Queen Bitch

Rewritten Venus in Furs lyrics by me and Wicked_Annabella , and what the heck, credit to Lulu Lemon for the original lyrics.
My stomach grumbles as I continue to think about the cake. I'm not even sure if we are still playing the game, but I don't even feel like that really matters, though. It seems like Lou and Iggy are up to some other, totally not appropriate game. Wait, maybe it is appropriate, but Lou does sound like he's humming Venus in Furs...

Shiny, shiny, shiny hugs of leather...
Whiplash Iggy hugs in the dark.

At this point Lou gets really close to Iggy.

Comes in snuggles, dear hugger don't forsake him.
Strike dear hugger, and embrace his heart.
Downy sins of cuddle fancies...
Chase the cuddles she shall share.

Lou continues on, singing to Iggy, gracing his hands around Iggy's waist.

Snuggler, Snuggler, speak so slightly!
Cuddler, down on your comfy knee!
Feel the hug, with love not given lightly

Oh, goodness, here it comes!!!!

Feel the arms, now huuuggg for meee!

Really? I thought we'd be getting some more public sex! Lou is seriously just hugging Iggy Pop. I must say, that is some kinky hugging. Anyhow, I look around, and Judy stands on top of the ping pong table and declares, "If Elisa doesn't get up here I'm taking over this game!" She clutches her lamp, and makes it clear of her intentions.

I hear Keith Moon whisper to Alice, "What is Bob Dylan doing with such a crazy, violent girl?"

Alice chuckles and says, "I haven't a clue, man." They both continue laughing, but apparently Judy heard them too...

"Hey, do one of you bastards want me to show you how crazy and violent I am?" she bears her lamp high above her head, ready to strike.

"Um, no thank you darling," Keith says, taking a sip of his drink.

Bob takes a drag of some weed and says, "That's my girl!" Ugh, of course he's going to say that, he is quite high.

Elisa gets on the ping pong table, "Okay Judy, truth or dare?"

She crosses her arms in a sassy fashion, "Truth!"

"How old were you when you lost your virginity?" Most of the party goers gasp, as this is a question previously raised to Freddie. Clearly she is trying to instigate a specific answer.

"Plug your ears, art school boy!" she calls, looking at Brian. Brian huffs and does not comply to the request. "I was thirteen years old! What do you think about that, baby?"

"Hey, I was only trying to poke fun at Freddie, not actually judge him," Brian says with an uncomfortable smirk. "I would have lost it much earlier if it wasn't for my parents."

"Ooo, does someone have mummy issues?" Grace says, gnawing on an ice cream bar that I think she got from Lou. (I think Lou spiked the ice cream, somehow.) She stares at Brian, awaiting his answer.

"I absolutely do not have mother issues!" Brian says, his face almost turning red. "Don't say anything negative about my mummy, I mean mother...."

"You realize you're just asking for a "Yo momma" joke, right?" Grace says coolly, taking a bite of the ice cream.

It's just the drugs, it's just the drugs....

"Don't you dare!" Brian wails. Lily comes over to him and says, "Calm down, babe. You're going a little crazy."

Judy comes down from the ping pong table, "Yeah, you totally are, I would know." Hannah and Stephanie chuckle at this petty scene, and I pray for a way out of it. "You know, we were talking about my virginity loss...."

"And then we weren't," Holly says in a really petty way. Mick's super attractive girlfriend Holly has an odd way of being petty, I suppose. Holly smiles as she accepts an ice cream from Lou Reed, and she and Mick begin to share it.

Considering the fact that I know he will soon be high, I know Mick will get in a fight. His luck can't go on much longer, he is going to get a broken nose. Oh well, say, where's the cake?

"Cake's ready!" Sara says. She and Bryan are poking there heads out of the kitchen door, and both of them have a fair amount of flour covering their faces. Actually, I think Bryan has a little frosting on his nose.

Well, there's the cake I guess....

Bryan goes back in, and in a few minutes he returns with a five tier cake. How did they have enough time and resources to make that? Actually, how do they know how to make a dessert like that? No matter, I must get a slice.

"Fuck yes, cake!!!!!!!!" Iggy says, standing at the top of the stairs, fully nude. He comes down the stairs running right for the cake. He stops right next to Holly, rubbing his hands together menacingly.

"Iggy," Holly says, quite uncomfortable, "Where are your pants?"

"Where are your pants?" Iggy stutters through his highness. Then, he begins to cackle.

Mick starts, clearly high from Lou's ice cream concoction, "What are you doing to my girlfriend?! You've been hitting on her all night!"

Iggy hugs Mick, "Come on, honey! I wouldn't do anything of the sort!"

Mick cringes and squeals, "I can feel your erect banana between my legs, this is so weird!" He looks like he might break down in tears.

Lou Reed throws his ice cream on the floor and screams, "I'm the only one allowed to feel that banana, you Mick dick!" Lou storms over, gently takes his nude boyfriend away from Mick, and sucker punches Mick in the nose.

Elisa cheers and says, "All right! Mix up! Peng fighting between two guys over another guy!"

Mick clutches his face, "I was not hitting on Iggy Pop! He's all yours, Lou!"

"Okay, I just wanted to be sure, baby," Lou says, playfully shaking Mick's shoulder, "Hey, darling, is your nose broken?" Holly begins to cry again, fearful of the prospect of Mick's face being ruined.

Andy yells, "Out of my way, people, this is my territory!" He looks intently, "You're fine, kid. It's not even out of place."

"Well, that's great!" Grace says, "Is it time for cake now?"

Bryan heaves, "Yes! Can it be time for cake? I'm so hungry! And my arms are getting tired."

Iggy takes the cake away from Bryan, sets it down on the ping pong table, and says, "Hannah, dear, can you get me a cake slicer?"

Hannah looks at her boyfriend, Marc, confused, and then just shakes her head. Finally, Marc just says, "Iggy, really. You need some pants."

Meanwhile, in the other corner Lee and my arch nemesis appear to be causing trouble. Lee whispers to Stephanie, "Steph, what's the sexiest song known to man?"

"Bang a Gong, obviously," she says, winking at Marc.

"Brilliant," Lee says. They give a signal to Jimmy, who puts it on the record player. In a couple seconds, it's blasting through the speakers. Keith Moon slams his drink down on the floor, and he begins to strip.

"Sorry sister Judy," he calls. "But tonight Moonie puts on his birthday suit!" He dances around, and yes, puts on his birthday suit. Marc, clearly influenced by his own music, starts to do the same.

"Wooo!" I hear a bunch of girls say. Iggy joins in, and in a couple minutes the three men are dancing around nude in my living room.

"That's my Iggy," Lou calls.

Lee and Jimmy are laughing in the corner, fully aware of what they started. Look at Jimmy, the devil incarnate!

"Marc, I didn't know you were so into stripping!" Hannah says.

Sara rolls her eyes. Despite the fact she may appreciate a dancing nude Bolan, I think she'd rather eat cake with him. Okay, this tease has gone too far!

"Iggy! Marc! Keith!" I scream from the top of the stairs, "Get on some damn pants and let's have some cake!"

"Sounds legit!" Paul Thompson says. "Grace, you're a fashion designer, right?"

"That's right, Stu, I mean Paul...," she replies, and then leaves for the upstairs. In just a couple minutes, she comes back bearing three pairs of pants, "David, hun, I hope you don't mind but I had to tear up some of your clothes to fashion these garments for Marc, Iggy, and Keith."

It's just the drugs, it's just the drugs....

"That's perfect, Grace, just give them the pants," I reply, dying inside. Grace dispenses the pants to the guys, and then comes back to me and hugs me.

Iggy returns to the cake and says, "It's cake time, folks!"

Bryan, however, tears the knife from Iggy and says, "No offense Mr. James Osterburg, but I don't trust you with sharp objects, as you have been known to gash up your chest on stage."

"Ugh, fine," Iggy says, handing the utensil to Bryan, "Do with the cake as you will. Just make sure I get a big slice."

"Thank you," Bryan says, and then he carefully slices the dessert, with his girlfriend carefully watching every movement made on her precious cake.


Question: What flavor should the cake be?
What should happen next?
Will there be more fighting?
Will Jimmy Page cast an evil spell on the party?
Will there be more unnecessary Iggy Pop nudity?
You be the judge.

Thank you for continued reading, voting, and commenting!

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