Battle of God and Demon
Righteous looks at Error666 before his eyes, as Error666 looks back at Righteous with only his left eye. Righteous narrowed his eyes, as he flexed his fingers a little bit, black electricity sparked off of his right hand, where his eyes are at. Error666, on the other hand, stepped forward, and clenched his fist, as he then spoke out.
"So...think you are able to go against me, Righteous?"
Righteous stepped forward, as Dust and Vivian stepped back, before Righteous then spoke out to him.
"More then even you realize, Error666. Even when the both of you are fused, my power is able to outclass the ones that you have. You will not succeed in whatever plan that you have."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Error666 smiled, as he then spoke out to Righteous.
"Then try and defeat me, if you are able to do so."
Error666 then stepped forward again, but then, this time, Error666 vanished. But Righteous knows what to do next. He took a step to the left side, as he then vanished as well, and he punched Error666 hard at the side of his face, sending him backwards a little bit. Error666 skidded back a little bit, as he then spoke out.
"Not bad."
Righteous said nothing, as he then moved forward, and launched blue strings at Error666, in the hopes that he is able to siphon Error666's magic from him.
But Error666 dodged out of the e way, as he used his Blue Mastery onto Righteous!Error, before trying to send him to a wall, which Righteous crashed into. Although Righteous did get hurt, it was not that much, as Righteous then teleports back, before he ran full speed to Error666, faster then even he can keep up with, as he is kicked very hard in the stomach, sending him backwards, before making white strings, wrapping it around Error666, and began to slam him all over the place, as Error666 felt pain from the continuous slamming, before Righteous throws him up into the air, and he then charged upwards to try and make the fight much more difficult for Error666.
Error666 looked down, as Righteous is rushing up to him, and Error666 raised his fists to get ready to fight. Righteous then reeled his right fist back, as he then punched Error666, causing massive damage, due to the fact that he is able to shock him. Error666 looks down at Righteous, as he then kicks him hard in the face, but Righteous made a portal beneath him, as he then appeared above Error666, and tried to grab him, only for Error666 to move out of the way, before Righteous then points his right hand and speaks out.
"Glitch Ray."
Then, the Glitch Ray was fired from Righteous' right hand, but Error666 raised his own right hand and spoke out to him.
"God Ray."
Then, a purple beam of energy fired out from the right hand, as the Glitch Ray and the God Ray clashed with one another. But the Glitch Ray began to overpower the God Ray, before he then pushes the God Ray back to Error666, and this forced Error666 to teleport out of the way, as Error666 spoke out.
"That is impressive...even when I used the God Ray, which is stronger then 404's, you are still able to outclass me. But how long are you able to keep this up?"
Righteous looks at Error666, as he flies in fast towards him, before he then launched tentacles at Error666 from his right arm. But Error666 teleported out of the way, as he then kicked Righteous!Error at the side of the head, before he then grabbed Righteous by the scarf, and he throws him down to the MainFrame's ground. But Righteous is not done yet, as he jumps up, and this time, he launches Red Strings to attack Error666, so that he can cause as much agony as possible. Righteous then wrapped them around Error666, as the Red Strings caused immense amount of pain to Error666 himself.
Error666 began to hiss in order to suppress his screams of agony, before he then used his Glitch Whip to slide the strings off of him. Error666 looks down at Righteous!Error, who is now on the ground. Righteous!Error narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
"Is that all you got, 404? Where is this power that shows you that you are the God of the Multiverse? All I'm seeing before me is a phony and a faker."
This made the 404 within Error666 mad, as he then decided to launch another attack in hopes that it will be able to kill him.
Error666 then launched the Master Cables at Righteous, hoping to ensnare his soul. But Righteous launched his Strings at Error666, as the 2 cable and string wrapped around each other, with Righteous!Error and Error666 pulling onto each other like they are in some deadly version of Tug-Of-War.
Error666, however, holds his ground against Righteous!Error. He narrowed his left eye at Righteous!Error, as Righteous!Error also narrowed his eye sockets at Error666, before Error666 then made the 2 sides shape, and Righteous!Error flies down to Error666 in order to beat him down. He tries to grab Error666 by the fluff on his hood, but Error666 was able to avoid getting hit at the last second, as Error666 flies up into the air. Error666 looks down at Righteous!Error, as he raised his right hand and swung his right hand fast, as he flung the Glitch Whip at Righteous. But Righteous is not someone who is going to be outdone like this. When that happened, Righteous then pulled out Blue Strings from his right Eye, before he then swung his Right Hand in such a fashion and brought it in with such fast movement, that he was able to make it move in a similar way to the Glitch Whip. The strings and the whip clashed against each other, as both sliced each other. Error666 and Righteous!Error narrowed at each other, as Error666 launched red, black, and blue bones at Righteous!Error, as Righteous!Error then launched Red Bones at Error666 own bones. Error666 frowned, as Righteous spoke out.
"This is still not impressive. I do not see how you are called the God of the Multiverse, or the strongest Sans of all. All I see is the wimpiest Sans of them all, especially since I am now far more stronger then you. Bet that is why you are weak to defend Alphatale.
Error666 felt Error404 wanting to rage and attack Righteous for continuing to insult him in how he failed protecting Alphatale. Error666 charges at Righteous!Error, as Righteous!Error does the same thing, and both of their fists then clashed fast.
As the battle between the 2 of them raged on, Dust and Vivian are shown to be on the ground, and they are stunned at her sight that is before their eye. Too Righteous and Error666, they are acting as though they are fighting like normal. But to Dust and Vivian, they are fighting too fast to be seen by the normal eyes, and even Dust, who is in his Last Genocide form, he cannot keep up with the speed of the both of them.
"Wow...this is so...amazing. Is this what a battle between 2 of the strongest Sanses is like?"
Vivian said, as Dust then spoke out.
"Yeah, it is, and this is honestly the first time that I am seeing Righteous fight against his own master. Righteous is said to be from a Multiverse where he becomes powerful, due to becoming a Polothorn, and I get to see that. Of course, he did battle Hollow!Ink, who is comparable to Righteous. But even so...this is amazing."
Vivian nodded her head, as she and Dust continue to watch the fight against Righteous!Error and Error666 fighting against each other. Then, a blast was fired in their direction, and Vivian grabbed onto Righteous from behind, as he is then sunk down into the MainFramw's ground, as the purple blast fired at the direction that tenth are at. Dust and Vivian rose up, as Dust spoke out.
"What was that?"
Dust and Vivian looked up and saw what it is that has happened to them that had nearly gotten them blasted to smithereens on the first place.
Error666 smiled, as he fired his Blaster at Righteous, and Righteous fired his Error Blaster to overpower Error666's Blaster. So Error666's blaster had been the one that nearly struck then, and Dust spoke out.
"That is nuts! How in the world did he do something such as this, especially since he is still fighting against Righteous!Error?" He's not even fighting us? Did he even see us still?"
Vivian had no answer, as she held onto Dust, her arms wrapped around his body, as Dust and Vivian looked up at the battle, with Dust being more weary of the fight then ever before, as Error666 continues to fight against Righteous, and admittedly, it is sort of strange that Righteous would be fighting against an alternate version of himself, who is one of the components to the transformation that involves creation Error666 himself. A God Ray is fired in their direction, although he is really trying to hit Error666, but Vivian and Dust sunk down into the shadows, as the God Ray missed. This time, they decide to hide inside of the shadows.
Righteous Error fired his Glitch Ray at Error666, but Error666 was able to avoid it, even if barley at all. Error666 then ran forward and grabbed Righteous by the scarf, as he head butted him hard in the face, and this did hurt Righteous a little bit, although it is enough to crack the face of the skull. Righteous then stabbed Error666 with a sharp bone, which hits the soul of Error666. Bit Error666 regenerated the damage, as he defied death itself. Error666 looks at Righteous, and smiled, before he then spoke out to him.
"Did you really think that was going to work ok trying to kill me, Righteous? And you call me pathetic."
But Righteous smiled at Error666, as he then spoke out to him.
"Who said that this is meant to kill you? No, that is not what was supposed to kill you. But it is something else."
Error Bkasters than fired at Error667, as they all struck him hard in the body, sending him down to the ground, as Error666 crashed down hard. This made Error666 confused and hurt, as he then stood up, but before he can react, Blue Bones then appeared, as they held Error666 by the feet, and Error666...cannot move at all.
Then, Righteous!Error raised his right hand to Error666, as he then spoke out.
"Glitch Ray."
He fired the Glitch Ray, before Error666 then shouted out to Righteous, while he raised his right hand to him.
"God Ray!!"
Error666 fired the God Ray, and he felt himself getting mentally stressed at what is happening, and then, the God Ray and the Glitch Ray clashed. But just like before, the Glitch Ray overpowered the God Ray, and is able to finally hit him, due to Righteous now preventing him from moving.
Error666 roared our, as the Glitch Ray, and that is when something truly bad is happening. He looks down at himself, the blue bone gone, as he sees that his body is starting to break apart, the code beginning to be decomposed, as he is slowly turning into a husk of his former self.
Righteous smiled...but he then realized something. He looks at Error666, as he is shown to be...smiling. And then...Righteous realized what he had done. He has now given Error666 a boost in power.
"Oh no."
Error666 smiled, as then, something unexpected happen. The MainFrame's code...the Code of the Multiverse, it all began to gather to Error666, as Error666 began to stand up, with the MainFrame's code entering his body. His appearance began to change, as one side of his body, the leg raise, turns red, with white eye sockets, and blue eye lights, as the other side of a normal white, with empty red eye sockets. The veins and teeth are blue, as the jacket changed. The left side is red, and the right side is black, as 2 bands of their opposite colors appeared, the pants are black with blue stripes, as he now has red and blue slippers. Finally, 2 pairs of wings are on his back, red in color with black cuticles and blue gem-like irises on resent on then.
Error666 has changed, in response to the MainFrame sensing Error666 dying to the second shot of the Glitch Ray. Now...Error666 has transformed into another form that is simply known as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, now the single most powerful form in the Multiverse and beyond, with only one downside. If the form is over, the Multiverse will take back all of its code, and one of the transformation components will die in the process. If Error is lucky, then it is Error404 that will return from the dead, so that it can be used again.
Righteous recognized this transformation. He used this transformation only once, back when the Unnameable, and 2 other TransVoid Beings, Faringold and Avalon, had escaped from the Book of Eyes and are wreaking havoc in the Multiverse. But the form, it killed him when he destroyed the Unnameable, after it had ended, and Righteous had to reform inside of the Unnameable when it took on the form of a tree, which had somehow gathered his essence and infused it with its DNA, which is what lead to Righteous becoming who he is today. Righteous clenched his fist, as he then stepped forward to the transformation of B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, and he can feel its power. It is insanely ginormous, far stronger then anything, except for Error himself, who is still stronger then ur, although he'll have a far more difficult time in trying to beat it. Righteous narrowed his eyes, as he puts his hands in his pocket, and he began to think to himself in how to deal with this.
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 walked forward to Righteous, who now took the fight a little bit more seriously then before, as he then stepped back. He raised his fists, as he prepares to fight against B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, having grown far more in strength and power. And he is continuing to grow in power, due to the fact that B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 is drawing power from the MainFrame itself. B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 smiled, as he flies into the air, and spoke out to Righteous.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Thank you, Righteous. You gave me what I needed in order to ensure that you're defeated. Now pray that you die quickly!"
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, at these words, then moved as fast as he can to Righteous, and this time, Righteous tries to catch up. But with the enhanced speed, Righteous got hit, and is sent skidding backwards a little bit from the attack. He looks at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, and snarled a little bit at himself, before he then spoke out.
"Damnit. How could I have been so stupid to forget about all of this, about B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666? Of course he wants me to hit him so that he can activate it. And I am giving him an even bigger boost in power! I need to think of a way to try and bring him down in this fight."
Righteous stepped back, before he than charged at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, and landed a powerful punch at him with his right fist, before he pulled up his sleeve, and the eyes on his right arm shined a very bright flash, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 for blinded by the attack.
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 cried out, as Righteous then flies and wrapped his tentacles from his right arm onto B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, and then sends a powerful black shock of electricity, which made B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 cry out in even more pain, as the bones on him began to crack and feature in certain places. But B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 used his speed to free himself from the tentacles, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 is now using the power of Error666 and the MainFrame to regenerate instantly. He looks down at Righteous, as Righteous looks up at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, before he then fired his Glitch Ray at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, but B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 avoided the attack, as Righteous frowned a little bit, before he than leapt up and tried to punch B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 on the stomach. But B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 caught his fist, and longed him in the stomach, which actually hurt Righteous a little bit, before he is then punched in the face, before he then uppercuts him hard into the air. He then follows this up with flying up above, and punched him downwards, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 then raised his hand, and manipulated the ground of the MainFrame, as he summoned spikes below it. But Righteous made red bones erupt from the ground, as he positioned himself, and is able to land on top of the red bones themselves. He looks up at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, as he then manipulated the MainFrame once again, as he then began changed the ground, as it now then shattered and began to turn into floating islands, and so now, the battle is going to take place in the air.
On one part of the floating fractured ground, Vivian and Dust rose up, now out of his Last Genocide transformation, as Dust then spoke out.
"Woah, it seems that Error666 had made another move!"
Vivian nodded, as she looks around to see that Fatal_Error is here, as Vivian then spoke out.
"The fight, it is getting too dangerous, Fatal. I think we need to leave, now."
But Fatal_Error, being stubborn in wanting to make sure that Error pays, then spoke.
"No!! I am not leaving this!! Not until I get a form of payback at Error for what he has done, along with Error404 for denying me what I wanted!! I'm not leaving like this!!"
Vivian and Dust are now looking a little bit afraid of this, as they know that they are outclassed at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 by a monstrous margin. But since Fatal_Error wants nothing more then to fight against him, they have no choice but to join in, as Righteous also likely needs this in order to try and defeat B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, although trying to defeat B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 is gonna be a very huge pain in the ass. And Dust...he has no idea what will help. Is he able to activate the Last Genocide form again still?
He, Vivian, and Fatal walk up to the battle, as Dust summoned his Scythe and Trident in both of his hands, as Dust then spoke out.
"I can't believe we still must fight. But, if it makes anything easier for Righteous, fine."
Fatal nodded, as Dust felt his wounds healing, mainly from the fact that Gaster is able to heal them by himself, thus allowing Dust to fight at peak strength and HP, although this won't matter for Dust, since he is going to be in serious trouble against B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, which is one of the strongest transformations that Error404 has in his possession. He just needs to hope that Gaster can comes back just in time to try and aid him in this battle that he's in.
As Righteous and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 kept on fighting, as Righteous snarled a little bit, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 kept on attacking again and again. Luckily, Righteous does not get tired, and has far more greater control over his emotions then before. So he can remain focused in the right, even when it seems stressful. But even so, he is having a hard time trying to face off against B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, due to the increase in strength that he has gained, as well as the fact that all of his magic has been increasing, due to the MainFrame continuing to feed him energy, as Righteous is struggling to fight against him. He punches him hard in the face, but B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 kneed him in the gut, before Righteous then kicked B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 in the head, and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 then elbowed him. Both attacked and countered each other again and again, their fists fast and powerful that they can make shockwaves with all of their strength, although B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 is simply using most of his strength against B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, and is still holding back some of it, as it not cause unintentional damage.
"What's the matter, Error? Are you afraid of something?"
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 said, as Righteous did not speak, and he then fired his Green Strings at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, wrapping it around his body, before he sucked in his HP to heal, as he regained the HP that he had lost in the fight, due to needing to prepare for B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666's final attack, which he has seen him use, and thus, needs to be at full health to prepare for it. But B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 then sliced the strings off of him, before he than punched him in the gut, and sends him back, before Righteous then spoke out.
"What sort of fear are you referring to? Do you mean the fear of losing the problem I care about, just as you feared what happened to Chara, your lover?"
This B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666's left eye twitch, but he remains in control and does not shout out. He then fired his Ultranova blasts at Righteous from the wings, as Righteous dodged the attacks as fast as he can, and the Multiverses all around get destroyed by the blasts themself. Needless to say, Righteous is not having the time of his life. He fired a Glitch Ray at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, but B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 moved out of the way fast, before Righteous then felt a hard kick on the back of his head, as he is sent down, and crashed to the ground, before B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 then fired the Master Cables at Righteous in order to hit him. But Righteous summoned his Blue Strings and wrapped it around the Master Cables, and both B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 are in a tug of war again, but with B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 now present, for he is a lot stronger then ever. B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 smiled, but then, before he knew it, Red Strings wrapped around his neck, and caused a glaring pain on him, as Fatal_Blasters appeared at the side, and fired at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, which hits him, but it only scratched him, although he does still get sent down to the ground, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 crashed, the ripple effect on the ground occurred, as Fatal_Error appeared. He than summoned a bone, and snapped it in half, making it into a sharp blade, almost like the Real Knife, before he charged in and stabbed B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 in the chest, in order to cause as much pain as he possibly can. But B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 kicked Fatal_Error off of him, sending him high, although he return with the red strings and crashed into him again, before he jumps back and launched Fatal_Blasters once again. But B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 stood back up, barely hurt. Then, a punch was felt, and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 was ignited briefly, and it stung him a little bit, as he turned around to see where it came from, only for fire to explode on him, as Vivian appeared, flicking her finger.
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 turns to Vivian, and he prepares to fire at her. But then...his vision changed. And when B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 looked at who he is seeing...he is stunned to see someone before his very eyes.
Before him, is a human with a black choker, blue bow tie, and a white dress, having dark blue hair, supposedly, and although he cannot see the face, B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 feels like he can recognize it. He lowered his hand, reluctant to fire even a single God Ray, as he cannot bare to hurt this human. This human, he is someone that he...
Then, B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 felt a slash appear on his chest, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666's eyes widened, the vision ended, as Dust appeared, his left eye glowing pink, and the Scythe is swung from his hand.
In the other hand, Dust stabbed the Trident on the ground, and more Tridents appeared, stabbing B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 in various places, before Dust then made a large twister of fire appear, as the attack burned B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, although the damage, while continuous, due to the power of Karma, is very small, not to mention only temporary, as the MainFrame is continuing to regenerate B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, as well as Error666's own regeneration keeping him alive.
Dust then leapt back, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 rose up, and he looks at Dust and Vivian, along with Fatal_Error, before Dust launched more Tridents and Spears at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666. But B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 snapped his fingers and they disappeared. He looks back down, and his eyes widened at the sight that is before his eyes.
Before him is his brother, Adam, as he sees that a slash appeared onto him, from the time when Infected had killed him. And Error404, he can only do nothing more then scream out to his brother, as he dies before his very own eyes.
As he said that, then, all of a sudden, vines erupted from his chest, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 froze in place, as the vines and red and blue bones erupted from B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666's chest, courtesy of Dust and Fatal_Error, before Vivian waved her finger, and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 combusted from a fiery explosion. Vivian then grabbed onto Dust, and sunk him to the ground, knowing that Dust will not survive this, and the fact that Fatal_Error will be fine, as he cannot be killed in any sort of way, and deleting him is essentially impossible. B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 then rose from the ground, now even more pissed off then ever, as he fired an Ultranova at Fatal_Error, which struck him at full power, and it is enough to destroy a Hyperverse and Multiverses. Fatal_Error crashed down into the ground, but he is not dead, as he stood back up, and both of his eyes turned red.
Now in a rage state, as launched his red strings at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, who then slices and dodges all of them, before he goes to Fatal_Error, and punched him so hard, he sends him very far away beyond the speed of light. It is almost looking as thing that Fatal_Error had simply vanished.
But when that happened, all of a sudden, a red beam fired at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, and this made him hurt, as he felt his code almost being depleted, only for the MainFrame to restore it. He then looks up, and he looks up to see that there is an old enemy that he knows too well.
Loading has arrived, and is now looking insanely furious at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, before he then spoke out.
"Found you, 404!! And this time, you are not getting away!!!"
Loading then summoned more of itself, as the Loading Army then attacked B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 in an attempt to try and kill him and take back the MainFrame Code that Error404 had stolen from him.
And needless to say, there are a lot, as the Loadings then punched and struck at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, as well as wrapped black strings around him. But B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 is getting more and more madder at this happening to him, as he then spreads his wings, and the Loadings got off of him, and they vanished, thanks to B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 manipulating the MainFrame to delete them. Needless to say, Loading is not happy, as he then shouted out.
"Oh come on!! Are you serious?!!"
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 then spreads his wings a little bit more, as he flies up into the air, before he then spoke out to them.
He then spreads his arms, as then, all of a sudden, countless Gaster Blasters appeared all over in the air, as they all began to charge up an attack, as everyone looked in fear, except for Righteous, who simply looks in weary, but is not afraid, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666's hands then go together, as energy began to gather at both of the hands, and then, after a certain point, B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 opened both of his hands and raised one of them on the air.
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 kept his hand as open as he could, and he charges an attack at Righteous Erroe and the rest of the group, the Gaster Blasters are ready to fire, in order to destroy them all.
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 shouted, as it fired at Righteous, the Gaster Blasters and the beam of energy from his hand. But Error is not going down just yet, as he then shouted out.
"Not if we can help it."
Error then spreads his arms, and raised his tight hand, before he fired the limitless amount of Error Blasters and the Glitch Ray, and clashed with the Multiverse Machine Gun.
And then, Fatal_Error, who came back, made many Fatal_Blasters, and fired it at the Multiverse Machine Gun as well, in order to aid Righteous!Error in fighting it off. And then, Dust, he then leapt into the air, and made his left eye flare purple, as he then summoned the Gaster Blastermination, the thousands upon thousands of Gaster Blasters appeared, before he then fired then all, as well as swinging his Scythe, the slashes aided in the attack. Loading then swung his Stat Depletion Beam, in order to help in a way. The moment that happened, the Multiverse Machine Gun is being pushed back, but it refuses to be overpowered. But then...Righteous!Error took a deep breath and sighed, as he stopped using the Glitch Ray, and he extended his right arm, and made tentacles erupt, as he then grabbed onto about a dozen Multiverses, the ones of which are already dying, as he absorbed their beings into himself, his consumption increased his power. When he was done, he looks up back at the Multiverse Machine Gun, and Righteous!Error fired his Glitch Ray, now stronger then before, and then, this is what allowed the Multiverse Machine Gun to be pushed back even more, and outclassed, as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 spoke out.
Then, the attacks hit B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, and a powerful explosion erupted from the attack.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The explosion is so powerful, it even exploded a lot of the Multiverses that are around B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666. Vivian grabbed Dust and sunk him into the shadow again, as Righteous went in front of Fatal_Error, and Loading got instantly destroyed. Righteous held his arms up, as the power of the explosion pushed Righteous a little bit, as Fatal held onto Righteous, so he does not get blown away by the blast. The light is so blinding, he does not know how anyone can take it.
Then, the explosion is done...and after that, Righteous lowered his arms, and Vivian rose up from the ground, as she and Dust looks to see what has happened to B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666. It is a little bit difficult, due to the smoke that is around the place. But after a little while, the smoke cleared...and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 is shown to still be here, still alive, and is now exhausted. B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, he can feel his transformation about to reach the limit soon, as he tries to hold onto it for as long as he can. After a bit, he then spoke out.
"Impressive...that you all did it. But I shouldn't be surprised at what you have done, Righteous, especially since if you are from an alternate future you know how this form works. But it does not matter...for I will stop at nothing to take back what is mine, and regain the home that I had lost. Even if it means taking away all of the AU's happy endings to make to happen.
Then, Righteous wrapped around his Illusionary Strings, piercing B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666's soul, and B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666...he is seeing the tragedies that had lead to Error404 becoming who he is he spoke out to the alternate version of his master, which he had wanted to say to him for a long time, and now, in the form of this alternate version of him, gets a chance to do it.
" mean the same way that you took away your own happy ending, after what you had done? How pathetic, William, especially since you are one of the people responsible for its destruction, and for ripping it away from your own life. You always said that you loved Alphatale, your home AU, you claimed that you adored the AU that you had once lived in, because of how beautified it is to you, that you had loved all of them, except for your mother. And even though you did love your did not change the fact that you had destoryed it, along with your brother, Infected, or should I say, Jacob, who your mother has adopted. You knew that you are fighting inside of your home, and you knew that it would lead to the destruction of your home. But even so, you and Infected destoryed it, with your own bare hands. The same is also said for your loved ones, Chara and Adam, the 2 people that you had adored the most. You claimed they you loved them, that you would cherish them, that you would bleed in order to make sure that they are safe, and when Alphatale attacked...where were you? Oh that's right, in the MainFrame, studying it, while Chara and Adam had to die by Infected, all because you cared more for you own science project then the lives of your loved ones, the loved ones that meant nothing to you. In other words, William...Infected is not the only one that killed them. YOU...are also the one that killed them, all by your negligence and your care for your work more then them, all because you never loved them enough to ensure that they are okay, that they are safe. I wonder how Chara and Adam must feel for you now, knowing that you had abandoned them to their deaths, and not even gave up on it for their sake. You are so like the mother, for you care more for your experiments, then you care of what you are supposed to cherish, and this only means one thing to you, William...and it is this. You are so like your mother's son, for you have become remorseless and uncaring to family, just like she has never been for you."
The moment that Righteous said that...something very unexpected happened, just a second before B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666's time ran out, and when B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 heard what Righteous said, his eyes snapped open. Suddenly, red and blue rings formed into his eyes, as a black shockwave erupted from B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666. Righteous was actually pushed back far more harder, so much that it hurts, as everyone looked at B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666. The bones and wings in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 turned black, the blue teeth became separate and turned sharp, as the coat and pants and slippers turned black, the sweater becoming red, along with the eyes on the wings, and sharp white claws formed onto the fingers, and it is there, that Righteous spoke out.
"Oh shit!! So even in this Multiverse, he is inside of Error404 also!!"
This made Dust confused, as he spoke out.
"Wh...Who's inside of Error404."
Righteous looked at Dust, Fatal, and Vivian, as he spoke out.
"A TransVoid being, one that had made Error404 his host. His Malware."
And then...the transformation is complete...and Malware took over the fused transformation.
Malware smiled, as he roared with laughter.
He then looks at the group, before he then spoke out.
"I should thank you for saying that speech to my vessel, Righteous!!! Now he is pissed enough to reawaken me from my slumber!!! And I shall give you a gift of death, as all of existence shall rot at any very feet!!!! And soon, I shall become the strongest out of all the TransVoid, so says... JUST666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y!!!!!!!!!"
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