Is It Love?
Grace continues to look around, obviously quite vigilant of something strange that I cannot see nor perceive. She's awfully cute when she's confused, even if she did make fun of my dick. Hmm, I'll just blame that perception on the drugs. I look around, desperately trying to figure out what strange thing has occurred to make Grace completely focus on it.
Then, I saw it.
Elisa standing on top of a ping pong table, grasping a lamp like a microphone. Oh shit, she's drunk!
Judy stumbles in, dragging Bob by the hand. "The only one allowed to get fresh with the lamps is me, you hear!"
Then, Elisa steps away from the lamp, sways, and begins belting out "Dancing in the Street". She dances around, she snaps her fingers, but unfortunately, not a word is discernible. Keith Richards stands at the base of the table, trying to get her to come down.
"Baby, you'll regret this, come down!" Keith calls, but Elisa just keeps singing. Judy becomes infuriated that her precious lamp has betrayed her for another lover. Her face becomes red as she continues to view the scene. Bob strokes her and tries to get her to calm down. Judy just collapses in his arms, eventually.
"Thank you and good night!" Elisa drops the lamp to the floor, and I cringe as I hear it shatter. She jumps down, and is caught by Keith who breathes a sigh of relief.
Bryan comes up and puts an arm around me. "My friend, when I sang on that table everyone cheered."
"No they didn't, you were drunk and I think they were cringing the whole time. By the way, please stop coming over and talking to me like a creepy uncle," I say. Then, I immediately want to pull those words back into my mouth as I see Sara look at me in complete anger. She is taking a bite out of a cupcake, but then she takes the cupcake and shoves it right in my face. Grace laughs when she sees the little crumbs of chocolate cake falling down my face.
"That's for saying crap about my boyfriend! He probably was hitting the rum cake too hard then!" Bryan puts his arm around her protectively.
"I actually threw up in your bathroom, so I'm quite sober now!"
"That's disgusting,"Grace says, then she whispers, "Just apologize to them."
"I'm sorry, guys. I'm just really on edge. Jimmy Page came in here, and lets just say we have a very uncomfortable past," I clear my throat and try to pull myself together.
"Poor baby," Grace wails, hugging me. "Well, Jimmy is with Lee right now, so I think you're safe for now."
Bryan and Sara nod sympathetically, and I feel a little at ease from the presence of my friends. "Well, let's socialize, then!"
"Ugh, people! Only if I get to hug them!" Grace cries. I nod my head "yes" to my innocent, high girlfriend. We go over to Mick and Holly, who seem to be having a pleasant conversation with Mick Ronson.
"Hey guys!" I say cheerfully.
"Toodles!" Mick says, and then he gives a soft kiss to Holly. What kind of dorky greeting is that though.
"Hey, David," Holly says, "would you mind telling your friends to please stop beating up my boyfriend? It's really starting to get on my nerves. I mean, he looks fine now, but soon enough I'll be taking him to the hospital with a broken nose!" She crosses her arms in front of her, clearly annoyed.
Bryan comes in front of me and puts his hand on Holly's shoulder, which clearly irritates Mick. "You see Andy Mackay over there?" and he puts to the lady killer currently making out with some random girl.
"Yeah, I do," Holly says. "What about him?"
"He's a decent looking chap, right?"
She looks again and says, "I suppose."
"Well, a few months ago we got in a little bitch fight and I pounded his face in. That poor sucker's nose was shattered. See, but he looks fine now!"
Holly backs away and both Micks look at him in horror, "How is that supposed to help me?!"
"I'm trying to comfort you in knowing even if your boyfriend does get a broken nose, he'll still look okay. Probably."
Sara pulls Bryan away and says, "Dear, that was a terrible example," then she grabs a cupcake, "here, eat this." and she hands the treat to Holly. "I hope you guys can get through the rest of the night pretty violence free."
Elisa butts into the conversation with Keith and says, "But fights are hot though, am I right?"
Hannah comes into the conversation with Marc and says, "Not if noses get broken!"
Grace hugs Keith Richards and says, "Remember that one, pleasant summer evening in the back of my car?"
"Oh yes, that was quite thrilling!" Keith says with a slight chuckle.
"You fucked my boyfriend?!" Elisa squeals.
"Naw, we just ate ice cream!" Grace declares proudly. Holly and Hannah laugh from behind, and even I found the absurdity of it all hilarious.
"Let's just forget the dirt of our pasts!" Jimmy Page says as he slinks right by us with Lee. Lee giggles a bit as they hold Jimmy's arm. Why is such a sweet person like Lee with Jimmy?!
Freddie comes over and says, "Darlings, if I could only forget all of the unspeakable things I did in art school!"
Stephanie laughs and responds, I suppose those must have been quite unspeakable!"
Brian Eno comes out of nowhere and proudly declares, "I am the king of unspeakable pasts involving art school and sex and all that jazz!"
Lily looks right at Brian, who isn't actually wearing a shirt right now, apparently, and smacks him right on the arm. "You know, I can handle you fucking groupies on the road and trying out bdsm on them you never would with me, but for goodness sakes, don't cast that out for all to see!" She begins crying and runs right outside, and Hannah follows right after her.
Ringo says, "I'm no expert on relationships, but I'd say there is some unresolved stuff with your girlfriend that you should have seen." He adjusts his wet sock and continues, "I'd say that was a pretty terrible move considering how sensitive she obviously is."
"Thanks, captain obvious!" Judy says. I swear I thought she was going to wack him with a lamp out of annoyance.
"Just go talk to her, mate," Marc Bolan says is his typical kind and sweet way. "I know my girl is talking to her right now, but I think you are the one she really needs to see."
Ringo sings, "She loves you, and you know that can't be bad. She loves you, and you know you should be glad!"
Marc says, "My friend, just because you're an ex Beatle doesn't mean you can integrate all of the old song lyrics into a conversation."
Brian huffs, rolls his eyes, and grabs a one of my jackets that Grace left on the floor. "I'm going after her!" He runs right outside to where Hannah and Lily are, and we all watch with much interest.
"That's peng," Elisa says.
"You think we should give them some privacy?" Lee inquires.
Stephanie takes a swig of some drink and says, "No, this shit is way too juicy."
I had to admit, watching Brian and Lily argue is like watching some crazy sitcom without the sound on. It is great. All we need is some popcorn and we're set! Then, Hannah came running in and said, "Guys, this is going to take a while. You're probably not going to want to watch."
Just as she says this, half of the party goers all return to regular party activities, and the other half flock to Hannah for answers. Unfortunately, all of my friends flocked to Hannah.
Grace begins asking Hannah a million questions, "Dude, why don't we want to watch."
"Come on, just give them some privacy!" Hannah snaps.
Lee laughs and says, "Told you so!" They hiccup a bit and then cuddle Jimmy.
Everyone goes away, but clearly the party cannot resume as normal until this is resolved.
Cliff Hanger!
Suggest some ideas to me of what you'd like to have happen or what you'd like to be doing next chapter!
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