/38/ But, He Didn't/

Surprise, don't hate me!


It's like Louis just lost his senses, he couldn't think and he couldn't see...the latter probably due to the fact that tears were brimming his eyes .

He felt even more pathetic because he was crying, crying again for some guy who keeps hurting him.

Fool him once, shame on Harry, the beach house

Fool him twice, shame on Louis, the money, the reason Harry wanted him in the first place

Fool him three times and you're out, everything, Alexa, cheating right in front of Louis.

He was drunk though, Louis thought. Then he mentally slapped himself. It was just more excuses.

That's all it will ever be. Just a bunch of excuses. And they were damn sh.t ones at that.

He wasn't that far away from the house, the voice in the back of his mind snidely commented, he didn't even run after you. His shoes were sinking deep into the sand, and to the left he could make out the ocean, the water being black because of the night. .

He wiped away the one tear that managed to escape.

Last time, last tear, no more. Shaking his head he turned back around, seeing people leaving the house, many giving him pitying looks. He didn't need their pity, he didn't need anybody.

He was done letting people play with him.


Harry was clutching his darkened cheek, while Alexa was crying to the side of him. Niall was still shaking, his fists clenching and unclenching by his side.

Zayn and Liam kept glancing at each other, unsure of what to do. Dylan was leaning back against the table, his face expressionless. If anything, he honestly still didn't believe it would work. Louis was probably just going to take Harry back.

Just like always.

Then the door slammed open.

Dylan straightened up when he saw Louis was just standing there, his face void of emotions.

Yeah, okay, at first it was just to get back to Harry, but Dylan couldn't help but grow a little compassion for Louis. He made his way over to Louis, at almost the same moment Harry noticed that Louis was there.

"You came back?" Dylan asked, placing his hand on Louis' arm.

Louis barely glanced at him, his eyes flickering from a simpering Alexa to Harry.

"I'm tired of running away," Louis finally said. "Plus....Liam was my ride home,"

Dylan nodded, reaching for Louis to wrap him up into a hug.

"Dont touch him, unless you want to lose that hand," a raspy voice said behind him.

Louis stiffened, but didn't chose to comment. "Now that Louis is done being a drama queen, and this c.nt gets away from me, maybe he will listen to me,"

Louis' eyes widened incredulously at how Harry was speaking to him (also at his change in appearance). His voice was calm, though his eyes were dark and cool.

"Excuse me? I think I have every right to not want to talk to you, after seeing you suck face with some low life sl.t,"

"That's not what happened,"

Louis laughed, gaining more confidence by the minute.

"Oh let me guess? You tripped and fell onto her with her blouse already unbuttoned?"


"Just save your breath, I'm done Harry. I'm beyond done. For Goodness sake, ever so kindly f.ck off with more of your b.llshit lies. I'm sick and tired of them. Time after time I have come up with an excuse for you, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of you. I see you all over some other girl? A girl you know I hate? Just, seeing you sickens me. I'm going home. I don't ever want to see you ever again. I made this party for you...enjoy it," Louis told him coldly. Surprising himself and everyone else at how real those words sounded. Maybe because this time, he honestly meant it.

"Stop Lou, you don't mean that. Everyone here knows it, it's okay. I f.cked up. I'm sorry, but don't jump to conclusions. Nothing happened, she attacked me-"

"Hes lying, you're going to believe him? Honestly Louis, I know you're young and everything but please don't be that stupid to believe him. He found me and begged to be f.cked, said you weren't good enough," Alexa said , her crying drowning out half of the words. "You don't think I don't know what you're going through? He did the same thing to me!! He's a liar! All he cares about is sex and playing with people's feelings, you think he cares about you? He doesn't. He never did and never will. He isn't capable about caring about anyone but himself. I tried to tell you, from the very start. He was just going to play you, like he played me. Like he played many others, now you're just another mindless f.ck tacked on as a trophy," she continued, her voice rising.

She looked at Harry, who was just glaring at her coldly. "He said he loved me, he said he'd do anything for me, he said that. And wanna know what? I found him f.cking random girls, you think that should come from a guy who says he loves you? He doesn't know what love even is. He's lies. That's all he is, pathetic black, cold lies," she shouted, fresh tears falling from her cheeks. It's been almost two years and she stills remembers what happened between them like it was yesterday. The pain, the misery...all because of Harry.

"He didn't care about you before, and he won't ever care about you," she stopped talking and straightened up. "You deserved to know the truth, and now you do, he came onto me, he ripped my shirt open, and took me here," she shouted, and she shook her head. "You'd have to be mentally f.cked up to believe him again. Sorry Lou, Harry isn't the perfect lover you think he is," and she turned away and walked out the door, slamming it shut behind her.

"Stop lying you f.cking brat . She's lying Louis! Listen to me," Harry shouted when she left.

Louis gave him a sad smile, "Thats what I always do Harry. I listen and listen to everything that has ever come out of your mouth. Where does that get me? In my room crying my eyes out. Or, wondering what the hell could possibly be wrong with me that you don't just want me? Or, doubting every move I make in hopes of pleasing you so that you can stay. Honestly. I'm just tired. I'm tired of listening to you to only get hurt in the end. Liam...take me home, or Dylan, or whatever I don't want to see his face anymore. Not now anyways. Who knows maybe tomorrow I'll change my mind, it won't happen, I'm done being stupid. I'm just done,"


"I mean it Harry, Leave me alone,"

"Stop being f.cking dramatic and LISTEN TO ME!" Harry shouted, "I don't cheat, I don't do that sh.t she attacked ME. I was high and drunk, and she came onto me, out of nowhere. I didn't go after her, just believe me please, Lou-"

"Stop. Just stop. I'm done. Why can't you understand that Harry? You don't have to lie anymore. You got what you wanted, just please stop. I told you not to lie and hurt me anymore and that's exactly what you did. I'm going home, now, I don't even know why I came back here. Just now, that I'm done," Louis whispered the last part and turned from Harry once more.

Possibly for the last time.

Louis didn't cry, he didn't scream, he didn't show any emotion. But on the inside he was falling apart. It was crazy but he could honestly feel his heart break. He felt sick with himself, he felt sick with everything. He has to do this.

Dylan leaned down and whispered if he wanted him to take him home, all Louis did was nod. Harry's eyes narrowed and he walked forward to yank Dylan's hand away from where it was on Louis.

"I'll come over tomorrow when you're cooled down, I'll take you home. Or have Liam or Zayn. Not this stupid f.ck," He sneered.

Before Louis could lash out at him like he wanted to, Liam was speaking up behind him.

"C-come on Lou. I'll take you, you guys can come too. Harry...Marcel w-will take you home. Dylan thanks once again, for the house...let's g-go," Liam said.

Backing away from Harry's hand, Louis walked out with Dylan to his side. Zayn walked by Harry, and whispered lowly, "You really f.cked up this time," and he walked away from him shaking his head.

Niall was the last to leave telling Liam he'd be there in a second. He turned to Harry, "You will never be good enough for Louis. If he is still like this tomorrow mind you, I will make sure to f.ck up that pretty face of yours even more," he walked away, a scowl clear on his face.

Harry was left alone, or so he thought. Marcel finally spoke up, and harry turned to him.

"You really did it this time didn't you?"


The Next Day


"Louis you want to talk?"

"Louis are you okay?"

"I'm sorry Harry did that,"



"I'm okay. Just want to be alone," he always replied.

They listened, though he knew exactly what they were all thinking. Something along the lines of "Told you he was nothing but sh.t," so he didn't need them pretending to care, when they were all waiting to say I told you so.


"I can't stay here anymore Niall, I tried to stay after I found out he was lying about everything but that didn't help at all. I didn't want him to be the reason for me to go, I just wanted to be free and happy ...away from my parents. But, I can't stay anymore, I'll end up running back to him. It isn't healthy, he isn't good for me. I need to go,"

"What are you saying?"

"I'm going to transfer to a school back in England. I just, I just can't be here anymore,"

"I'm sorry Lou,"

"I'll never be good enough for anyone will I?"

"No, You're lovely, Harry is just f.cked up, anyone would be lucky to have you,"

"Except him, he doesn't care about me,"

"I thought he did care, I'm so sorry Louis,"

"I wish you could remember me as the person I really am, not the simpering mess that Harry's made me,"

"Are you kidding Lou? I'll always remember you as the uptight, little brat who learned to let go every once in a while,"

"And I'll always remember you as the guy who opened my eyes to the possibilities of other people like you....being good,"

Louis smiled shyly, his face seeming to uplift if only for the briefest of moments.

The slap of reality of what the true world and what life really is like was something Louis had never expected. Falling in love so carelessly with the first troublemaker he met was something he didn't ever dream of happening.

Screwing everything up for said troublemaker, 6 months ago would have never been a possibility.

But it all happened, he doesn't know why. And he doubts he ever will know why.

Maybe it was the world throwing all the troubles he should have been faced through his 18 yrs of life all at once.

A huge lesson that should have been spread throughout his years, but never were because he had been so blind to the real world.

But now he knew. He knew the world didn't have kind people who did everything to make his life happy. The world was full of cruel people who only ever cared about themselves. It was full of dangerous people who did anything to get what they wanted. It was full of uncaring people.

However, there are also those people who will help you along the way. Those people who stand by you against the horrors of the bad ones.

Life isn't all fairness, love isn't all about fairytales.

People deceive, people manipulate, and people don't care.

He learned that the hard way, and it's something he won't ever forget..

Louis looked out the window, his mind racing with those thoughts. He's never going to forget Harry, he knows that now. He's going to try though.

He's going to try to forget the pain. He turned one last time to Niall. "Harry said he loved me, but, he didn't,"

"Forgive me Lou? Forgive me for not telling you earlier, forgive me for letting this happen,"

"It's not your fault Niall...you didn't choose to give him everything," Louis sighed, "I knew what I was getting myself into, yet I still did it. So blame me. 'Cause it's all my fault,"

He was sitting in his shared room with Niall. His face buried deep in his pillow, speaking into it mostly, his voice coming out muffled but Niall still understood what he was saying. His phone had been non-stop ringing, until he finally turned it off.

"I gave up everything," Louis would mumble every once in a while at every pause of their conversation. A second after he would bury his face deeper into the pillow and just want to disappear.

It was mid afternoon when Harry came. Well, Louis saw Niall open the door and immediately close it while the knocking behind it became consistent.

"He came?" Louis muttered.

Niall nodded, "Want me to tell him to f.ck off for good?"

Louis laughed harshly, "When has Harry ever listened to you? Or to anyone in that matter. Let him in,"

Niall shrugged, he walked over and slammed the door open, Harry all but fell in.

"Damn, next time stay in your business Niall. You ready to talk?" Harry said. He had a bruised cheek, and a faint cut on his lip but he still looked okay.

Louis hated that he was so calm and nonchalant, like he only expected Louis to run to him once more. As if this was just a game.

Louis stood up and faced him, for a second he thought he could have a clean conversation with Harry. Then the anger of the memory of him and Alexa resurfaced to his mind, he paused for a moment and before he could stop himself, or anyone could react he he ran and jumped on him. Fists coming in contact with Harry's warm skin.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you," Louis screamed, finally letting it all out. "I mean it Harry, I mean it this time, I hate you. I hate you. I didn't change my mind, I'm sick of putting up with your b.ullshit. I'm so sick of it. Get the hell out of here, get out of my face. Just get out and never come back," Louis screamed, his fists coming down on Harry's chest.

Harry grabbed his hands and pushed them away easily. "Louis," he started saying. Louis, yanked his hands away, bringing one back to slap Harry across the face.

"Harry, leave. Leave, leave, LEAVE! I DONT WANT YOU ANYMORE,"

Maybe if he said it enough times the ache in his chest would go away, if he screamed it enough times, maybe finally Harry will go away.

"Please, Lou. it's all a big mistake, you need to believe me-"

"The only mistake here, is the fact that I gave you another chance. Leave, now. Don't come back, just stop, or else I'll leave, I don't care. I don't want to see you not now, not ever again,"


"Leave. Leave. Leave," Louis started saying. His voice getting louder with each word.

Harry scrambled up, his eyes looking at Louis, searching for any sign that he didn't really want him to leave. But all he saw was cold hatred.

He nodded, once, and turned to walk away.

When he left, Louis sat back on his bed. He stared at the wall in front of him. Niall stood off to the side, knowing better than to say anything.


Louis' Thoughts


In that moment I remembered...

I remembered when I first told him that I loved him.

I thought he'd push me away and scoff, but, he didn't.

I remembered my lips touching his for the first time at the party.

I thought he'd hate me for not giving him more, but, he didn't.

I remembered helping him clean up after "the fight".

I thought he'd lash out at me and tell me to leave him alone, but, he didn't.

I remembered the first time we made love.

I thought that he'd walk away the next day, but, he didn't.

So right now, I thought he'd come back, but he didn't.


Harry's Thoughts


I remembered ... from the moments those words left his lips, I thought back to all these moments.

Kissing him for the first time, the fluttery feeling in my heart that I had tried to push down.

His flushed face at first when I mentioned the most dirty things.

His touch, feeling the tips of his fingertips and all his curves and edges.

I remembered when he first told me that he loved me, that I was his first everything.
Alexa was right, I didnt know what love was, but then I met Louis.

I remembered all those times he screamed that he hated me, but we could both easily see ....he didn't. He didn't hate me then, but he hates me now. .

I remembered all those times he pushed me away, until finally one day he didn't.

He didn't hate me. Not then.

But now? Now he does.

I thought, maybe he'll yell at me but tell me to come back . To turn back. To go to him. I thought, this can't be how it ends.

Call me Louis, scream and tell me you hate me all you want just tell me to come back.

But, he didn't.

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