Chapter 9
i couldn't think of anyone except jaemin. i didn't want daeho to know its jaemin so the only person i could think of was minghao.
"he's older than me daeho. he's in my clas-" i said but he cut me off.
"minghao , isn't it ?" daeho said sadly.
"h-how did y-you-" i said but he cut me off again.
"(y/n) , of course it's minghao. you always go everywhere together. i'm sorry for bothering you. but I'll bring the device to your house tomorrow okay ? stay safe now. bye" daeho said and he hung up.
i put my phone back in my pocket and i looked up to them. i looked to jaemin first and he looked hurt. i was about to ask him but mark shouted with joy.
"YAY !! THE DEVICE IS COMING TOMORROW !!" mark shouted happily and everyone was jumping and celebrating. jaemin of course was sitting down.
i felt bad for him and i wanted to talk to him. i went towards him and asked if he wanted to talk. i brought him outside the room where it was dark outside. jaemin looked down and he didn't speak.
"jaemin-ah , why are you so sad ? did i do something wrong ??" i asked him worriedly.
"nothing. come on let's go back inside" he frowned and was about to go inside the room but i gripped his wrist.
"jaemin , please talk to me. i haven't been able to talk to you. what's bothering you ?? i know you are hurt. i'm sorry if i did anything to you" i said letting go of his wrist.
"you didn't do anything wrong. i'm sorry for worrying you. i'm just really stressed" jaemin siad while looking down.
i pulled him into a hug. i was caressing his back gently.
"don't worry jaemin-ah. i'll get daeho to stop. everything will be fine. come on, let's go back in" i said to him as i let go. he slightly smiled and nodded.
i smiled and we went back inside to see everyone discussing about some stuff. no one noticed us come in so me and jaemin talked randomly. suddenly, my phone buzzed. everyone heard it so hey turned their attention towards me. i saw the massage. it was minghao.
(minghao : (y/n), let's hang out. where are you ? hoshi had to leave.)
i kept my phone and told them. i asked jaemin to teleport me back to my house. i thanked jaemin and i went downstairs to see minghao waiting for me inside. i walked towards him.
"come on, let's go now. i'm hungry" minghao said.
we were walking outside when i saw daeho's car. daeho was getting out of is car and i quickly held minghao's hand and intertwined my fingers with his. minghao looked at me eyes widened and confused. i glare at him and turned back to see daeho walking towards my house with something in his hand.
"(y/n), minghao. i'm just going to put this in your bedroom. don't mind me" daeho said while walking off. when daeho was at a further distance, minghao looked at me.
"sorry ! daeho told me he likes me and that we are not cousins-" i said.
"daeho is not your cousin ?!" minghao shouted.
"listen to me ! he told me that he likes me but i said i like someone else so he asked me so i said it was you ! i didn't want him to know who i liked so i said i like you ! please just help me out" i said beggingly.
"you could have said hoshi and not me. you know i suck at doing this couple stuff" minghao said.
we were walking to a mall. we went to a cafe and we ate lunch. we were waiting for the food while minghao was talking to me. i didn't seem to listen.
"are you listening to me ?" minghao asked.
"what ?" i said confused.
he sighed at looked away. we silently ate our food and i was relieved it wasn't really awkward. after eating, we went to the arcade and played some games. it was mostly car racing, basketball and shooting games. i wasn't really a big fan of cute things.
"yes ! i beat you again !" i said.
"aish. you very no fun" minghao said crossing his arms like a kid.
"ah come on minghao. let's get out of here" i said dragging him out of the mall.
we found ourselves at my house watching some cartoons and taking weird photos of each other and laughing our hearts out. just then someone knocked on the door. we looked back to see hoshi opening the door.
"hey hoshi" i said to him.
"hey guys. sorry i had to go somewhere" hoshi said while closing the main door. after hoshi came in the house, minghao offed the television and we all went in my room. me and minghao told hoshi about us 'dating'.
"honestly, you two look good as a couple. i mea you always bicker, disagree-" i cut hoshi off.
"okay ya best couple ever we get it !" i said annoyed at that no-eyed hoshi.
i wanted to turn to take something on my desk but i then saw something on my desk. oh, right ! the device daeho gave me ! i took it and looked at the device. it had all sorts of buttons and switches. it was made out of vibranium (the strongest metal) and i was honestly amazed.
"hey, what's that ?" minghao asked.
"oh, remember when daeho was going to my house to put something in there ? this is it" i said.
suddenly, the whole of jaemin's friends appeared right before my eyes. "AH!!" minghao and hoshi hugged my arms. jaemin told me to call them by nct so it would be easier. they all looked to the scared and frightened minghao and hoshi.
"who are they ? i only recognise some" minghao said.
"jaemin's friends are here. all of his friends" i said to minghao.
"hoshi stop tugging onto my arm. they won't hurt you" i said to hoshi and patted his back.
they slowly let go of me and looked to them. "(y/n)-ssi, so you have the device right ? may we see it ?" taeyong asked me.
i nodded my head and showed it to them. i noticed something on the back of the device. #006. wait....does this mean daeho has more ???
~to be continued~
another chapter published !! :D hope this is a good chapter !! hahah
so like i've been busy and i need to study for my exams which is in a month and i'm using this time now to study so sorry if i publish late !!
i'm thinking of more ideas for the next chapter so it might take long :(
well, thats all for today ! thanks for reading !!
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