/37/ Birthday Surprise/

A/n I never said this story would have a happy ending...don't hate me!! So uh check out my new story The Bet? Zarry, Larry au .

No this is not the end. Warnings: S.mut and violence.

Everyone has their breaking points.

Harry's 23rd birthday was in exactly 3 days.

Three days and Louis was panicking because he had no idea what to do.

So he was currently sitting in his bed (after texting Harry goodnight) with a surprised Niall looking at him from his own bed.

"This is a first? You're not sleeping over at Harry's because?"

"I need ideas on what to do for his birthday. I know he hates surprises and every thing and he's told me loads of times he doesn't want anything special. But I can't just do that, it needs to be special! So what should I do?"

"Suck his d-ck?" Niall said, laughing when Louis threw a pillow at him.

"Done that already," Louis muttered, picking up his note pad and pencil.

"Wait seriously?" Niall whistled shaking his head, "Didn't know you had it in you! Ha!"

"You're not helping," Louis stated, chewing on his pencil in nervousness.

"Wait, I know someone who's great at surprises," and Niall pulled out his phone, his fingers quickly tapping at the screen. "Okay, cool he's coming over,"




"So I tell him that exactly?" Dylan asked, as he picked up his hoodie on his way out the door.

"Yes! Exactly as I said, and then you can deal with him being a mess later," Alexa told him, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Fine, but if it doesn't work. I'm gonna tell you I told you so," he muttered, his hand on the doorknob.

"It will work now shut up! Oh- finally he's gonna realise what it's like to lose the one you care about," she grinned widely.

He just shook his head and shrugged. He's known Alexa's had it in for Harry since Harry first "asked her out".

He hated Harry with all his guts and was up for making his life a living hell. He did have to suffer with Alexa's heartbreak after she found out Harry had only used her.

So when Alexa realised that Harry's new plaything wasn't just going to go away, and she came up with this crazy plan he went along with it.


He arrived at Niall's dorm less than twenty minutes later.

Niall opened the door and greeted him, and he smiled softly at a worried looking Louis.

"Okay, Harry's birthday plans, any ideas?"

"How about a birthday party?" Dylan asked.

"But that's cliche!" Louis told him.

"Not the way we're gonna do it,"

"What do you mean?"

"Simple really, just trust me it's gonna be crazy!"

"Okay....but what do we do?"

"Lots and lots of beer," Dylan said. "I'm only messing with you just trust me? He will not forget it,"


next day


"Lou," Harry whined when Louis just turned his head when Harry tried to kiss him.

"What?" Louis asked him all innocent like.

"Stop teasing me," Harry groaned, as Louis wiggled closer against Harry's lap.

"I am doing no such thing," Louis mumbled.

"Don't start something you can't finish love," Harry murmured.

"What if I want to finish it?" Louis replied.

He turned his head so that his lips were centimeters from Harry's. Harry was looking at him in surprise, "Where did my innocent princess go?" he whispered.

Louis rolled his eyes playfully, and kissed Harry. A smile beginning to take form on his lips. "Not innocent anymore," and it's true.

Though he may look to be an innocent little bear he was anything but. Harry didn't know when it happened or how, but now when things got to be too much between them, Louis would be the one to start the fire and end it.

Not that Harry complained.

Though he did think Louis was making everything too rushed and quick...almost as if he were afraid Harry would slip away from him...

Harry placed a hand over Louis' clothed d-ck. His other hand reaching down and grabbing Louis' bum. Louis held in a breath as Harry's hand moves inside his already unbuttoned jeans, "Don't start anything you can't finish," Louis repeated Harry's own words in between his small moans as Harry's warm hand touched his hardening length.

Harry smirked, his other hand leaving Louis' bum to pull him closer to him. "Wouldn't dream of it," he whispered, and he kissed Louis on the lips, and of course really...they always finished what they started.


One day before party


Louis was in sweats and running around making phonecalls, Harry was watching him in amusement and slight annoyance because Louis kept telling him to "butt out" and do something else.

Harry gave up on asking Louis what he was doing after Louis had snapped at him saying "you'll see,".

Louis currently had his nose scrunched up, and his lips were slightly quivering as he held a phone away from his ear. Harry found it endearing. It's been a month and Louis is back at Harry's side, where he belonged.

Harry was happy as ever and he showed it. He didn't go out to parties anymore (mostly because Louis clearly showed his distaste for Alexa) and Harry wasn't about to get on Louis' bad side anymore.

Dylan was another story, whenever Louis was at his own dorm, Dylan was there. Harry hated that, and after demanding why he couldn't talk to Alexa anymore, then why could Louis talk to Dylan.

Louis swiftly replied, "we didn't f-ck," and had looked at Harry emotionless to which Harry had not said anything about the situation since then. Though he's made it clear that Louis was his and not Dylan's on every possible chance that he had.

All in all they were happy.

Stupid and crazily happy.

Anyone could see it, anyone could see much love Louis looked at Harry with.

You'd have to be really ignorant to not see how much adoration and fond Harry looked at Louis with.

That's probably what made Niall be less hesitant towards finally having Harry in their dorm.

Harry held long conversations with Lou, and always made him laugh and smile and Niall didn't know what kind of spell Harry had cast over Louis but whatever it was it was working.

Those two were joined at the hip.

However Niall did let it slip that if Harry ever hurt Louis again...things would end badly, for him anyways.

It didn't matter to Louis what anyone said (or to Harry too) because all that mattered was that at the end of the day, they went to sleep in each other's arms. And that in the morning they woke up in each other's arms with one or the other murmuring "I love you" into the others ear.

So yeah, Harry was completely and utterly in love with Louis Tomlinson and it's sad that it took him so long and so much pain to finally admit it to himself and to Louis.

Louis always had this idea he would have his Prince Charming in shining armour, instead he got his lovely dork in black skinny jeans, and to be honest, he was quite happy with that.

"You're stressed out, I can see it, whatever it is that you're doing, you should just drop it," Harry grumbled at Louis who just cast him another "shut up" look.

"Why don't you crack open a book and start studying for finals," Louis responded.

"It's the end of january, we still have at least 2 months before we have to start worrying about that crap," Harry pointed out.

"Two months? Seriously, I need to start studying. Anyways, just shhhh, I have things to do that you don't need to worry about for now,"

"Whatever, I'm gonna hang with Zayn then," Harry muttered as he started to stand up after shooting Zayn a quick text to come over to where they were in his flat.

"Are you coming back in a few hours?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, you gonna spend the night?"

"Don't I always,"

"You know..." Harry said, walking over to Louis and placing a hand around his waist to pull him close against him. "My offer is still open," he whispered, leaning down to press a few kisses to Louis' neck. Louis lost focus and his phone slipped from his hand.

Louis knew exactly which offer Harry was referring to. Though his mind thought to the first time Harry offered anything and he laughed.

Harry pulled back slightly confused as to why Louis was laughing and Louis looked up at him with an amused smile. His light brown hair fell everywhere, and his cheeks were tinted a dark pink from laughing. His lips looked so pretty and kissable so that's what Harry did, he kissed Louis.

Louis saw it coming and he just leaned up a little bit higher to meet Harry's lips.

"What's so funny?" Harry mumbled against Louis' lips.

Louis giggled and just kissed him back. It was closed mouth and sweet, no need to make it anything because Louis knew if they started anything they would have to finish it and he did not have that time right now.

He still had a lot of planning to do. He made a quick mental note to text Zayn to keep Harry occupied for a couple more hours until he finished.

Liam and Dylan were helping him with everything but he just wanted things to be perfect.

"What are you going to do after graduation?" Louis asked after Harry pulled back, Harry leaned against the wall and let Louis go.

"I dunno to be honest, possibly go into music production,"

"Really?" Louis asked the news being knew to him which made him realize even more how little he knew harry. (Though that didn't stop them in the bedroom and Louis didn't really care. He knew in the end they'd know everything about each other so why stop the good times over things that take time?)

Louis wasn't so timid like before and if anything he initiated half the things they did. (His care for those things disappeared). Which means, he stopped caring about everything that keeps Harry away from him.

"Yeah, maybe produce some songs or something, always wanted to anyways. Kind of why I had a fallout with my dad. Wanted me to be like Marcel, a doctor or lawyer or something. But then he realized he couldn't control me so we reconciled," Harry continued.

"That's good, my dad just owns this company in London. He knows what I want to be; a drama teacher and accepts that, my mum is the only one who really puts up a fight with anything that I want to do," Louis stated.

"You're mum should be happy with whatever you want," Harry noted.

Louis gave him a pointed look, "it's been three months since I've talked to her. Can we please move to something else," he sighed. It hurt him a lot to think of his mum. Yes she's coddled him since day one but she was still his mum. She only wants what's best for him, and he knew she would never approve of Harry. Soon though he knew he'd have to talk with her, and they will have to settle things out.

Louis also knew he was not just going to let Harry go because his mum doesn't like him. He's been through too much b.ullshit to keep Harry to let him go because of his mum.

"Of course , sorry love," Harry murmured.

"You should come back to London with me," the words were out of Louis' mouth before he could stop himself.

"Mhm why so?"

"Forget I asked,"

"No, come on lou. I mean I'm pretty sure your mom hates me so why even bother,"

"To show her...to show my family that you aren't a bad guy," Louis whispered.
Harry just looked at him for the longest moment and Louis felt himself heat up even more. "Like I said, forget I asked,"

"No, it's okay. I'll go, but what if they make you realise that you deserve someone better than me," Harry said, his voice faltering at the end.

"Really Harry, the only person who could ever tear me away from you is you. Not my family and certainly not my friends. I am in love with you, you stupid fool. Only you. You are the only person I have ever been in love with. You have me completely captivated, and there are only two ways I will ever leave is the day you say you don't want me. Also, for the love of everything in the world, don't hurt me, don't lie to me...if you do what you did before. I will never forgive you," and Louis' voice shook.

Harry watched him, and he didn't make a sound. "I promise you Louis I will never hurt you again. I have never been in love with someone as much as I am in with love you. When I look at you I see no one else and you have no idea how terrified I've been these past few months. I've been so scared because of all these new feelings, I've never felt them towards someone. Only you. I couldn't possibly think of hurting you ever again. Babe, I f.cked up so badly and I know that. I know you still don't fully trust me, don't lie hon, I can see it in your eyes sometimes. I know it'll take a long time for you to fully trust me, but know I will be here and I will always love you. These feelings that I have for you is only for you. Okay my beautiful love, I love you and I'm not going anywhere. You're gonna have to kill me or something to leave your side," and Louis teared up and he wrapped his arms around Harry.

There was loud knocking but neither broke from the embrace, not until a loud voice shouted, "Harry I'm here," did they break apart.

Harry kissed Louis on the mouth and took his hand as Zayn walked into the room. Zayn grinned at them and waved his hand. "Earth to Harry, I'm here to take you away for the afternoon,"

"Yeah babe, I'll see you later," Louis told him.

"Alright, I'll be back in a few. I love you," Harry responded.

"I love you now get out of my face," Louis said while laughing.

"You two make me sick, hey Lou. Liam is coming up with Dylan to help,"

"Dylan, the f.cker thinks he can come into my home. No? Lou what the hell is he gonna do in my flat,"

"Harry just trust me okay? Go with Zayn. Get wasted and have some fun," Louis answered.

Harry 'humphed' and rolled his eyes. Almost as if on cue Liam and Dylan walked into the room.

"Lou!" Dylan shouted and ran over to hug Louis. Harry's eyes narrowed and Zayn placed a hand on his arm to tell him to cool off.

"Come on Harry, let's get going," Zayn announced.

"Have fun," Liam said to Zayn.

Still glaring at Dylan, Harry walked over to kiss Louis on the mouth showing that he was Harry's and not Dylan's. "See ya Lou," Harry muttered in Louis' ear.


In Zayn's car Harry turned to Zayn. "Alright, he's planning a birthday party for me isn't he?" Harry asked.

"Harry! It was supposed to be a surprise," Zayn shouted.

"He should know by now he can't hide anything from me, but don't worry I'll be surprised when I see it. He's too cute," Harry said the last part as a smile grew on his face.

Zayn saw him and whistled, "You are so whipped it's quite gross,"

"He drives me crazy, but in a good way and hey ! Says the one who gave up drugs and smoking for a certain Liam," Harry shot back.

"Guess we got it bad huh?" Zayn sighed heavily.

"Very, who would have ever thought. We would be crazily in love,"

"Would you change a thing?" Zayn asked

"I would never have tried to hurt him just because I was scared," Harry responded.

"From my perspective, I think he's damn stupid for having taken you back just like that. He should have made you suffer twice as bad. But, at the same time I'm glad you two are back together. I couldn't take any more of your b.itching. Besides you turn into a much lazier bum without him, keep him close and don't let him go," Zayn advised.

"I just got him back, you think I'm going to give him up anytime soon? He's mine Z. Mine," Harry said as Zayn stopped the car. "What are we going to do?"

"We are gonna paint some flowers, what the hell do you think we are gonna do?" Zayn muttered as he rolled his eyes.

Harry looked up at the building they were beside and grinned, he could already smell the familiar aroma. "This is why you're my best friend,"

"I knew you were using me, but unlike Louis I'm fine with it now come on, we've got like a few hours before we need to get back,"


"I think Harry knows what's going on," Louis said as they were all lying on the living room floor.

"Possibly but still, now we got everything in order?" Dylan piped from his right side.

"Yeah, Marcel will be arriving tomorrow morning. I'll keep Harry busy in the morning while you guys decorate and then Zayn can take care of him and I help you guys until night, then the party begins. Now we have food, beer, music, and thanks again for letting us use your beach house Dylan," Louis informed him.

"No problem, glad to help. Though I think he hates me,"

"He c-can deal with it," Liam muttered.

Louis laughed and turned to his old friend. "I just hope he likes it, I'm not good at these things but I tried,"

"Like I said, he won't forget it," Dylan said whilst smiling.

"You think?"

"Trust me,"


It was close to midnight when Dylan and Liam finally left and Zayn and Harry arrived. Zayn was Liam's and Dylan's ride home. Liam had just looked at him in exasperation when he saw Zayn was drunk. "See ya Lou," he had stammered out as both he and Dylan hauled a drunk Zayn out.

Louis could easily see Harry was slightly buzzed, the moment Harry stepped through the doorway.

"Lou," Harry sang out and he stepped clumsily towards him.

"When I said go and get wasted I didn't mean literally," Louis muttered.

"'M not wasted. I can walk in a straight line and everything," Harry giggled and he proceeded to try and do so.

He walked along the edge of the couch to where Louis was standing but didn't make it far before he was falling against Lou, bringing both of them down.

"Hi," Harry said while laughing.

"Don't you mean oops? You fool," Louis grumbled out loud but he smiled anyways.

Harry was on top of him and Louis just looked up at him. Harry leaned down to nuzzle his cheek against Louis'.

"You're so pretty Lou," Harry murmured against his skin.

"Thanks I try," Louis replied sarcastically.

Harry raised his head so that their eyes met and he grinned. Louis saw Harry make up his mind moments before his lips were coming down on him.

Harry pinned Louis' wrists beside him as their kiss became sloppier mostly because Harry was slightly drunk. Louis kissed back, his lips parting open after Harry swiped his tongue alongside his bottom lip. He could taste the faintness of smoke and the remains of some beer.

Harry nudged Louis' legs apart with his knees, placing himself in between them. Louis tried to raise his hands to Harry's hair, but Harry only tightened his hold and kept them at his side.

"Harry?" Louis questioned.

Harry chose to reply without words. He leaned down and began to suck on Louis' neck. His hands giving one final soft squeeze to Louis' wrists before coming and gripping his hips. Louis moaned slightly, and Harry's fingers grazed the skin at his waist, slowly lifting up his shirt.

Louis' next words died on his lips when Harry leaned own to press his lips against Louis' now naked chest. He didn't waste time in taking his shirt completely off.

"Harry stop looking at me and do something," Louis mumbled, reaching to take Harry's shirt off too. Harry brought his fingers to unbutton Louis' jeans. His lips ghosting across Louis chest, and Louis groaned because Harry was taking too damn long. Louis pushed Harry off of him, and began to stand up. He slipped his jeans off smoothly, standing up only with his boxers on.

Louis smirked at harry, and turned around. Harry eyed Louis' beautiful bum, and made a move to grab it but Louis stepped away from him.

"Someone's greedy," Louis said while laughing softly. "Come on Haz," and Louis helped him up. They stood facing each other, Harry's eyes looking Louis up and down and darkened significantly.

Louis got the ever so familiar feeling of being self conscious always thinking maybe this time Harry won't like what he sees. Harry placed his hand on Louis' hip, turning his body so that it was being pressed against his. Louis frowned, Harry was still in his jeans but before he could do anything about it Harry leaned down and whispered a few words that went straight to Louis' d'ck.

"Want you so bad Lou. On your knees, ass up for me love," and Harry brought his hand down to pull at Louis' boxers, his other hand grasping at Louis' naked bum.

Louis, a long time ago, Shy timid Louis would have blushed and slapped Harry for his words. But this Louis, the Lou only Harry got to see because he was the one that brought him out whispered back, "then take me," and that's all It took for Harry to crush his lips heatedly against Louis'. Wrapping an arm around his waist to pick him up. Louis wrapped his legs around Harry's waist, and Harry brought him to their room. Almost slamming the door open. Louis' fingers fumbled with Harry's jeans, he managed to pop his jeans open.

Harry threw Louis on the bed, the younger lad letting out a surprised gasp, as he looked up at Harry expectantly.

Harry hastily got out of his jeans and boxers, and Louis liked his lips almost out of habit at the sight of Harry's rather large cock, never getting enough of it.

Louis starts to think his whole "innocent twink" was a facade really, if anything he was starting to be more of a slut when it came to these things.

"Well babe it's not gonna suck itself," Harry murmured. His eyes alert and and his mouth letting out a humorous chuckle.

Louis knew whatever or however buzzed Harry had been at the start was gone. He rolled his eyes and cocked his head to the side.

"Well are you gonna f-ck my mouth or are we just gonna stare at each other?" Louis finally said surprising both him and Harry.

"F'ck," Harry muttered, he crawled over to louis, sitting on his knees, his his d'ck already leaking slight precome. He grabbed it in his hands and nudged it against Louis' cheek, leaving a trail of precome. Louis opened his mouth expectantly, and slowly wrapped his pretty little lips over the head. Harry moaned out loud, he really didn't expect Louis to be so willing usually he's the one giving a blow and Louis works his hand on harry. Not this time and Harry wondered, only for the briefest moment, why.

But as Louis was working his tongue and mouth on him, he didn't question it any further, instead choosing to entangle his hands in Louis' feathery brown hair.

"Damn, Lou your lips. Love them, love you so much," and Louis pulled back to give Harry an "I know" look which Harry returned.

Harry leaned over to his bedside table and pulled out a condom and some lube.

"Wanna feel you babe, make me scream. Only yours," Louis managed to say between his moans, since Harry was grinding his hips against his.

Harry kissed down Louis' neck. Sucking harshly, making sure to mark up Louis so that no one would ever question that he was his (not like anyone questioned at first but still Harry liked showing off) but soothing over the marks with his tongue, relinquishing in the sounds Louis' was making.

"Open you up okay?" Harry muttered, slicking up his fingers and moving them towards Louis' hole. Louis nodded and went back to kissing harry, their tongues entangling with each other as the familiar feeling of intrusion over swept louis.

"more," Louis moaned out. Harry grasped his wrists and pinned them up over his head with his free hand while his other added another finger .

Harry rutted his hips against Louis' and Louis whimpered at the feeling and then Harry's fingers were gone and Louis met Harry's eyes.

"I love you," Louis whispered between his broken gasps when he felt Harry's d'ck move closer to his hole.

"I'll always love you," Harry whispered back, pressing a lingering kiss on Louis' cheek. He thrusted into him without warning and Louis shouted at the feeling. It took a moment for the pain to subside before Harry was thrusting into him rapidly, the pain turning into pleasure quickly. Louis dragged his nails against Harry's back, but Harry caught his wrists once more and placed them back over his head. Louis bit his lip to keep from making any noise but all he wanted to to do was scream because f-ck sex was the greatest thing in the world and he couldn't believe it took him so many years to realize that.

Harry leaned down and captured Louis' lips with his, sucking on his tongue and releasing it to explore his mouth.

Harry hovered over him and for a piercing moment blue met green, "Come on lou," Harry muttered, his head dipping down for his mouth to latch onto Louis' nipple. His thrusts became sloppy, and Louis could barely make sense of any word that came to his mind. "Scream my name," and with one final thrust Harry was coming deep inside louis, and all Louis could do was scream out his name.

Harry pulled out and Louis thought that was it but no...Harry being Harry turned Louis over so that his ass we sticking up in the air, and Louis was still lost in slight bliss so he just meekly turned his head to see what Harry was going to do.

Harry's hands were splayed across Louis arse cheeks, with one quick move he raised his hand and smacked it harshly against Louis' left cheek. It bounced and Harry smirked, his hands feeling it up and kneading it apart, Louis had cried out at the smack his fingers gripping the bed sheets.

Harry licked across Louis' still clenching hole, his tongue tasting his own come, but still going at it. He noticed Louis tense up and whimper above him but that only made him want to go farther, glancing up he saw that Louis was looking at him through large blue eyes, his fingers gripping tightly at the sheets around him.

Louis felt his still sensitive d'ck begin to harden once more, he tried to create some friction between himself and the bed sheet while Harry was still licking at his hole, finally though Harry's face appeared over him. And Louis felt himself coming once more when Harry kissed his lips, tasting Harry's come on his mouth.

Harry wrapped Louis up in his arms and kissed lazily against his neck Lou just smiled up at him sleepily.

"Happy birthday harry," he whispered.



That simple really.

At least to Alexa it was.

It was Harry's birthday and she had her own surprise for him. Dylan had already told her where Zayn and Harry were gonna be later that day while they finish making up the party so really it was all to easy.

If Harry wasn't going to listen to her willingly, then she would make him.


Louis was still sore later the next day, and Harry had left him with a knowing smirk. He still had to finish making the party though so he tried not to make the fact that his bum was sore noticable.

Zayn saw right through him after he came to pick up Harry.

"I thought the present was coming in later tonight Lou?" He had said.

"Couldn't wait," Louis replied, but nonetheless gave Zayn a smack on the arm as he walked away.

After Zayn and Harry disappeared Louis invited Dylan and Liam over to help wrap up the last few details. There was a loud knock on the door and Louis thought it was them already. He went to open it and instead was met with curly hair and green eyes. It took him a moment to realise it wasn't harry.

"Marcel?" Louis questioned, though he realised a moment later that he do invite him to the party. (It had taken numerous phonecalls and a lot of convincing that yes Harry had apologised and he they were back together) it was weird...Marcel hadn't given Louis the talk like everyone else. He probably wanted to see it for himself, (the idea that Harry changed) which probably explained why he decided to come.

"Hey, Louis,"

"Hey Marcel, I'm glad you came,"

"Yeah, wouldn't miss my little brothers birthday for the world," Marcel said and he grinned. "He knows I'm coming right?"

"Uh, it's actually a surprise," Louis responded.

"Hm, he might not take so kindly to me being here. Seeing as the last time I was here we didn't see eye to eye," Louis winced at his words and turned away. He didn't like being reminded of that time and everyone knew it, so Marcel caught on. " I'm sorry," he muttered.

Thankfully there was rapid knocking followed by the door being opened to keep Louis from replying.

"Okay, let's get this thing going," Dylan shouted appearing in the doorway.


Harry was slightly buzzed and Zayn giving him some free weed didn't help. Zayn should know Harry was curious and sleepy when he was high. So that explained why he was lying on his back staring up at he sun setting sky. it also explained that he forgot to tell Zayn where he was going and he was too far go back and tell him, also he had forgotten his phone at the tattoo parlor. He touched his wrist, it still hurt but not as much as it did when he had first gotten the small tattoo a few hours ago. Underneath the wrap there was a small cursive L.

Harry couldn't wait to show it to louis, to show that Louis will forever be a part of him. He heard footsteps and was too lazy to run to see who it was until the person popped up beside him.

"Hey, harry," Alexa said smiling. "happy Birthday babe," she continued. He chose to ignore her and instead tried to stand up. She took his arm an pulled (or tried to anyways) him to her. He rolled his eyes and yanked his arm back.

Her smile tightened, but her eyes flashed with get that he didn't miss. "what do you want Alexa?" He muttered. The sun was already gone from the sky and he was suddenly reminded that he was supposed to be somewhere.

"Well there is something we haven't done in a while," she murmured.

"Oh f.ck off,"

She grinned, and titled her head, "well actually Zayn sent me to come and get you...said it was a surprise,"

"really? What is it," Harry asked sarcastically.

"Come and see," she said smiling.

Sometimes Harry was really stupid, him following Alexa to her car was one of those times.

Why he didn't question how the f.ck she knew where he was, or how she knew about the surprise Louis was giving him even though Louis hated her guts, he didn't question. Maybe if his mind wasn't hazy or his movements sloppy, he would have thought to question it but he didn't.


They stopped in front of a house, and Harry made his way to it. Alexa walked close behind him, "Do you think Lou will be able to forgive you for everything?" she whispered, before grabbing his shoulders and turning him around, he was caught by suprise and noticed her shirt was wide open. He let a moan slip, and Alexa giggled.

The door opened behind him.


"Where the f-ck is Harry?" Louis said for the tenth time in the past hour. It was half past ten and everyone was getting drunk except the one person for whom the party was for.

Zayn had appeared an hour ago, saying Harry had deserted him at the tattoo parlor where he had been getting his new tattoo (after Harry got his (that had been Zayn's present to him)).

So now where was he?

Then suddenly, "he is coming," was being shouted from all over and the music was shut off as everyone was silent and the door was beginning to open.

But something was off, there was giggling and moaning and when the lights were turned on and Louis saw who was at the door, well what was there left to feel?

He stepped forward, "Harry?" he finally said.

Alexa laughed as she stood up from where she was on top of harry, her blouse open, and Harry he was shaking his head. She looked round and her smile grew. "Hey Lou. What a surprise," she giggled.

And finally Louis did feel something, and all he saw was red when he glanced between her and a flushed looking harry. Harry who was looking at him with wide eyes, Louis didn't need an explanation to know what happened.

He stepped forward, and so did Harry, "Lou, I can explain. It is not what you think. She just f.cking attacked me, Lou you can-"

"Yeah babe, tell him the truth," Alexa said an edge to her voice. Harry glared at her and looked at Louis helplessly.

"Again?" Louis said, he made his way to harry, as everyone behind him just watched the scene unfold. Liam and Zayn holding Niall back who looked like he was ready to punch Harry across the face. "What can I do Harry?" Louis finally said. "What can I do to get you to only want to be with me?" and the red started to fade as just hurt washed over him. Hurt and embarrassment because yet again Harry has hurt him. Harry has hurt him more than so many people will get here in their lifetimes.

"I'm sorry I was never enough for you," Louis told him, and with one shove that sent both him and Alexa to the floor he walked out of the house.

Hell broke loose behind him. Liam and Zayn let a what they thought was a calm Niall only to have Niall run and tackle Harry to the floor.

"I told you not to hurt him again, you f'cking prick," Niall shouted , his fists coming down on Harry. Alexa shrieked when she saw blood fall to the floor.

Zayn ran forward to grab niall, but to no avail. Liam tried to get everyone to leave; his phone busy dialing louis. Everyone left, slightly dazed, except for Marcel who just looked at his brother trying to decide if he should help, or if he should let it go out a little while. He figured, yeah Harry was going to have some physical damage but it would not be anything compared to probably the issues Louis would probably have. Trust issues, and who knows what else Louis would have to go through because of Harry. So he decided to just lean back and see what Harry got, what he long ago deserved.

Niall was shouting and kicking at harry, an Harry didn't do anything. "you never deserved him? Pain after pain he took you back and you do this? Go to hell harry. Say something, say something damnit. You f.cking twat,"

Niall's fist connected with Harry's mouth, ranting his knuckles a dark red and all Harry did was stare at the floor blankly. His nose was bleeding and now he had a busted lip, Alexa was trying to grab his arm and finally he reacted.

"I need to find him, sh.t I need to go to him," he turned to Alexa. "I f.cked up,"

Niall pulled back, shaking his head and wiping his hands on his jeans. Alexa was shaking, her hand tightening on her hip. She stood up shakily, "oops sorry babe, have fun trying to get him to believe you this time, but now you know what it's like to have the one person you ever cared about ripped away from you, you stupid f.ck," she screamed, bringing her hand back and slapping Harry across the face. "You never deserved Louis! You don't deserve anyone,"


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