/9/No I Haven't/
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He pulled his hand away and leaned against the counter. "Do you know what you just did?" He said pinching the bridge of his nose with his other hand and breathing heavily. My eyes stayed on his injured hand and I just shrugged.
"They won't really hurt me." I said. His eyes flashed open and he gripped my hand.
"Yes they will Lou. I told you to stay inside, why didn't you listen to me?" He said anger in his voice.
"You sounded in pain, I couldn't just leave you alone." I stated.
"I can take care of myself." He said. "From the looks of it. Not really." I told him. He pushed me further against the wall and I gasped in pain. I didn't break eye contact with him.
"Where he touched you, did he hurt you?" He asked. I shook my head and looked down.
"Can I just see your hand?" I murmured. I didn't wait for his answer I just grabbed his wrist lightly. "Do you have a first aid kit?"
"In the bathroom." He whispered.
"I'll be right back okay?" I told him.
I wrapped his knuckles in the white gauze. I patted it and finally looked up to meet his bright green eyes.
"Thanks Lou." He said.
I smiled and brushed back his curls, letting my hand run through the soft hair a little longer. He leaned down at my touch and I smiled. The smile disappeared as I remembered the event from earlier. "Who was that?" I asked him. His whole posture seemed to tense and he jerked away. "No one. Don't worry about it, I won't let anything bad ever happen to you." He said his voice tense.
"I can take care of myself thank you." I told him tersely. He let out a humourless laughter.
"If I can't take care of myself then you're hopeless." He said his voice breaking at the end. I glared at him and tapped at the couch cushion.
"That's not nice." I said. He laughed an pressed his lips against the corner of my mouth.
"I never said I was nice." He muttered.
I blushed and leaned away, I played with the hem of my shirt. "You didn't answer my question."
"That's because you don't need to know."
"Tell me!" I insisted.
I was scared for him, for the first time since I've met him I saw him down and vulnerable and that scared me. I never thought anything could cause that reaction from him.
"I'm not telling you anything." He said and he got up and walked to get a glass of water.
"How can we be together if you can't tell me something that obviously affects your life?" I demanded. My mouth fell and my cheeks flamed up.
"Be together?" Harry repeated.
"Forget it. I'm going back to my dorm." I said.
I felt his warm hand grip my waist, pulling me back towards his chest. "Do you want us...to be together?" He asked.
"Y-yes." I found myself saying.
"Hmmm pushing me away one day then wanting to be with me the next." He said.
I blushed darkly, "Forget I ever said anything."
"No wait." He started saying. "I want us to be together too." He said softly.
"You do realise I mean not just carelessly doing each other right?" I asked him. He laughed and nodded.
"I know." His reaction made an unbelievable emotion over come me. Happiness couldn't describe what I felt.
Then my brain caught up with my heart and before he could kiss me I held up my hand and gripped his shoulder tightly. "Are you lying?" I asked him.
His eyes narrowed and he pushed me off. I fell onto the floor with a thud. "Stop asking me that."
"It's a simple question Harry. Are you lying? Were you dared to ask me out? See how long it could take you to get into my pants? Or what?" I demanded.
"No! Damn it Louis! No!" He shouted. Turning around and glaring at me, though his figure towering over me sent shivers down my spine I didn't back down.
"Promise me, that you aren't lying." I told him not breaking eye contact with him.
"Is that really necessary?" He asked. "I just got beat up and you're worried if I'm lying to you? After all this time you still think I'm lying to get into your pants, remember Louis. It was you coming onto me last night and I said no. So if it was because of some stupid dare I could have won it last night and kicked you out this morning like I have done numerous times." He said his nostrils flaring.
"Harry. Just promise me you're not lying." I said after a moment.
His gaze didn't falter as he spoke. Green eyes burning into my blue, "I promise."
"I hope not. Now who was that guy?" I asked him going to grab his uninsured hand. I pulled him gently back to sit down and he just watched me.
"If I tell you you're gonna want to get into business that has nothing to do with you." He said his hand curling over mine.
"Too late, according to him I'm a part of it if you don't get the money." I said trying to joke around. His hand tightened over mine and I gasped.
"That isn't funny Louis!" He muttered.
"Just tell me! I can take it." I told him.
"Fine damn since you're insisting." He said out of nowhere. I grinned and he loosened his grip on my hand. "He's nobody really, I just got into some deep crap a few years back and now they're just collecting what I owe them."
"What kind of deep crap?"
He looked annoyed but said, "I used to throw these huge parties and steal the stuff that was used in them alright?"
"Alright but I don't understand how you could steal ten grand worth of weed."
He looked angry and his hand twitched around me. "I fucked the dealers daughter for a dare and he found out and said he was going to kill me if I didn't give him fifty grand. Happy? damn!"
"You just slept with his daughter for a dare?" I repeated.
"Yeah." He said shrugging. "But whatever now I have to get ten grand and I don't know how so I'm screwed."
"You're dad?" I asked him.
"Where do you think I got the first forty grand? He found out and cut me off." Harry grumbled.
"I-I can help you." I said after a few moments.
"No Louis, I'm not bringing you into this."
"I want to help." I insisted.
"No Louis! Just drop it." He said walking away.
"But let me just help you on this!"
"No! Fuck off." He shouted. He kept walking and I followed him into his bedroom, the door closing behind us.
"You're an arsehole, do you want to probably end up dead?" I shouted back. I stood by the edge of his bed just as his hand caught the doorknob to his bathroom.
"I'm not taking your money, back off." He said, turning towards me his dark eyes hardening.
I crossed my arms in front of him and just stared at him. His gaze flickered down then back up at me and he grinned. He let go of the door and started walking towards me. "That would be intimidating if you weren't so much more smaller." He took a step towards me. "Younger." Another step. "And scrawnier." He was a few inches away leaning down so that his lips and mesmerising eyes were only centimetres away. "Than me."
I found myself lost for breath. His breath hit my lips in little puffs and I found myself backing away, still wary of his actions. His uninjured hand catching my waist. He pushed me softly down. My back hitting the soft mattress.
"Harry." I whispered.
I placed my hands on his shoulders, feeling the hard muscle underneath the thin material. They run up and brushed against the curls against his neck. I lost myself in the field of green that were his eyes, I blushed because I felt so corny. They were so beautiful, I always thought them to be beautiful but right now they were even more.
"Yeah?" He breathed against my lips.
"Kiss me." I said quietly. His bottom lip quivered, and he leaned down the last inch. He pressed his body against mine, his warm hands never leaving my waist. My arms encircled his neck and pulled him closer. It was closed mouth, our lips moving slowly against each other. Heat rushed down and I started to feel uncomfortable in the sweatpants. His tongue swiped down and I was too much in a disarray to stop him as his tongue slipped through. I let him take control of the kiss, my eyes fluttered open as I felt slight pressure on my clothed length.
The sensation hurt but felt good at the same time.
The same pressure hit it, but it was stronger and it left me breathless. I pulled away from the kiss and fell back on the bed breathing heavily. "Oh." I couldn't help but breathe out. Harry's face held confusion before he glanced down between us. The sweatpants were tighter around the front and I looked at it confusedly. Was I? I blushed profusely, and tried to cover it up with my hands. His hands landed over mine and pulled them away. "Harry...N-no." I gasped out. It was too intimate of a thing to do. Not yet. His fingers ghosted over the spot but I heard him sigh and he pulled it away. I pushed him away and sat up, gasping loudly. I looked down angry at my clothes for betraying me.
"Don't tell me you've never..." Harry said. I groaned and cupped my face in my hands. It hurt alot but I wasn't going to let him touch me there. I thought about anything and everything disgusting in the whole world.
"Louis, you can't be serious." Harry murmured beside me. "Just shush please." I whispered through my hands.
"Hey, it's alright. So no ones ever touched you there before?" Harry asked.
"Obviously." I said through my teeth. I stood up abruptly and looked at him. He looked back up at me his eyes wide open and a dark shade of green. "I don't, I haven't done anything." I said. "I just, you are the first, I'm so confused." I said an I just turned around and ran to the bathroom. I slammed the door behind me and locked it, I slid to my knees and started to cry.
How pathetic could I get? He has probably done everything with someone and I haven't even had the courage to touch myself on my own nevertheless do something more. I was happy too see that my problem was gone but now I was more ashamed then ever. I clutched my knees to my chest and bit my lip. It was obvious I wasn't ready to do anything (unless I had alcohol in my system.)
I still had self worth. I still knew what I was doing with him was wrong on so many levels. Why did he have such an effect on me? Where I just wanted to do anything with him?
"Lou?" His cool, low voice said behind the door.
"Yeah?" I said shakily. I wiped away the few tears.
"You know I'm not going to force you to do anything right? I have respect." Harry said and I heard him laugh.
"I know it's just." I said as I got up.
"What?" He said as I opened the door to see him standing to the side his hair mussed up.
"I don't think I ever hated anything that you did to me. When I pushed you away it was because I was scared of what would happen if I didn't. And then when I didn't, I found out that it wasn't so bad and I don't know I'm so confused." I told him. He came over and wrapped his arms around me. My eyes fell down to his tattooed arms that were around me. The dark patterns that were splattered revealing mysterious designs and pictures.
"Why are you confused babe?" He asked. I met his green eyes and shook my head.
"I like this...but I shouldn't. I didn't want to give in so easily, and it shames me." I said shamefully.
"You call this giving in?" He asked amusedly, he let out a loud laugh.
I grimaced. "Sorry if I'm not exactly blowing your -"
He shushed me. "Babe, I've said this so many times. If I had wanted to carelessly fuck you, I would have done so that first day. I'm not making you do anything, you're doing it by yourself. I will never make you do anything. Just remember that okay?" He said bringing me closer to himself.
"Don't you always fool around with girls, Niall said so. So than why me? What have I done for you?"
"I've thought about it for a bit and I realised that I really liked the way you scrunched up your nose when you were concentrating. The way your eyes lit up when someone made a joke and the way your lips moved when you smiled." He said teasingly.
My eyebrows rose in surprise at the use of literature in his words. "But what really sold it was your amazing arse. No girls will ever be able to compare to it." He said with a wink.
I smiled, "Glad to know." I muttered sarcastically.
"If you can't believe me on one thing, at least believe me on this. I'm not lying when I say I want to get to know you, or when I say I'm not here for a careless fuck. Because I am not here for that, I am here for you. To get to know you. Will you let me?" He asked softly, his lips an inch above mine. Emerald eyes looking down to mine. I found myself nodding and leaning up to meet his perfect full red lips.
"Yeah." I sighed against them.
I craved his lips against mine. The soft feeling of them moving slowly, the taste they left on mine. I've only tasted them a few times and already my lips craved and missed them. "Just one thing...the people you owe money to, do they take just cash or?" I said after pulling away both of us catching our breaths. The kiss had stayed closed mouth and innocent...for the most part. His arms tightened around me and I couldn't help but whimper.
"You're not getting into this." He muttered.
"Don't Harry. I already am in the middle of it, I can get the money in two days. Just let me help you please, you can repay me again some day." I begged. It wasn't even that much, besides we had more than enough.
"No Louis." He said.
"Fine then I guess I'll just go and see him myself." I muttered. His good hand pinched my sides and I looked at him expectantly.
His face fell and he nodded. "Fine, but the next time I say you stay somewhere. You stay there." He said.
I nodded and smiled. "It's not much and I'm glad to help." I said.
He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, but I just shook it off. "What do you want to do now?" He asked. His hands began to lower on my back. "We could always start by me showing you some things...."
I gave him a pointed look, "Not yet. I still need to know, need to see.....besides I am hungry and I can't cook so, well I can but I don't want to." I said and I pushed him back and walked over to the bed. "Go make me food." I demanded. His eyebrows rose and he just shook his head but walked away. I sat down and grabbed my phone.
I needed to call my mum, and do some serious thinking. He was so much older and he was into things that were completely dangerous. Yet I knew I was hopelessly entranced on who he seemed to be.It could be true, he could have gotten what he wanted last night so maybe he wasn't lying. "Mum...how much is in my trust fund?" I texted her. It was 1:03 pm here so it would be late night in England.
"About £500,000. Why? Are you in trouble? I told you you weren't ready to move out!" She texted back immediately.
More than enough. "No mum, just needing to get some thing for class and the car. Thank you. Love you xx." I sent back. It took ten minutes but she finally texted back for me to take care. I dropped my phone and sighed, leaning back on the bed. If she was here, the things she would say, the things she would do. If she knew I was threatening my school time to be with someone like Harry she would demand me back home in a second. I was the perfect child, the perfect role model, never getting into trouble. Never doing anything wrong. Being new to everything, to the real world. It was scary but exciting. Maybe that's why this was all so exciting. I heard movement outside and I was still in disbelief he took me so seriously. I wanted to go out there and tell him I was joking, but at the same time I wanted to see what he would do.
I got up and walked to the bathroom, there was a full length mirror in there. I sighed and pulled up my shirt standing to the side. I grimaced seeing curves that shouldn't be there. The curve of my small tummy, my bum, my hips. 1.) shouldn't be there 2.) no guy should have 3.) why is it so slim? Where were the broad shoulders, even my face was dainty.
I grasped my cheeks and began mushing them into funny faces. The whole situation was funny really. A month ago I was in my study room, reading the newly made science textbook. Now I'm in an apartment with a dangerous man making funny faces in the mirror.
What was I doing? Should I be doing this? No. But I was done being uptight, I've read too many stories to know the inevitable ending.
They always had a happy ending, and though I knew Harry wasn't exactly Prince Charming I thought maybe he could become a different person, a better one. Who knows? No one does. So why not take the chance?
If you have the chance to go for something, if it's right there in front of you, what stops you from taking it?
I was terrified of the outcome, but I knew we would cross that bridge when we came to it. I placed my face in my hands and sighed, leaning over the sink. I heard the creak of a door and strong arms wrapped around my waist.
"What are you thinking now?" Harry whispered.
"Everything." I answered back.
"Mmm, is it good thinking?" He asked.
"Some." I replied.
"Well, put your pretty thoughts away for the moment and come on, I made pancakes." He said. I sighed and grabbed his hand, both of us walking out of the room. Outside the smell was heavenly, two plate of pancakes sat on the table. He pulled out the chair for me, and I sat down, he sat beside me. looked at the food and looked at him.
"Am I going to die?" I asked apprehensively. He rolled his eyes and grabbed a fork, taking a bit from my plate and raising it to my mouth.
"I don't think so, been making it for four years, Niall and Zayn haven't died." He said. I kept my eyes one him and wrapped my lips around the fork, the food was surprisingly fluffy and good. I licked my lips as I swallowed.
"If I die, it's going to be your fault." I said but I grinned. He smiled and ate his own pancakes. I heard a ding and he sighed pulling his phone out of his pocket. He glanced at it and set it down, front side down.
"I'll be right back." He muttered, getting up and walking away. I glanced at the phone then at his retreating figure.It dinged a few more times. Curiosity took over me and I grabbed it.
Messages Scroll Across to Read.
I quickly slid across the screen.
[Alexa] 2:34 pm : "Hey u coming 2nite?"
[Niall] 1:58 pm : "So he is with u? Harry if you...."
[Zayn] 2:39 pm : "Did it work?"
"What are you doing?" A low voice demanded behind me.
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