Attack on the Omega Timeline
Dust grunted, as he is raising his Scythe of Fear up, and is using it against Delta, who has his Bravery Gauntlets out, as he and Dust are now sparring. Dust and Delta have been honing their skills and their tricks for a much and for as long as they can, due to the fact that they will need to prepare to fight against Team Void, just in case they decide to come and attack them.
Of course, Dust has trained non stop, due to the battles that he had to constantly go through. He trained with Epic Sans for skills, Glitchtale Sans and Last Breath Sans to handle against powers that Dust does not have, and now he is training with Delta against both skills and powers. And needless to say, Dust is fighting with his full strength, as Delta does the same, with Delta and Dust clashing against each other with their respective weapons. And needless to say, Dust and Delta are getting very better at fighting against each other very well. Dust certainly has trained himself in being able to use his powers with maximum effect and with as much skill and creativity and practice with his powers.
As both Dust and Delta stopped, they both began to breath hard, as Dust and Delta felt themselves get exhausted at what they had done for each other. But clearly, Dust and Delta are able to improve upon themselves. This made Dust glad that he is able to improve, as Delta than spoke out.
"Well, that is one hell of a tough fight."
Dust nodded his head, as he spoke out.
"No kidding. And it is because we have both been practicing against got knows how many stuff. I am just glad that we are gettin more skilled and more stronger."
Delta nodded, as he sat down onto a bench, and Dust sat down next to Delta by choice. Dust sighed, as Delta than spoke out.
", Dust. I swear. No matter where you go, you manage to find some people that are able to help us, and even got whole groups of AU denizens at our sides."
Dust than looks at Delta and spoke out.
"Only because I have an arsenal of magic and weapons, which many of our counterparts do not have, and one of them is from a magical spell and a soul trait that is meant to counter Determination. So it is going to be kind of obvious that I would have something such as this."
Delta nodded, as he spoke out.
"Can't argue with that. I mean, you are able to surpass the other version of you that is working with the Murder Time Trio, surpassing Killer, who is Nightmare's right hand man, fought against Error with just your magic alone, and even stood your ground against Nightmare and Shattered a little longer than most."
Dust nodded, as he looked down at his soul inside of his body, and sees that the upside down red heart is glowing red, as Dust than spoke out.
"Well...hopefully they are able to help us in this. Because we are going to need all the help we can get, especially when it involves Error404."
Delta than looks at Dust and spoke out.
"Well, can't argue with that. Error404 is the single most dangerous version of us as of yet, and Team Void manage to recruit him of all people."
Dust nodded his head. And as he looks around, he saw that a puff of rainbow colors have appeared, as Fresh appeared, and he has a huge group of AU denizens with him. These people are from the AU known as Underpray.
They both seem to be very useful enough, as Sans is long ranged with his bow and arrow, which will make spotting him a really big problem for anyone else. Dust smiled, as he spoke out.
"And now, everyday, we are getting more and more prime at our side, as we safe more and more innocent lives from the nightmare that we are in."
Delta nodded, as both Delta and Dust looks around and see a variety of stuff happen. Of course, staying in the Omega Timeline is very difficult for them, as they need to make sure they they do not get invaded. Dust than looked to the side, and he sees that Trainer!Sans and Trainer!Papyrus are going into a Pokémon battle against each other, because they need to prepare for a fight against Team Void. Dust doesn't blame them. After all, Team Void is just that dangerous of a big group.
As Dust looked around, he than looked and saw that Epic is running up to him.
"Oh, there you are, Bruh. I've been looking for you."
This made Dust concerned, as he than looks at Epic and spoke out.
"What is it, Epic?"
Epic looks at Dust, as he spoke out.
"It's Core, she is deciding to call in all of us for a meeting."
This made Dust surprised, as he than stood up, and spoke out to Epic.
"Okay. Let's go."
Dust and Epic than teleported, as they than began to go to HQ, where the meeting is taking place in.
Dust sat down, as he intertwined his fingers, and he narrowed his eyes in concentration. And present in this meeting is Ink, Epic, Fresh, Core, and even Demi, who is also present. However, Demi is known as being second-in-command of his King's army, so it is fitting that he gets to appear inside of the meeting, as Dust than spoke out.
"Core, what has happened that is so important, if you don't mind me asking?"
Core looks at Dust, and spoke on to Dust.
"About that, Geno had snuck into Team Void's base and he is able to get some new intel of what Team Void has. Apparently, they have mange to find a way to access the Omega Timeline."
This made everyone stunned, as Dust spoke out.
"What? How is that possible? Shattered can't have figured out how to get there in the way of the doors, does he?"
Core than shook her head, as she than spoke out to Dust.
"No. It is not that. Apparently, he manage to get a hold of an item of some kind, and it is said to be very powerful, to the point where Shattered can use the item to get down into the Omega Timeline without issue."
Dust looks down, as Demi spoke out.
"What is this item that Team Void has?"
Core than spoke out.
"Apparently, it resembles a book of some sort, and based on what Geno said, the book was likely stolen from someone. He did not get a good look at the book, but he did notice something from it. On the cover of the book, there is a single eye on it that is glowing green."
Dust than looks down, as Ink than spoke out.
"A book with an eye? There is only one person that possesses such a book. I'm just hoping that it is a coincidence and the fact that it is not the actual thing."
Epic than looks at Ink, as he than spoke out.
"Do you know something about this, Ink Bruh?"
Ink looks at Epic and nodded.
"Yeah, I do. Although I am not sure if it is really the case yet. I need to see what the book looks like so that I can confirm my suspicions."
Core nodded, as Fresh than spoke out.
"Did Shattered or anyone else say what they are about to send to the Omega Timeline. What type of army?"
Core shook her head, as she spoke out.
"No. But I can only assume that the army that they are about to bring, it is going to be very dangerous, and we will need to be ready for what will happen."
Ink than looks at Core and spoke out.
"Core. Do you mind if we can make an announcement of this sort of fact tomorrow? I think everyone deserves to know so that they can be ready for it. And since we don't know what Nightmare and Shattered will bring, how much of an army that will come for them, and that is not to assume that it is his whole army, than I suggest we have all of the members of Team Hope on standby and hidden, in case all of Team Void's armies decides to attack the Omega Timeline."
Core nodded her head, as she spoke out.
"I agree. Do what you need to do, Ink."
Ink nodded his head, as he than made a paint portal and went outside. Dust narrowed his eyes, as he realizes that everyone is going to be in one hell of a dangerous situation on their hands, as Dust spoke out.
"What about the people that are not going to fight or are unable to fight? What are they going to do?"
This made Core look at Dust, as she than spoke out.
"We keep them out of harms way, and try to hide them into HQ. The base has a protective forcefield around it. So it can withstand some hits and heal on its own, but it takes time for it to heal."
Dust nodded his head, as he narrowed his eyes dangerously, before he than spoke out.
"I see. Than we must not waste time. We need to prepare. When do they plan on attacking?"
Core looks at Dust and spoke out.
"According to Geno, they will attack in 5 Days."
Dust than narrowed his eyes a bit more, as he than spoke out.
"They say in 5 days? Well, I know that they said that, but who's to say that they wound change their mind to say, 2 days, or tomorrow. If there is one thing that I learned, it is that you cannot take someone at their words completely, because what they say may not be the case."
Core nodded her head, as she spoke out.
"You speak truthfully. Than it is best we start preparing more quickly, in case Nightmare and Shattered change their minds to do it early."
Dust than spoke out.
"I also think we should have the other members of Team Hope practice more harshly than before, so that they can be ready. Epic, Demi, are you able to help with this?"
Demi and Epic nodded, as Epic spoke out.
"Will do, Bruh. Though it will admittedly take a little bit of time to make them fight fit, and plus, we do not have that much time on our hands."
Dust than spoke out.
"Then we'll use the remaining time that we have to prepare for the attack. And we prepare nonstop. If I were to believe, Shattered and Nightmare will be expecting us to be stopping and being weak. Making us easy to take down."
Epic and Demi nodded, as both teleported away, leaving Fresh, Dust, and Core inside of the room.
"You seem to be very skilled in preparation yourself, Broseph."
Fresh spoke out, as Core than spoke out.
"Dust, are you sure that what you have done is the right thing to do?"
Dust than looks down and spoke out.
"I don't know. But Nightmare and Shattered will be expecting us to be easy pickins and will expect us to be weak and unprepared. Honestly, I want to prepare us to the best of our ability, so that we can fight on even terms against Nightmare, Shattered, and all of Team Void. All that I am hoping comfort, is if what we are doing will be effective enough for all of us, so that all of the Omega Timeline and the members of Team Hope will survive for another day."
Core looks at Dust smiled, as she than spoke out.
"You perhaps may have made the right choice in this one, Dust. And now...I think it is best that we all leave."
Dust nodded, as he than teleports out of here. He than teleports outside of base, and he looks around, as he than sighed.
"I really hope we can survive at the end of all of this."
Dust began to walk forward. But as he did, a voice spoke out.
"Hey, Dust."
This made Dust stop, as he turned to see that Trainer, Abyss, and Delta have appeared, as Delta spoke out.
"Dust, what happened in the meeting? What was it about?"
Dust than sighed and spoke out.
"Apparently, Nightmare has found a way to access the Omega Timeline. He is now planning to attack and invade it at any day in this week."
This made Trainer and Delta alarmed, as Abyss spoke out.
"How many days until they attack?"
Dust than spoke out.
"Geno said that Nightmare and Shattered desires to attack in 5 days. But honestly, I wouldn't be surprise if they change their minds to do it early."
The 3 Sanses could tell where Dust is coming to, as they learned that the bad guys may not always keep their words and decide to flip it and do it much more earlier than before. This made Trainer than took out something from his pocket.
"Well, in case you fight with your Pokémon, you may need to take this."
He than tossed something, as Dust grabbed it, and saw that it is a bracelet of some sort, as Trainer spoke out.
"This is for you to use on your Vulpix. It will help her use a move that she can access when you use it. SubZero Slammer."
Dust nodded, as he than puts the bracelet on. Dust than spoke out.
"We have limited time to prepare, and if I were to believe, Nightmare and Shattered could attack earlier than expected. I suggest we start training and preparing for Team Void with the limited amount of time we have."
The 3 Sanses nodded, as Dust turned around, and went back to his 2 Pokémon, as they both need to prepare for what is about to happen next. Of course, he knows his Pokémon will be distressed that they will have to train immensely hard for this, but he wants to make sure that they survive. He just hopes that they are able to get through this to the very end.
4 Days....
The Omega Timeline has been preparing for the arrival of Team Void, and trusting Dust's suspicions that they can appear earlier than expected, they decide to not waste time and do all that they can to prepare for it. Many of Team Hope's best fighters trained and sparred with other members of the Team, in order to make sure that they all get out alive in this. They trained non stop, they made themselves stronger, and one of the members of the Bad Time Trio, Storyshift Chara, practiced with her Sword and Shield of Determination, as she does all that she can to help and become stronger for the sake of her team, and Classic Sans, her love interest.
Dust even practiced with his powers on GlitchKiller, due to being the only one that can match him in a way, despite having a little bit more health compared to Dust, and Dust is getting more and more improved on his powers, as well as practicing with Undyne in being able to summon reverse spears, which change direction as soon as it gets close to the opponents, which he is able to do when he killed Undyne in the previous timeline of his Alternate Timeline. He also helped practice and trained with his Pokémon, so that they can be ready. Of course, he does warn them about how harsh it will be, due to how serious the situation is, but the Pokémon, who are forever in Dust's debt, trained with him, as they practiced and trained their powers, and each day, their attacks got stronger and stronger, and they began to last more and more in the sparring that they are in, as well as getting less and less tired, more and more durable. He even helped Vulpix in practicing the SubZero Slammer, which is able to help Team Hope in clearing out huge amount of armies, but Dust plans for going for the biggest amount, so that Team Hope will have a chance against Team Void a bit more easily than before.
And as Core trusts Dust with his suspicions, Geno was sent on an hourly basis to check if Team Void os going to attack more earlier than expected. At the 3rd day, it did happen. Both Nightmare and Shattered changed their minds, and got ready to attack on the 4th day. And thus, when hearing this, everyone became prepared. On the 4th day, Dust took his Pokémon and searched in the Timeline to see where Team Void plans to appear. He even looked at the center, if the Omega Timeline, and when he did, he saw that a portal is about to open.
"Oh crap! Everyone get back!!"
Alarmed, Dust used his power to slow it down, and try to teleport the portal outside of the town, so that everyone can be prepared for it. Everyone immediately stepped back, as Dust is trying to use all of his power to force the portal to teleport outside of the city. This made Dust snarl a little bit, but than, Detla, Epic, Seraphim, and Anti-Error appeared, and they extended their hands onto the portal, and teleport it outside, along with themselves, as Delta spoke out.
"Now let's assemble the Factions as fast as we can. Dust, can you keep the portal from opening."
Dust than spoke out.
"No. The best that I am doing for now is slowing it down."
Anti-Error than spoke out.
"Than let's assemble the armies as fast as we can . Dust, keep holding onto it."
Dust nodded, as the group scattered to gather as many people as they can. And thankfully, a few of them were fast, and are able to assemble all of them in just 4.04 Minutes. After that, Delta spoke out.
"Dust, get away!!!"
Dust nodded, as he teleported away, and he landed onto the ground, and on his knees, as he felt tired from doing that. Than, a hand touched his shoulder, and it made Duat feel rejuvenated and back to full strength, and he turned to see that Toriel from Reapertale had been the one to help him.
"Oh, uhhh...thank you."
Reaper Toriel smiled, as Dust than stood up, and he looked to see the portal now opening fully, no longer slowing down, as it opened up as fast as it can. And than, the members of Team Void came out, along with the leaders, Shattered and Nightmare.
Shattered and Nightmare smiled, as they arrived with their armies inside of the Omega Timeline. Finally, after what must have been one hell of a hassle for them, and so much preparation, they are able to finally enter it, after Core removed access for Shattered when he entered it and caused countless amounts of havoc. And it is all because of a certain book that they manage to steal from someone. When Shattered looked and saw countless members of Team Hope, and their weapons out, ready to fight, Shattered smiled, as he spoke out.
"Oh, it seems that you have been preparing for us to come here. Heheheheheh. Not that it wound save you fools."
Dust than stepped forward, as Ink than held his Paintbrush, and spoke out.
"At least it will save us from your betrayal, Dream. Especially since you had turned against your purpose."
This made Dream angry, as he spoke out.
Dust scoffed, as he went forward, before he than spoke out.
"This is what you are making an example of 'being a leader?' Man, this is pathetic. I bet you only became this way because you want your dearest brother's love again. Man, you are nothing but a pathetic man child."
This made Shattered even more enraged, as Nightmare than stepped forward, and spoke out.
"And what does that make you, Dust? After all, you are not so different from the others we have recruited, where you killed your own kind just to gain more power."
Dust than spoke out.
"At least I did not enjoy it and only did it to stop an even worse thing from happening, unlike you, who takes out his frustration on the AUs that had nothing to do with whatever hell you had gone through."
Nightmare than spoke out.
"Do you think that matters? Killing is still killing, and it does not stop you from being corrupted. You cannot deny the evil that you had once done back then in your alternate timeline."
Dust than spoke out.
"At least I redeemed myself in the end." No matter what you say, I will not join you, nor become corrupted again."
This made Nightmare narrowed his eye, as he than spoke out.
"So be it. Than you can say goodbye to your precious Omega Timeline, and all of your friends, for you will suffer the most painful torment I can give you."
Dust than extended his hand and summoned his Scythe of Fear, before speaking out.
"You can try."
Nightmare smiled, before he than points his finger at the members of Team Hope, and spoke out.
"Torment and kill."
The members of Team Void, without warning, attacked and charged at the Omega Timeline's army, as Ink points his paintbrush, and spoke out.
"Protect the Omega Timeline, with all of your might!"
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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
And than, Dust charged, as the others did as well, and the 2 sides began to collide against each other on combat. Both Fatal_Error and Anti-Error attacked the original Error, as they are both the only ones that can stand a chance against him, along with Ink. But Ink is busy dealing with Shattered Dream, with Abyss fighting against Nightmare, along with Cross, who is siding with Abyss.
Nightmare Mode Sans is attacking a lot of Team Void's members and easily annihilating them, with the exception of the genocidal Asriel Dreemurr's, which made Glitchdust Asriel go out and fight against them, along with Glitchdust Chara. But the thing is, Team Void is not prepared with how harshly and how painfully that the members of Team Hope trained, and thus, when they attacked, they are able to get somewhat of an upper hand.
As for Dust, he is somewhere else doing a very important thing of his own.
Dust Sans is now in a new trio of his own, comprised of Axe Sans and Last Breath Sans. Now he is facing off against Murder Sans and his Murder Time Trio. Now this seems much more fitting, as there are 2 Dusts as the leaders, Horror Sans against Axe Sans,
And Killer Sans, who made a deal with Chara, against Last Breath Sans, who willingly let's himself be inflicted and empowered by the Gaster of his Timeline. Dust smiled, as he faced the Murder Time Trio, and unfortunately for the Murder Time Trio, they do not have any access to Insanity, as Geno, Gltich, and the Bad Time Trio are dealing with him. So because of that, if Horror is out, than Insanity will not be there to help them. This puts the group at a very serious disadvantage, because now they need to win without him.
Dust smiled, as Murder frowned, and the both of them got ready to fight against each other. Than, they charged, as Dust and Murder clashed, Scythe against Trident, as the 2 Trios began to fight against each other.
Dust and Murder clashed, as Dust fired magical blasts against Murder, who than made a wall of bones to defend against the Magical Blasts. But than, Dust made vines erupt from the ground and slam down on top of Murder, which made Murder teleport away to avoid getting crushed to dust by the large plants.
Dust teleported backwards, but as that happened, Spear appeared above Murder and fired down at him. But Murder than launched his own spears and clashed it against each other. Before Murder can react, however, Dust appeared behind him, and tries to slice his back with his Scythe of Fear. But Murder was able to block it with his Trident, before the Scythe of Fear can strike him. Dust smiled, and Murder did not look at happy, as than, all of a sudden, the Phantom Papyruses of both Sanses appeared, and they began to go into combat against one another. Dust than used his Blue Magic and sends Murder in the air, before slamming him back down to the ground. He than tries to pierce him with purple bones only for Murder to leap out of the way. But than, Murder launched fireballs at Dust, as Dust than launched his own, although his is a bit more stronger, as they went through Murder's, and are able to hit him, which made him feel a little bit of damage. But than, Friendliness Pellets surround Dust, and Dust realizes what is about to happen next. He than swung his Scythe as fast as he can, in order to avoid getting hit by the Friendliness Pellets, and while he was able to get rid of most of it, Dust did still get hit, but only a little bit. Thankfully, though, Dust is very durable, and only took a tiny bit of damage. He than launched Tridents at Murder, who raises a bone wall to defend against the tridents, only for the Tridents themselves to explode. Murder got hit and is sent back a little bit, as he looks back up and sees that Dust is now moving forward to him, Scythe in hand. And as soon as he took the 7th step, he suddenly vanished. This made Murder alarmed, but than, he saw that Dust is now behind him, as he punches him hard in the head, sending him flying.
With Axe, he is shown to be clashing against Horror, and needless to say, Horror is no joke at all. Horror is actually quite strong, and is very durable, even more so than Axe himself, despite having superior ATK stats. Well, that won't matter for Axe, as he is still able to beat him, which he has done before when they went to rescue Paper Crane. Horror launched sharp bones at Axe, who leapt up into the air and fired his own sharp bones, with Horror raised his axe to block against. But than, as soon as Axe landed onto the ground, he vanished and reappeared behind Horror, and sliced his back, as it made Horror feel an extremely painful damage. Horror turns around, and than, both Axe and Horror's weapons clashed and grind against each other, as both have an insane smile on their face, but Axe's smile is far more menacing and ruthless, due to the fact that unlike Horror, Axe has been fighting for years, and improved his physical strength and speed more. While Horror, although he himself is strong, he is much more durable, but not as fast. And also, Axe did not lose his Gaster Blasters, so when Horror looked and saw Axe is gone, he sees a a bunch of Gaster Blasters melted together without a jaw, and he got hit full blast with it, sending him flying backwards.
As for Last Brearh, Killer is doing he can to fight against him. But as Last Breath is not injured anymore, due to the injury being healed, and the fact that he is now at full strength again, he can use this power without issue, with the only issue being that he can get tired after a prolonged fight. Killer tried to swing his knife at Last Breath, but Last Breath blocked it with his bone, as he warped reality and made Killer appear in front of a Gaster Blaster, the entire area looking like it is upside down, as he got hit, and Killer was hurt and badly damaged, although he did recover from that attack easily, due to his insane durability. But Last Breath is not done, as he fired his Chroma Magic at Killer, and summoned Red Blasts at Killer, forcing him to move out of the way. But as he did, orange dots appeared and exploded, sending Killer to the side, before getting hit by Yellow Bullets. But Killer is not done, as he tries to stab Last Breath in the head, knob for Last Breath it makes a Kindness Dome around him, and summoned a Patience Rope by a hand, which wrapped around Killer and slammed him down to the ground. He than summoned Integrity Buzzsaw blades, and Killer is forced to avoid them in order to get hit. But Killer still got hit and it made Killer's HP drained to 20 HP. Killer than tried to bite on something, but Last Breath prevented this from happening by piercing Killer with the Purple Chromas, just a second before he can bite onto it. And now, he is going to have to take a very slow time trying to heal his wounds.
As Dust landed faced against his counterpart, he looks and sees that his Vulpix and Fennekin are able to stand a huge amount of ground against the Sanses coming this way, due to the fact that they are able to train in this. But then, Dust made a huge purple bone tower, and looked to see that there is a large amount of Team Void's attackers, and they seem to be ready to attack the members of Team Hope by surprise, or at least, the more powerful members of Team Hope. Realizing that Vulpix is in the right position to use the Z-Move, he spoke out.
"Hey, Vulpix. I got you some new targets to do the Z-Move for real!!"
Vulpix noticed Dust speaking out to her, and she looks and nods her head, as Dust than held out his Bracelet and revealed it. And Murder, realizing what Dust is going to do, charges up to stop him. But Dust made vines erupt from the ground and wrap around Murder, just so that he can hold him in place while he uses Vukpix's strongest attack. Horror and Killer also moved in to stop him, but Axe and Last Breath intercepted them and blocked them to prevent them from attacking Dust.
"'Now, SubZero Slammer!!"
Than, Vulpix began to gather ice under herself, before the ice formed and grew into a giant pillar, that she is now on top of, as the Vulpix began to charge up an attack seems to be a very energy beam made of Icy magic.
Vulpix than fired the SubZero Slammer at the huge group of Team Void members that are coming their way, and she is able to freeze them solid, as Ink than made a huge Boulder with his paint that he smashed down on top of the group, which gave him LV, and made him a bit more stronger, in order to stand his chance against Shattered, his former friend.
Dust smiled, as he manage to make a huge crippling blow on Team Void's attack, due to taking out most of the soldiers of Team Void. But Killer, he is not to happy with that, as he tries to kill Dust when his back was turned, only for Dust to dodge it. Although the Red Knife that is launched at Dust did hit the bracelet, destroying it. But that didn't matter, as Dust is still able to land a huge win for the members of Team Hope.
Vulpix's ice tower is gone, as Vulpix landed onto the ground, and went next to Fennekin, who is also attacking the members of Team Void
Fennekin than launched a powerful Flamethrower attack on a lot of Sanses, making them feel immense agony from the attack itself. A lot of them few immense agony, but than, all of them got hit by Dusttrust, as he cuts through them like a hot knife through butter. And Dustbelief is also joining in, as he too is using his swords to cut through the armies like they are nothing, as both Dusttrust Sans and Dustbelief Papyrus attack and fight with all of their might, their physicality and attacks are able to kill and slaughter many members of Team Void, and are very difficult to kill themselves, due to their immense HP, ATK, and DEF.
Fennekin than fired off her attack, Hidden Power, and it hit multiple Sanses at once, the one from Team Void, and than, Epic came out of nowhere and fired his Epic Blasters, and nuked the members of Team Void, landing her another huge blow for Team Void.
Vulpix looked and saw a sharp bone coming their way. She than used her attack, Aurora Veil, and the bone went upwards and missed, and hit a member of Team Void's Sans. It is none other than Underfell Sans, the one that joined Team Void, and he is fighting against Team Hope's Flowerfell Sans, who is doing all he can to protect the Omega Timeline and keep his Frisk safe, his sweetheart.
The Sans that attempted to kill the 2 Pokémon was none other than Insanity Sans, and he is looking outright uglier than ever before, as as Insanity than threw Papyrus' head at Fennekin, in hopes to kill her. But Vulpix protected her by using tackle, and head butted the skull of one of the way. But Sans teleported and caught the skull, as he summoned sharp at the 2 Fox Pokémon, before Vulpix than used Hail to summon down a hailstorm to send the sharp bones back at Insanity, who than made a wall made of bones. Insanity than stepped back and jumped towards the 2 Fox Pokémon, his fist reeled back to punch. But Vulpix than charged at Insanity and used Tackle on his fist, causing a shockwave, but this made Vulpix feel hurt, due to Insanity's ruthless strength. Vulpix landed onto the ground, her head hurt from the attack, and Insanity attempt to attack and kill Vulpix, but Fennekin than went in front of Vulpix and used Flamethrower to burn Insanity. But became Insanity is, well, insane, he has stupidly high pain tolerance, and although his punch was not strong enough to cause fatal damage to the 2 Pokémon, it is enough to cause some serious damage to Fennekin, with Vulpix using her own body as a cushion for Fennekin to land on.
Insanity looks down at the 2 Pokémon, and attempted to kill them by summoning sharp bones in the air, but than, Ganz came out of nowhere and kicked Insanity out of the way, sending him flying to the side. Ganz landed, and he charged at Insanity, his fist reeled back. Insanity's fist also reeled back, as both Ganz and Insanity punched, creating an even stronger shockwave than ever before.
Fennekin and Vulpix, theh both felt immense agony, as they than tried to stand up, and they both looked to see that the battle around them was fierce. They see Trainer!Sans using all of his Pokémon to try and fight against the other Sanses, and risking his life on the line. A version of Sans from an AU called Horrorfell tried to attack Trainer!Sans, only for Trained!Sans to be protected by Dust, who than punched Horrorfell out of battle, and send him far away, as Dust and Trainer fought with all of their might to try and bring down Team Void. Althing outmatched, they are determined to take down the members of Team Void, even if the odds are against the both of them, against all of them. They are working together, they have a true bond with each other, and now, they are seeing Dust risking his life? They will not let that happen! They will help him, no matter what!
Born Fennekin and Vulpix began to stand up. They felt immense agony, like their bones are about to break at any moment, like they are able to collapse and pass out. But Dust, he is giving them the will to keep moving, to keep on fighting, to keep on giving it his all, even when it all seems hopeless for them to survive. They will not die, and in their minds, they will live for his sake. And the moment that they think of this vow within their heads, something truly extraordinary has happened.
All of a sudden, both Fennekin and Vulpix began to glow, as Dust looks at the 2 Pokémon in shock.
"What's happening to them?"
Trainer!Sans, who is beside him, has his eye sockets widened, as he spoke out.
"They're evolving."
Dust was stunned, as he looks, and he sees that the Vulpix and the Fennekin's bodies began to change, with Alolan Vulpix becoming more larger and the hair beginning to grow longer, while Fennekin began to change entirely, as she is now standing on her 2 legs, becoming bipedal, and a stick is forming onto her tail, and the red puff of fur on her ears longer. Dust and Trainer looked, seeing what will happen, and then, before they knew it, the blue glow was gone, and the new forms of the 2 Pokémon are revealed.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Fennekin and Vulpix have now evolved into Braixen and Ninetales. They smiled, as they reached their next evolution or rather, final evolution, in the case of Vulpix, as they both looked at the battle before them. Dust looked immensely stunned at the sight of what had happened to his Pokémon, as he cannot believe what had just occurred, but Trainer!Sans smiled, as he sees that both Braixen and Ninetales had evolved at the right time, in the middle of the war, and now, now they are ready to go and take down the members of Team Void. And as soon as some members of Team Void attacked, both Braixen and Ninetales began to retaliate back.
Braixen than gripped onto her stick, and made use of her Flamethrower, which is now far more stronger than last time, as Braixen burned a bunch of the bad Sanses. But then, a Sans tried to grab her from behind and try and cut her in hand, but Braixen, having noticed and sensed this Sans presence, leapt up into the air, and decided to use another attack of her own.
Braixen than made her hand glow white, as she than used Scratch against the Sans that had tried to make an attempt on her life. The scratch was able to hurt the Sans that attacked her, and than, she used Will-O-Wisp on him, sending him flying back with a lot of pain.
For Ninetales, she looks and sees that the Sans that she is facing fires a Gaster Blaster at her.
Not wanting to get hit, Ninetales than used her Aurora Veil to defend against the Gaster Blaster's beam. The Sans that she is fighting against, which is Dustkiller Sans, snarled, as he looks at the Ninetales, and than, Ninetales decides to attack back.
Ninetales than attacks with an Ice Beamx which now replaces the Snow Powder, and before Dustfell Sans knew it, he got hit by the Ice Beam, and is frozen solid. And then, the force of gravity sends him down to the ground, in which the ice cage shattered, along with Dustkiller Sans, killing him. Ninetales than saw that a huge chunk of Team Void's army is coming to her and the others, and so, Ninetales decided to fix that, by making sure that all of them is frozen solid.
Ninetales than used her other technique, Blizzard, as the snowstorm covered a huge part of Team Void's group, and froze all of them solid, and then, Ink than made a large weight on top of them using his paint, and it fell on top of the army. Ink doesn't like it, but it is better than to leave then alive, as well as making Ink stronger with LV, and it gives him more and more of a chance against Shattered, who is very strong himself.
Ink and Shattered fought with all of their might, as Shattered fired Negativity arrows, and Ink made a wall of paint, before firing an Ink Blaster at Shattered, who than got hit by the paint attack, and it sends him backwards and made him fell hard onto the ground. Ink landed down, and due to the fact that he gained LV, his attacks have gotten a little bit more stronger. His PV has made his ATK and DEF skyrocketed enough to now take on Error more easily, as Ink landed onto the ground. Horrorfell than tried to go at Ink. But Ink made a sharp Ink Bone, piercing his head, and killing him, giving Ink more LV. Of course, this does not change Ink's behavior, due to Ink's emotions being fake, and thus, is unable to be filled with mental instability. But it does give Ink more powerful attacks.
Shattered smiled, as he spoke out to Ink.
"Do you really think you can stand a chance against me, Old Friend? No matter how strong you become and how much you try, you will still lose."
Shattered Dream than made blades, and charged at Ink, as Ink than clashed against the blades with his Paintbrush, and pushed back against Shattered's Blades, before swinging it, slicing Shattered in half, before Shattered came back together, and tries to stab at Ink, who than turned his whole body into Ink, and kicked Shattered in the back of the head. Shattered held his head and snarled, as he went to Ink to try and stab him, but Ink dodged the attack and made shark Ink Bones attack Shattered, hitting him all over the place, as Ink made a demonic face of sorts. Ink landed onto the ground, his eyes changing red at the sight of what Dream had became back then, as he than fired an Ink Blaster, which began to hurt Shattered a little bit, but it does not bother Shattered that much, as he does not get tired from the fight.
"No, but I know one that can."
Abyss is shown to be fighting against Nightmare, as he than made Abyss Chains and Abyss Blasters fired at Nightmare, as Nightmare is able the Abyss Chains, but is unable to handle the Abyss Blasters, and had chunks of his body gone, due to the Abyss Blasters now much more powerful than ever before. Nightmare hissed in agony, as Abyss than spoke out.
"You like that, Nightmare? That is the same along of pain you gave me back then. Now, I am here to repay what you had done to me."
Nightmare smiled, as he spoke out.
"You can try that, Abyss. But your attempts will be fruitless and weak in my eyes."
He than launched a bunch of tentacles at Abyss, in which Abyss sliced it with his Abyss Chains, before firing Abyss Shards at Nightmare. The Abyss Shards hit Nightmare, but didn't do a thing, until an Abyss Blaster appeared behind Nightmare and struck him, making him much more hurt than before. Abyss narrowed his eyes, as he than summoned a cube, and threw it, which turned into a platform with spikes, and Nightmare got crushed beneath it. But Nightmare crawled out of the platform, and he looks at Abyss with amused expression on his face, as Abyss does not change his expression of a frown. He is not going to give up easily in fighting Nightmare, and he never will, as he goes in to attack him yet again.
Dust turns around, and he sees Shattered and Nightmare fighting against Ink, and that is when he came up with an idea of his own. He is going to be a lot of firepower for this, though, as he teleports all over the place to get help some help, and even brought his Braixen and Vulpix along with him.
As Shattered and Nightmare continue to fight back, Abyss and Ink continue to push back against the 2 Brothers. Both Abyss and Ink are doing all that they can to the and defeat them, but they are not causing as much damage as they can, due to the fact that only some parts of their bodies are damaged, but are regenerated faster, due to the negativity in the air, as Shattered and Nightmare smiled. And than, Shattered spoke out to Ink and Abyss.
"It is no use for you, protectors of the Multiverse. You cannot defeat all of us. You may have gained far more power than ever before, you may have trained to defeat us, but we are still far stronger than ever before. Your efforts will be worthless, your battle will end in our favor, and you, you all shall die and suffer, as you watch your AUs become lost and destroyed.
Ink and Abyss snarled, as they are unable to stop them. And than, Nightmare spoke out to them.
"Just give up, you fools. Your battle, has already been lose to our favor. You cannot win against the might of corruption."
Than, a voice spoke out to them.
"It is only lost when we say it is lost. But the battle hasn't been lost yet. Ninetales, Ice Beam!!"
The voice belonged to Dust, as he commands Ninetales to use her Ice Beam to freeze both Shattered and Nightmare. It won't hold them long, but it will be long enough. And behind Dust, is Axe!Sans, Last Breath Sans, Glitchtale Sans, Delta and Epic, Scoundrel!Sans The Bad Time Trio, Fatal_Error, Anti-Error, Cross, Ganz, Nightmare Mode Sans, GlitchKiller Sans, Glitch Seraphim Sans, GlitchDust Undyne in her True Hero form, GlitchDust Gaster using Polychromatism, Glitchdust Chara, and Glitchdust Asriel in his God Form, as Dust than spoke out.
"All together, full power!!"
Dust, Glitchtale, GlitchKiller, Glitch Seraphim, Asriel, Chara, Shift Chara, and Undyne attacked first, as the Sanses unleashed their Gaster Blastermination, with Killer making a dozen rows of large Goop-filled Blasters, the Blastermination beginning to charge up, Undyne making her humongous Spear of Justice, Gaster began to fire the Red Color of the Polychromatism for gigantic and devastating damage, the Chara's pointing their Swords of Determination to fire a Blade Beam, Asriel getting ready to fire his Chaos Buster at full power, and all of the Sanses creating as much of their blasters as they can, with Abyss and Ink getting out of the way, and Abyss joins in, summoning all 6 of his Abyss Blasters, and Braixen points her stick to use her Flamethrower. Shattered and Nightmare are able to break their icy prison, but unfortunately for them, it is already too late. The attacks fired with all of their might, minus Ink himself, and are able to strike at Shattered and Nightmare before they can get away. They got hit with all of the combined attacks at once, and the moment that happened, the attack caused a massive explosion of great magnitude, stronger than the most powerful nuke ever made by humankind.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The explosion is so powerful that Anti-Error made a force field around the city and the base, as well as the Pokémon area, so that it will not be affected by the shockwave of the explosion. The smoke began to settle down, as Dust looks to see Shattered and Nightmare are both on the ground. They lost nearly 30% of their body mass, but their head and torso, as well as one of their arms, but the other arm and their pelvis and legs are both gone, as the blast has destroyed most of their bodies and weakened them.
Dust landed onto the ground, as he saw that Team Void is losing now. Due to Dust harsh training and ruthless determination for preparation, as well as Ink's planning, they are able to stand a better chance against Team Void, who are beginning to lose the battle. Before Dust's trio are the Murder Time Trio, all of them are knocked unconscious, and than, looking at Shattered and Nightmare, who are snarling with anger at the fact that their invasion did nothing.
The Murder Time Trio is thrown to the 2 leaders of Team Void, and many of the armies of Team Void went behind their leaders, and they looked serious wounded and hurt, due to the harsh ruthless training that everyone had to grow through, even Trainer's Pokémon. Dust looked down at the 2 Negative Brothers and spoke out.
"Are you both ready to throw in the towel and give up?"
Shattered and Nightmare looked angrier, as Shattered and spoke out.
"No! We won't give up in this fight!! Not yet!!!"
Nightmare than stood up as well, as he than spoke out.
"We will not stop, until you all feel despair."
Dust than stepped forward and spoke out to the both of them.
"You did make us feel despair, all right, when you took away our homes. And yet, it did very little to stop us from fighting. If anything, you should feel a sense of defeat and loss."
Shattered and Nightmare are angrier, as they are about to say something, but than, a powerful crash is heard, as Dust and the others flew back by the force of the impact. But Axe and Dust landed on the ground fine, as they looked up and saw that there are 2 figures that have appeared inside of the Omega Timeline. Dust narrowed his eyes, but than...he recognized one of them, which is not good. The smoke cleared, and than, the appearances of the ones that had appeared in the Omega Timeline have been finally revealed.
Dust than only had enough time to say this when these 2 appear.
"Oh no. We are now so screwed."
Error404, as he spoke out.
"You may have won most of it...but you forgot the both of us. The only ones that shall feel you."
The other Sans, who is called Bill!Sans, cackled insanely, as he than spoke out.
"And now, Weirdmageddon shall fall upon us, and all, will bow to your new rulers! So he prepared to face your own true inner chaos!"
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