Moonage Daydream

Before we resume the fanfic, I think we need to see this photo as to better illustrate this party:

Now let's return to our regularly scheduled fangirling....
"Oh yeah!" Keith Moon screams as he jumps into my pool. I try to ignore the fact that he is wearing nothing but his boxer shorts.

The Beatles keep blasting through the speakers, and then the song "Twist and Shout" comes on. Couples start dancing like mad again, and I fear I will have to sit through another awkward line dance, or people hooking up with cabinets again. Speaking of that, where's Judy? Eh, no matter.

For once, I try to relax. Even Lee seems to be enjoying herself more, as she claps her hands and dances around a bit with Brian. I'm standing alone, and finally feel like this party has a chance to just be a nice, normal party. Keith Moon and Marc Bolan are innocently playing with a beach ball, and Iggy is drinking a piña colada. Lou Reed sets up a mini bar next to the pizza. Bryan Ferry and Lou share one of the boxes. Elisa, Holly, Grace, and Judy (oh, there's Judy...) all hold hands and sing "Row Row Row Your Boat." Oh, shit. Yep, this party still isn't normal.

Hannah dips her feet into the pool, and then her boyfriend pulls her right in with him. "Gotcha, love!" he says to her. Hannah giggles as Marc kisses her. I smile at the happy couple, and then again I feel relaxed, but now I think I feel a bit like Lee did, unhappy because my love isn't here. Well, actually, I don't have a love...

"This is a splendid party you have going here, buddy!" a familiar voice says. I look behind me only to see Ringo Starr. He is wearing cargo shorts, a shirt from Disney World, and socks and sandals. "I heard from Keith and Marc there'd be a party tonight, and I didn't think I could show up, but well, here I am!"

I have a really heard time not laughing at his outfit, and I pray that it was worn ironically. "Hello, Buddy!" Keith shouts to Ringo. "Come in the water!"

"Okay!" Ringo, like Keith, strips down to his boxers, but he leaves on the socks, for some reason... Then, he too jumps in the pool. Marc and Hannah roll their eyes and get right out.

The music stops for only a brief moment, when Judy goes over and starts playing some CCR. Good choice, I think to myself. However, why does everyone know how to work my stereo?

The girls have all stopped singing, I see, and Grace goes over to Lily, "Hey, I heard you where interested in examining David's closet, is that true?"

"Yes," she answers innocently.

"Well, I know where it is, let's go raid it!" Grace responds. Lily motions to Hannah, who is t still a little wet from the pool, and soon enough all of them are running for my house. I should stop them, I know, but frankly, it feels like to much work.

Lou Reed shouts to me from his little bar, "I think you could use a drink!"

"I could use something, hun!" I shout back. Then I realize that there is a line of about ten people all lined up to get drinks from Lou. Iggy stands next to him and gives people a sampling of his special substances. "Okay, Lou, you don't need to serve my guests, and Iggy, please don't get all of my guests high!"

"Oh, it's fine!" they chime in unison.

I roll my eyes, it's better not to stress out about this crap at this point. I have to admit, Lou seems to function very well as a bar tender, as he is turning out drinks like there was no tomorrow. When I get to the front of the line, I ask for a Long Island iced tea.

"Coming right up, dear!" Lou's black lined eyes sparkle as he prepares the hardcore drink for me. He hands me the beverage and says, "With an extra special kick for my extra special friend!" I down the whole thing in less then five seconds. I look behind me and see no one else is waiting. "Care for another, baby?" Lou asks. I nod yes, and I am handed another drink. I down that one quickly, too.

"Here, have some of my extra special substances, David, darling!" Iggy says. He reached into his coat pocket and pulls out a small bag of cocaine. I smile and accept the token of Iggy's love.

I stash the cocaine in my pocket, and decide to save it for later. I stumble a bit as I crash right into the arms of Holly and Judy. Then, I black out.

Twenty Minutes Later....

"Hey, Holly! He's coming back!" Grace shouts. She is wearing my knit leotard, for some strange reason. Oh, right, she was raiding my closet. "I'm sorry, David, but you just can't hold your liquor at all!" Grace's sassiness was kind of sweet.

"How long was I out for?" I ask.

"Um, maybe twenty minutes, nothing too long. I've been tending to you, though," Grace responds. I blush just a tad upon realizing that Grace went out of her way to make sure I was okay.

Lou Reed comes into my room and cries, "Oh, I'm so sorry, honey. I didn't mean for you to get knocked out."

"It's fine," I say.

"Oh, good!" Lou says, giving me a big bear hug. "Say, Grace is he ready for the party?"

"Yeah, I think he'll be fine," Grace responds. Lou leaves the two of us and Grace says, "He's not your boyfriend, is he?"

"Well, no," I answer with a laugh, "It's just, well, it's really hard to explain. But yeah, I'm single."

"Good," Grace says, giving me a sweet kiss, "Want to come back to the party now?"

"I think I just might," David says, "But only in a moment," and I again kiss Grace, this time much more intense.

"So, what was that about you being single?" Grace asks.

"I'm not so sure about that anymore," I laugh, and we walk out hand in hand. Along the way, I see Elisa and Keith hooking up on the ping pong table, again. When we come back outside, there is a conga line being lead by none other then Stephanie and Roger Taylor.

"This party is amazing!" Stephanie says.

Marc Bolan gets out of the line, and starts playing a guitar left on my patio. Ringo follows, and he pounds on some bongos. Lily finds the old piano left on my back porch (don't ask why I have a piano on my porch, okay?), and Elisa comes from the inside and starts singing. Keith comes out and he starts playing guitar alongside Marc. Soon enough, we have live music. Brian May and John Deacon runs out to their car, and Brian returns with his Red Special, and Deacon with his bass.

"Come on, David! Sing with me!" Elisa calls. I'm still holding hands with Grace, and she says to me, "Hey, you don't have to leave me here, I brought my triangle!" She produces the little instrument from her (my, rather) clothing.

We both go up, and soon enough we are all jamming away to the song, "Eight Days a Week". All the guitarists improvise fun solos, and even John does a mini solo on his bass. Grace does a mad solo on her triangle, and Elisa does some improvisational scat vocals in the style of Ella Fitzgerald.

Iggy evens comes up and takes a verse, with somehow he sobered up for. At the end of the song, everyone claps, and Bryan Ferry shouts, "Come on, give us some more, you guys are amazing!"
I hope you like where the story is going! If you have any suggestions for the next installment, please tell me!

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