
So this is kind of like little snippets of their lives and what happened to them...

Song of the chapter is Heart Attack by Enrique Iglesias! because it fit the chapter and what happened.

Leave your thoughts x, check out my new story The Bet!


Forgive because the person deserves to be forgiven, not because you want them back in your life.



It was in the moments where he would wake up the night after partying in a strangers bed with a familiar ache in his bum that he would regretted what he's done.

Though these feelings always left only moments after. Louis always pushed them to the back of his mind.

It was his fault that Louis was like this. His fault, and Louis hated him and refused to think of him.


With his mind "cleared" and his banking account down another thirty thousand pounds, he enrolled in one of London's universities.

His roommate did not have any tattoos or where black eyeliner and torn clothes. His roommate was a bland, pale looking guy named Alex who only ever talked to Louis on the subject of classes and careers.

Louis hated him, but he didn't stay in his dorm often. Instead of studying for classes and taking notes he'd be at a party some random kid told him about or that he'd heard in class.

Instead of thinking about where he's going to be at in a few years, he's giving blowjobs in dark rooms.

Was there ever an innocent Lou in the first place?

Or did Harry just bring out the true Louis?


His mom received complaints about Louis skipping school, and confronted him about it.

Louis was hungover and wasn't in the mood for his mom's words so ended up cussing her out to her horror.

"Behave yourself or I'm cutting you off!" She shouted, standing over his bed and glaring at him. Though inside she was worried sick about why Louis was acting like this.

"F.ck you! Cut me off damn it, I don't care anymore," Louis shouted back, his face turning into a grimace as he leaned forward to puke.

"Louis William Tomlinson! What has gotten into you?" she yelled.

"I said, f.ck off! Get the hell out of my life!" Louis screamed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

True to her word, his mum did cut him off, telling him that once he proved to be mature he should contact her.

He dropped out of the school as soon as the year ended, sending his drama teaching dream down the toilet.

He rented out some sh.tty apartment in Doncaster, miles away from London, and his mother. He didn't like it much because it was too quiet, and he could always hear himself think.

If he was being truthful he'd say he was scared of his own thoughts. Because one way or the other they lead back to Harry, to questioning their relationship. Mostly to questioning himself and what he could have done to be better for Harry.

So Louis tried not to think a lot.
He didn't let himself think to much about what he was doing, he wouldn't let himself think too much. If he thought to much it would lead to him thinking about the person that caused all this. The person that made Louis lose all care about anything in the world.

The only way he knows not to think is by doing what Harry used to do. The only way to not think is by doing what Harry did to him.

It's a circle for him, and he's lost sense of what to do to fix it anymore.

He blames Harry, it was his fault. It always will be.


He'd wake up in numerous strange beds with people he didn't know the names of or care to. After a while the regretful thoughts disappeared too.

He also kind of realised why Harry did what he did.

When you use other people for your own reasons it leaves you at a sort of peace within you. The pain lessons and the hurt goes away.

But only for a little while.

Louis did it to forget.



Summer came and went, and soon he was back to his same old dorm in the one university that now held a million painful memories.

One final year left in California. One last year of uni and he'd be a free man.

One week into his final school year there was some knocking on the door. His heart leaped at the prospect that it could be Louis, but when he opened it and was met with a different pair of blue eyes his heart fell.

"What do you want?" Harry demanded.

"Oh shut up, I found this underneath my drawer. Here, take it back," Niall said, and he threw a thin chain at Harry.

Harry caught it in one hand and looked at the familiar metal airplane necklace that he hasn't seen in so long.

"Louis threw it, and I guess he never picked it up," Niall continued.

Harry was done listening, he slammed the door in Niall's face and walked away.

The necklace was cold and felt wrong in his hands, it shouldn't be around him, it should be on Louis.

He threw it into the pile that was Louis' stuff that he never threw out.


He met up with Zayn now and again but they had drifted apart over time, and it didn't help that Zayn and Liam were together and Liam absolutely hated Harry.

Harry didn't blame him, it was his fault for everything. It was his fault Liam lost a friend, and Niall a brother and Zayn well, Zayn lost someone to mercilessly tease.

Most importantly though, he stopped sleeping around.

That even surprised him.

Niall always wondered where Harry was when he went to one of the familiar parties from the year before and didn't see him.

Come to think of it, Harry spent most of his time in his room either pacing around his single bedroom or reading through a book.

He called up his dad at the end of the school year to see if he could hook him up with a job at a recording company.

Surprised at the fact that his son was asking for help Mr. Styles agreed.

"Are you serious about working in the music industry Harry?" His dad asked.

"Yeah, I've only been telling you about it for the past some years," Harry replied snarkingly.

"I didn't think you were serious," his dad murmured.

"I am,"

"Alright, there might be a position for you that I can talk to people about,"

So Harry started at the bottom of the chain, working as an intern for an upcoming producer. He even started composing his own music, though he never showed it to anyone.

People always assumed you write music. to let out your emotions or something like that. If they saw his music all they'd know is that he had wronged someone, that he had hurt someone deeply.

But, they would also know that he was sorry.

That wasn't the exact reason he kept his songs hidden, but more for the fact that they would all ask, who were the songs written for.

Harry didn't want to think of Louis and especially didn't want nosy peoply to know about Harry's secret. The thought of Louis just caused the ache in his heart to grow.

He ended up jumping to the top of the chain when one of his songs was discovered by one of his father's friends.

He claimed the work to be "pure money making gold,". Harry just wanted the lyric sheets back, he didn't care about the money.

After a long turmoil with his father Harry agreed to have someone else sing the song, that he did not want his name to be mentioned at all.

That's when he came out with all the other songs that he wrote over the course of the year and a half.

One by one they all became smash hits and Harry (or the secret music producer as the world knows him as) reached the highest sales in the world.

When the other song writers asked around how it is that this new producer got such raw emotion in his works he never answered. (They didn't know it was him who was writing it, no one but his father and the one friend who found his music knew the multimillionaire with great hits was this 25 yr old fresh out of uni).

They didn't need to know that a beautiful blue eyed boy with feathery brown hair refused to leave his thoughts.

They especially didn't need to know that this blue eyed boy was the reason Harry kept making such goods songs, because in the music, it's everything Harry's always wanted to say but never had the guts to do it until it's too late.

It's foolish, but sometimes he thinks Louis knows these new songs are for him. He can't possibly know. But Harry wished he did.

Harry just wants Louis back beside him.


It has been exactly 2 years and one month since the last time Louis saw Harry. He rose up from his bed, and stepped over the crushed paper that was strewn all over the place.

His head was pounding and he couldn't hear himself think. He heard groaning come from the other side of his bed.

Sh.t! He completely forgot about Zack!

"Woah, what time is it?" Zack, an off and on again guy Louis has been seeing said.

"Time for you to Leave," Louis mumbled.

He turned to the clock and saw it was half past nine. He swore again, he was going to be late for an interview.

"Better get going Louis, it took months to get you this interview. Mr. S doesn't just let anyone talk to his secret music producer," Zack said, whilst rubbing his eyes.

Then why did you get my drunk you f.ck, Louis thought but didn't say anything as he changed into clean dressy clothes.

"When you meet the guy, be proper nice, and if you have to sleep with him, well you've done it to get to places before what difference will this one be? I told him all about you, showed him a pic too. Was dying too meet you afterwards," Zack continued.

Louis rolled his eyes, Zack was being stupid. he knew perfectly well Louis wasn't like that.

He ran to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. Zack walked into the room, and kissed him on the mouth.

"Good Luck, you'll do fine!" Zack told him, and patted his bum.

Louis swore at him and walked away. Now who was this music producer that was dying to meet him?


Louis placed his head on the table, trying to soothe the pounding that was in it. He really just wanted to get this interview over with.

If he wasn't so in dire need of money he'd just blow it off. Though, his Zack did reccomend him, and it was a good paying job.

He heard the door open, and immediately straightened up, trying to smooth out his bed hair.

He really should learn to not go out the day before an interview. But, he's done it loads of times before, so he really didn't care.

He just hoped this new boss wasn't some incompetent jerk because Louis was not going to take that bs.

Whoever had walked in was taking their time in addressing Louis. So Louis decided to introduce himself, but it was only a moment later when the man spoke.

"Well, f.ck never thought I'd see the day where I'm getting told how innocent Lou became such a huge slut," an achingly familair low and raspy voice said.

Louis' head turned so quickly to the ever towering figure that is Harry Styles. Harry could have laughed at how wide Louis' eyes got had it not been for the critical situation.

Louis didn't say anything, his mind having not yet caught up with the fact that are you f.cking kidding me, after two years he's in front of me again.

His heart picked up speed when Harry's eyes looked him up and down. Though what he could see from where Louis was behind the dark wooden desk was beyond Louis.

"Well Louis, what's it like sleeping with people to get to such high positions?" Harry asked, tilting his head to the side slightly and smirking.

Before Louis could think he responded in a quick snarl, "I should ask you the same thing,"

Harry's smile didn't falter and instead he just as quickly responded, "Wasnt easy,"

Anger started to boil inside of Louis. Harry just seemed so nonchalant about it, like he thought him and Louis were old friends. Like he didn't f.cking break Louis.

Which he did, he broke Louis and now all he had in front of him was the mess he had created. Gone was lovely friendly, warm Louis, now all that stood in front of Harry was this broken, cold shell, and this realization made Harry's heart ache so much.

He made to move towards Louis, patiently waiting for Louis to say anything. To say anything. He's missed his voice, and he didn't care what he said as long as he said something.

Louis didn't answer with many words, instead he stood up, his chair falling behind him, "Go to hell," he muttered, flipping Harry his finger and turning around. He only made it halfway, when Harry's large hand wrapped around his arm stopping him.

"Lou," Harry breathed out, Louis felt his breath just above his ear. He drew back, pulling his arm away. Harry yearned for the nice ocean hues that he's missed to meet his gaze but instead he got cold ice. "Don't you see? Without you I'm already in hell,"

"Well stay there then," Louis remarked.

Harry's grip on him tightened on him as Louis just glared back.

"What happened to becoming a drama teacher?" Harry finally asked.

"What happened to never lying to me," Louis shot back, bitterness clear in his voice.

Harry didn't respond for a long time until finally "I didn't lie that night,"

"You're still lying, shame on you Harry. but then again that is how you get far in life," Louis told him.

Then Harry's smile fell and hurt washed over him. "I didn't mean what I said earlier, I got here because well I'm a good songwriter,"

"Uh huh, well. Goodbye,"

"No, Lou please don't go," Harry said quickly reaching for him again.

"No, ever thought why it's been two years Harry? Ever thought maybe I meant what I said, I didn't want to see you then and I sure as hell don't want to see you now. You f.cked EVERYTHING up for me, so go to hell, stay there and tell Satan I said hi," Louis shouted.

"Lou, please! It wasn't supposed to end like this,"

"It ended like that because you f.cked up. I f.cked up when I listened to your bullsh.t lies! Well guess what! I'm not a stupid inexperienced teenager anymore. I'm not gonna fall for your bs, not ever again! This isn't a fairytale, this isn't a movie, I'm not running back to you. not now,"

Louis glared at him, standing up straight and not breaking eye contact because he meant what he said.

"Life doesn't have happy endings. You're not my happy ending, you weren't even my happy beginning," Louis shouted when he saw Harry wasn't going to speak.


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