Dust narrowed his eyes, as he looked at the sight of the entity before his very eyes, and needless to say, the entity that he is seeing is a very revolting and very freaky being.
The entity resembles a white Verizon of Flowey, but with plus-shaped eyes, black thorns, and has black pellets floating all over. And he feels the power of this Flowey. It is immense, can rival the Alphatale brothers with his shear might alone. And needless to say, Dust cannot help but worry about this sort of fact, due to knowing how dangerous Flowey can be, not forgetting on what he did in a pacifist timeline, taking and absorbing this soul, as well as the other monster souls. So for there to be an alternate Flowey, one that is capable of traveling to AUs, as well as being capable of having enough strength to rival the Alphatale Brothers, that is going to be a huge problem for Dust to deal with.
Dust narrowed his eyes, as the Flowey entity then spoke out.
"'re that Sans that is buddies with that Error404 Bastard, huh?!"
This made Dust blinked at what it is that the Flowey entity said. He knows about Error404? This is going to be a bit more worrisome then ever before. Dust, clenching his fist, spoke out to him.
"Who are you, and how the hell do you know about Error404?"
This made the Flowey entity laugh and cackle at a very vicious and very insane way, and this made Dust a little bit unnerved, as the Flowey entity spoke out.
"Isn't it obvious, Dust?! 404 is the reason that I am the way I am now!! He made me into this during a rampage of his, and lead to my creation!!! It has lead to me, Anti-Flowey!!!"
The entity, who calls himself Anti-Flowey, smiled sinisterly, as he looks at Dust in the eyes, and made the vines rip out from the ground, and Dust felt the entire AU beginning to die. Seeing this, Dust then fired his Chroma Hand rainbow blast, and fired at Flowey, who now blocks it. He then grabs onto his phone and spoke out to the person that is at the other side of the phone.
"Ronan, do you have-"
Then, Ronan spoke out.
"Don't worry. I see what that flower is doing to our AU, I'm already getting people to evacuate, Just hold him back for as long as you can!"
Dust nodded his head, as he then turns to Anti-Flowey, and summoned his Scythe, ready to fight back with it to go against Anti-Flowey. After the Chroma Hands stopped firing at Anti-Flowey, the insane flower shouts out.
"PATHETIC!!!! WEAK!!!!!!!"
He then launched his vines at Dust, who then swung his Scythe as fast as he can, cutting the vines that are about to hit him. Anti-Flowey then retracts his vines back, as Dust then jumped into the air and launched Undyne's Spears at Anti-Flowey, as they hit the insane flower, and although he did succeed in hitting the white flower, the best that he did was enrage him then actually hurt him. Not surprising, as Anti-Flowey is on a whole other level, being around the power level of the Alphatale Brothers, and thus he would not be that harmed by their attacks. So Dust then decides to use another attack. He summoned a Trident, and when he began to fall, he stabbed the Trident into the ground, and more Spears began to pierce upwards, with some of the spears hitting Anti-Flowey in the face, causing a lot of pain to the mad flower. Then, Dust launched fireballs at Anti-Flowey, which hit him as well, and finally, launched Arrow Blasts at Anti-Flowey, which exploded into his face. Anti-Flowey roared in pure rage at what it is that Dust had done, as he then shouted out.
Dust narrowed his eyes, as he then spoke out.
"You can try."
He gets into a stance, and readies his Scythe, as Anti-Flowey prepares to charge at him, only for fire to explode onto Anti-Flowey, and causing Anti-Flowey to feel a bit more agony, as he sunk into the ground. This made Dust surprised, as Vivian spoke out.
"I-I want to join in on this fight as well!"
Dust looked at Vivian, who moves beside him, as he spoke out.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
Vivian nodded, as Anti-Flowey pops back up into the ground, looks at Vivian, and he then spoke out.
"So, you wanna take a chance to stand up against me, huh?! Normally, I would consider Sanses as my primary number one concepts to hate so much, but perhaps you can suffice for me as well!! So join him and die by my vines!!!"
Vivian readies her flames, as she held her hands together in order to go up against Anti-Flowey. She then made her hands aim at Anti-Flowey, as she looks at him, ready to stand up against hm.
"I do not care how strong you are, I-I will protect my new home, and you will not take away the new chance that I have gained in a new life!!!!"
She then began to launch fire at Anti-Flowey, as the flower got hit by the flames that Vivian is able to conjure and manipulate, as Anti-Flowey spoke out.
"Oh yeah?! Then taste my Optimistic Pellets!!"
He then fired a black pellet of some sort, as Vivian and Dust moved out of the wat fast, as the pellet hit the building. All of a sudden, the entire building began to collapse into itself, and before both Vivian and Dust knew it, the building broke apart, and got sucked into the Optimistic Pellet, almost like a black hole. This made Dust shocked at what it is that has just happened, but he regained his cool and spoke out to the insane flower attacking his AU.
"So that's how it is gonna be, huh? Well then..."
Dust readies his Gaster Blaster, as he prepares to fire with what he has at Anti-Flowey, as he then spoke out.
"Come on, then. Let's go."
Dust fired his Gaster Blaster at Anti-Flowey, as Anti-Flowey smiled, and fired his Optimistic Pellets at Dust, in order to go up against him. Needless to say, Dust is going to have one hell of a hard time trying to fight back against Anti-Flowey's power.
In the Omega Timeline...
Righteous and Error404 looked very unhappy and enraged, as they realized who it is that is attacking the Multiverse, and more specifically, attacking the GlitchDust AU, the one that the heroic Dust resides in.
"You can't be serious!! Anti-Flowey is here?! I thought that I took care of him!!"
Error404 said, as he balled his hands inti fists and tightly clenched it, pops were heard from his knuckles, as he squeezed his fists tightly, as Error404 did the best that he could to reign control over his anger. Righteous also felt mad, but his is way calmer, as he simply glared and narrowed his eyes a little bit, but did not scream or shout, rather, he raised his face up, and spoke out.
"It's a nightmare, that an Anti-Flowey exists inside of this Multiverse as well. How do you 404s make a mistake in creating this Flowey without even realizing what it is that you are doing?"
This made 404 a little bit frustrated at this as well, as 404 looks up and spoke out.
"Well, regardless of the fact that he exists, we need to go there and stop him."
Alpha looks down at the ground and felt a little bit disgusted at himself. He has not forgotten the fact that Anti-Flowey had once manipulated his worst traits out of himself, and this is after he is rejected by Muffet, in which Anti-Flowey took advantage of him when he was so mentally vulnerable. He clenched his fists, as he spoke out.
"Do you suggest that we go there and face him, brother?"
Error404 looks at Alpha and nods his head, as he then spoke out.
"Yes, as he has interfered with me restoring Alphatale countless times, and the fact that he has humiliated me by beating me a lot of times, just as much as Infected. And now, I am going to make sure that Anti-Flowey pays for what he has done to me."
Alpha clenched his fists, as he looks down at the ground, and spoke out.
"Then...let me join in as well."
This made Error404 looks at Alpha in surprise, as he spoke out.
"What, no. You can't be serious in needing to-"
"I am serious. I had a part of my life ruin because of that disgusting, horrible flower. He manipulated me into doing some very horrible things, and I want to get payback at him for what he has done. For making me do these horrible acts."
This made 404 stunned, as he is shocked that Alpha wants to go still. He looks down, and sighed, as he spoke out to him.
"Okay, if you are serious about can. But not die on me, okay? I've already lost you once, ever since Alphatale, and the last thing that I to lose you again to death itself."
Alpha nodded his head, as he spoke out.
"I won't brother. I swear, that I will never die on you."
404 nodded, as he smiled a little bit. Then Righteous spoke out.
"Hold on, you are forgetting me. I am not leaving you both to go and fight against that weed. I want to take a crack at him as well."
Righteous clenched his fist, as his eyes on his right arm flared a little bit, before speaking out.
"Besides, I want to see how much he can handle against the might of the Unnameable that fuels my might."
404 is a little bit surprised at that, but he then smiled, as he spoke out.
"Never thought that you would ask."
Yukari smiled, as she floats next to Righteous!Error, and spoke out.
"Do you mind if I can go against him as well, Righteous?"
Righteous looks up at Yukari Yakumo and spoke out.
"Well, whatever suits your boat."
Yukari smiled, as she leans in and kisses Righteous!Error on the cheek, making Righteous blush a little bit in embarrassment. Core!Frisk pouts a little bit at what Yukari is doing, due to the fact that Yukari has decided to kiss him before she could. But he then shakes his head, as he spoke out.
"Okay, then what are we waiting for? Let's go and get him and give him the hell that he deserves."
Righteous and the others prepared to leave, but then, Delios, who is present, spoke out to them.
This made the others look at Delios, who ran to them, as he then spoke out.
This made everyone stunned, as Error404 spoke out.
"Wait, you want to come? You can't be serious."
Delios narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
Delios held his hands outwards, and summoned 2 hammers, one red and one purple, as they both hit the ground, and Delios then spoke out.
This made everyone surprise, except for Righteous, who saw his Delios do that, but then 404 smiled, as he then spoke out.
"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go and get him!!!"
Back in GlitchDust...
Dust is having a lot of trouble with Anti-Flowey, due to the fact that he is able to cause even more damage than ever before, and even give Error404 a run for his money. A vine nearly tries to whip and attack Dust, as Dust then made another vine from the ground, as large as the one that Anti-Flowey is using, as it wrapped around Anti-Flowey's vine. but Anti-Flowey then does something that is completely unexpected, as he then pulled Sans' vine upwards and ripped it out from the ground, almost in the same way that Sans did it against Betty all those years ago. But even so, Dust is not someone that will go down without a fight this easily. He is someone that fights until he cannot fight against the opponent anymore.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
But even so, Dust is not going down without a fight, as he smiled dangerously, and continues to go on, despite how much pain that it will bring him to face against Anti-Flowey. He raised his hands into the air, as he then summoned orange dots around Anti-Flowey, in which the dots explode, and hit Anti-Flowey all over the place. Needless to say, Anti-Flowey is not to happy about that, as he then summoned a vine to try and stab Dust, only for Dust to get out of the way, and fired Yellow Bullets with another hand. But Anti-Flowey did not let this bother him that much, as he then fired his Optimistic Pellets at the Bullets, while also getting the Chroma Hand out of the way, as Dust looks at Anti-Flowey, who smiled menacingly. Clenching his fist, Dust fired a red blast from another one of the hands, which Anti-Flowey in the face, before making Integrity Buzzsaw Blades spin around and slice at the Vines that are coming at him.
"How much does it take to send this weed down? He's even tougher to cut down and trim then the normal weed?"
As that happened. Anti-Flowey cackles insanely, as he turns to look at Dust, his grin much more psychotic at the next second.
"Come on, is that all you got?!"
Dust smiled a little bit, as he raised his left hand, which is glowing blue, before he then spoke out to him.
"No, it is not all that I've got. In fact, I can do a bit more than that. Way, way more than that."
He then raised his hands, as the Gaster Blasters disappeared, and the Chroma Hands began to raise up and appear. He smiled a little bit, as he clenched his fist, and the hands then changed into the Duality Hands, which are both much larger, although only in a single pair, and not as the 7 hands. He launched a single duality hand at Flowey, as it punched him, before firing a blast of red energy at him. Flowey got hit by the attack, as Vivian fired her Shadow Punch at Anti-Flowey, igniting him on fire in a rather painful way. Dust looks, as Vivian launches fire and flames at Anti-Flowey, causing a much agony to him as he can, although Anti-Flowey is not really hurt by Vivian's attack that much, due to how strong he is. He then launched a vine at Vivian, who the sunk into the shadow, as Dust then fired a Patience Rope at Anti-Flowey, only for Anti-Flowey to summon a vine to wrap around said rope. The Rope and Vine tugged at each other, before the hand was then slammed down to the ground. He then tries to attack using his other vine, but Dust summoned the other Duality Hand and turned it green, as it blocked the attack. The then turned the cyan hand purple, as a large purple spike is now on the palm. Before Anti-Flowey could react to it, he is then stabbed by the Perseverance Spike, and is now affected by the power of Slow Healing.
"GAHHHH!! How dare you?!"
Dust smiled, as Vivian launched fire at Anti-Flowey, and Anti-Flowey got hit, but then, a vine comes at her, and Dust, realzing this, shouted out.
"Vivian, watch out!!!"
Vivian turned and tries to block the attack. Unfortunately, all that she did is lessen the damage, and not truly stop it. She got hit to the wall and was knocked unconscious, as she fell down to the ground. Anti-Flowey smiled, as he then spoke out.
"Now you die!!!"
Dust quickly used his blue magic and lifts her up, before grabbing at her, and teleported back to his house, where he sees Braixen and Ninetales panic. Dust spoke out.
"Come on, time to make you guys safe."
He then opened the door, as he thought of going to the Omega Timeline, and the doorway opened. The 2 Pokemon, realizing the way out, goes through the door, and Dust carries Vivian, as he spoke out.
"Hopefully, I can go inside the Omega Timeline after this."
Dust the closed the door, and teleports back to Anti-Flowey, as he smiled to him.
" are now by yourself, Dust. How pathetic!! You are all alone, and you have no one else left to aid you in your battle. Now, it is just you against me! And this is suicide for you! You will die by my hands, and you will never see your loved ones again."
Dust lowered his head a little bit, a little silent about what Anti-Flowey had said to him. But he does take the time to speak up after a little bit.
"Maybe...but you know what? I don't care. I don't care about what it takes to continue on fighting. Everyone inside of the AU, they are already disappearing, not like it matters to me. And code, it is not what I will use to aid me in this fight against you. In fact, nothing else matters to me that much. As far as I am concerned...all that matters to me right now is this..."
All of a sudden, he began to glow red, as vine-like cracks made of DT began to form all over his body, including his skull, as Dust continues to speak out.
"So go ahead on this one, you big pale weed. Make it my worst day ever and try to make me suffer in it. But now, nothing else matters to me. Because now...I am not going to back down against you for what you are..."
He then looks up, and his eyes shined brighter then before.
"For now...I am take you down."
DT LV 2 -> DT LV 3
Dust's eyes glowed a more reddish purple color, as he narrowed his eyes. His DT now gaining physiology of its own, as Dust feels his DT grow stronger. Now he feels like he is not bound by the code and whatever second component that he has. Now, all that he has left is his DT, and that is it. He then raised his hand, as the Blue Magic surrounds Anti-Flowey, and he slams him into a wall, which hurts him, before he then fires a Gaster Blaster, which fired a reddish-purple blast of energy at Anti-Flowey, and this time, it is actually hurting him a little bit more then before. This made Anti-Flowey shocked and enraged, as he spoke out.
Dust did not answer, as he then fired reddish purple bones and hits Flowey with the bones, stabbing him all over the place, and then the spears, as purple webs wrapped around Anti-Flowey, and slammed him down to the ground. He then launched the Gaster Blasters all over the place, as he does all that he can to hit and fire at Anti-Flowey, in order to cause as much pain as possible. Dust then made bones erupt and pierce Anti-Flowey, as he then made a Trident, and swung as fast as he can at Anti-Flowey, slicing him up as much as he can. Flowey snarled, as he fired an Optimistic Pellet at Dust, who then fired a Gaster Blaster at the pellet in order to stop it. Dust then launched his Friendliness Pellets at Anti-Flowey and was able to cause a little bit of a sting onto him, before making Vines erupt, a bit bigger than before and stronger than before, as he used the vines to hit Anti-Flowey as much as possible and cause him as much agony as possible.
He then landed onto the ground, and fired a red blast from a Duality Hand, hitting Anti-Flowey as much as he can, as the other hand summoned orange dots, a bit bigger than the normal dots, as they exploded, causing the dots to damage Anti-Flowey. But dust is not done yet, as he made a big Integrity Buzzsaw, and used it to slice as many of the vines as he could, before he then turned both hands into a red color, and fired twin red blasts of energy, alongside the Gaster Blasters, and hit Anti-Flowey. Then, after that, he slammed the Scythe of Fear into the ground, causing a massive explosion that hits Anti-Flowey. Then, one last attack, as he then jumped into the air, and summoned the Gaster Blastermination, all of them are ready to fire. When Anti-Flowey looked, Dust fired the Gaster Blastermination with all of his might, as they hit Anti-Flowey in the face, and caused an explosion so powerful, it shook the entire AU. When Dust landed onto the ground, he looks and narrowed his eyes. The Gaster Blastermination destroyed the whole city, but luckily, all of the denizens of the city evacuated into the Omega Timeline. But before Dust can think of what to do next, a White Vine grabbed and wrapped around him, and Anti-Flowey came out, half of his face gone, and looking very pissed.
He then launched Dust into the air, as he flung him as far away as he could, straight at Mount Ebott, as Anti-Flowey then launched a vine at Dust, in order to pierce him in midair. But before he could...
"Glitch Ray!!!!!"
"God Ray!!!!!"
2 rays, one red and one blue, which formed a purple ray, sliced through the attack, which made Anti-Flowey stunned, with Dust crashing into Mount Ebott and into the Underground, into the Core section. When Anti-Flowey looked, he saw that the cavlary has arrived, but he smiled, as he then spoke out.
"Oh, 404, arriving too late to stop me!!! You should realize that this AU is already on the verge of being destroyed, and it is way too late to try and stop me!!!"
404 smiled, as he spoke out.
"But everyone evacuated, and soon you will pay for all the times that you have humiliated me. You can take the AU...because here, I will make you suffer."
Error404 then summoned a Dark Blaster, as he then fired at Anti-Flowey, who got hit by the attack. This made Anti-Flowey shocked, as he shouted out.
Anti-Flowey then fired his Optimistic Pellets at Error404, but Righteous then fired his Unnameable Blasters at Anti-Flowey, before he goes and touched Flowey's face, delivering a black electric shock. It is so painful that even Anti-Flowey screamed in agony, as Righteous jumped back, and Anti-Flowey fired his vines at Righteous, only for Righteous to sprout out tentacles from the eyes of his right arm, and wrapped around the vines, before ripping it off from the ground. Alpha Sans then used his Eyes of Burning Hate to make his Sub-Blasters damage Anti-Flowey, as Yukari Yakumo then spoke out.
"Bewitching Bait..."
Yukari then summoned a gap of some sort, as it fired projectiles at Anti-Flowey, before she hides inside of the gap in order to dodge a vine. Then, as Anti-Flowey got close, Yukari lunged out, attacking Anti-Flowey. Needless to say, Anti-Flowey is not having the time of his life, as he then tries to hit Yukari, only for Yukari and Anti-Flowey to switch places, making Anti-Flowey miss, as Delios then decides to take the turn to go up against Anti-Flowey. Delios smiles a little bit, as he raised his Hammers of Jealousy and Resentment, as he looks at Anti-Flowey in the eyes. He wants to relieve the stress that he has felt when he had lost his brother Ares, and now, he'll take the chance to relieve it on Anti-Flowey.
Delios then swung his hammer of Jealousy, as the hammer unleashed an attack that can wipe out hundreds of armies at the same time, ad does colossal damage to Anti-Flowey. Then, Anti-Flowey tried to launch a vine to pierce Delios, but he dodged at an insanely fast speed, as Delios then swung the Hammer of Resenetment, causing a whirlpool of negative emotions inside of Anti-Flowey to consume him for a large bit, unleashing a lot of poisonous emotional damage to Anti-Flowey, while also doing physical damage at the same time.
As Anti-Flowey felt so much emotional damage from the swing itself, Delios then summoned bones, turned them into shards of bones, and fired Bone Shards at Anti-Flowey, causing massive damage to him. Then, Delios use the bones that he can summon to construct a tower of some sort, surrounding Anti-Flowey in the devastating attack that will soon follow. Then, Delios, at his command, made the Bone Tower topple down and land down on top pf Anti-Flowey, burying underneath the large pile of bones.
Delios looks at the pile of bones that buried Anti-Flowey, as Righteous then spoke out.
"Talking about bringing down the house."
Delios said nothing, and he raises his hammers, as Anti-Flowey erupted out from the pile of bones, looking absolutely furious, as he shouted out.
Delios narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.
Anti-Flowey screamed, as he launched Optimistic Pellets at Delios. But Delios then blinks, and summoned his own Blaster called the Alpha Blaster. It has pink eye lights, and when Delios fired it, a pink blast of energy fired out from the attack, as it consumed the Optimistic Pellets and hit Anti-Flowey, causing massive damage to him. And when that happened Delios got hit by a vine, but he then exchanged that with damage 30 times the amount back at Anti-Flowey.
But Delios is not done. He then grabbed onto the ground, and tore up the entire chunk of land, before he began to build them up with bones and blasters alike until they reach an unimaginable size. And when that happened, as he carries the attack, the Alphatale Meteor, he then throws it down at Anti-Flowey, as he got hit by the meteor, which crashed down on top of him. But the moment that happened, the entire AU explodes, as everything for destoryed...except for the Alphatale Brothers and Anti-Flowey, who continues their fight.
As they continued for fight, as Anti-Flowey, narrowing his eyes, shouted out.
As Anti-Flowey went up into the void, going in between multiple Multiverses, with Error404 and the others following suit, Anti-Flowey then pulled onto 2 seperate Multiverses, and as they got close, reeled the Multiverses in and smashed them onto his opponents, causing a lot of damage to him, except for Yukari, who then attacks from behind, and attacks him. Righteous also came out and attacked, as everyone then began to gang up on Anti-Flowey, as they do all that they can to try and take him down.
Dust is seen to be falling down somewhere...inside of a dark void of some sort. He has no idea what has happened...but he knows that he feels way to exhausted to continue to move, he feels way to tired to use his magic to teleport. Up above...he sees a bright white shine and the sensation of shaking, as he realizes what it is that has happened to his AU. But he smiled, knowing that everyone got out of the AU, saved from the destruction, as he then spoke out in an exhausted tone
"Huh...guess my home for destroyed again, huh? Well...hopefully I can find my way to the Omega Timeline...if I know where I am waking up."
Dust closes his eyes, as he fell asleep, and continues to go down into the void, wondering where he will wake up.
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