/36/ Clues/

On New Years Eve, Liam invited them to a small get together at his flat.

Niall was the first one to get ready and he waited patiently for Louis.

"Lou, Zayn said he'd be here in ten minutes and you still haven't chosen what to wear," Niall finally shouted in exasperation.

"Just give me a moment will you?" Louis shouted back, still checking himself out in the bathroom mirror. His hair was carefully styles to the side, and he was wearing a grey t-shirt with faded, dark blue jeans.

There was loud knocking at the door, and Louis sighed and finally walked out the bathroom right at the moment that Niall opened the door.

"Harry!" Louis shouted, running forward to jump into Harry's outstretched arms.

Niall didn't comment and instead struck up a conversation with Zayn.

Harry leaned down to kiss Louis on the cheek, and bury his head against his neck. "Hey Lou," he murmured against his neck.

"Hi," Louis muttered back. Harry wrapped an arm around his waist, and pulled him close against him.

Zayn snorted, "well let's wait for all the touching until later," he told them.

Niall laughed and crossed his arms in front of him, still wary about how Harry was going to treat Louis.

Harry reached over and punched Zayn on his arm, "Shut up, let's get going,"


Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck pulling him down into a heated kiss in the dark room as the movie played in the background.

Junk food wrappers were strewn all around them, and empty beer bottles (on Zayn and Niall's end) too. Liam was watching the movie from where he was on Zayn's side, head leaning against Zayn's shoulder. Niall was dozing off near the couch, and Louis had gotten bored with the movie thirty minutes ago and instead had turned to kiss Harry.

"If you're going to take it farther there's a room to the left," Zayn called out to them.

"Shut up," Harry told him after pulling back from Louis.

"Just saying," Zayn told him.

"Leave them be," Liam told him.

"Huh?" Niall said from where he was, sitting up straight and wiping his mouth. He got out his phone (the original reason he had bolted awake) and looked through it. "Alexa's throwing a New Years party! Who wants to go?"

"But I thought we were gonna hang here for the night,"

"Honestly mate, you're cool and all but it's New Years. Besides Steve texted and said some nicked some fireworks and they're gonna light them up in the backyard at 12,"

"But-" Liam started. Zayn silenced him with a swift kiss on the mouth.

"Babe, I love you but come on, let's go have some fun! Not that I'm not having fun here, but come on," Zayn told him.

"Fine, I guess I'm not a good party host am I?" and Liam frowned slightly.

"You're perfect but I wanna get wasted and so does niall, and maybe-" Zayn leaned in to whisper in Liam's ear, and Liam turned a dark pink and nodded softly. Zayn laughed, and turned to Louis and Harry. "You guys coming?"

"No-" Harry said the same moment Louis said yes. "Wait what?" Harry asked confused.

"Why not?" Louis questioned.

"But I thought you didn't like parties,"

"No, I don't like parties where you're being grabbed at an I'm getting embarassed." Louis corrected him. Inside though he thought, actually I want to rub it in Alexa's face that you're with me not her! But instead he shouted "Besides it's New Years!"


People kept looking at Louis and it was starting to irritate him. Was it because he was with Harry? Or was it because of what he was wearing.

It wasn't his fault Niall dragged them back to their flat and forced Louis into tighter fitting clothing. It also wasn't his fault that Harry kept glaring at anyone who so much as lingered their glance on Louis.

"Harry stop that," Louis finally said when a fit brunette winked at him only to have Harry bring Louis closer against him.

"What?" Harry asked innocently.

Louis rolled his eyes and sighed contendly, relinquishing in Harry's warmth. "Stop being a butt,"

A hand grabbed his arm and pulled him away as a girl shouted "harry" and hugged him. Louis glared at the intruder only to see it was Alexa. Her hair was now dip dyed pink and she seemed to have a new piercing.

Louis was pleased to see Harry was glaring at her. Quickly, Louis grabbed Harry's hand, an act not going unnoticed by Alexa. Her lips pulled up into a tight smile. She whistled and looked Louis up and down.

"You know right?" She started saying her voice sickengly sweet but Louis knew her words were anything but that. "About how he was just using you?"

Louis flinched at her words, he knew she was just trying to get to him. He was not about to let her have the satisfaction of seeing him hurt. "Like how he was just using you for sex? Money too?"

"Alexa shut up," Harry said.

"Quite funny really, seeing as he has enough money to last him forever, and you know, he always came to me for it. So he really must have just used you for the fun of it huh?"

"Bye," Harry muttered, pulling Louis with him.

"But Harreh! You didn't let me finish," Alexa pouted. Harry looked like he was going to say something but Louis beat him to it.

"Shut up you easy tramp! So Harry fooled around with you, but is he holding your hand! No I don't think so. If you think by telling me that bs you're gonna hurt me in some form, think again because I know you're just bitter about him choosing me over a low life slut like you. Get over it and move on. Harry is mine, not yours. You could say all the bad stuff you want, and I truly couldn't care less because I know you're just trying to hurt me. You don't think I haven't thought through all this? You don't think I haven't figured all that out by now? Do you think I give a damn? I love him and he loves me and that's all that matters. He hasn't left my side since we fixed things, and I really don't think he will. So he made a mistake we all do, I forgave him and now I'm with him and will help him to deal with whatever it is that makes him think hurting people is okay because I know-" at this Louis looked at a quiet harry. "I know there's a good person in there, you don't know him like I do. You only know what he let's you see, but he's let me in a little more and I know there's more than meets the eye. So get your desperate face out of mine and leave us alone," he spat out the final words and looked at Alexa's shocked face.

Her cheeks were flamed and she glowered at him. "You stupid brat. You don't know sh/t, f/ck you!" And she shoved him.

"F-ck lou! You okay? I knew we shouldn't have came," Harry said.

Louis grinned up at him, proud that he finally stood up for himself. He felt like he could take anyone. He pulled Harry down so he could whisper in his ear. "Let's get drunk!" because hell, he sure wasn't the quiet kid Harry knew 4 months ago.


They were outside, Liam and Zayn on the grass watching in amusement at some guys setting some fireworks up. Niall was over somewhere talking some girl up.

Louis was underneath a tree, perched on Harry's lap. Mouth and tongue preoccupied with something completely different than New Years. Harry could taste the beer in Louis' mouth since the younger lad refused to give up any drinks he seem to mysteriously get in his hand when Harry wasn't looking.

Louis' hands were entangle in Harry's curly mess and Harry's were slowly pushing Louis' tight jeans lower on his bottom.

It was weird how it reminded Harry of the first "date" they ever had. When Louis had a little too much and he was a little too touchy. But it also reminded Harry of when he first realised that the need for Louis was more than just lust.

It reminded Harry of when he first realized he was falling for him.

Their eyes locked and Louis blushed, and that was crazy. That he still blushed even after all they've been through. How crazy is it that Harry wished they could stay in that moment forever?

Around them people started shouting, laughter rang out but really all they saw was each other.

All they ever saw was each other.

"Happy New Years" nameless people screamed.

It was so cliche and Louis almost laughed at the fact that when they kissed he could hear a loud firework go off behind them.

He's positive it was always supposed to be like this, maybe from the moment Harry first touched him- or maybe , just like he said those months ago. He was Harry's since- since the moment his blue eyes saw Harry's green ones.


Louis was beyond wasted and Liam was looking at him disapprovingly though he was having a hard time keeping an equally if not more wasted Zayn off of him. Niall was driving and looking at them in the rear view mirror. It was half past 3 in the morning and they were going to Harry's flat first and from then Liam would drive Niall to his flat (and Louis' but really it was mainly Niall's) and then Liam would go home with a passed out Zayn.

Harry was looking at Louis amusedly. He wasn't drunk at all, knowing he should be the grown up one for the moment and have Louis have his fun. He was sitting on Harry's lap.

"Harryyy I love yasoomuchh," Louis slurred out and he kissed Harry on the mouth.

Harry smiled fondly at him and kissed him back on the cheek.

"I know babe, now sh," Harry whispered.

"I missed yousosomuch, don't leave meh, I don't know what I would do," Louis muttered sleepily against Harry's chest.

"I won't," Harry answered.

"Don't hurt me, just stay," and Louis patted Harry's cheek. "Stay,"

Harry's heart broke, and he caught Niall's eyes in the mirror. Ducking down he grabbed Louis' hand and kissed his knuckles. "Of course,"

Louis smiled drunkenly at him, his hand moving to run itself through Harry's curls. "I want a tattoo," he muttered to no one. His other hand traced across Harry's arm (exactly where his tattoos were). "'M want a piercing too," the hand on Harry's arm reached up to skim over Harry's lower lip and it stopped right at his metal piercing.

"Alright love, now you're talking nonsense," Harry stated.

Louis sat up and tilted his head to the side, and his eyes slid slightly out of focus, and then they widened and he touched his mouth with his hand.

Harry immediately knew what was wrong and he shouted at Niall to pull over. Wasting no time he lead Louis out of the car and he threw up.

Zayn laughed from where he was beside a worried looking Liam. "Seems like princess can't hold his beer,"

Louis wiped his mouth and leaned against harry. "And people actually get drunk for fun?" he managed to slur out.

Niall broke out into a relieved grin and Liam laughed softly from where he was in the car. Harry shook his head at the mess of a boy he had in his arms.

His boy.

"I'll take care of you, don't worry," Harry told him.

Louis looked up at him, "I know,"


Weeks passed and Louis couldn't have been happier.

The five of them were growing closer as the days went by. Sure Zayn was still a pain in the bum, still snidely calling Louis princess and twink, only to be slapped on the arm by Liam and glared at by harry. Niall finally seemed to think okay, Harry was not going to hurt louis.

Even Calum, Ashton, Luke and Michael finally stopped giving the pair (especially harry) disbelieving looks when they all met together at the food court or saw them around campus.

Louis hadn't spoken to Dylan is almost 2 weeks and was slightly missing the blonde lad.

He didn't mention it to Harry though. So when Harry was over studying one Friday night late January and it was only them two, Louis didn't hesitate to open the door to the flat when he heard loud knocking. Truthfully he thought it was Niall, coming back for something he forgot about, and Louis had half the thought to scold him for not studying.

It wasn't, instead Dylan was leaning against the hallway and when he looked up to see Louis he smiled. "Dylan!" Louis shouted and almost ran to hug him.

He didn't need to because Dylan walked forward and hugged him tightly. Louis felt warmth in the hug, he's missed his friend and though he knew they had left on bad terms the last time they met he hoped they could overcome it.

"Lou, how ya been?" Dylan asked, his grip tightening slightly when he looked over and saw a ticked off Harry looking at him.

"I've been good, you?" Louis asked squirming to get out of his arms, until finally he did.

"Could be better, hello harry," and really all Harry saw was that this guy thought it was okay to have his hands on his louis.

Though, Harry remembered Louis' words and bit his tongue back from any snide remark. Instead he placed a hand on his shoulder and looked at Dylan coldly. He didn't exactly forget his little threat.

"I wanted to stop by and ask if you could help me prepare for my exams next week, usually I would ask my sister but she's a bit busy. So yeah? We could study here if you want, that is if your controlling boyfriend allows that,"

He was asking for it so who could blame harry. "Look you blonde f-ck-"

"Harry shut up," Louis butted in. "No problem dylan, Harry doesn't have a say in what I can or can not do. I'm happy we can still be friends even after everything that's occurred. That's all I can really ask for,"

"What!" Harry cried out.

"Yeah thanks Lou, and I hope you guys are doing good," Dylan told him, purposely smiling at a blazing harry. "Anyways I'll be here at Tuesday around 7?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah no problem, I will be here," and Dylan pulled Louis in for another hug.

When Dylan left Harry slammed the door after him. Louis prepared himself for the Harry being a brat part that was to come, but it didn't come.

Nope instead, Harry pressed his lips against Louis'. Surprised thought not enough that it didn't stop him from kissing back. When Harry pulled back and began sucking on Louis' neck he barely managed to ask between slight moans, "Harry?"

Harry pulled back and looked down at him. "Mine," he muttered and brought his lips down to suck harshly on Louis' collarbones. Leaving marks that would surely be fresh the next morning letting everyone know exactly who Louis is with.


"You're really foolish you know?" Louis muttered from where they were lying in his bed.

(No they didn't do it)

(Louis wasn't ready for that yet)

"How so?" Harry replied, tracing patterns against Louis' naked back.

(So Harry managed to get Louis' shirt off in the process and his chest was littered with new lovebites)

(Louis had a hard time pulling away after that)

(But he did in the end)

"You're too jealous. You really think I'm going to run into the arms of another when I have you? I have enough trouble running into your arms," Louis whispered. Eyes fluttering shut as he felt Harry's lips press against his bare shoulder.

"I just don't like people touching what's mine, I mean I don't like the way people look at you either,"

Louis laughed softly in disbelief, "Look at me?" He questioned.

"Yeah, what don't tell me you don't see it,"

"I guess I dont?"

"Really? F-ck it's like they're eye f-cking you when you walk by. Like at the first party, the other drunk f-cked who couldn't stop staring at you after you actually did the bet. And you're perfect arse don't even get me started, all their eyes never seem to leave you!" Harry said almost bitterly.

"Really?" Louis sighed out.

"Yeah, you really didn't notice?"

"No, I guess- I didnt. I always see you,"


"I don't really pay attention to anyone who isn't you,"

Louis turned so that he was facing harry. "I don't care how anyone else is looking at me, just as long as you aren't looking at anyone else,"

"You're too much you know that babe?"

"Yeah but you love me," Louis muttered now half asleep.

"I'm in love with you, have been for the longest time," Harry murmured but he knew Louis was already too far asleep to hear him.

{3rd person}

He rolled his eyes in disgust, honestly Louis was too forgiving. It was so easy to say things and for him to just believe. No wonder Harry had him so easy in his grasp.

He walked out onto the dark campus grounds quickly driving to his house.

"So?" his sister asked when he walked inside.

"Easy enough," he replied. "We doing it then or?"

"Not yet," she snapped. "I know what I'm gonna do and it needs to be timed perfectly!"

"Whatever," he yawned already getting bored.

She paused, "He is mine, and some stupid kid isn't going to take him away from me. Harry is mine. Not Louis'. And if not then maybe Harry will finally know what it's like being the one getting emotionally f-cked up,"

"Zayn said he wasn't right when Louis broke up with him," he piped up from where he was staring up at the ceiling.

Alexa walked over and shook her head, "Louis can't forgive him for everything if Harry does actually give a f-ck about the kid then what I'm going to do, will make sure Louis never wants to look at Harry ever again,"

"from what I've seen, Louis is up Harry's ass. Like I said before dont you think he will just forgive him?"

She laughed harshly her eyes wide with excitement, "Everyone has their breaking limits," she tilted her head, "just wait and see,"


What's the plan? Any ideas? VOTE!! COMMENT! FAN!! Is this story dragging on? Sorry! It's almost over! Check out my new story The Bet!

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