Bad Time Trio

Inside of a place in an unknown space, there is a location, one that resembles a place there all Sanses go to, the Judgement Hall.

Hor ever, this Judgement Hall is different, because of the fact that it is not in any sort of AU, but it is from a space of its own. And the fact that it is in a space of its own means that, it is only this space and the entrance to the Judgement Hall, that is present, and not everything else. And inside of it, are 4 people. One of which is the human, the one that has caused the genocide runs in the first place, as she had been the one responsible for all of it happening. But the other 3, they are from different AUs of their own, AUs that make them very unique, yet at the exact same time, these 3 had taken on what is likely the most important role of all: The Judge.

These are none other than the Bad Time Trio, which is a trio that is comprised of Storyshift Chara, Underswap Papyrus, and Classic Sans himself. These 3 versions of those that take the role of the judge appeared here due to an unknown force being the one to send them there. And because of this, they are forced to kill the human, again and again, over and over. Although their first meeting did not go as they expected, with Swap Papyrus attacking Shift Chara and Sans having to step in and stop it. And this is what the group are thinking about now. The group is thinking about how it all started, with all 3 of the Bad Time Trio looking very unhappy. But as they were thinking about it...footsteps were, as Chara heard then, and they turned around...too see someone walking towards them, their appearance being shown in the light of the sun.

Coming towards them is none other than Dust, Papyrus' scarf wrapped around his neck, his eyes empty and dark, a frown on his face, but it is more of a cautious frown, as Sans and Swap Papyrus noticed. Sans was stunned at seeing another him, but his eyes blinked, showing this white eyelights, eye sockets narrowed, as Papyrus teleported next to him. Dust than stopped moving, as Chara watched, stunned at the sight that is before her eyes, seeing another Sans suddenly appearing, and Sans, looked a little unnerved at seeing this Sans, due to the fact that he can sense his power, and it is extremely immense.

Dust snapped his fingers, and summoned Geno and Glitch to his side, his left eye glowing purple, as they appeared behind him at the left and right side. Their eyes glowing as well, with Glitch glowing cyan on both eyes, and Geno's eyes flashing red and cyan.

Shift Chara, not trusting them, used her power and summoned red knives on their throats, as she holds them in place, as Dust spoke out.

"Woah there, kid. We aren't here to fight you."

But Storyshift Chara refused to believe that, as she than spoke out.

"Really? You came here without wanting, and you expect me to believe that? So...let me ask you something. Who are you freaks?"

Dust glared a little bit, as he clenched his fist, and before Storyshift Chara knew it, pink slashes were shown, and the knifes are destroyed. This stunned Chara, and Glitchtale Sans, as Dust has the Scythe of Fear out, his eyes narrowed, his left eye flaring. But he than puts the scythe away, as he than sighed.

"Haaaa...look. I get your suspicion. I came here without you all knowing, and I look menacing, even bringing my friends here, uninvited. You may not trust me, but I can assure you, I am not here to fight you, okay? I'm pretty sure we don't want to fight and get ourselves killed, so let's avoid that."

This made Sans a little suspicious, as well as Underswap Papyrus, and Chara seemed suspicious, but seeing that Dust seemed genuine, and is really not here for a fight, they decided to let him be, as Sans than spoke out.

"Look, Chara, I know that they look suspicious, but we will not get any information unless we stand down. If they found us in this place, maybe there is a way out of the place that we are in, they can possibly help us get out of this mess."

Sans smiled, as he than spoke out.

"We can't know the truth unless we give them a chance. And besides, they said that they are here to avoid a fight. So let's try and avoid that as well."

Shift Chara looked at Sans, and while a little uneasy, they gave in, and stand down a little bit, as Dust than spoke out.

"Thank god. Thank you, I was really worried there."

Underswap Papyrus than stepped forward, as he than spoke out.

"Okay, but now what. The human is going to show up at any moment!"

Dust Sans turned around, before he than sighed. He than raised his hand, and Purple Bones formed from the entrance, as Dust spoke out.

"There, that should block the kid off."

Dust than turned around to the others, and Sans looked at Dust, as he spoke out.

"Something is really off with this guy here. Where have I felt this feeling before?"

Sans sighed, as he than stepped forward, between both Swap Papyrus and Shift Chara, before he than spoke out.

"Now then...want to tell us who you are and how you got here?"

Dust than spoke out.

" answer your second question, a version of us, you and me, Classic, he made a portal that had lead us to this place. And of who we are...this one here is named, Geno, the other Sans next to me is named Glitch...and me...errr..."

Dust felt a little bit uncomfortable, due to the fact that his name will not be good for them to here, as he than spoke out.

"Please don't freak out when I say my name, okay? It is gonna sound bad."

The Bad Time Trio do not know why he said that, but they decided to take it in for a stride and spoke out.

"Just what is it?"

Dust than sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Call me, Dust."


Sans flinched at the name. Dust? His name is Dust? Sans looked at Dust, and than at the scarf that is around his neck, as he spoke out.

"Why are named...what have you done?"

Dust sighed, as he spoke out.

"Admittedly...something that I am not very proud of."

Dust than looks at Sans, as he than spoke out.

"Let's go over each other's notes. So...Bad Time you know how you guys got to this place?"

The members of the Bad Time Trio looked at each other, as Sans than spoke out.

"Honestly, even we don't know. All that all of us knows is that...all of us had been hit by the human, we died, but instead of the world resetting, we met inside of this version of the Judgement Hall. And the thing is, we are trapped, as the human that we fought against, they had came out of nowhere inside of this place and attacked us. We have no idea how to get out. We tried to use our Shortcuts, but our power is only limited to this place, and because of this, we are forced to spend our times fighting against the human. And unfortunately for all of us, we are stuck here until the human is permanently gone, or we die, and the thing is, the human is not giving up, it will not allow us to go and get out of this place that we are in. We are stuck here."

Dust and the others looked at Sans and the other members of the Bad Time Trio, as Dust spoke out.

"I see. So basically, you are in a cage where you are forced to try and kill the human, even though they have limitless determination."

Sans nodded his head, as Papyrus spoke out.

"Sounds about right."

Shift Chara than looks at Dust, as he than spoke out.

"And what about you 3, you should talk about your backstories too, which lead you to be like this."

Dust looked, and he than sighed, as he spoke out.

"Okay, we'll reveal our backstories, but I'll...I'll go last, since I am not very...proud of what had lead me to this point."

The Bad Time Trio are a little bit confused as to why he has said that, but they decide to not question it, and based on the way he spoke out to them about it, he does not like it a single bit, about what he had done. And besides, he is going to be telling them anyway. And after that, the group began to tell the Bad Time Trio about their past, with Geno being the one to tell them first, and then, Glitch is the one to tell them, and after Geno, it is Dust's turn to tell them of his story, and his story was by far the most tragic story yet. And Classic, during the time that Dust explained what he had done, and even mentioned what he had done to Papyrus, he was stunned, as he spoke out to him.

"No...I would...never hurt my brother."

Dust sighed, as he than spoke out.

"You're right, Classic. You wouldn't, and admittedly...I didn't want to do it...but I had to force myself into doing this, so that I can defeat the human, as much as it pained me to do this, as much of how guilty I was that I had to do it, I know that I needed every option at my disposal in order to defeat the human that had caused the continuous genocides in the first place. And honestly...I wished that I never was forced to do this...and I am right now. And the end of it paid off. I was able to successfully stop it...just not in the way that I had expected. And after all of that...I was on the surface again, this time, permanently, my brother back to life, along with Gaster."

This made Sans stunned, as he spoke out.

"Gaster? He...he came back?"

Dust nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, and not just him. The others that had fallen into the void...after a year of living onto the surface, I was able to bring them back from the void. They are still as a good as new. And so...I...I gained my happy ending. But at the cost of Frisk's existence."

This made Sans stunned, as he than looked down, thinking about it for a while, while Underswap Papyrus than spoke out.

"So why are you here? Did you come here to help us?"

Dust than looked at Papyrus and spoke out.

"Well...that, and the fact that I am searching for someone to help me in the task that I am in."

Storyshift Chara than stepped forward, and seeing that she can trust him, spoke out.

"And what is that?"

Dust sighed, as he than spoke out.

"You see, me and my other counterparts are involved in a battle against a version of me, or rather, a version of us Sanses, called Nightmare. He had tried to recruit me by force, although I fought, and an ally of mine, Abyss, he had also been in a similar circumstance, but with a version of me, a Dust Sans, having been with Nightmare. And because of this, I have been trying to look for people that are willing to help us fight against him. So...are you, to try and help me against this thing, against the one called Nightmare?"

Sans looked at Dust, and he than looked down, before he than spoke out.

"I...I don't...know."

Dust than spoke out.

"It's okay. Take your time to think about it. There is plenty of time in this place now."

But Dust should have watched his mouth, because as soon as he has said that, a familiar voice spoke out.

"Too bad you won't be able to get any sort of time at all."

This made Dust stunned, as he than turned around, along with Geno, Glitch, and the Bad Time Trio, as they watched and see 3 figures have arrived inside of the Judgement Hall, the figures being very familiar to Dust, as he saw what they look like, and he is stunned to see who it is that has arrived.

Coming from the Judgement Hall, is none other than Killer, Horror, and Insanity, as then broke through the bone blockage that Dust had made from before. This made Dust stunned, but he than felt frustrated, as he than spoke out.

" 3 back for a rematch or something?"

Killer smiled, as he spoke out.

"You are very surprising, Dust, especially since you've been in places that our boss wants us to be in. And now that you are here, trying to take you away will be much easier, along with the Bad Time Trio, who you are with right now."

This made Dust unhappy, as Sans spoke out.

"Dust, who are those freaks?"

Dust than spoke out to Sans.

"These people are allies of Nightmare. Horror and Killer, they were ordered to recruit me and tried to force me to Nightmare's services."

Sans than looked at Insanity, as he than saw Papyrus' skull in one of his hands, as Sans' eyes widened, and Dust than spoke out.

"Yeah, Insanity did that to his own Papyrus, Classic. But it is not just Insanity, the one with the Knife, that version of Killer Sans, he too had killed his Papyrus, and like Insanity, he did it without a hint or remorse whatsoever."

This made Sans angry, as he looked at Insanity, who smiled wickedly and disgustingly. Insanity raised his hand holding Papyrus' skull and opened his mouth, as if to taunt Sans. This made Sans' left eye flash blue and yellow, but than, Dust than spoke out.

"Don't fight them. These guys are way to powerful for you."

He than looked at the group, as Killer went into the air, and summoned his Goop Blaster, which began to charge up the attack and began to fire at Dust, as Dust looked his into the air, he felt very frustrated, but decides to make his next move now.

Dust Sans activated his Blue Magic, covering Swap Papyrus, Shift Chara, Geno, Glitch, and Classic in a blue glow, as he than spreads his arms and moved them out of the way, as Killer Sans than fired his attack.

But Dust, having gained strength from his killing of Bete Noire, and reaching LV 20, blocked the attack with a large Gaster Blaster, and used every ounce of strength that he has, in order to make sure that the attack does not effect him badly. He continued to pressure through the attack, and eventually, the Goop Blaster's attack ended, as Dust is shown that he is unscathed, but it is a little exhausted, as Dust spoke out.

"Geno, call Delta and get them out of here. And also, if you are done calling Delta, have you and Glitch aid me in this."

Geno nodded, as he than called Delta to try and come pick them up, along with the others, to make sure that the Bad Time Trio is safe as well and out of harm's way. When that is happening, Horror rushed at Dust with his axe in hand, and swung his attack, only for Dust to block it. But as that happened, Killer came out of nowhere and punched Dust hard, sending him skidding backwards, and stopping, as Dust looked angry, a bruise on his cheek, as his eyes flared. Killer smiled, as he than points his knife at Dust, in which the Red Knives appeared besides Killer and fired at Dust. But Dust, not wanting to be outdone, summoned Tridents, and fired them at the Red Knives, as the Knives and Tridents collided and clashed into each other, in which they are both clattered to the ground, as Geno and Glitch went next to Dust, as Geno and Glitch spoke out.

"So, Dust. You have an idea?"

Dust nodded, as he than spoke out.

"I do. Glitch, go for Insanity. Geno, you take on Horror. As for me, Killer is mine."

Geno and Glitch nodded, as they than teleported in front of their respective opponents, Glitch, Geno, and Dust's eyes flared dangerously, as Killer, Insanity, and Horror held up their weapons, and prepared to fight them. Dust and Killer glared, as they are prepared to fight, when all of a sudden, Classic spoke out.

"How about we give you 3 a hand in this?"

Dust turned around and spoke out to him.

"No, you need to stay out of this one, Bad Time Trio. They're too strong!"

But Classic smiled, as he teleported next to Dust, as he than spoke out.

"Maybe, but even though I don't like ya, I still want to make sure that these version of me pay for what they have done to Papyrus, especially since they are worse compared to you."

Dust looked at Sans and spoke out.

"Agreed. Fine, but take on Insanity, as Glitch would like to use some backup."

Sans nodded, as he teleported next to Glitch, who is getting ready to fight against Insanity. Swap Papyrus appeared beside Geno, as he gets ready to fight against Horror. Dust sighed, before Shift Chara than appeared next to Dust, her knives appeared up above her gloved hands, as she than spoke out to Dust.

"Mind if I can join in on the fun?"

Dust looked at Shift Chara and spoke out.

"Suit yourself."

He than looked at Killer, as he than held his hand out and takes out his Scythe of Fear, while Chara summoned a knife for her to hold, as her eyes flared red, along with Dust's eyes, red and purple.

Without any hesitation, the 2 sides began to fight against each other.

With Geno, he and Swap Papyrus dodged and avoided Horror's Axe swings, as Horror launched a red slash at Geno and Swap Papyrus, who dodged, the slashes sending some of the pillars down. Papyrus looks at Horror, along with Geno, as Geno than raised his hand, and Horror glowed blue, he is than sent up into the air and slammed into the ceiling, before he than slammed into the walls a bunch of times, before he is than slammed into the ground. But Horror stood up, before he than rushed at Swap Papyrus, who than dodged the Axe swings, and summoned a Gaster Blaster with orange eyes, in which Swap Papyrus fired it at Horror, which consumed his entire Body, and caused a lot of damage to Horror, and needless to say, Horror is not very happy how outnumbered he is right now against them.

With Glitch and Classic, they are up against Insanity, and he truly moved up to his name, due to how much of his mind that he had lost, thanks to the experiment or DT that his father, Gaster had infected him with. Insanity leapt forward and tried to punch both Sans and Glitch, only for them to dodge. But than, Insanity stabbed Glitch in the abdomen with the sharp bone in Papyrus' skull, chasing him to lose HP. But Sans used his Blue Magic and ripped it out of Glitch's stomach, and thankfully, Glitch had good to heal with, as Sans gently put down the skull of Papyrus to the ground. Sans felt extremely Sans that his brother is still alive, but is suffering from an insane amount of agony, and all for no reason. He looked at Insanity, as he than used his Blue Magic in order to slam him around. But Insanity is able to jump and land at the right moment, somehow, before he than jumped and landed onto the ground, and attempted to punch him, and Sans got out of the way, as Glitch than fired a bunch of bones at Insanity. And while Insanity is able to get hit, he did succeed in punching Glitch. But Glitch had the Armor in the Red around him, so thus, lessened the damage to simply 1 HP. Looks like Insanity is going to have a much tougher time than he thought, especially since Insanity gets blasted by both Gaster Blasters it Glitch and Classic, who decides to make she's that Insanity pays dearly.

With Dust and Shift Chara, they are fighting against Killer, and needless to say, he is very tough, due to the fact that he is using the True Knife against them. Luckily, Dust had the Scythe of Fear and Shift Chara has a Knife of Determination, and they are able to match the damage of the Knife that Killer has. Killer launched Red Knives at Shift, who launched her own red knives, cancelling each other out. Dust than launched Spears at Killer, who rose a bone wall to defend, and Killer than swung his knife at Dust, a Red Slash coming for Dust. But turned it around by spinning his Scythe, and launching a magenta fiery slash, as the 2 Slashes cancel each other out. Killer than launched Chara into the air and slammed her into a pillar, but Dust than made a vine around Killer and rose him up into the air, before slamming him into the ground, but Killer swung a red slash at Dust, giving him a cut across his torso, painfully. Even Dust was not expecting that. But thankfully, the wound closed up, as Dust looked at Killer, his left eye flaring, as he than made purple strings, and yanked it, causing his arm to break and nearly get ripped off, much to Killer's agony. And than, Dust rushed at Killer, as he than held into a Trident in the other hand, and he began to dual wield both Trident and Scythe together, as Killer clashed both weapons with the Knife. But the Scythe swung the Knife out of Killer's hand, before he than used the Trident of Asgore and stabbed Killer into the torso, painfully, as he is than lifted into the air, and is sent to a pillar. Thankfully for Killer, his wound closed up. Not so thankfully, is the fact that a magical blast came out of nowhere and exploded onto Killer, making him lose even more HP. As that happened, Horror and Insanity also landed beside Killer, as the portal opened up, and out came all of the members of Dust's group, and Dust spoke out.

"Do all of you need to be out? Some of you could have stayed behind, you know?"

Delta shrugged, as he than spoke out.

"Where's the fun in that?"

Dust sighed, as he spoke out.

"Anyway, that is our cue. Let's get out of here."

The others nodded, as they all than began to teleport to the portal, and began to go inside, when all of a sudden, a black goop blocked access to the portal, as a voice spoke out.

"You are not going anywhere."

This made Delta's eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"Oh no. Nightmare, he is here."

This made Dust stunned, as all of a goop rose from the ground, and it made a humanoid shape, resembling Classic Sans' outfit, there is only a left eye and mouth present, and there are tentacles moving on their own, and they are coming out from his back.

The goopy entity smiled, as he than spoke out to Dust.


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