/6/Beach House/
I changed my mind. I will update when I update.
This is so long, which shows how much I like writing this story.
Louis is now 17, Harry is 22.
Harry on a motorcycle though ^^
Side of Lilo. xx
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They won't do it for a long time though. More stuff to come, people to intervene! Louis to come back to his 'innocent' mind.
The water felt cool against my now warming skin.
I kissed him back shyly, still unaccustomed to how to kiss him, though he seemed to be taking control of everything.
I felt his hands and though I knew they shouldn't be there I couldn't find it in myself to push him away.
I felt him walking, but I didn't open my eyes I just sighed peacefully, feeling his lips kiss down my neck.
He laid me down gently on the soft sand and he lied beside me. His eyes never leaving my face. Reaching up I grasped his hand and shy fully played with his long fingers, he let me as his other hand trailed down my body.
"You really haven't brought anyone else here?" I asked quietly. He tilted my chin up with his hand.
"Only you okay babe?" He said.
I sighed lying back on the soft sand, his words making fire erupt in my heart. The way his eyes burned down at me, and the soft touches his hands gave me I realised I was going to go down a bad road.
Though I was angry at myself for letting him do this, I didn't want him to stop.
I couldn't even bring myself to say anything.
He pulled me closer to him, and I shivered against his cool skin. He kept his eyes on me and I blushed but looked back. He gripped my chin and tilted his head down, our lips connecting once again. His tongue brushing along my lower lip, I didn't part them though. His other hand was gripping my waist, curving me against his body.
A moment later he pulled back and though he himself didn't look affected by the kiss, I was finding it hard to breathe and my chest was rising and falling heavily.
"You're beautiful you know that right?" He said kissing my cheek.
"M-me?" I said incredulous.
"Yes, you." He whispered.
His eyes were shining, and his body radiated only warmth against mine. His curls were dripping water onto the sand and the moon was creating a light over us that made me want to stay there forever.
Foolishly though I yawned, I half expected him to lash out at me instead he ran his hand through my hair and leaned down. "You sleepy love?" He asks.
I nodded because I actually was. He chuckled softly and though we had only been on the soft sand for just some minutes he helped me up, and I shook off the sand that was sticking to my wet clothes.
I assumed we were probably going to go back to the house, we did just leave Zayn and Niall, and that other guy, but he took me in the opposite direction.
Soon we came to a small beach house, he pulled me towards it but I stood my ground. "Wait, no." I said, I could take the beach but breaking into someone's house?
He sighed impatiently and flipped his curls wet curls spraying me with some water. "It's my parents place okay? Nothing's gonna happen, besides we aren't going go back in the car all wet." He said.
"Your parents house?" I asked. He affirmed it with a nod and I let myself be pulled in through the front door.
I was still apprehensive but I believed him and felt that he wouldn't do anything to hurt me, or would he. I didn't even know anymore. I should be curled up in my bed sleeping ready to scold Niall about putting off his homework.
"Look, I know you're not comfortable with me probably sleeping with you so I'll take the couch, and you can take my room." He said. He nodded and turned to walk towards the kitchen.
"Y-you can sleep in the bed." I whispered softly.
"You sure?" He asked.
"Yeah of course, I-it is your house." I said playing with the bottom of my shirt. "I'll sleep on the couch or something."
He didn't say anything instead he turned around and walked down a hallway, I presumed I was to follow him. So I did.
I found him standing in front of a doorway to a lit room, my eyes started to adjust to the new light. Seeing him illuminated like that caused me to take a deep breath and realise that I was doing this.
I had my first kiss, with a guy I barely knew. I had followed said guy to his room.
What happened to my normal actions?
What happened to pushing him away?
Part of myself hating the fact that I gave in so easily, was it just a week ago when I wanted him to leave me be and yet here I was having him touch me? Kiss me. Say those words that were too much at times?
Did I want Harry the way Harry wants me?
Harry walked over to a dresser and pulled out a white shirt that was probably his and it looked too big, and a pair of boxers. "Technically the dare is over so here." He said, handing them over.
"Jeans, or at least pajamas?" I asked for the second time that night.
He smirked an pressed his lips against my cheek. "They won't fit, don't wanna hide that beautiful arse of yours do we." And with that he placed his hand across my right cheek. I jumped and all but ran into the bathroom blushing and hearing his loud laughter.
I stepped out of the grainy clothing. I eyed the shower but decided against so, and grabbed a towel. It was soft and fluffy so I made to clean all the sand from my body. When I thought it was enough I put on the boxers. The feeling of finally having room for my length was exhilarating. The shirt hung off a shoulder but I shrugged it off.
I looked at myself in the full length mirror and brought my hands to my face to cover the embarrassment that I felt.
What was I doing here?
The worst thing I have ever done was help my best mate cheat on his test. And that was ages ago.
So why was I in this strange house with a strange boy?
Because the feeling of finally doing something that most people would frown upon got to be too much?
I shook my head away from that thought. Or from the haziness that I get when I remember Harry's kisses.
I got back outside to the bedroom and noticed the main lights were off and the only light came from a lamp beside the bed. I walked over to one of the big windows and saw that it was over looking the beach below. My eyes widened when I just made the few dawn lights in the horizon. The sight was breathtaking. I just stared out the window lost in my own thoughts.
I felt strong hands grip my hips, so that's what brought me back to look up and meet Harry's green gaze. I didn't say anything and I just turned back to the view. Words could not describe how beautiful it looked, and I realised why people woke so early for a sunrise now. Wanting to take a picture I realised that my phone was still back in the car and I sighed.
"I'll go to the living room." I told him, before slipping out of his grasp.
"Lou, you don't have to go." He said behind me.
"Yeah, I do." I told him and continued walking across the room.
"Why, are you still being so difficult?" He asked.
"I'm not just going to be used whenever you need me Harry. I'm tired and want to sleep, now either you can take me to the dorm, the party, or let me sleep on the couch." I said.
My hand was just on the doorknob when I was pushed against the door, my back hitting the wooden texture. "Harry!" I said.
Harry was looking down at me intensely, his arms locked on either side of my head. "I rather you just sleep with me on the bed."
"I've already touched your arse Lou." He said carelessly. "We've snogged and I've grinded on you, what else are you afraid of? If I wanted to fuck you, you think I'd waste time out there? I could have taken you in the house, in the car, I could have taken you that first day. You'd be used to screaming my name by now. But, for a reason that I don't know, I don't care for a careless fuck from you. Now, lets sleep."
My mouth parted at his words, he seemed smug about them. I felt his fingers brush the skin inside my shirt, I shivered and realised that enough was enough. I walked away from him and sat on the edge of the bed. "Goodnight Harry." I said quietly and I quickly lied down and turned to so that I was facing the doorway, I heard and felt the bed dipping.
Warm hands wrapped themselves around my waist. "Goodnight Louis." His low, raspy voice said. Warm lips pressed kisses alongside my shoulder.
I shut my eyes and fought the tears that were dying to spill..
I was not going to be stupid, I was not going to let him hurt me.
But no matter what I thought, I did not try to push him away.
His lips softly pressed against my neck sent me into a soft and lovely dream.
"Louis. Wake up." A voice called.
I blinked and sat up. "Yes?" I said drowsily.
"We have to go." Harry said and he was already standing beside me, dressed in his dark clothing. His eyes holding no emotions as he stared down at me. He walked away and while he did so I sighed and got up and walked over to the dresser, I needed jeans now. I was not going out in public like this.
I grabbed the smallest pair of jeans I could find but even then after I slipped it on it was a size too big. I shook my head and decided to stick with it, it would only be a few minutes before we were back at either the house or my room.
"You ready?" He called.
"Yes." I called back. I ran a hand through my disheveled hair and walked out of the room. He didn't say anything as he followed back except he scowled.
We stepped out of the small house and he locked it behind him and we walked down a paved road.
"If this is your place, then why did we sneak in?" I inquired after a second.
"Damn it Louis, ever heard of trying to have fun? Besides it was fun watching your reactions." He said.
I flinched back but nodded. "I am sorry." I mumbled. We were beside his car and I reached down to open the door. I was pushed to the side of the car, his face hovering only centimetres from mine.
"Babe, Im sorry okay? I just don't feel so good right now." He whispered. I nodded and he let me go, openin the door for me. I slid in and quickly picked up my phone. It was almost dead, at 32%, but I clicked through it anyways. To my horror it was almost noon.
I bit my lip as I looked through my messages, three new ones from...an unknown number.
I squinted, at them though they were blurry I could make out what they said.
#1 "Hey Lou, it's Liam." 8:03 am
#2 "Are you okay? Did I get you in trouble, I'm sorry. I did not mean to. :(" 8:08 am
#3 "I was wondering if we could talk about things? Only if you want to. I just need help on trying to decide what to do, and you're the only...nice person I've met so far, text me as soon as you can. Sorry if I am bothering you." 8:15 am.
I opened up the text box and sent, "I'm sorry, I was sleeping. No, it's okay, Harry is just being a stubborn brat, he doesn't own me. Yes, you can talk to me about anything okay?" 11:35 am
Almost a minute after I sent that he replied. "It's about Zayn. Is it okay if I come over to your flat at three?" 11:36 am
I was still sleepy but he needed me and he was the only one who seemed remotely normal.
"Of course! See you then. ;)" 11:37 am. I smiled knowing he was probably shaking his head at my pointless fling at flirting. At least I thought it was flirting, I used to see it on my sisters' phone all the time.
"Thank you. :) x" 11:40.
I smiled and went to put the phone away. "Who were you texting?" Harry asked his voice tight. I didn't answer, it wasn't any of his business.
"Louis, who were you texting?" He asked. I stayed silent. He stopped the car, and I saw that we were in front of the house from the night before. Unlike the night before only one other car was there, along with littered cans. "When I talk to you, I expect you to answer me." He said angrily.
My eyebrow rose. "Who are you? My mother?" I asked him, not about to take his attitude. I opened the door and went to get out but his hand gripped my wrist pulling me back tightly.
"Give me the phone." He said through his teeth, I shook my head.
"You don't own me leave me alone." I told him, I yanked my hand back and ran up the driveway and into the house through the parted doorway. Music was playing, but the whole house was empty. Calming myself I walked towards where I heard voices being mushed together. They were all in the kitchen, Niall was baking pancakes. Zayn and Liam were sitting beside each other at the table, while Alexa and the jet black haired man were too close at the counter. I froze in the doorway.
"LOUIS GIVE ME YOUR PHONE NOW." Harry shouted behind me. I jumped and made my way towards Zayn and Liam. At this point I was crumbling inside because where was the Harry from yesterday?
"Harry! Babes!" Alexa shouted happily. I grabbed onto Liam's shoulder, an Harry's eyes flickered at the motion.
"Harry, Louis where have you guys been?" Niall asked pleasantly, putting a plate of pancakes in the table.
"Nowhere important." Harry snarled. His face fuming, and hands clenched by his sides.
Everything seemed to be rushing because hen he said "nowhere." The words "beach." Were slipping from my mouth. It took a second for everyone to connect my words together. Niall's eyes widened in surprise and even the jet black haired man looked at me with surprised cold blue eyes.
"The beach house huh?" Alexa said almost curiously.. I nodded, curious as to why Harry was frozen in spot. Alexa laughed. "He took you to his beach house? Congrats. Been there three times myself." She said proudly.
My heart dropped. "Three times?" I whispered. I turned to Harry. His eyes were shut and he was breathing heavily, "You lied to me." I said.
He didn't respond. I slapped him across the face, the sound bouncing against the walls. His eyes snapped open, revealing a burning green inside them. "YOU LIED TO ME." I screamed and punched his chest. I raised my hand again but his hand reached out and stopped it.
"If you know what's good for you, don't do that again." He said his voice low.
"Don't touch me." I said trying to yank my hand away. "You lied to me!" I shouted pathetically.
He snorted and dropped my hand, "So?" He said.
"So?" I said deliriously. I remembered how I just let him do what he wanted because of what he said and I shuddered feeling sick with myself. "I refuse to follow into your game Harry Styles! Don't ever come near me ever again." I pushed him roughly away and walked around him.
"You weren't saying that last night." He said his words sending shivers down my spine. Everyone was staring at me, Liam's eyes were wide, while Zayn and the other black haired guy looked amused. Alexa was standing to the side smugly. "You were practically begging to be touched." Harry kept saying.
All the blood drained from my face and I turned towards him, silently begging him to shut up.
How could he be so open about it?
His eyes held nothing but hardness in them and his lips didn't stop moving. "You weren't really pushing me away when I had my tongue down your throat, or my hand squeezing your bare arse." He said.
I was shaking, "Shut up."
"Want to know why? Cause you're no better then any other person I've done it with. That's why." He said folding his arms in front of him smugly, his amused face just daring me to say something.
I finally found my voice. "Go to hell." I muttered before I turned around and ran upstairs to the room from last night. I was angry and hurt, betrayal shocking me.
I walked to the bathroom and found my clothes still in tact where I left them. I all but ripped the clothing off of me frantically shaking, as I slipped on my loose fitting shirt.
I clutched my beanie to my chest, it was white and clean. I could still feel his stupid lips and strong hands on me and I felt sick. I barely made it to the bathroom before I was throwing up. I was completely sick with myself.
I heard the bathroom door slightly open and a gasp. "Leave me alone." I stammered out, clutching my face in my hands.
"Lou, it's okay. Want me to take you home." A warm voice said. I looked up and was met with familiar warm brown eyes.
"Please." I told him.
He helped me up, I washed my face and shook my hair. He took my hand in his and lead me out of the room.
"Wait," I told him, as we were down at the foot of the stairs. He gave me a weird look but nodded, I ran up and looked back underneath the bed. I found my glasses and placed them on my nose.
When I was at the top of the stairs I heard shouting. I rushed down and saw Zayn holding back Harry, while Niall was trying to talk to him.
"What's going on?" I asked quietly.
Harry's eyes landed on me and he pushed Zayn away roughly and Zayn stumbled back eyes wide with shock.
"What's happening is that this idiot thinks he's going to take you home." Harry said grabbing my hand an pulling me against him. I gasped and tried to wrench his hand away.
"What did I say about touching me." I told him harshly.
He threw his head back and laughed, "You weren't serious about that were you?" He asked.
"Yes I was." I said.
"Harry, just let the kid go. It's not worth it." Niall said. I threw him a grateful look but he ignored it.
"Shut up Niall." Harry said.
"If he wants to come with me, let him." Liam said his voice coming out loud and strong.
Harry let my hand go and pushed me back. "Yeah well I'm not going to let him." He said his face inches from Liam, hands clenched into fists by his side.
Liam's eyes flickered down but then the warm brown eyes hardened and he raised his fist.
"Stop!" I shrieked and pushed Liam away. He only went a couple of steps but he shook his head and turned towards me. "Lets just go." I told him grabbing his hand and pulling him away.
"Come on Lou, it was just a joke, get a sense of humor." Harry called out behind me.
I looked back at him "I'm just a joke?" I said my voice falling at the end, before I turned back around and kept walking.
Finally we made it outside, I followed Liam to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and then he slipped into the drivers, his body trembling.
The passenger door was slammed forcefully and I was pushed against the side. I kept my eyes on the ground refusing to meet his intense stare. "This isn't over." He said his voice seething.
"Actually, I think it is." I shot back.
He grabbed my face in his hands, tilting it up, "That pretty little mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble one of these days." He whispered against my lips. His eyes were just so beautiful, they were cold and hard but there was no denying that they were beautiful. He let me go and walked away without sparing another look.
I watched him leave, finding my brain I fumbled with the door to the car and opened it. Liam didn't say anything as he pulled out of the driveway.
It wasn't until we were sitting in my room, on my bed that I broke down into tears in his arms. They weren't streaming down my face but they were still there.
Was I honestly falling for this incompetent, twenty some year old that is probably going to ruin my life?
This couldn't be happening though.
Not to me.
I could still stop it though.
I was going to stop it.
But did I really want to.
I passed out lying on my bed wrapped up in sheets, Liam was lying beside me on top of the sheets. I ended up just talking about my life back in England and he listened, thankfully we avoided the whole Harry subject.
Now we were just staring up at the ceiling in comfortable silence. "Lou, h-how o-old are you?" Liam suddenly asked turning towards me.
"Seventeen. You?" I whispered, there was no use lying to him, his eyes widened.
"I am 21, But Z-Zayn said y-you were n-nineteen?" He asked confused. I scowled, obviously Harry told them.
"No, I am only seventeen. I know I am young, and you are all four years older, I skipped a grade and then I finished my studies early." I said.
"You're technically still a kid." He said chuckling. I glared at him but broke out into a smile.
"I guess, you can not tell anyone though, they are going to think I am some young nerd." I stammered out.
"Okay I won't tell, but damn you're basically a baby in this school." He said and he laughed. I turned towards him and hit him on his stomach hitch backfired because it was actually alot harder then I had expected. I gasped in pain and he took my hand to examine it in an instant.
"You okay?" He asked worry in his voice.
I chuckled. "Remind me to never hit you like that ever again Liam."
"I will. Don't w-worry Harry w-will leave you alone s-soon enough, I can't believe you went along w-with the dare."
I rolled my eyes. "I know, it was stupid. I am never going to those pointless parties ever again."
He was silent, "I only w-went b-because of Z-Zayn."
"Which reminds me, what did you want to talk about?" I asked thankful for the subject change.
Liam blushed and his brown eyes softened. "Zayn and I have been 'together' for a few weeks now, but he won't tell anyone about us." He said his voice turning sad at the end. "I really like him but when we are with his friends he ignores me. I don't know what to do. If he liked me he wouldn't care about what his friends would say. Like yesterday when he was just staring at you, like I didn't even exist." He said his voice shaking with anger. He was looking down at the mattress.
I grabbed his face and made him look up. This man with the softest features that looked like he could never hurt a fly was sad over another guy, that probably didn't even deserve him. "First of all, congrats on not stuttering once in that paragraph, second of all, if he's going to ignore you in front of his friends and act like you don't exist then he's definitely not worth it. You obviously seem like a sweet guy, and deserves someone who will treat you like that okay?" I told him. Though I was sad and hurt at the moment also, Liam was definitely more important, he actually knew Zayn. I knew nothing about Harry except he had a short temper.
Liam slowly nodded and he ducked his head, when he looked back up his brown eyes were wet with tears. He placed a hand on my hip, looking at me and even though my breath stopped I just kept my eyes on him. The action unlike Harry's was only soft to the touch and it felt okay.
We were both emotionally vulnerable at this moment and I knew it. All I felt was betrayal while he probably felt confusion and sadness. I felt his breath blow over my lips. "Lou?" He asked questioningly. This was going to confuse him even more but all I could think of was Harry and I needed a distraction. I gave a soft nod and finally his lips touched mine.
They were soft, but that was just it, they held no warmth. I closed my eyes and moved my lips against his, shyly an awkwardly. I felt his hand grip my hip pulling me closer.
The door slammed open and we pulled away.
A jealous, anger blazing Harry was staring at us, his mouth parted open and hands clenched by his sides. While an equally shocked Zayn was standing beside him.
Harry's eyes settled on me before they settled on Liam. "Get out." He growled at Liam. His eyes settled on Liam's hand on my hip and he lunged forward and grabbed Liam and pulled him away.
"Harry stop it!" I shouted getting up an grabbing his arm. He pushed me back and I fell against the bed.
Zayn was glaring at me, while a helpless look came over him as Liam stood his ground glaring at Harry. "Liam, love." Zayn said softly.
"Don't Zayn, just don't." Liam said.
"Liam you don't have to go. It's Harry and Zayn that have to go." I said.
"Oh really?" Harry said. "What so you can let him shove his tongue down your throat?"
"Yes. Of course." I said defiantly. All of their eyes turned towards me and Harry's were the scariest of all. They were clouded over.
He was shaking with anger, Liam was trying to punch Harry, and Zayn was pulling him away.
My heart froze as Harry turned towards me. Liam looked at me apologetically and he finally let Zayn lead him away. "You're seventeen?" Harry said softly. He walked towards the door a second later and closed it. I heard a small click and I tried to bury myself in my bed.
"Answer me!" Harry said harshly ripping the covers away.
"Yes! Happy? I am only seventeen." I shouted. He sat on the edge of the bed.
I took the chance to just watch him, his fingers held numerous rings and there was one single necklace hanging from his neck. "You just let him kiss you didn't you?" He said.
I was taken aback, and I shrunk back against the corner. "No, he was nice about it." I said trying to explain it.
"Did you like it?" He asked tensely, turning his full body towards me.
I shrugged and looked down at the bed covers. "It was okay." I said.
Why was I talking to him?
He lied to me.
I sensed him come closer to me, and he placed his hands on either side of my legs. I felt his fingers press against the fabric of my jeans.
"Harry don't." I said my voice begging. He gripped my sides tighter.
"I didn't hear you complaining when it was Liam." He said.
I swallowed dryly. "He's not mean and rude like you. He actually respects me."
"Please Louis, his hand was all over your arse. Touched by two guys in one day Lou, some people would call you a slut for that."
"Shut up." I pleaded.
"You know, you're really tiny, and I always thought you were tiny for your age but now I'm finding out you were lying about it all this time. You're like a freaking twink in real life. What with your innocent face which I don't think is actually real. I think below all of that, is just another guy that's just begging to be fucked. Am I right Lou? And that arse of yours is just yearning to be filled up. Isn't it?" He whispered his voice growing lower and raspier. I felt his strong hands come across my face, his fingertips brushing against my lips and I shivered.
"You're wrong." I told him wistfully. He shook his head and laughed.
"Actually I don't think I am." He said and he grasped my neck and pulled me closer to his face.
"I hate you." I told him my voice strong. "You're a lying arsehole." I said.
He leaned down and kissed my lips, pushing his tongue through. "Yeah, But you aren't exactly pushing me away now are you?" He whispered.
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