An Unlikely Alliance

Dust sighed, as he shook his head and looked at what is happening before his eyes, as he is now in another battle of his own, against another IT entity. Dust looks up at the IT entity, as he begins to recall what has happened to him, or at least, what has occurred inside of the AU that he is in.

It has been about a day since Blueprint has been made, and needless to say, it is a very strange event for Dust to be in. It is the first time that he had ever gotten into a mess such as this, as he has no idea what that this was gonna happen, even though he had seen Gradient, Paperjam, Palette, and BlueScreen, but this is when they are in battles that lead to them being made. But Blueprint, he is not made from a battle, at all. He just became born by pure chance, or rather, due to the fact that Ink's own paint can create life, which lead to Blueprint being made. Of course, Blueprint was created at a very bad time, and because of this, he needed to go back into the Omega Timeline, due to the fact that he needs to grow up and learn how to fight.

Blueprint is shown to be now older, due to the fact that he and Underswap Sans, Papyrus, Alphys, and Undyne, along with Ink and the other spawns, went back into the Omega Timeline, along with Dream, who also drags Nightmare and Shattered as well with him. But at least he does not make them see or go near the children, as that would be a bad thing. But Blueprint did suffer a problem, in which is that Blueprint's artificial soul, which Dust is able to make for him, is limited on its use, and because of this, he has been drained of emotions when he uses his magic. Thankfully, however. Dust was able to find a solution to that problem. He found LV 20 Cross, who can use a button called Overwrite, just like XGaster, and while it is permanent, it is only for small objects or people, and not for anything as large as an AU or AT. But luckily, that is enough for him, as he is able to tell LV20 Cross of a favor he wants from him. He made the Prussian Blue vial always refill itself whenever it is emptied, and makes sure to have it appear inside of his pocket.

Blueprint's powers are also an oddity, yet fitting for him. As Blueprint is based off of construction paper, he needs to make steps in the parts in how to make it. But the creations that he is making need to be perfect, so that he can make them come to life, other wise, it won't happen. Luckily, he has something to help him, one of which is his scarf, which is made by Ink, so that he can make the constructions he wants to make, and his mechanical pen, that Ink has also made, as a gift from Blueprint when he turned 8. He even learned how to play Ukulele by himself.

But the biggest thing that happened to him, was when Ink decided to make a pocket dimension, along with Blueprint himself. Using both his Paintbrush and Blueprint's mechanical pen, with Ink and Blueprint working side-by-side, they are able to construct a home dimension for Blueprint to visit whenever he wants to, called the Construct-Dome. It is a dimension that is colored Prussian Blue, with islands that make and construct themselves in random ways, and Blueprint even made some inventions of his own, thanks to his powers, which float in the air, and like the Doodle Sphere, anyone can float into the air. This is very similar to Gradient's own dimension that he is actually able to make before the Construct-Dome, called the Digital Sphere. It takes on a green color, like most of Gradient's clothing, with islands being created or destroyed, and recreated into more perfect versions of their original selves, with even the green part of the back ground constantly has pieces of it destroyed so that it can be replaced, a constant cycle of creation and destruction like Ink, and also like the Doodle Sphere, it has AUs present inside of it, the same AUs that Ink would have, but in the form of pixelated screens and realistic digital art. Unfortunately, Help_Tale takes on a large portrait-sized digital screen, due to the fact that they are many AUs fused together. And the same is said for the Construct-Dome. Blueprint is able to enter his own pocket dimension, thankfully, due to the fact that Inverted Fate Papyrus was able to help him

He was able to make a door that leads to different AUs or other dimensions, such as the Anti-Void and the Doodle Sphere. So when he heard of the Construct Dome, he is able to make a door to it. And Blueprint is able to replicate the capabilities of the door as well, which allows him to enter the Construct-Dome and then back inside of Help_Tale. Of course, it did explode a couple of times when he did this, but eventually, he is able to perfect it and get it right.

And luckily, Blueprint has been learning how to fight, thanks to Underswap Alphys, who is a royal guard and is training for him to fight, and Undyne, who teaches how to build and to construct. Like Swap Sans, he can use bones and blue magic, and Papyrus even taught him to use blasters, which he later call the Blueprint Blasters.

However, like Ink, the one thing that he is embarrassed about, is the fact that he is short. He is even shorter then Ink, at the height of 3'7, under the age of a kindergartener. And personality-wise, he is kind like Underswap, but he is insanely shy, not to mention the fact that he has social anxiety. And because of this, he often has trouble bonding with people. Thankfully, the people that he was with are his half-brothers, who treated him kindly, and Dust, along with Vivian, who is a very kind person herself, get along with Blueprint just fine, as they helped him become more confident in himself.

But back to Dust and his group. Right now, they are facing off against another IT entity that has decided to go and take on them in a fight. And this one, does not seem to be a friendly one at all, despite acting polite. It is a familiar spider monster they a Sans knows of, with this being...Muffet.

IT Muffet is shown to be above the group, as her 4 arms and 4 spider legs from the body that is Muffet's pet, who she fused with, stood tall above the group inside of the spider web that they are on. Dust looked up with a look of pure annoyance and has very little fear, as he then spoke out.

"How in the world did we get into a mess with a living representation of Arachnophobia?"

Dust looks, as Vivian sank into her shadow with IT Frisk, Red, Killer, and Dustbelief slicing the webs, and the other Sanses simply blasting the web. Dust looked up, as the IT Muffet giggled a little bit, due to the sight of her prey trying to resist against her, but also hopes for something else. She launched purple webs, and Dust's DT soul turned purple, as Dust is forced to move onto the purple webs to avoid the spiders that Muffet is commanding, as well as the donuts and the pastries that come back like a boomerang. Needless to say, this is making Dust a little bit annoyed. But luckily, he only sliced and cut down the food, but did not do the same to the spiders, knowing how much they Muffet love her precious spiders.

Dust looks at Flowerfell, who does the best he can to not hurt the spiders, in fear that he will accidentally enrage Muffet, as he jumps and lands down onto the ground, due to using bones to launch himself into the air, and then, using the Gaster Blaster to make himself fly into the air, because of the fact that he can ride on it. But even that is bad, because he can still be affected by the purple strings, which will force him to dodge the attacks still. This made Flowerfell Sans very annoyed, due to this, as he does all that he can to avoid getting hit by the spiders.

Glitch Sans is simply teleporting as constantly as he can, as IT Frisk avoided the use of the spiders that Muffet has against her, as It Frisk is being aided by Flowerfell Frisk. But the others refused to fight back, as they looked up at Muffet, and does the best that they can to calm her down. IT Frisk looked at the IT Muffet before them, and then snapped their fingers, as they then took out a spider donut that they bought, as they then ate it in front of Muffet. This caught Muffet by surprise, as she didn't expect that to happen. But after seeing that, and the...content body language that IT Frisk is using, Muffet appears to be happy and calmed down, as the IT Muffet settled. Dust looked and sighed, as he shook his head, before speaking out.

"Well, at least she is able to finally calm down. So...that's something."

He then looks at IT Frisk, and spoke out.

"Frisk, you ready?"

IT Frisk nodded, as they then took out the red locket, and held it into the air, and their soul appeared in front of IT Muffet's soul. When that happened, IT Frisk charged at the IT Muffet's soul, and split it in half, as the many version of Muffet finally became free from the IT entity's soul that had caged them. Dust smiled, as he spoke out.

"Finally. Got Muffet. And we are getting more and more closer to freeing all of the monsters that have become what they are right now.

The world began to fall apart, as another reset occurred. Luckily, Ink, Dream, the Underswap crew, and the spawns are not present inside of the RESET, as Dust closed his eyes, and the RESET Happened.

But something's changed

The world then began to come back to what it once was, as pixels began to combine and connect to one another, with then forming Help_Tale again. Dust opened his eyes, as he sees himself rejoining together to regain his original form. The same applies with Vivian and Red, and finally, the others, as Flowerfell Frisk and Sans, along with Dustbelief, Gltich, and Killer reappeared back in Hotlands...and this time, Muffet's are present inside, along with the Alphys. This made Dust sign in relief, glad to see that they are able to complete their goals. Almost like it is the most reliving thing that has ever happened. He looks around, and saw how they are all doing, and it appears that they have no memory of what has happened to them. But they are getting confused at seeing one another for some reason, or rather, for a reason, due to the fact that they resemble each other. Dust smiled, before he then spoke out.

" least they turned back to normal."

Flowerfell Sans nodded, as Killer spoke out.

"Yeah, though unfortunately, that does not mean that the entire AU is back to normal yet. There is still a lot for us to do before we can even come back to the original Multiverse that we lived in."

Dust nodded, as a portal formed, and Dream came out, along with the accident children that are with Ink.

"Oh, it appears that they have finally changed back to normal."

Ink nodded, as Blueprint looks around and spoke out.

"Wow, this is cool."

Dust looked down and nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be, that everything is staring to slowly turn back to normal."

Dust then looked around, as he saw how Hotlands is arranged, and he then spoke out.

"And it looks like that Hotlands has now arranged itself so that it can fit the number of Muffets that are now present."

He puts his hand in his pocket, and see the various conveyer belts that are present, before he then spoke out.

"But...seriously...what is with all of those conveyer belts that are all over the place?"

Ink shrugged, as Blueprint spoke out.

"Well...think that I can make a bridge, just to be safe?"

This made Ink and Swap Sans, who had finally went in, surprised, as Ink spoke out.

"Wait, you want to make a bridge, like, right now? Blueprint, you are forgetting that your inventions, or rather, your creations, then all tend to explode! You try and make something, you're gonna blow up, and then you'll fall into magma!"

But Blueprint spoke out.

"Don't worry, this time. I got this."

Blueprint then sat down, and began to draw onto his scarf of the design of the bridge, as well as how long it is. He kept going at it as much as he can, before he then finished. And when he did, the magic happened, as the picture of the bridge began to rise from the scarf. And moved to a a large gap...and it connected itself to some parts of Hotland, large, heat resistant, and can withstand a lot of weight, which will prevent it from breaking. This surprised Dust, as he then spoke out.

"Woah, now that is big. Did you spend all of your time making this?

Blueprint nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yep. Been studying on what a bridge is like and how it works. And now, this is a great success!"

Dust nodded and smiled, while he also did a thumbs up, before he then spoke out.

"Okay. Now that is awesome. Good job there, kid."

Blueprint smiled at this, as he is happy that a friend of his appreciates and even praises him for what he's done. Swap Sans smiled and rubbed the top of Blueprint's head, as VHS Sans appeared. Dust looks at VHS, and spoke out.

"Oh, VHS. You came back. What is it that you want this time?"

VHS Sans, although still kept a smile on his face, the same sinister smile, also has a worried feeling to it, as VHS Sans spoke out.

"Apparently, we now have another problem."

This made Ink turn to VHS, before he went to him and he then spoke to him.

"What problem is there, VHS? Is it serious?"

VHS nodded his head, as he then spoke out to him.

"Yes, it is. And one that you cannot imagine."

Dream then goes to VHS, before he then spoke out to him.

"What's wrong?"

VHS Sans turned to Dream and spoke out.

"It's the one Sans that you all might have been aware of. His name is Error404."

This made Ink and the others alarmed, as they looked at VHS critically, where he can then continued his explanation.

"Error404 somehow managed to find Fatal_Error and manipulated him into his cause, and came back with Error Sans along with him for reasons that I do not understand myself. But that is not all. Error404, I looked into something that allowed me to see what he had done...and I saw something that...horrified me. Error404, he took the souls of Error and Fatal_Error, and he fused them into his own soul, and made a large fusion of all 3 of them. I believe he calls them, Systematic."

Now this made Ink and the others alarmed, as Killer spoke out.

"A fusion, Error404, Fatal_Error, and the Error that we all know of? Now that is a very big problem for all of us."

Dust nodded his head, as he then spoke out to him.

"No kidding. We dealt with Error666, or rather, seeing Righteous fight against Error666, which is had enough. But this...Systematic, a fusion of all 3 Errors? That is an even bigger problem. strong is he?"

VHS Sans looked at Dust and spoke out.

"I have no idea. But it is possible that he is very strong, stronger then the original Error666, and possibly most of his other transformations. Dust, tell me. Do you know if the strongest transformation that Error404 had used?"

Dust looked down at the ground, and he thought of it for a little bit, before he then spoke out.

"Well...I can think of one. And that would be Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. He is the strongest transformation that I have ever seen, after Malware took over B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, which is the suit of Error666 activating the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form."

VHS Sans nodded his head, before he then spoke out.

"Well...if I were to believe, I'd say that Systematic is very powerful in his one unique way. Perhaps he is comparable to Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y in terms of power, and thanks to the fact that he is a very large fusion. However, I also can sense that Systematic has the minds of all 3 of the Errors inside of him, and they seem to switch in whoever is in control of the fused body that they are in."

This made Dust and the others worried, as VHS Sans spoke out.

"That...and the fact that Error404 knows of your accident spawns."

This made Ink alarmed, as VHS Sans continued.

"Error404 somehow knows of Gradient, possibly because he sensed him being born, and because of that, it resulted in Error404 now taking an interest in him."

This made Gradient worried, as he then spoke out.

"404...has an me?"

VHS Sans nodded his head, before he then spoke out.

"You have the power to do what born of your parents can do. Being able to create and destroy in the same way as them. And this technically means that you are able to surpass your parents to an extent."

Righteous then appeared and spoke out.

"Well, that is something that you don't see everyday."

This made Ink surprised that he has appeared, as Righteous then spoke out.

"I had been watching this from the Anti-Void in a glitched screen. And I can see the problem. But that is not the only issue that we have. Another issue, is that Gradient...because I taught him how to destroy AUs back in my Multiverse, and he destroyed a lot of copies, due to what I had taught him to do, and how to do it, he is now possibly able to become strong enough to do it, without the way that I usually do it, just like before. Back when I was a normal Error...I would usually take the red souls of different Frisks in order to prevent the world from coming back and again destroyed, and Gradient, as he has been doing the same thing as me, he also gained immense LV from destroying the copies of the AUs that I had showed, in order to make it a little more spacious, so that the Multiverse does not get destroyed."

Now this has made Graident scared, as he puts his hood over his head, and shook a little bit, not wanting this to happen to him. He is afraid of this happening to him. Error then looks at Graident and sighed, as he then grabbed him by the head and rubbed the top of his hood, which Gradient can feel.

"Don't worry Graident. I am not too to let this happen to you. I'm not letting Systematic get his hands on you. If he wants you...he'll have to get past me first."

This made Gradient raise his head, as he felt a little bit more happier then before.

"R-Really? You won't let him...get to me?"

Righteous shook his head, and spoke out.

"He'll need to get past me first in order to do that."

Gradient smiled, as he sees the look in his alternate father's eyes. He nodded his head and spoke out.

"Th...Thank you, Father."

Error nodded, as then, the entire members of the group appeared in the MainFrame, and this stunned everyone, as Righteous spoke out.

"What the-why are we in the MainFrame?"

Then, a voice spoke out.

"It is too bad...since I already know how to get to you."

This made Righteous turn, and he looks to see that Systematic is here, his disembodied hands, the 3 red-teeth filled mouths grinning, the 2 blue eyes looking down at the group, as well as an additional yellow one at each side of the head, with the Halo present on top.

Systematic is looking down at the group in all of his horrifying glory. And needless to say, Gradient looked in horror at the sight that is before his very eyes.

Righteous stood in front of Gradient, as he has his right arm ready to fight back against Systematic, as Dust Sans activated his Nightmare Mode, his previous powers returning, as well as some additional ones, VHS Sans turned back into his horrifying form.

And the others simply got ready to fight back. As they readied their weapons, with Dream readying his spear, Ink with his paintbrush, and all of that sort of stuff. But Systematic laughed at this, as he then spoke out.

"Come you honestly think that I will be defeated by all of you? Although you, Righteous, can fight against me...the rest of you are a mere joke to me."

Nightmare Mode Dust then spoke out.

"Won't stop us from trying."

Error404, who is the one speaking through this, spoke out.

" lucky that I am not here to a fight against all of you, especially with what has happened to the entire Multiverse."

Dust then looks at Systematic, his Scythe of Fear in hand, as he then spoke out.

"Where are you getting at."

Then, Error decided to take control, as he then spoke out.

"Isn't it obvious, you annoying glitch? You saw what happened to the Multiverse, right? much as I would like to destroy you, the thing is, I cannot do it when all of the filthy pieces of code are fused together, which includes the original canon timeline! Because of this, 404 came up with a suggestion."

Gradient then spoke out.

"What do you mean by that, fath-"

But Error spoke out.

"Do not call me that you pathetic mistake!"

Then, Righteous launched a bone and hit him, causing Error to cry in pain, as he then spoke out.

"The only pathetic mistake is you, my pathetic, weaker self."

This made Error mad, as Fatal_Error took control.

"Look, the point is...404 is also trying to fix the Multiverse, okay? He wants to make sure that the AUs becomes separated from what has happened to them, from being fused with one another. Plus, Error404 also gets the additional benefit of using this AU to use my power and bring back the AU that he himself lost. And as such, I've been copying code with this body...and I am doing a very great job at it."

This made the others unsure of this, as 404 took back control.

"I get that all of you don't trust me. And admittedly, there may be a time when I come back as my normal self, Team Void may come back as well, and we'll be enemies again. But for now...consider this a temporary partnership, until we get the AUs separated again. And besides..."

He looks at Gradient and spoke out.

"There is some use I would like to use in Gradient."

Righteous took out strings from his right eye, as Systematic spoke out.

"Oh, don't worry about me doing anything horrible to him, Righteous. I just want to help him practice in the use of his other powers, such as his Blue Magic and his ability to manipulate pixels and all of that. I won't use him for my plans to bring back Alphatale...yet. First, I'll need Error himself to stop complaining about him, especially since he is technically his son."

Error grumbled in the back of Systematic's mind, as Righteous spoke out.

"How do I know that you are not here to manipulate us into becoming pawns in your plan, as well as manipulate Gradient?"

Systematic smiled, as he then spoke out.

" can watch over me, and make sure that I do not do anything that is horrible, now can't you? Besides, if I wanted to...I could have done this."

Systematic then put a line of code into him that allows Systematic to do whatever he desires with him, and here he made him witness horrible things like the death of those he loves. Righteous, after he regained his baring a little bit from Systematic's actions, narrowed his eyes, as Systematic, with his few eyes, spoke out.

"So...are you willing to have us help you?"

Dust looks up, and Ink stepped forward, as well as Dream. And after a little bit, seeing what is likely no deception in his eyes, and all of them, knowing the possible answer...spoke out.

"Fine then...a temporary alliance for now. But don't think that we are going to be trusting you."

Systematic smiled, as he spoke out.

"Excellent...that is what I want to hear. But first..."

He raise one of his floating hands, as the containers holding Nightmare and Shattered appeared, before he snapped his fingers, and the containers are removed. Nightmare and Shattered looked around, before looking at the group, and at Systematic, as he spoke out to the 2 corrupted brothers.

"Hello Nightmare...Shattered."

The 2 of them looked at the group, and are surprised to see the spawns, as Systematic then spoke out.

"I know you're both confused about all of this...but now isn't the time to question it. And besides...

...We have a lot of work to do."

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