/30/ Stunned/
*sings softly* it's been so long,
Louis refused to look up, keeping his eyes on the dark, brown surface of the table. He made no acknowledgment to the fact that Harry was standing near him, so close that if Louis had turned to the side his nose would have touched Harry's stomach. He instead looked back at Dylan and smiled softly. Great, one day and he just had to be at the same place Harry was at. Dylan wasn't looking at him though, his hard eyes were on Harry, while his mouth was set into a thin line.
"You don't mind if I steal him do you? Of course you wouldn't." Harry said sweetly, and Louis could sense the smug smirk on his face. Louis was about to say, that, yes, in fact he did mind, because how dare he? A whole month, of nothing, not since that day, no trying to contact him, or anything of that sort. Granted Louis would never have taken any of his chances at calling but still, it would have been nice to see if Harry cared enough to call...but no.
Harry grabbed Louis' arm, pulling him up roughly. Louis whimpered in pain, his eyes cast down, he knew that if he met Harry's eyes, he wouldn't be able to resist for so long. His voice was already too much, and it was barely audible over the loud music. At Louis' response to how Harry had treated him, Dylan stood up. "I don't think he wants to go with you, and I think you should just leave."
Harry tugged Louis towards him, so that there bodies were touching and Louis, Louis wanted to cry out, he shouldn't be feeling so much warmth from Harry. All the warmth from his body shouldn't be affecting Louis so badly. Dylan and Harry were glaring each other down, why wasn't Louis making any moves to push Harry away? Harry realized this and it only allowed for his smirk to grow, while Dylan was looking between Harry and Louis expectantly. Louis couldn't find his voice, that's the thing, he just couldn't. "Why not let Louis decide that for himself hm?" Harry declared.
"What t-the fuck are you doing here. Don't fucking touch h-him." A new voice shouted, and Harry turned lazily expecting to see Niall, whom he could deal with. But, it was Liam. Though it didn't really resemble, sweet, soft spoken, shy, awkward Liam whom Louis knew. This Liam was glaring at Harry, his chocolate brown eyes were burning with hatred, his hands were clenched by his side and Zayn was standing beside him, equally puzzled at his boyfriends attitude. Harry smiled wickedly, bringing Louis closer to him, almost mockingly. Liam stepped forward, his upper lip curling, he reached forward and yanked Harry forward. Surprise clear in his expression, Harry let Louis go. Liam swung his arm back and slammed it against Harry's jaw, and all hell broke loose.
Harry staggered back, his eyes darkening, with one furtive slam, he pushed against Liam's body, who in return fell to the floor. Zayn jumped in to save his boyfriend, but even he was no match for Liam's strength only managing to hold him back for a few moments. Harry's lip was bleeding, and so was his nose. Liam's knuckles were bleeding, and the side of his face was bleeding from a small cut underneath his cheek, but otherwise he was unhurt. Louis saw all this in the few moments that Zayn was holding Liam. Harry was grinning, and Louis saw the resolve settle in Liam's eyes.
It was in the seconds that Liam broke away from Zayn, and he pulled his arm back, that Louis did something, or was it his simply inevitable?
Either way, he pushed Harry away, settling himself between Liam's arm, and Harry's body so that Liam's fist, missed his face by a couple of inches. Time seemed to freeze, shock settled on everyone's face. Louis finally turned to Harry, blue meeting green.
Harry's mouth was parted open, his eyes looking at Louis, both searching each others face for answers. Liam's angry facade had disappeared and he was looking at Louis worriedly, Zayn was lost in thought, and Louis never turned to see Dylan's face. Harry reached his hand out, but Louis stepped away, the realization of what he had done hitting him.
He had sacrificed himself for Harry, he was willing to be hurt, instead of Harry being hurt. Nothing had changed in all that time that Louis had been stupidly trying to ignore everything, stupidly trying to convince himself that he could get over Harry. Shaking his head, he turned around, pushing past Dylan, and all the other oblivious bodies that were to wrapped around their sexual dancing to pay attention to the dark corner of the room where they had been. Louis walked past Niall who was chatting the bar tending girl, the forgotten drinks at his side. Yet, Niall saw Louis and walked up to him, puzzlement in his face. "Lou?" Niall shouted over the noise. Louis shook his head and continued walking away, he finally found the door, and practically ran out, he didn't look where he was going, he just ran and ran. He could hear Niall screaming his name behind him, but he didn't stop.
He felt like he was going to burst, he was confused, sad, angry, resentful, hurt, and so many other emotions at the same time. He didn't stop running until a broken sob escaped from his lips. It was the middle of the night, and he really did not known where he was going, he was lost, he was lost in the real world and he was hopelessly lost in what to do. He fell forward, onto soft grass.
Why did he have to care?
Even after everything?
After Niall came back breathless from having chased Louis until he lost him in the darkness, he managed to get Zayn, Liam, Dylan and Harry kicked out of the club. Well actually, due to his connections he was asked to leave and come back when "everything was cooled down", and really after what he had done to Harry, he was lucky that's all he was told. What had he done to Harry exactly?
Right...well...after he came back from chasing Louis, he found the rest of the group still in shock from what had happened. After seeing Harry there, Niall easily pieced two and two, and grabbed Harry by his curls, pushing him towards the dance floor, demanding what the hell he had done to Louis now, and why in the hell couldn't he stay away. Causing in another huge fist fight, this time involving every one of them, minus Liam who was busily calling Louis, who never once picked up because of course he had left his phone at the dorm. Well, really it was Harry and Niall who were throwing the punches, and Zayn and Dylan were glaring at each other because honestly Zayn was Harry's best friend through and through, though he would only fight if the fight was"unfair" but that's beside the point because that's not what really mattered at the moment.
Well, that's how they were kicked out anyways.
"You seriously are the lowest life piece of sh/t I've ever seen Harry. Havent you done enough? Don't you realise he's not like you, or me, or anyone of those whores you've ever f/cked. He still cares about you, and probably will for a long time, you're doing nothing but hurting him, can't you see that? Can't you open your f/cking eyes for once and see the damage you're causing him? F/cking hell he was willing to get massively hurt for you, you will never be worthy of him." was just one of the few rants Niall was screaming at Harry, at this point Liam was freaking out because Louis wasn't answering his phone calls, and Dylan was itching to get away from Harry and look for Louis.
"Any luck?" Niall asked, staring in disgust at Harry, who had not said a word throughout the whole exchange, and was instead nursing his bleeding nose, Liam shook his head. Niall shook his head, slamming his fist into the building wall. Now that he thought about it, bringing Louis out really was not a good idea, why didn't he listen to him? Why did he have to drag him out.
"it's not like he doesn't know his way home." Harry muttered, rising to his feet.
Niall turned towards him, "Actually, considering he hasn't left the damn dorm in almost a month, he doesn't know the way back."
Harry's eyes widened, "So he's?"
"Alone, yup, thanks Harry, you manage to f/ck everything up." Niall remarked sarcastically.
"F/ck off, we need to find him."
"WE? No, you need to back the f/ck off, come on Dylan...Liam?" Niall asked.
Liam nodded, "I'll see you later okay love." He told Zayn, and kissed him on the mouth. Zayn looked at Harry, then back at Liam, he leaned down and whispered something in his ear. Liam nodded, and he grabbed Zayn's hand, squeezing it softly, before he smiled and walked towards Niall.
Niall took one last look at Harry, both seeming like they were going to say something, before Niall shook his head and walked away. Leaving Zayn and Harry alone.
"When are you going to tell them?" Zayn finally asked.
"What?" Harry asked, half listening.
"That you haven't left your flat a month either. That the only reason you came today is because I told you Louis would be here today, more importantly, when are you going to drag your ass over to Louis and start begging for him to take you back?" Harry snorted, turning away. Zayn laughed softly behind him. "You can fool them Haz, but you can't fool with me." Harry heard him retreading, leaving him alone once and for all. He groaned, and decided to do the one thing he was best at doing.
Forget everything and get drunk.
They didn't find Louis, and Niall was going crazy with worry, he went back to the flat alone, hating himself with every passing moment, next time he would listen to Louis and not leave the flat until Louis said he was ready. But for now, where was he?
Louis woke up, and he was lying with his back on green grass. The day seemed to be just beginning, with the sun barely rising. He sat up, and looked around, surprised at his surroundings, where in the world was he?
More importantly, where was Niall?
He stood up, and began walking the way he thought he had come by, when in reality, it seemed he just seemed to be getting more lost. He walked into a patch if trees, but there was a slight trail, so he decided to follow it, the area seeming familiar. He followed the path of the light that was making its way through the trees, he came to a clearing and he gasped.
It was his and Harry's clearing, the one that lead to a cliff that overlooked some hills and in the distance mountains were spotted. The sun was just peeking its way through the horizon, but Louis' mind wasn't on that, his mind was on the last time he was there, with harry.
His mind occupied with that, he walked closer to the edge, the light cast a beautiful shadow of the landscape and for a moment he was lost in it all. Loud footsteps behind him brought him back to earth, he turned around, his mouth falling.
"Lou," Harry said from the edge of the trees, and Louis was trapped, at one end was the edge of the cliff at the other...Harry.
Harry walked closer, his footing slightly off.
"How did you find me?" Louis asked, his voice cold.
Harry smiled bitterly, "I always come here, if I'm around anyways...it's the last time we..." he let his words trail off, his eyes becoming unfocused for a moment, "and when Niall said he never found you, I thought you may have remembered this place." he finished, now only a few feet from Louis.
Louis noticed Harry's tired eyes, his trembling lower lip, and how his hair was in a disarray, did he always look like this? Did he miss Louis too? Or was he busy getting drunk?
"Where's Niall?" Louis muttered.
"I don't know," Harry replied.
"I need to go,"
"No...you don't."
"Harry, don't. Honestly, I just want to go home."
"I've missed you Lou."
"No! STOP! I'm not going to run back to you, I didn't a month ago, I'm not right now, leave me alone!" Louis shouted. Harry grabbed onto Louis' arm, his eyes burning against Louis'.
"Dont say that, you do care, you do! I know you do, I can tell, you care about me so much and I care about you too. You wouldn't let Liam hurt me, how can you say that stuff and not let him hurt me even though I deserve it?"
"I don't know, why did you say you love me when its obvious you never did." Louis snarled back, yanking his arm back. "Why did you do all of what you did, when you never gave a sh/t? So kindly f/ck off," after a moment he muttered, "can I use your phone?"
"Not until you talk to me!" Harry shouted,
"What is there to talk about? What is there left to talk about?" Louis cried out laughing harshly. "I've been so much better without you, I've lived before you, and I will live after, so just get away from me, we discussed everything already. You used me and didn't care, okay WHAT IS THERE LEFT TO TALK ABOUT?"
Harry didn't say anything, "You know, I know it seems that I didn't care, and you're right I didn't show my love-" Louis made an inhuman noise, and walked away, "listen! I didn't show that I love you but there's something-" Louis scoffed and continued walking. "STOP WALKING AWAY." Harry shouted. Louis didn't listen, if he stopped he'd regret it, and then suddenly;
Forgive me Lou?"
Oh this wasn't supposed to happen but I thought why the hell not?
COMMENT!! VOTE!! FAN!!, 10+ comments
Hmm...so should Lou forgive him? Is Harry being sincere? He is drunk so...drunk words are true words...or maybe not in this case?
And since I kept you waiting for so long I am going to say, Harry really does have a sweet, romantic side to him, he just doesn't express it in the best way. He's like 80% harsh and 20% romantic, like prince charming romantic, in this story, and almost all of the characters see the asshole end of him all the time, while Louis is the only one who sees his "romantic" side and...till next time! x
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