Another Unwanted Visitor

Sans was standing outside the room and looked at Undyne, as Gaster, Alphys, and Jessica are with her. Papyrus is also with her, as he began to panic.


And then, Undyne spoke out.

"Yes, I am... It hurts... so much It was my fault My brash action nearly got Alphys killed. I'm so sorry."

Alphys than hugged Undyne, as she spoke out.

"We were just lucky that Sans was there for us. Otherwise, I would have been done for."

Papyrus than spoke out.


Undyne was about to speak, until Alphys leaned Undyne against herself, and Undyne really appreciates it, as Sans sighed.

"This situation, it is a big fat mess."

He kept his hood lower, as he felt very angry. He felt so enraged that, he has no idea what else he can feel. He does not know how much he can take it. He than turned around, and walked outside, before he then teleported. He landed onto the grassy ground, as he than looked around at where he is at. He needs some time to be far away. He needs to be on his own. He does not know how much he can take it. And the thing is...Sans does not know how much he can take it.

He teleported as far away as he can, from the city, from other civilians, he does not know how much he can take it. He than sat down, and looked up, as he is on the grassy field, as he looked at the city that is in front of him, now beginning to cluster with Pink Blobs that is before his very eyes, and it is all because of that one single thing that the wizard in the ages of war had done. She is the reason that everything went to hell, and the reason why Sans and the others have been ripped of their happy lives again. She did it, all because of he discrimination, her racism to Monsterkind, and it is an utterly stupid and incredibly childish reason in her eyes. The only way for her reason sot be justified, would be if she had been continuously abused by the monsters, but the stories never said anything about that, meaning that she hated them for no reason at all. He also heard Jessica's voice from the city, even though he is far away.

Attention everyone, this is an official emergency broadcast from the AMD to every human and monster in the city. For your safety please remain indoors. If you must go outside, please do it in the company of a monster A very dangerous being is hunting for human souls. If you encounter one of these pink beings leave the place immediately or ask a monster for help. Their magic will scare them away Do not be afraid. Monsters are always willing to help. Do not hesitate to ask for their assistance. Do not go outside until another broadcast is issued. Stay safe."

And it all just got worse for Sans, as countless people, hundreds of them, they had their souls consume and drained by Bete. The only thing that would have made Sans happy, is that the 2 kids from before, Cam and Lily, then escaped without harm, along with their friend, Robin. But the thing is, their parents had died, and they cannot do anything about it. It made Sans' soul feel throbbing, as the Hate inside of him began to take over. But he than calmed himself, as he knew that this would solve nothing, and would instead make the situation even more worse than ever before.

But, there is a bright side, he was able to get a few of Bete's powers. He was able to gain her power to look into memories through eye contact, which he did on Papyrus, he can now create hallucinations, and her spears fused with Undyne's spears. But he didn't kill her completely, which usually is what would happens in the case of when he kills a monster entirely. But Bete had not been entirely dead yet, and was slowly dying. So how did he get her powers? Well, his guess is that the HATE inside of him sensed his ability to absorb powers upon the death of the entity, and thus, amplified this power to the point where complete death is not necessary. He can still gain powers, even when he is not able to completely kill them. And because of his Mind Reading powers, he also gained an ability to bear Bete's voice inside of his head.

WHY WOULD YOU EAT THE ENTIRE THING. YOU IDIOT! I'm... sorry for yelling. I know you just did what you had to, to get us out Akumu this... this darkness. This horrible substance We underestimated it so much I hardly feel like myself anymore. Our goals, our very reason for existing seems to be slipping out of our grasp. Akumu... I feel that this thing, this... this hate has its own plans. I don't know how long I'll be bale to decline them... How long until our friends from the school get here Perfect. Now we wait for them to come. I won't go and look for Frisk. I think we've done what we had to... to make THEM come for us. Even with Determination on their side... in their current condition Frisk stands no chance against us And once I get rid of them... No one will be able to stop us. But that skeleton, this Sans...even though he is not as strong as that Gaster freak, his powers are insane...and he has HATE inside of him as well. He is too dangerous, even when compared to the monster with the hands, and even more dangerous compared to Frisk. We need to deal with him first, so that we can weaken the others."

Sans scoffed, as he spoke out.

"Like you can get a leg-up on me, kid."

And apparently, Sans can't be heard by Bete, so hearing one another is one-sided. And it is a good thing, because Sans needs the information that they need in order to fight against Bete and know of her plan. As he looked down, Phantom Papyrus went next to him and spoke out.


Sans shook his head, as he than spoke out.

"No, I'm not alright. We worked so hard to get to the surface, to get our happy ending, and look at us. We are lead to another obstacle, by a thing created by a wizard back in the ancient times. And to double the worse part of the situation, I have HATE inside of my soul, and it is threatening to take me over soon if I don't watch myself."

Phantom Papyrus than nodded, before turning around, and he noticed something.


Sans then grabbed something in the air, a sharp bone, and it was colored red, as a voice spoke out.

"Impressive. I need reflexes like yours."

This made Sans stood up to see who it is, only to see someone that he is not expecting.

Needless to say, Sans is not happy, as he stood up and spoke out.

"Great. As if that Horror me wasn't enough. Did that so-called boss of his send you to, to try and take me by force."

This made the other Sans smile, as he spoke out to him, softly.

"Oh, you caught on real fast. Horror was useless to fight against you anyway. But as for on the other hand, I have more than enough power to face you."

Murder's eyes narrowed, as he than spoke out to him.

"Who are you?"

The other Sans smiled, before he than spoke to Murder.

"You can call me, Killer. Too be boss has shown me what made you who you are. I all honesty, I am amazed. You snapped when you are continuously broken by that human, Chara. I too had been broken, but in a different way. I could tell you more...but only if you come with me to see my boss."

Murder, however, isn't convinced. If he is as Killer said he is, he would have looked like Murder instead of like this. Something is wrong about him, as he than spoke out.

"Buddy...I do not know of why your boss wants to get me...but I know this...that I am not running from the happy ending that I had tried so hard to gain. So you only have 2 options here. You either leave, and do not come back to this place, empty handed, but spared."

Killer than gawked his head, as he than spoke out.

"What is the second option?"

Murder looks at Killer murderously, as he puts on Papyrus' scarf from back when he killed everyone, and wrapped it around his neck, before he than spoke out.

"You go back to your boss as a pile of Dust."

Killer smiled, as he points his knife, and spoke to Murder.

"We'll see about that. You will be brought to my boss, no matter what!"

Murder glared, as he than spoke out.

"You talk to much for a pile of dust. Time to die."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Killer and Murder than charged at each other, as Killer swung his knife at Murder, who than dodged the attack. He than summoned his trident, and swung it at Killer, who used his knife to block the attack. Killer than leapt up into the air, and so did Murder, as they than clashed weapons against each other, as Murder and Killer are able to match each other strike for strike, blow for blow, due to increasing DETERMINATION.

Killer than struck Murder in the face, and hit him with spiky bones, sending him to the ground. This took a bunch of HP from Murder, but Murder than fired purple bones at Killer, and they struck him in the chest, taking just as much from Murder, as Killer landed onto the ground. Killer then tore those bones off of him, as he than charged at Murder, while Murder does the same, and charged at Killer, as Killer and Murder attacked and sliced at each i her repeatedly. Killer launched more sharp bones, but Murder dodged a few of them, before he sliced one of them with his purple trident. He than teleported in front of Killer, and tried to slice his face, only for Killer to avoid it and tries to use his black ooze in order to make tentacles coming out from the ground. But Murder made vines come out from the ground, as he than fired spears at Killer, only for Killer to counter with red knives that he had summoned. He hits the Spears, and then went straight through the spears without issue. Murder than snapped his fingers and made tridents, as they fired at the red knives, and both the red knives and purple refiners clashed and cancelled each other out, with Killer speaking out to Murder, envious in tone.

"You know, I'm rather jealous that you are able to take the powers of the monsters that you had killed."

Murder then spoke out.

"Do you ever shut up?"

Murder than swung his trident to make a purple slash projectile, while Killer swung his to do a red slash and both of the slashes clashed. It caused a powerful shockwave that sends both Murder and Killer far away from each other, due to how powerful it is.

Dust and Killer both smiled when they bout landed onto the ground unharmed, and this type of smile reminds him of Chara, even though he is well aware that he did a similar smile himself. Sans stood up, and ran fast towards Killer, as Killer does the same. Killer swung his knife at Murder, while Murder dodge the attack and tried to stab him in the head, only for Killer to dodge the attack, and swung his knife at Murder, which almost knocked the Trident out of his hands. But Murder did not allow that to happen, as Murder then was simply pushed back by the power of the True Knife that Killer was holding, which Murder took notice of.

"Why does this version of me have the True Knife? Did something happen between the human of his world and other me, that made him like this?"

Murder spoke out, as he than leapt up, and Killer does the same, and before the both of them even knew it, they than attacked each other in the air at the exact same time.

Killer and Murder used red and purple sharp bones at each other, as both Sanses than launched them at each other, and clashed and canceled the other out. Murder's left eye socket flared, while Killer still looked like his usual self, as Murder dropped down, and summoned a bunch of tridents at Killer, who than began to dodge them as fast as he can, and sliced them into pieces. Killer then leapt up into the air, as he than swung his Knife, and Sans than swung his trident, as they than canceled each other out, as Murder and Killer looked at each other so hatefully.

Murder than looked at skillet in the eye, as he than spoke out to himself.

"Okay then, let's see if this mind-reading ability can help."

He than stares into Killer's ehe sockets, which are empty, save for the right eye, as he than saw the memories of Killer, they were similar to Murder's own, in which Killer had been fighting the bums various times, and like him, he had broke. But what Killer did was something that Murder wouldn't find as 'forgivable.' In fact, what he saw made Murde so enraged, that no words can describe just now much he is feeling right now. Because while Killer said that, like Murder, he has snapped, he did not say in what way. When Killer snapped, instead of killing monsters because he wants to stop the human, he is killing monsters to feel something new, and all just by the deal of the human he was meant to destroy. And the worst memory, the very worst part of the memory, was the one that involved Papyrus. Unlike Murder, who had killed him but had felt remorseful about it, he killed him without an inch of remorse, not any sort of it, not even a single shred of it. And needless to say, when he saw this, he felt so much rage, that he looks at Killer, his eyes flaring even more greater than ever, due to this newfound discovery that he had found out about Killer, as Murder spoke out.

" did not break like me. You broke by betraying the ones you lord...all because you selfishly wanted to feel something new."

This made Killer surprised, only for a split second, as he than smiled, as he spoke out to Murder.

"So you finally noticed, didn't you?"

But Murder snarled a little bit, as he than spoke back to Killer with cold fury within his voice.

"Notice? I saw the memories of what you have done to your kind. You are not like me. You were supposed to stop the human and try to kill them. But this...this is a step too far...and for that...Killer..."

Murde than raised his  left hand into the air, as he has his fingers in a snapping position, as Murder's eyes flared even more dangerously than ever before, due to the fact that Killer was much worse than him.

Murder has a blaster next to him, with Phantom Papyrus next to him, as Murder looked immensely furious. He than spoke out to Killer, as malice positioned his tone.

"You are gonna pay, for siding with Chara."

Killer than summoned a goop-filled blaster, as he than spoke back to Murder.

"You'll try that, Murder."

Both of the Blasters fired, as Killer's Blaster overpowered Murder's. This stunned Murder, as he than teleports out of the way, as he than spawned on top of a bigger, more powerful Blaster, as it opened its mouth and the red beam inside of it turned purple, showing a new increase in power.

Murder glared his eye sockets at Killer, as his Eyes Flared purple and red, before he than fired the beam at Killer, who than used his goopy blaster at Murder. But this time, due to Murder actually infusing his Gaster Blaster with Determination, it is now powerful to the point that it is able to almost match the Goop Blaster, but it will still be overpowered by it, very slowly. But than, Murder summoned purple bones from the ground towards Killer, who than jumped up and flies on his Blaster, as Murder went on a smaller one.

He than flies as fast as he can, as he and Killer floed alongside each other, as Murder has his trident out, and Killer has his knife out, as they than began tk clans their weapons once again. But as they did, Phantom Papyrus felt immense anger at the fact that this version of Sans do not feel remorseful for what he has done. While he is well aware of the fact that his Sans had killed him, he at least had a good reason to. But this version, he killed his own Papyrus without any sort of remorse whatsoever. And this enraged him too an immense degree.


Murder nodded, as Phantom Papyrus than made a physical form for himself to use, as he than fired red bones at Killer, who was caught by surprise at what has happened, as the Phantom Papyrus attacked him. Killer swiped and cut the bones into halves, but as that happened, Phantom Papyrus then flies up to Killer, and punched him in the face, hard, as Killer than crashed onto the ground, very hurt ar what had happened, as Murder teleported before him, as he than sliced his True Knife at Murder, who teleported out of the way, and he is stunned that Killer had taken this amount of punishment.

"How much HP do you have ?!"

This made Killer Sans smile, as he spoke out.

"I should've asking you the same question, but it does not matter what I bring you back to him."

Murder than made our pen webbing appear on his fingers, as he than wrapped it around Killer's neck, before throwing him into the air, and send him crashing into the ground. Killer then rose up, as he than points his Knife at Murder, while Murder points his Trident at Killer, before the both of them charged. Bit before they can attack each other, black slime than appeared around Killer, as he than spoke out.

"Ahh, it was fun while it lasted, but it had to end. Oh well. We will meet again, Murder, and he will ale sure the you join."

Killer than disappeared, as Phantom Papyrus looked at Sans and spoke out.


Murder shook his head, as he than spoke out.

"No. It's not. But for now...

's time that we find Bete."

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