Cum on Feel the Noize
In this chapter, Noddy Holder of Slade makes his debut (or shall it be his only appearance?), and you will soon see why his inclusion is ever so important...
Marc Bolan's POV
Poor Ringo just stands there, and the poor guy really is super wet. I need to know what happened to the poor guy. "Okay, would whoever is responsible for this wetness please speak up!" I shout. "Seriously, just someone admit it, and we can all be done here!" I feel like I'm starting to take charge of this party, and it actually feels quite good. Maybe this is how David has been feeling, considering how this is still his party.
Holly says in her typical petty way, "Well, isn't it obvious?" She crosses her arms, and then Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, and Elisa all just laugh with her.
"Well, maybe it is obvious," David says, "But still, please, I'd just like a confession." David clasps his hands, and very clearly he wants an-
[now for a totally unneeded narration interruption from-
David: *Marc Bolan! This is my party you jackass! I should be narrating!*
Marc: *Ugh, fine. It was just really fun. I mean, you were really high last chapter*
David: *suck it, you asshole*
Hannah: *hey, he's my boyfriend in this story, please be nice!*
David: *Hannah, it's fine, just let us pretend to have a big dramatic moment!*
Marc: *whoa, we're friends, man!*
David: *there is no friendship in narration, so get the hell out of here! It's just me and Lily running the show*
Marc: *ugh, fine. I'll just eat some cake with Sara or something*
David Bowie's POV
I clasp my hands, as I very clearly want an answer from somebody, anybody! Finally, my darling Grace comes over, and sprays me with a water gun, "Haha! Now you're wet!" she squeals.
"Wait, what just happened?" I say to her. Oh wow, it all makes sense now...
Grace says, "Well, I was storing this in my fabulous glittering bra."
"Huh?" I reply. "I swear I didn't see anything in there," Damn, that sounds really creepy.
Jimmy Page, who is still clutching his significant other Lee, laughs with them and then says, "I hate to tell you this, man, but that just sounds weird no matter how you cut it."
Grace giggles while throwing herself at me, "Baby, I love weird, though!" She kisses me in a very enthusiastic, but not very passionate, sort of way, and then I try to pretend like nothing just happened. Then she whispers, "David, do you have any more snow by any chance," she continues to kiss me in her little enthusiastic way.
Jimmy and Lee stare at us, which to be honest still makes me uncomfortable, despite Grace's affections. I reach into my pocket and pull out some. "Here, Grace. Now, go share this with your little friends." I hear Lee whisper to Jimmy (yes, I have great hearing!), "Damn, aren't you glad we aren't a weird couple like them?" Then they both snicker.
Grace accepts the bag of cocaine with extreme happiness, and she reaches into her bra and says, "Here, babe. Have some boob weed." I take the warm joint from her, and smile quite satisfied with our little drug trade. No, I don't just love her for the drugs!
Ringo comes up from behind we and slaps me in the butt with something very wet. I look behind me to see him holding up his wet sock. "Okay, David! You know what happened, your girlfriend soaked me with a squirt gun." Then, he breaks down in tears. Why is everyone so emotional here? Ringo angrily puts his sock back on, and then goes off to cry to Hannah and Lily.
Hannah says to Lily, "Poor Ringo. He just needs someone nice to understand him."
Lily nods and replies, "He definitely does. Do we have any other cinnamon rolls at this party willing to give Ringo a little love?"
Noddy Holder, who apparently has been at the party the whole time without us noticing the damn leprechaun, screams from the top of the stairs, "BABY BABY BAAABBBYYY!"
Bryan Ferry spits out his drink and shouts, "Who invited the guys from Slade here?"
Judy grasps her lamp and says, "I don't like the look of this guy," Bob hugs her around the shoulders, but to be quite honest he looks rather turned off by Noddy too. I didn't intentionally invited him, did I? Dammit, this is probably Mick Ronson's doing.
"With all of this talk about wetness and Ringo being wet, I thought the time had come for me to pop up!" Noddy declares in a way very akin to some sort of announcer. "It reminded me of a song me and the boys wrote!"
Judy clutches her lamp, "Oh, what song could that be?" Clearly she is ready to strike. This Noddy Holder is getting on everyone's nerves. Even Bob, who is still holding his darling dear, looks ready to hurt him.
"Come on," Elisa laughs, still over in the corner with the ping pong table. She continues, "The song quite obviously is Cum on Feel the Noize," at which point Noddy gets rather excited for this knowledge. "No, that was not an invitation to sing it!"
Bryan and Lily continue looking on, with a heavy disgust in their eyes. Sara says to Bryan, "Now, don't you do anything rash!" Bryan holds his hands up in a sort of relent, but Lily keeps giving Noddy the evil eye. Actually, at this point, no one really cared what happened to Ringo, as I saw him run away with Queen and Stephanie.
Stephanie said, "Come on, Ringo! Let's go get some snacks in the kitchen!" Stephanie and Ringo went off to get some pizza, probably. Then, the other guys in Queen just kind of followed like little ducks.
Lily finally goes over to Judy and whispers, "You don't like him much, do you?"
Judy shakes her head and replies, "Absolutely not, bud." She takes a big swig from her tall drink, and resumes her evil eye.
"What if I were to tell you, if you knocked Noddy upside the head with your lamp, I'm pretty sure everyone would be very happy with you," Lily says with an evil smile.
Holly yells, "Hey look, there's someone every likes less then my beautiful boyfriend, Mick!" She has a big smile, and she and Mick kiss with an utmost satisfaction.
Lily and Judy are far too wrapped up in their plans with Noddy to even notice this. However, Hannah comes up to Holly and says, "I wouldn't get cocky about this if I were you. You are riding in strange and dangerous territory!" Hannah and Holly nod with a sort of zen understanding, and then the discussion is simply over.
Without second glance, Judy runs to the top of the stairs, holds her lamp high, and knocks out poor Noddy. The little leprechaun's face looks the ceiling, and then his body collapses to the ground. Grace says, still in the middle of a dance, as apparently my girlfriend can't keep herself from dancing, "Now where do we hide the body?"
Lee says to Jimmy, quite ironically, "Damn, there really are some creepy people at this party!" Jimmy and Lee start to snicker, as per usual, and Grace rolls her eyes.
"Okay, I know he's not dead," Grace says, her bra shimmering as to shine her face, "But still."
Keith says, "I've got this!" He motions to Elisa, who just ends up flipping her boyfriend off. Wow, Elisa, that sass though!
At this point, I just kind of ignore what happens to Noddy. However, I see a rather adorable scene transpiring between Bryan and Sara. Being that Bryan was a little, um, upset by the whole Noddy scene, Sara got him some cake to calm down. Now, the couple are tenderly sharing a slice of cake.
"Darling," he says, "You are so amazing. With your appreciation of cake, I can't help but-" But then, Bryan holds his hands around his neck and starts slapping the wall.
"Good Lord!" Lily screams, "He's choking! Somebody help!"
Bryan's face turns blue, and finally he passes out on the ground. Sara breaks down in tears and collapses before him. Mick Jagger calls out, "Someone call the authorities!"
Keith Richards punches Mick in the nose and says, "We can't call the authorities, you idiot! Half of us will be arrested!"
Brian Eno punches Keith and sasses, "Don't kill my bandmate, man!"
As this drama unfolds, Bryan still lie on the floor, barely holding onto life. Sara still hugs him, only praying now that he will be revived.
Drama on the party floor!
A dying Bryan!
Will Noddy return?
Will the sass ever end?
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