White Light/White Heat

'What is even going on any more at this party?' I ask myself. Seriously, with Marc's odd behavior, and now with Jimmy on the loose I don't feel in any way happy or safe. Actually, I'm scared for my life. I open my legs up really wide, and let out the loudest scream I can muster.

"David, please stop man-spreading," Lily says, "It's making me uncomfortable."

I hold my hands menacingly, probably because of the evil powers of Jimmy. "I- I can't help it! Sexual looseness calms me down."

Grace says, "Good to know." She is still laying on the floor by my own deed, "Sexual looseness you say?" she declares. Oh God, where is she going with this? Grace tears off her fabulous lemon t shirt Iggy had been wearing, only to reveal a glittering bra completely covered in sequins. "How's this?"

"Actually, that makes me feel much better," I say. Seriously, what is happening to my brain? Could this all be the drugs, or is it Jimmy? Ugh, I'm so scared!

Grace gets up off the floor, finally, and just calmly walks over and pours herself a glass of lemonade, "I actually feel really glam now in this!" She sips her lemonade, and I begin to calm down.

However, Lee keeps looking at me more and more insanely. I try to ignore how mean Marc's face has become, and clearly even Hannah has taken a notice as she is trying very hard to get him to completely calm down and be his sweet self again.

Sara taps on my shoulder, and then says, "Want some cake? Cake always makes me feel better." The room starts swirling all around me in a way comparable with the more drugged out scenes in Magical Mystery Tour. Stephanie begins yet another conga line, and this time all the people are switching places with each other, back and forth, back and forth.

Lee's face becomes more and more evil looking, and I can only imagine she is possessed by Jimmy. The great conga line seems to conga to the sky, and then everyone just kind of flies around.

Lee screams to me, as if she were miles away, "How's this scaredy cat? Mwahaha!" I look jarringly up to the upstairs, thinking I will find a Jimmy up there. But no Jimmy is to be found.

Bob Dylan, who is oddly enough still sitting in the corner, picks up his harmonica and begins to float up into the ceiling, "Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man," he says, "Why you tripping out so high?"

The conga line circles above me, raising and descending above my head. Then, finally, Jimmy comes out, eating a hot dog, and then holds Lee in his arms, "You okay buddy?" he says.

"No!" I scream. "Please don't send your witches out to steal my sperm!" The room spirals all around me, as if being wrapped up into a cone. "Helppppp!" I scream again.

Then, I black out yet again...
Marc Bolan's POV

"Please Grace!" I shout. "Stop dancing in your bra and get some cold water!" Grace salutes me and runs out to David's pool, which actually does have freezing cold water. I slap my friend, David's, face repeatedly, but he won't come back to me. He went into shock apparently after taking some of Iggy's special substances. The poor guy must have had an absolutely terrible trip.

Grace runs back in, bearing a bucket of super cold water, and then she hands the bucket off to me. I take the bucket, and she goes back to dancing. "Sorry, Buddy," I groan. "I have to do this." Hannah turns her face away, afraid of what will happen to poor David Bowie. "One, two, threeeee!" and then I heave the bucket of water onto David, splashing and soaking his whole body.

"Eh! Eh! Eh!" He flops like a fish for a few seconds, and then finally he comes to his senses.

Judy drops her lamp and says, "Damn! I really wanted to use my lamp!"

Lily takes a slice of pizza and says, "That's not helping, Judy."

"Oh, come here, bitch!" Judy says savagely. Then, she clocks Lily with the lamp. "I don't care if she's my friend, she hated on my lamp use, and then stole my pizza! I won't tolerate it!"

"Good to know, Judy," Lily says, groaning from the floor. Brian Eno just walks over, and takes the lamp away from her in a disappointed way.

Holly says boldly, "Well, at least it wasn't Mick this time." Judy taps her lamp dangerously, and just ignores Holly, then.

I look again at poor David, who is just now coming to his senses after riding eight miles high, if not higher. Hannah comes over and sweetly starts tending to him. I love her so much, the sweet thing. Grace still is dancing around in her fabulous bra.

Please stop, my friend, before you attract the attention of Keith Moon.

Anyways, I realize that I need to find out exactly what happened to my poor friend. I stand up boldly and demand, "Okay, would whoever gave David the brown acid or whatever please show themselves," I pan my gaze all around the room, trying to find a guilty face, "You won't be in trouble, just plus show yourself." I look to Jimmy, but he is far too busy drinking his Jack Daniels to have done anything worth noting. Then, I see them. Of course!

"I swear," and Lou Reed and Iggy burst into laughter, and Lou says, "It wasn't me!"

"Why, I should have known it was you, Iggy!" and I give him an accusing look. Elisa and Judy just give each other looks. Sara stands back and eats cake with Bryan excitedly. Grace keeps dancing.

"Whoa, don't accuse my baby of anything," Lou says, "It was me. I just got the acid from Iggy's special collection of special substances." Lou holds a serious looks for a second, and then falls right back into bursting out in laughter. "David was dogging out my old friend, Acid, and I wanted to remind him how fabulous she was. However, I plan kind of failed. I dropped a sugar cube in his drink and just let it go from there."

I face palm and say, "That is an idiotic idea, Lou. You drugged your friend without his knowledge!"

"I guess we did, baby," and Lou holds Iggy in his arms. He rubs his hands all up and down Iggy's bare arms.

What am I looking at?

Ugh, it's best I don't bother the both of them anymore. I'd rather not cause a scene with Iggy and Lou. I'm too nice for fights. David finally seems to be back to his brain, and then he stands up with the help of Elisa, Hannah, and Lily. They are all such nice girls. Grace is still dancing around, proudly displaying her shimmering bra. Finally, I decide that David will be okay, as he is back to chatting it up with Lily and Brian. I give a happy look, and I go back to playing some music.

Ah, yes! The Velvet Underground. Wait, no. That's actually a terrible idea to try playing that music here, I know things will get more sexual then they already are. Ugh, what else do I have here? Oh, the new album from Roxy Music. Why not?

The song Remake-Remodel starts off calmly, until it blasts right into the tune. As the song really gets going, Grace stops dancing and puts on her shirt again and walks over to talk with David.

So, she doesn't dance with music? That's odd...

I am a little worried though, what if other drugs are running amuck? I don't want anyone else to go through what just happened to David. I look around, and decide there is no trouble, just a little dancing, Elisa and Keith on the ping pong table, so in other words normal party stuff.

Sara cries, "Dang! Why does this party feel normal! I'm scared!"

My buddy Ringo comes inside, soaking from head to sock and sandal. Whatever did Ringo just find to cause such a wetness?

Well, what did happen?
What will happen?

You be the judge.

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