for Dream, as Bill!Sans is one of the most powerful Sanses despite his very ridiculous nature, due to the fact that he is on par with Error404 himself with what he does, as well as the fact that he can unleash Weirdmageddon at any moment. He just hopes that the Weirdmageddon event does not happen when everyone else has turned back to normal. Dream sighed and nodded, as he then spoke out.
"I see...thank you for taking the time for answering my questions, Science. I think I really needed to hear that, for this act now concerns us all."
He then raised his hand and made a portal to the group, as he walked through it, his wings folded behind his back, as he walks away. Science!Sans nodded, as he turns back to the monitor, and goes to the and observe what is happening, hoping that nothing sudden is gonna happen, with the only thing that is sudden is when the IT Papyrus does separate from what it has become.
Dream went out of his portal, and he looks around to see that Dust and the others are now present, with Dust walking away, and there are a lot of Sanses present. Both the good and bad Sanses from both enemy Teams. Dust looked around, as he sees various Sanses all over the place, and Dust spoke out.
"Woah, that is a lot of Sanses all over the place. I wonder if all of them throughout the Multiverse exist in this fused AU, and that is if it really is all of them that are still here, and some of them are not gone."
Vivian nodded, as she held onto Dust's arm, and they kept moving, as they looked to see the various Sanses that are walking around and talking to each other. But Dream can tell that they are shook by what it is that has happened to all of them.
Flowerfell looks suspicious and unease, as they walk around Snowdin. But it is not because of the Sanses themselves, ut it is more on what they will see when they face off against the IT Papyrus. He continues to look around, with Flowerfell Frisk beside him, and as they did, they get to see some others, such as Underfell Sans, which Flowerfell originated from. Needless to say, seeing Underfell Sans made Flowerfell unhappy, as he has fought against him before when he was still in Team Void, and has to resist the urge to get into a fight with him. Luckily, Flowerfell Sans held his Frisk's hand, and kept himself together, as to not lash out at his original self.
Dream's presence, as he continues to walk, covered a small bit of this fused AU, and it is enough for all of the Sanses to feel it. They can feel their traumas when they were fused as the Sanstrosity lessening, as they became less shook and a bit more like their normal selves then before. Dream smiled, seeing that they are beginning to calm and ease their minds from all of this, as the group continue on. Dust kept on moving, and sees Delta Sans also is here, and Dust smiled, seeing that he is okay, but decides not to disturb him, for he has no idea how he'll react when seeing that he's here.
After the groin kept on moving, they are able to reach the area where there is most all over the place. Dust looked around, and he narrowed his eyes, his 2 eyes changed into their Mad Time Eye, the right eye turning red and the left eye red and light blue, as they both flared. He looks, and he can see the Silhouette of the IT Papyrus, the full body now shown. Sighing, Dust spoke out to the group that has fire magic, as he no longer has access to it.
"Hey, Vivian, Braixen...mind getting rid of this dense fog?"
Braixen and Vivian nodded, as they used their fire to make a shockwave that got rid of it, as the mist spread outwards and away from it all. When that happened, the group are finally able to see the appearance of the IT Papyrus, and it is such a very horrifying sight to see.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Everything's H A P P Y .
The IT Papyrus approached, and the moment the forum appeared, it sprouted more heads from all over its body, and Dust then spoke out.
"Oh stars, Papyrus."
Dust looked horrified at the state that his brother, as well as the version of his brothers are in, as Dustbelief also looked horrified at what has happened. He is very lucky that he did not join in with this, other wise it would have ended very badly for him. And based with what Alter!Sans, the experience that he would have gotten wound have been very unpleasant for him to possibly bear. Even Phantom Papyrus cannot help but feel horrified at what has happened to him. TimeKid stepped back, as the souls of IT Frisk and the rest of the group flickered, before they went into battle against the IT Papyrus. IT Frisk and Murder Sans decide to use the ACT button and check on him.
"???_??? ATK -18446744073709551615
Looks tasty."
Okay, that's not helpful in the slightest. Dust and the others stopped acting, as they looked at the IT Papyrus, and the moment that happened, the IT Papyrus fired a beam from the hole in its face, but with a section that is a blue attack. The others moved as fast as they Dan, and they look to see IT Papyrus having missed all of them. IT Frisk decided to take the initiative, and used the ACT Button, and pressed, bathe, most likely using the water beside them. The thing is, they are not close to IT Papyrus.
Then, something unexpected happened, the free arm on the IT Papyrus began to extend and move to try and grab IT Frisk, but IT Frisk moved out of the way, with Dust, Flowerfell, and Glitch Sans using their bones to block the hand before it can reach them. Then, IT Frisk tries to press another act potion, which is to run, but the problem is...they can't. And then, another insane attack happened, as 2 of the arms holding a couple of the the Papyrus' heads, went between TimeKid, and began to extend hands from the holes in their faces. TimeKid, seeing that they are about to get to close, got out of the way, and the hands touched each other, and a single eye appeared above the arms.
Flowerfell Frisk, deciding to chose another option, decides to take the initiative, and does her own ACT Option. And this to hug it. Flowerfell Adrian approached it, and embraced the IT Papyrus. IT Frisk, seeing what she is doing, also decides to embrace the IT Papyrus.
The Papalgamate began to hug IT Frisk, as well as Flowerfell Frisk, which is in a very weird way, due to the fact that the Papalgamate has a lot of arms that slithered and wrapped around them. Even Flowerfell Sans and Murder Sans seem to be a little bit uncomfortable at looking at the IT Papyrus. Even Vivian seemed a little freaked out. Then, one of the arms, the free one, extends, as if then began to move to a direction, away from the group for some reason, but then, all of a sudden, came back at the other side, but how? Murder Sans dodged the hand before it can grab onto him, and Vivian sunk him under fast. Dustbelief took a step forward, and began to sniff it, as he spoke out.
He than grabs the IT Papyrus by the scarf, and pulls him to the river beside them, and spoke out.
He began to splash water and rub soap onto the fused Papyrus, as it began to splash water. Then, the free arm dug into the ground, and Murder realizes what is about to happen.
"Jump out of the way!!!"
Everyone agrees, as Vivian sunk Murder into the ground instead, and hands popped out of the ground, much more then the one that dug in. After that, the IT Papyrus is continued to be clean by Dustbelief, as the bones began to look more cleaner then before, and smell more better then before. IT Frisk and Flowerfell Frisk join in with cleaning the IT Papyrus. Then, one of the hands holding the skull extends and goes to Vivian, and fired an beam that has orange sections. Vivian moves towards the orange parts, as hands nearly popped out and attacked her, but thankfully, she is safer, and is not harmed in the slightest. Vivian then goes to the Papalgamate, just as Dustbelief and the Frisks are done. and when that happened, Vivian used her fire to dry the IT Papyrus' bones, and after that...
Papalgamate is content.
Dustbelief Papyrus said. Murder looks and sees that the Papalgamate is now able to calm down, as the Papalgamate stopped attacking. Even the eye on the chest appears to have an expression of happiness now present. When what happened, Vivian went beside Dust, and spoke out.
"Wow...we...we did it. We made the Papyrus thingy happy."
Dust nodded, as he looks at IT Frisk, before he then spoke out.
"Okay, kiddo. Do your stuff."
IT Frisk nodded, as they then walked forward towards the Papalgamate, and holds out the locket in their hand. The souls of both the IT Frisk and Papalgamate appeared, and when Frisk thrust their hand into the soul, broke apart, releasing all of the souls that contains all of the Papyruses. Dust sighed in relief, and he looks around to see the fused AU resetting, and he then spoke out.
"Hopefully, my Papyrus is still okay and is not removed by the MainFrame."
But something's changed
"Ghhhhhhh....what the hell happened?"
Error said, as he then began to stand up from within the Anti-Void.
He looks around and stood up, as he held his head, feeling like he is going to hurl due to what it is that has happened to him. The souls that he captured dangle above by his strings.
"Oh, I'm in the Anti-Void, but it does not explain as to what it is that has happened to me before!"
Then, a familiar voice spoke out.
"Ahhh...there you are. I've been looking for you."
Error turned around, and saw that Error404 has appeared into the Anti-Void, and looked no worse for wear, almost as if nothing bad has happened to him.
Error spoke out.
"Finally, you're here. Sir, what happened to me?! I don't remember being inside of the Anti-Void! I was in the Omega Timeline, fighting against Ink!"
Error404 spoke out.
"Unfortunately, the MainFrame had been acting wrong during the battle in the Omega Timeline. For reasons that even I have no understanding as to why this is the case, the MainFrame malfunctioned, and decided to fuse every single version of the entities living here, Sanses fusing with each other, Papyruses fusing with their other selves, you name it, and you got caught into it before I could even get to you. And I had to go back into the MainFrame before it could cause even more of a malfunction then ever before. Now the AUs that exist have fused into a single AU, one that larger then anything that is expected, almost filling up the entire Multiverse, or rather, is about the size of a Multiverse."
Error snarled, as he spoke out.
"Great, just great!! Now I will have even more trouble destroying AU, and I'll risk destroys t the Classic AU if I try and destroy this fused AU."
Error404 smiled, as he spoke out.
"But there is more."
This made Error then to Error404, who then spoke out.
"The aftermath of your battle with Ink has a very...interesting response. All of your debris, the ink, strings, and bones...lead to something new."
Error404 made a glitchy screen, and Error looks at it, and he sees that Ink is present inside of the Omega Timeline...along with another skeleton that looks almost like Error in terms of appearances.
He is holding a stylus in hand, using glitches and ink to create something, in the exact same way that Ink is doing. Error looked in stunned shock at the skeleton that he is seeing before his very eyes, as he spoke out to his superior and master.
"What the hell is this?"
Error404 spoke out.
"The result of your battle between you and Ink. Somehow, the debris of your attacks made this entity, this new Sans, one that has both your power and Ink's, meaning that he is both a creator and a destroyer. In other words, he is your spawn. Ink has given him the name of, Gradient. Quite fitting, honestly."
This made Error stunned, but then he became peeved, as he shouted out.
"I...created, that?! This thing should not expect in anyway!!! I hate this thing!! I'm gonna go down to the Omega Timeline, and-"
But Error404 spoke back.
"I'm afraid I cannot allow that."
This made Error pissed, as he shouted at Error404.
But Error404 responded at this.
" call this thing not your son, is denying the reality you are in. He is your son, whether you think so or not, as he carries both yours and Ink's power. And this exactly what I need to bring back what I had lost. This child of yours...I have plans for him. And it is a plan that I will make happen."
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