Chapter 19

everything was the same. it was all coming back to me. it's him. park daeho. standing right in front of me. he turned around and i could see the black mask covering his mouth. he pulled down his mask and smiled sinisterly at me. he's a living nightmare.

"(y/n)-ah ! how did you get in here ? i suppose jaemin did , didn't he ?" daeho said while looking at the phosphorus in his hand.

"daeho-ah , this isn't you. hajima , jebal (please stop). this is wrong. you should be studying and living your normal life. do you really want this ? do you really want to kill ALL of these humans ?" i asked and also emphasized 'all'. i don't understand his purposeㅡ why he is doing this. if jaemin is his trigger , then shouldn't i bring jaemin with me to face daeho ?


i do admit that i was quite scared when he shouted that loud to me. that was the first time that he shouted at me seriously. he would normally shout at me if he was joking or calling me from a far , but this time it is different. i could sense that he is hurt , scared , fearful and heartbroken. i took a deep breath and held his shoulder before speaking to him again.

"daeho-ah , look. i know you are hurting right now but please listen to me. i don't want to see you like this. you have a greater path in your life but you chose this ? how does this benefit you ? do you really want them to suffer ? just because you thought jaemin did kill your dad , it doesnt mean he did. daeho , you didn't see anything. jaemin told me what happened. please don't be mad at jaemin. jaemin saw what happened. he only wanted to help your father , daeho. your father was just talking to him. jaemin said that he heard people talking about your father and that they want to kill him. jaemin was there on earth to tell your father what happened. it wasn't jaemin. it was those people. you don't have to do this daeho-ah" i said to him and he looked at me with guilt and watery eyes.

he suddenly hugged me. i could tell he was crying. i caressed his back
slowly. after a few minutes of silence , daeho pulled away from the hug. he looked down.

"(y/n)-ah. thank you. jjinja (really). i..i don't know what I'd do without you" daeho said while walking closer to me and holding out his gun. wait..this isn't right. daeho ? "i appreciate you trying to help me , but. it's time for you to die" daeho said while holding up his gun and me. this isn't daeho. iT'S ANOTHER PERSON. WHY AM I SO STUPID.

the guy shot a bullet but i dodged it quickly. my dodge ball skills really helped a lot. the guy turned into another person. he was just shape shitfing. i widened my eyes.

it's him. park jihoon.

"EXPLAIN THIS. EXPLAIN JIHOON. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON !! WHY JIHOON. WAE ?!" i shouted at him. i was so furious. i was fuming. the guy i trusted. my ex. my best friend. i feel betrayed. i really wanted to strangle jihoon right now , but i know he's stronger than me. i was on the verge of tears. its the same feeling. I'm being betrayed again. he left me for another girl , and yet now he's doing it again but with a different purpose.

he just smiled at me. is this some kind of joke ? why the fuck is he smiling ? he stepped closer to me but i stepped back until i hit the bark of the tree. jihoon put both of his hands on tje side of the tree so i couldn't escape now. jihoon leaned closer to my face.

"do you want to know why ?" jihoon asked while smirking. he let me go and walked not to far away from me.

"when i was young , i always wanted to be around my parents and my brother. but you know what ?" he hesitated and scoffed. "they were biased. biased to my older brother. (A/N: note this is a fanfic , none of this is real) they treated me like i was an idiot. they always treated my brother like some king while I'm down there being bashed at. then after a while , i met you when we were young. but i saw you with another boy , hwang renjun" jihoon said and i widened my eyes. is that why renjun is so familiar to me ? jjinja ?

"shocked , aren't you. neither of you remembered that you were friends. when i approached the both of you , i could tell renjun was different. the same blue and red outlines on his body , just like na jaemin. funny isn't it ? my brother had the same blue and red outlines. my parents as well. you were normal. a human. thats when i realised i was like you. a ordinary person. i soon found out that my family adopted me , i felt hurt. they never told me until i was 10. i was being bashed at because of my weight , telling me I'm a lazy person and that I'm nothing like my brother. and because of them , i was against all glitchers. even if they treat me nicely or rudely , i will never like them. and that pretty much sums up my purpose. they don't deserve to live. that's why i got this weapon to suck them into another universe , where there's is no food , no water , no openings for them to get out of. i used daeho to help me , i was never friends with him anyway. he is useless. you must be wondering how i can shapeshift ? another serum. (y/n)-ah , jebal (please). step out of my way and let me do this" jihoon said while turning around to face me. he was serious.

the tears were streaming down my face. i was crying hard. i didn't think jihoon would do something like this honestly. i shook my head harshly.

"jihoon DON'T. i don't want you to do this" i said while walking closer to him.

he avoided my gaze. he was practically towering of me. i looked up to him looking at the suroundings.

"jihoon look at me" i said but he didn't budge. "park jihoon" i said again and this time he did. whenever i say his full name , he would listen.

"i don't want this. please. jihoon listen to me. don't do this. it's wrong. you shouldn't care about how your parents think. you had me. you had daeho. don't you understand ? how does this help you ? they've done nothing wrong jihoon. i understand you are mad and hurt right now but fight it. don't let your negative thoughts take control. i was happy with you. don't you want me to be happy ? jihoon , I'm your best friend even your ex. listen to me , jebal. they have done nothing wrong. they never done anything to us. you're just making their lives harder. renjun's mom is in that universe jihoon. he is miserable. help him , help me. help us" i said while looking into his eyes.

he stared back , not saying anything. after a few seconds of silence , he hugged me. i stayed still. i really want to stay like this but i pushed him off. i shook my head and he looked down. just then , we heard a voice.

"JIHOON WHERE IS EOMMA ?! BRING HER BACK YOU SCUMBAG" we turned to see renjun crying while running to jihoon. i stopped renjun before he could harm jihoon.

poor renjun. jihoon-ah , you will do something about this. i will make you. it's now jihoon ,,

~to be continued~



how is this chapter ? its slightly longer than the regular (huh) chapters but plot twist ! jihoon is the culprit !!

were you guys surprised ?? HSHAHA IDK

anyway , ill stop this book at Chapter 30 :") book 2 will come out after my other book , which nct member should i do ??

anyway thats all for today. i hope this is a good chapter and thanks for reading !!!


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