
Because I love you all so much! Here's another chapter. Thank you for all your Love on this book x



Louis woke up and at first he panicked, but then he remembered where he was. In his own room, in London, with his maids buzzing around outside it.

He felt the ever so familiar wave of sadness wash over him when he realized Niall wasn't in the spot across from him, but even more so the feeling of being lost because Harry wasn't there with him again.

It's been a month and those feelings still hit him...hard. He sighed, rubbing his eyes and stood up.

"Lou! Get up already, Mum wants to go to France today, wanna come with?" His younger sister Charlotte asked through his door.

"No thanks, I'm just going to stay home," Louis called back.

"But you do that all the time!" Charlotte called back.

"Just go without me!" Louis shouted back.

"You're no fun anymore!" and he heard her loud footsteps as she began to walk away.

Louis was so close to swearing at her, the beginnings of f.ck off on his lips. But, gone were the days where he could swear freely, gone were the days where he didn't have to be proper with manners. Gone were the days of pizza and junk food, of going out (even though he only went out a couple of times), gone were the days of drinking and hanging out with his friends.

The thought of his friends made him sigh. He missed them. He missed Niall and his boisterous uncaring attitude. He missed Liam and his overly caring attitude. F.ck, he even missed Zayn and his dirty remarks. He missed Dylan and how he was always there for him.

Of course, he missed him. There was an ever present ache in his heart that just didn't want to go away. Or what was left of his heart anyways. A day didn't go by that he didn't think of him, of his voice, his eyes, his lips, his touch, his everything.

So Louis knew he did the right thing by coming back. If he had stayed, he'd go back to him. Harry wasn't healthy for him. Harry wasn't good for him.

He changed his clothing and walked out of the room, Sammy passed him and smiled at him warmly. Louis walked down the many halls that it took to reach their large dining room.

Their house, (more like a mansion) was dressed in the best designs and features. Everything sparkled as if it were just cleaned. Maids buzzed around and murmured to each other, it was quiet.

Louis despised it all.

He hated how quiet everything was, how clean, how ordered it all was. He wanted to scream and make a mess, but no, instead he walked briskly to the table and sat down. He didn't want to eat, he could have made his own food. He knew how to cook, all those days with Harry, they accounted for something.

His mother (after forgiving Louis, and welcoming him back home after he "finally opened his eyes and saw Harry was good for nothing") had only said after he said he could cook for himself, "Nonsense, that's why theres Dan, he can cook up anything."

That didn't stop Louis from telling Dan not to make him food unless his mother was around. He sat at the table and pulled out his phone, he had cut off all ties with everyone from California. He figured that was the best thing to do, because when something is hurting you so much, it's best to just let it all go.

He had teared up at his final goodbye with them all.

"Dont forget me okay?" Louis repeated over and over again.

"Forget you? Is that even possible? Who could ever forget princess Tomlinson?" Zayn told him, receiving a glare from Liam but all Louis did was smile.

"Make good c-choices, and don't forget us at all of your fancy parties and f-fancy house," Liam said jokingly.

"Never," Louis said, wrapping Liam up in a hug.

"Just remember, when you're acting all high and mighty with all them snobs over there, remember who has a picture of you sleeping with drool coming out of your face and can post it anytime anywhere online," Niall stated .

"What??" Louis cried out.

"I'm only messing with you, come here you c.nt, I can't believe I'm going to say this , I'm actually going to miss you!" Niall tackled Louis to the floor and hugged him, with Liam and Zayn piling on afterwards.

"Lou? Is this really goodbye?" Dylan said from the doorway.

"It's not a goodbye..," Louis replied from underneath Niall and Liam. "It's an...I'll see you later,"

Louis stared at the marble wall on the other side of the room.

"Mister Tomlinson, your parents and siblings are gone, what will you be doing today?" Hazey asked him.

Keeping tabs on me to tell mum, Louis thought and held back from rolling his eyes. "I'm gonna to go to the library, and hang out for a bit, and then I'm gonna go to the park and just walk around. I'm gonna come back and sleep," boring, so boring.

He wanted to do something, that didn't involve reading or simply walking.

He...He was going to go out to a club tonight. When Hazey walked away, Louis was already planning his escape.

He had an ID and he could get into any club in London, he didn't want to be stuck in the life sucking place.

There was one thing Louis could thank Harry for, and that was the fact that right now, so far, he didn't give a damn about the rules.


His mum didn't ask where he was going, because his mum didn't know where he was going. He figured they were still in France, because at dinner time no one came to tell him his mum and sisters were having food. So he waited until half past 11 before he walked out of the mansion, the perfect time because the maids and everyone else was asleep by then.

He didn't know the best club in London, but he knew some.

He didn't know if he was being defiant because of the situation or if he was acting out because ...He needed to act out or else he'd go mad.

He showed the ID to the bouncer who looked incredulous but let him pass through.

Laughter and the smell of sweat hit him, but he let it pass him as he went deeper into the bouncing beat and swirling neon lights.

He was dressed in one of his grey t-shirts that was supposed to be casual but his mum stated made him look like a bum, and dark blue, tight skinny jeans. His hair fell into a fringe and he walked deeper into the club.

He sat at the bar, and asked for a drink, one he had seen Niall drink numerous times.

Somebody sat beside him, a cute guy with brown eyes and wavy blonde hair.

He bought Louis drink after drink after drink. Louis soon became a giggling mess, and was sitting on the new guys lap.

The last bit of control in Louis' life was spinning away, the rest had been taken away the day Harry left and now all Louis wanted to do as forget. .

Forget it all.

Maybe that was the deeper reason for why, it only took some drinks before he was shoving his tongue down the strangers throat.

Because when he was drunk, and busy with something else he forget all about Harry.

When the stranger whispered in his gross drunk voice if Louis wanted to go home with him, all Louis did was giggle and nod.

If he didn't find love with Harry, what other hope did he have? Right now, all that mattered was having some fun.

That's all Harry cared about so why shouldn't Louis only care about that too?


When he woke up in a strangers bed with a familiar ache in his bum, he didn't say anything. He didn't say anything when the stranger pushed him back down for a quickie, he didn't say anything when the stranger pushed him out the door, in liquor smelling clothing.

Louis just didn't say anything anymore.

Louis didn't even know the guys name.

It had taken him over a month to have Harry touch him like that, and only one night to have this stranger touch him.

Harry was right, Louis was easy.

And frankly, Louis didn't care anymore.


More nights passed like that.



Harry picked at Louis' clothes, the few that were still left.

He folded it carefully, and placed it in his closet. Louis would come back, he would, Harry assured himself.

He picked at his phone, waiting for a phone call...from who, he didn't even know.

Marcel had left the day prior, after having a long conversation with him which had gone in one ear and out the other because Marcel didn't understand sh.t.

He thought back to when he had walked away, and he realised..He shouldn't have done that. He should have stayed, because Louis never meant anything that he said when he was yelling like that to Harry.

He meant it that time, he wanted me to go, I was right by walking away though, Harry thought. No, I should have ran back and kissed him and begged him to listen to me. I shouldn't have given up so easily.

Once more it was all his fault. He went to his final classes always seeing a smirking Alexis watching him. He saw Niall, and Liam and Zayn. He even saw that f.cker Dylan, but he didn't see Louis.

He didn't think Louis could avoid him forever, in due time they would have a sensible conversation and he would make him understand that it was Alexis who forced herself on him.

But then classes ended, and he still didn't see Louis.

It was the last day of Uni, and Harry walked over to Niall.

"Where's Louis? I need to talk to him," Niall rolled his eyes and didn't reply. "F.ck you Niall, maybe he wants to talk to me too,"

"Actually, no...see he's not here," Niall shot back.

"What do you mean?"

"He left...a long time ago, he didn't want to be here and see you, he couldn't take it anymore so he left,"

Harry's blood ran cold, and his fists clenched. "That's funny, now I'm going to go see him no matter what,"

"He won't be there ...He went back home. He doesn't want to see you ever again. Do him a favor, if you really care about him, just leave him alone,"

Harry cussed and walked away.

But Niall was right and they both knew it. if Louis had left, that meant he was serious, he didn't want anything to do with Harry. Not now. Not ever again.

And f.ck Louis! F.ck him for leaving Harry with this pain in his chest he knew would not leave for a long time. F.ck Louis for being so damn perfect that made Harry fall in love with him.

But mostly, f.ck Harry because he just had to screw it all up.


Harry realised he needed to get his life together.



It actually worked.



It worked...but now Louis is gone...so was it even worth it?


Harry brought out the rebel in Louis, and Louis brought out the good in Harry.

They fit like two missing puzzle pieces.

Louis was good for Harry, he made Harry realise what it's like to be loved by another so deeply that you never want to part from them. Louis was so good for Harry, that in the end, all Harry ever truly cared about for first and last time was Louis.

Louis thought Harry was good for him, but he wasn't, he wasn't good for him in the beginning and he wasn't good for him in the end.

All Harry did was break Louis. He broke this fragile, innocent lad into little pieces.

But Harry was also the only one that could help Louis pick up the pieces and put them back together. Angry, sad, or happy, whenever Louis saw Harry he couldn't help but smile.

I love you.


Three words. That both lads heard for the first time from each other that they both actually meant.

Three words that neither would hear for a long time.


Together they were fire.

At first Louis was the stubborn wood that didn't want to be lit, and Harry was the match that didn't give up, until finally a flame sparked.

And that flame spread, and it rose and rose until it was a high and bright orange flame.

But at times it would flicker, but it didn't die out.

It flickered at the beach house and it flickered and kept flickering when Louis found out about the bet. But it didn't stop burning, no matter who tried to come and kick dirt in it to make it stop.

It seemed unstoppable.

But then it started to rain. At first it was a slight mist, their mini fights, but the fire still danced.

But then it started to pour, and just like that the flames went out.

The wood became cold and distant, and the match, didn't try anymore.

Together they were fire, but just like fire, they burned out.


~The End~

It's not the end, I'm messing with you, leave your thoughts x. However I am utterly torn between what kind of ending it should have...

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