/7/Roof Top/


"Harry stop." I said quietly. He pulled on my bottom lip but did pull away. He just kept his dark green eyes on me.

"Technically, we both lied." He said. "You lied about your age, I lied about how many people I brought to the house. It's done and over with it doesn't matter." He said with a careless shrug.

"It does though, I lied because I knew people like you would make fun of me more so if you found out I was so young. You lied, to get into my pants." I said the last part falling silent.

"I didn't though." He said. "I could have, easily, but I didn't. That has to count for something."

"But I just met you, I don't-I am knew to all of this. No one has ever wanted me like this. I have never done anything, you took my first kiss." At this I frowned, for years I imagined my first kiss to be some sappy love story but it wasn't, it was in my room with a guy I met a week ago. "I want to fall in love, be swept off my feet." I blushed darkly and looked down. "Not have careless sex." I finished off saying. I brought my fingers to his face. "Trust is a big issue, all my life thanks to my mother, I have been coddled from seeing and being around people like you. You lied to me the first chance you had, the little trust I had for you is gone, and it was a simple question. If I can't trust you with something like that, then what can I ever trust you with? However trust me when I say this, I will not willingly just let you or anyone else just take my -I guess- innocence, away." I told him. I brushed past his curls and waited for his response. He jerked back and stood up.

"Ever heard of having fun?" He asked his eyes a darker green.

"But I don't want to just do it and move on." I said blushing. "I want dates and I don't know stupid things." I said shrugging slightly.

"Yeah well I just wanted a good fuck." He said before he abruptly turned around and walked away. "And I will get it." He said as the door shut behind him.

I just shook my head and bit my lip.

What was I getting myself into?

My stomach decided to grumble and I looked at my phone. 4:56 pm. I decided now was any better chance to go an get food, then use the rest of the time to clear my head. I decided to just stay in the clothes for the rest of the night, I would be locked in my room. I grabbed a few notes smiling because apparently in America they were called 'bills', I walked down to the food court and realised I had not seen Niall since I incident earlier today. Being the only guy (besides Liam) to not hate on me I wondered where he was.

I looked at all the food court options. I decided to go to the one that held simple sandwiches. There were only a few other people in front of me, I looked around and recognised a few faces from the party.

"Hey." A voice said, I turned towards it and had to look up to look eyes with the black haired guy from the party. His eyes were a cold blue but nonetheless on my ethics I returned the greeting with a polite smile.

He looked me up and down his eyes staying further down then what I would have liked, I shifted uncomfortably and turned back to see it was my turn to order. As I reached to pay for it someone's hand beat me to it.

"You can pay me back later okay?" The blue eyed man said.

He grabbed the food on the plate and tilted his head for me to follow him. Quietly I did. He came to a more remote place around the corner of the food court. It was still part of it though because it held a few tables and booths but it was mostly empty except for three people occupying a table. We sat down at a booth, "Here." I said and I took out the money that I was going to use.

"That's not how you can repay me baby." He said instead.

My mouth felt dry when I heard his words. He started to get closer and I lashed out and punched him. Harder then I slapped Harry, this was a punch straight to his cheek. "You little." He said. He started to rub his bruising cheek. I gasped and decided I didn't need food that badly. I scrambled out of the booth and immediately made my way back to my room, on look for Niall, Liam or hell I'd take Harry and Zayn than this guy. As I got closer to my room I felt myself breaking.

Was it really so obvious I was so new to everything? Why did everyone behave like this? Did all they think about was sex?

I fumbled with the doorknob and finally got through quickly closing and locking the door behind me.

"Eh! What's going on?" An Irish voice said behind me.

I subdued my frantic breathing and just shook my head. "That one guy that was with us last night? What was his name?" I asked instead.

"Shane?" He said and turned back to his book biting his lip.

"Yeah, is he gay?" I asked.

Niall looked up at me his eyes shining with confusion. "Yeah, he's the only gay guy here though. Harry's bi, if you're wondering. And well I'm as straight as a pole." He said laughing.

"Oh." I said, nodding. "Zayn?" I asked.

"I dunno, he's only ever liked girls as far as I know, he's only hooked with them." I didn't respond and just walked closer to him to see what he was looking at.

"Finally studying?" I teased.

He groaned and nodded shaking his head. "I have a test in Physiology tomorrow first class." He said.

"Wish I could help." I told him.

"You can! Here I have the study guide...I copied it from Zayn who copied it from some chick who loves him in his class but whatever, just ask me the questions and I'll answer okay?" He asked and he threw a packet at me.

I bit my lip, I had my own homework but it was not due for another two days. I sat down on my own bed and he sat down on his. "Okay." I said. I began questioning him.


Surprisingly he did know most of the stuff. I couldn't hide my surprise halfway through, and he just laughed at me. An hour later and my stomach was nonstop embarrassing me.

"Do I have to feed you every weekend or something?" Niall teased. I blushed and looked away.

"I went to get food, right before I came in here, but Shane, he's just like Harry but ...meaner..." I said cautiously.

Niall nodded. "I understand, between the two of us, I don't really like Shane but he's best mates with Harry so I would understand how they're alike. Here, I'll be right back." He said.

I blushed harder. "No, It is....just, I don't like being touched." I said quietly.

"Yeah I understand, Harry comes off hard doesn't he? Don't worry, he gets bored soon enough." And though I should have been ecstatic with the information I wasn't. "Hey, I'm not gonna come between whatever he does, but if he ever does something you just can't stand, or if Shane does, tell me and I won't hesitate to say something okay?" He said.

"Thanks Niall." I said quietly.

Though I knew I would never actually want something bad to happen to anyone, I knew I was going to handle the things first myself before blabbering it to anyone else. There was one thing that I still kept from England and that was my pride and stubbornness. "Besides." Niall said laughing slightly. "If Harry knew what Shane tried to do, it wouldn't end pretty." He said.

"Why so?" I asked curiously.

His blue eyes widened and he scratched his head. "Erm, no big deal just you know, yeah. I'll be back in ten minutes okay?" He said before he walked out the door and closed it behind himself.

I shook it off and sighed, placing the packet neatly back on his bed. I grabbed my phone from my dresser and found it to have 10 missed calls, and one missed text message.

All but 2 calls were from my mum. I groaned and almost smacked myself. I dialled her phone and checked that I England it would be about 2 in the morning and I was about to close before her voicemail came up. Leaving her a quick message that I would definitely call her early the next day when she was up. The other two were from an unknown number and Liam. I clicked on the unknown number with confusion hearing it ring. "Hello." A low voice said. My heart jumped. I couldn't speak, how did he get my number?

"Harry babe, come on." A girl voice purred beside him. Harry chuckled and I heard quick panting. Shocked I dropped my phone and it automatically ended the call.

It hasn't even been a full day and he was already with someone else. I just rolled my eyes, not letting it get to me anymore. I called Liam up and he answered on the third ring.

"Hi L-Lou." He said his voice cheerily. I couldn't help but smile, besides Niall (whom I was still hesitant towards because of the tattoos) he made me feel almost okay, almost at home.

"Yeah Liam, what did you need? I haven't had my phone for the longest while. Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner." I told him, as I sat down on my bed.

"It's okay, I've b-been busy too....I d-did what you said. I t-told him off for w-what he was doing to me." He said.

"Oh." I said surprised. "And?"

"He said...that he would try for me." He said and I could tell happiness was probably clear on his face. I smiled.

"That's good love, that's good." I said sincerely.

"I'm sorry I kissed you like that, it was completely wrong of me." He said.

"No Liam, it was okay, I asked you to. It was wrong of me, we were both emotionally vulnerable. I wish you and Zayn best of luck okay?" I said.

"Thanks Lou, really." He said.

"No problem, have to go alright. I'll see you when I see you." I told him. He laughed and bid farewell. I didn't bother to check my text messages, I just turned off my phone and turned towards my bed.

I was so exhausted, being emotionally played with and drained really took its toll on you.

Yet at that moment the door decided to open and Niall stepped in with a delicious smelling box of food. My nose drove me to the box and I looked up at Niall sheepishly. He laughed and passed me the box. "Thanks." I said politely, grabbing the box and going to sit on my bed.

"No problem." He said, he turned to walk out the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked him after swallowing.

"Jay and Drew invited me over for some games. I'll be back by ten okay mum." He said teasing. I blushed darkly and just shook my head. He laughed and walked away yelling out for me to enjoy the food. I checked the alarm clock on the dresser, it read 6:23 pm. I ate my food in silence thinking I needed to visit the library soon and simply get books to read and enjoy for fun.

I would not ask Harry for a ride, Liam worked there and he could always give me one. By the time I was done it was almost 7.

I went to the trash that was located a bit from the room and threw it away. After I yawned I realised I was really tired. Shrugging I walked back to my room, deciding to take a shower and then just into bed. I put my glasses on my dresser and quickly grabbed some clothes and slipped into the shower that was in the bathroom that was adjoined to the room. After I was done I slipped on the clothes and went back to my room, it wasn't until I was lying in my bed that I realised.

I was alone, and I don't know why I felt so down about it. I've been alone all 17 years of my life so why was now any different? Did I really want the attention they were all giving me? Was there attention any better than no attention at all? Or was it because last night for the first time in my life I was sleeping beside someone who was warm and who wanted me there?

I came to the thought that I didn't want my whole university years to be like this. Alone in my room. I wanted to be with friends and be out there, I was thousands of miles away from what I had always assumed was the one thing to stop me from going out and being who I wanted to be.

But now that I was here who was to stop me?

Did I really want to be quiet, 'innocent' Lou? When in reality I wasn't ?

It's not that I was actually experienced in anything sexually. I was new to it all, I would be new to it all, but no one needed to know that, though they probably all did.

I knew I was weird and fun, all my maids used to tell me that. (They were young actually and I always loved making them laugh). I could be who I wanted to be without anyone telling me off.

I'm not saying I was going to give in on everything and anything so easily, but I didn't have to be so prude on just about everything either.

Nothing bad would happen.


"Lou! Come on!" Niall exclaimed.

I shook my head. "No, I have a test in Calculus, I can't go alright? You go, I'll go next time. Promise!" I said.

He looked at me skeptically, but shrugged. Another week of horrible and mind pulling classes had gone by. I had turned in everything early and was getting early on my studying, it was Friday night and I was going to study for a while tonight, then the rest on Sunday night that way I'd be prepared for the test on Monday.

"Alright, but just to tell you, Liam has a test too but he's going for Zayn." He said.

I smiled. "Yes but I don't have to go to impress anyone, besides I actually don't know calculus that much. Now go, before I question if you have any tests to do!" I told him.

He wrinkled his nose but nodded, he fixed his dark blue shirt and walked out of the room.

So far the only thing I have been able to do is put my studying off and hanging out with Niall and Liam more in my free time. I didn't think it was a big deal but apparently it was, they were shocked and teased me about my classes.

I rubbed my eyes and continued to do the practice problems. At around 9 I decided enough was enough, and went to go take a shower. Tomorrow I was just going to have fun, though I didn't know what it meant to them I would see and just try to hang out with them. I assumed it would just be going to a party and getting drunk, and though I had said I would never go to another party, I was not so sure anymore. Maybe I would just not get wrapped into any of their stupid games.

I just walked into the bathroom and halfway in I realised I forgot to grab clothes. Annoyed with my own stupidity I stayed in for an extra twenty minutes.

I grumbled and dried myself, wrapping the towel around my waist. I walked out of the room holding my sweatpants in one hand and froze.

Lying smugly on Niall's bed was Harry, looking through his phone. At the sound of my footsteps he looked up. His eyes slightly widened in surprise but then the surprise disappeared to be replaced with a sly smirk. Freeing from my frozen self I walked placidly to the dresser and grabbed a pair of boxers.

"Niall's not here." I said.

"Who said I was here for Niall?" He said.

I didn't pay attention as I looked for the rest of my clothing. It was late, I was tired, I wasn't going to just talk to him. I haven't exactly forgotten about the week before. "Well whoever you are here for, they're not interested." I told him.

I turned back around and looked at him annoyingly. Water was dripping from my hair and I just wanted to go to sleep, I didn't have time for his games. Where did he disappear to during the week? I know he was three years ahead but it still doesn't explain for not seeing him at least on campus, not that I was hoping to see him.

"Get ready." He replied.

"For what?" I asked.

"Just do what I said."

"How about no." I said defiantly.

I heard him sigh and I just smiled in response. I went to walk to the bathroom, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Stop touching me!" I demanded.

I heard his soft laugh, he turned me around and I was forced to look up and glare at him. He grabbed my clothes away from me forcefully and I let him because my towel was slipping from my waist. He walked over to my dresser and proceeded to put them back. He walked back to Niall's bed an pulled out a bag.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I said. He hummed in response. "Harry, just stop. I'm not going to do anything with you."

"Damn Louis, maybe I don't always think about fucking you. Maybe I just want to hang out." He retorted.

I blushed, that could be true. "I am sorry for assuming." I asked. He turned around with some clothes and walked over to me.

"Or maybe that's exactly all that I want. Who knows. Just get dressed will you?" He said. My eyes flickered from his eyes to his neck where there were faint red marks. When did he get those? What even are they? My insides turned at the thought of someone else touching him, his tattooed arms wrapping around someone else. I blushed and shook away those thoughts, he looked at me but just shook his head, not saying anything. He handed me over the bag to which I looked at confused.

"What are those?" I asked pointing to the fading pink marks.

"You don't know what they are?" He asked.

"Should I?" I said quietly. Then it hit me, that girl when I called him. But that was days ago, so that could only mean. I gasped and backed away. "A girl gave that to you." His eyebrow rose in response but he didn't say anything else.

"Oh my, get out!" I shouted.

"What's the big deal?" He yelled.

"Just get out."

"Why does it matter to you? We aren't anything." He said.


"Do those matter to you?" I asked.

"No." He said simply.

"How can you be like that?" I said more quietly. "How'd t-they give them to you?" I asked him now more curious.

His eyes were wide and he bit his lip, "I'll show you how?"

"No. Just where are you taking me?" I asked him. His neck showing that someone else had touched him and he let them touch him, and I don't know the feeling that I felt but it was just ...jealousy.

"Surprise." Is all he replied with before his phone dinged and he took it out. I shrugged and decided that okay whatever. Not like I would let him do anything anymore, shows how important stuff like that is.

I slipped back into the bathroom and slipped on the clothing. It was just a simple grey t shirt with black skinny jeans, and not again.

I walked back out with the shirt on and the towel still around my waist. I threw the pink soft material into his face and walked back to my dresser. "What is wrong with you? This is girls clothing not boys!" I scolded.

"Yeah but you looked really good in it last time." He whispered closer then I would have thought. "Please Lou? Wear them and I promise that I won't come anywhere near you without your permission." He pressed his lips against my cheek and I felt his hands grip my waist.

"It's girls clothing Harry!" I stated again in exasperation. "Stop touching me!" I exclaimed, pushing him away.

"I thought about what you said. You're right, I'm going to take you out so that we can hang out and get to know each other. Just do me this one favour please babe. You looked really good in them, but I can't make you wear them." He whispered softly.

"A date?" I whispered back. "Really, when did you think that? When whoever gave you those things were giving them to you?" I replied sarcastically.

His eyes flashed, "But all I thought of was you." He said.

"Thanks that makes me feel so much better." Sarcasm thick in my voice.

"I'm trying to be nice here Louis. Yes a date." He said changing the subject. "Whatever you want, love." He continued.

His touch was warm and soft and it sent fire through my body. I found myself nodding. "O-okay." I said.

"Thanks babe." He said softly. "We are going to have fun tonight, just you and I." He said.

I swallowed my words and took back the pink soft material. I felt myself blush, it was just like the week before but it was just Harry and I.

"You can change right here." Harry said amused.

"Don't push your luck Harry. Besides you have to keep up with your part of the agreement also." I told him.

His hands left me and he raised them in surrender. I giggled at his action, he was wearing a black bandana that pushed his curls back. On anyone it looked ridiculous but on him and his hard features no one would ever tell him off for it.

He was dressed in black clothing as well, with black ripped jeans at the knees and a white shirt that was cut off at the shoulders. As always his dark tattoos contrasted on his pale body and he smirked as he saw me staring. He dropped his hands to his sides and looked at me through his thick eyelashes.

"Are you lying to me?" I asked one last time.

"I lied once it didn't work, what's the point in still lying?" He replied.

I nodded, and went to the bathroom. I stood still watching my figure in the sink mirror. I changed my shirt, and it fell to the floor, I saw the tan of my skin, for a second I thought of Harry and his hands against my body. I shivered and quickly pulled over the new shirt. I pulled down the towel and skimmed the soft pink material with my thumbs. It was pink, except for the trim at the ends which were white, I almost wanted to throw them down the toilet because Harry really shouldnt be telling me what to wear.

I didnt.

i slipped them through me legs and noticed that it hugged the curve of my bum, not wanting to keep seeing myself with it I quickly pulled on the jeans as well. Finally I came back out I was dressed with a grey beanie on my dried hair.

He held the door open for me and walked a few steps to the side of me. We walked out onto campus and headed towards the lot. I found the familiar motorcycle and I stopped dead in my tracks.

"But you have a car." I said confusedly.

He shrugged and got on. "Yeah but I like this one better." He said he handed me the black helmet. I took it shakily, and got on. I wrapped my arms around his torso tightly. He started the bike and I felt the familiar awkward sensation so I took a deep breath and just held him tighter.

Sooner then I would have thought we stopped. "Where are we?" I asked as I got off. It looked to be an old part of a city. I could hear the traffic and voices but they were far away.

He didn't say anything, just got off and put the helmet away. He didn't come near me as he turned around and walked. Annoyed I ran to catch up with him. He kept his distance and just glanced down at me amused.

"Come on." He said, and he beckoned me with his finger as he pointed to an old building. A stairwell lead up to it.

"What are we doing here?" I asked him. He just whistled in response. Quietly he began to climb the stairwell.

"Is it safe?" I asked quietly.

"Just come on." He replied. Softly I touched the cool metal, it seemed to not move when he was there so it wouldn't move if I was there either.

The building's roof was flat, but the building itself looked old, so I was still shaky about the whole thing. He beat me to the roof and when I got there I didn't hide my surprise, or shock.

My mouth fell open and my insides turned into a mess of butterflies.

The roof was indeed flat, but there was a picnic in the centre of it, with a thick blanket underneath it. It held a basket with a bottle of wine, and some other foods. I looked at Harry and he was just watching me.

"You did this?" I said.

He smiled exposing those two dimples that made my stomach feel fuzzy. "Yes, I'm not just some punk, I know my stuff." He said. He was still standing aways from me and I just wanted him to be near me.

"Y-you can c-come closer." I found myself whispering. I turned towards the edge of the roof. We were pretty high up, but not dangerously high up. No one seemed to be around and I could make out some people in the distance, but besides that we are alone.

I felt his hand brush against my cheek. "It's safe you know. The buildings here are meant to look old, but everything inside them is new." He said.

"Should we even be up here?" I asked him.

"It doesn't matter, no one comes here during the night." He replied.

I turned towards him, "You would know that. Exactly how many others have you brought here? Alexa? I dunno maybe that other girl you were fooling around with last week the day after you were with me?" I suddenly lashed out.

His eyes widened, and he stepped back. "I am going to tell you this for the last time. You don't have to trust me on anything else, but trust me on this. If I wanted a careless fuck from you I would have gotten it that first day. Or even last week. I don't need to do this to get into your arse Lou. I don't. You don't have to believe me, believe what you want." He said and he dropped his hands and walked over and sat down on the blanket staring blankly out to the side.

I sat down beside him. My good natured heart wanted to believe him but my brain didn't. "Then why are you doing all of this?" I asked him.

He looked over at me, and brushed back his curls, he slid his bandanna off and tossed it to the side. "I thought about it for the past week, and I realised that maybe I don't want you to be another careless fuck." He crossed his arms and just looked at me not breaking eye contact.

"What are you saying?" I asked him quietly, looking down and touching the soft blanket. I felt him move, and his fingers touched my chin tilting it up.

"What I'm saying is, maybe I want to get to know you." He whispered. He pushed me back onto the soft blanket, glancing down at my lips I gave one swift nod. He smiled and pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and moved my lips with his softly, still ever so shyly afraid that this wasn't real.

Afraid that he wasn't being sincere.

He pulled away and kissed down my neck, I felt his tongue sooth over the small bites that he left and I gasped, new to the whole feeling. "W-what are you d-doing?" I asked confused as to why it hurt yet felt so good.


I can't believe he doesn't know what I'm doing. I pulled back and looked at him, his eyes were wide with confusion. I brushed back his soft hair, and brushed my finger along the now red mark on his neck.

"Come on, you ever had wine?" I asked him.

His fingers went to brush over the mark, he winced in pain but shook his head. I smiled.

"Alright, here." I said taking out a cup and opening up the bottle of wine. I handed him one, and he took it gingerly in his hand.

He tilted the cup back against his mouth and looked up into the sky.

"The sight is so beautiful." He whispered. I just kept my eyes on him.

"Yeah it isn't so bad." I told him, and I took his hand in mine.


A/n Would you believe Harry?

I am actually okay with this in my other story they were giving each other blows by this chapter.

Vote! Comment! Share! Fan! xx

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