/3/The Library/


I brushed my teeth and used the restroom. I could still hear their laughter and loud voices through the doorway. I groaned internally, just my luck. I grabbed my glasses and placed them on my nose, I hated them. They were black and too thick rimmed. It's not like I desperately needed them, but if I had them at my disposing I should use them.

I debated on whether I should just leave, but then I remembered that I was still in my sleeping clothes and that would not be appropriate dress wear, especially in a university.

Hesitantly I opened the door and brushed past them to my bed. I grabbed a fresh pair of clothes thinking I could definitely use today to spend in the library.

"Are you coming today or what?" I heard Zayn ask.

There was a long pause and I was still rummaging through the drawers.

"Dunno still hung over after last night." I heard Harry's familiar low drawl.

"Right. 'Ey I saw you sneak off with Alexa did she put out?" Niall said.

"Doesn't she always?" Harry said and he laughed harshly. The garments that I held in my hands fell.
So if he had gotten her why did he come to me?

Why was I even thinking about it?

I grabbed the discarded clothing and turned back around to face the three guys. Another problem rose...where was the library located?

One by one their faces turned towards me.

I blushed under their states and my eyes flickered down from my feet to each of their eyes. Hard brown, then cold green, and then to amused blue.

"D-do you know where the library is?" I asked him.

He smiled and nodded. "Yeah there's one on campus but it's not exactly the best. I know disbelieving, well that's what my last roommate said, he graduated last year. He said there's a good library filled with all the information you could ever need to pass. I think that's what he said, I forget. But, it's a good 5 miles away."

I tilted my head to the side processing his information, though like his friends he had a cold side to him I don't think he would hurt me or make a fool of me at least not intentionally.

"How do I-I get there?" I said. I hated that I was stammering, I don't usually I thought I had gotten over it years ago. Yet faced with the intense stares that was Harry and Zayn, it was coming back. The smile disappeared from his face.

"Sorry mate. I'm not good with directions, Harry is though. Ask him." Niall said with a shrug.

No thanks.

Niall noticed my hesitation and grinned. "Hey, can you take Louis to the library. You got nothing else to do." Though besides a glare Harry didn't say yes but he also didn't say no.

"It's o-okay, where's t-the one here?" I asked Niall.

He looked at me but nodded, "Did you ever find where the main office is? It's around that building. Can't miss it, it's pretty big but once again full of 'useless crap'." He said looking away.

"T-thank you." I said ignoring Zayn's eyes as they bore into me.

I walked to away to get changed and when I walked back it was silent and Niall seemed to be trying not to laugh while Zayn was quietly chuckling to himself. Harry wasn't there.

I ignored them, except for Niall who I smiled shyly at as I grabbed my bookbag, grumbling under the weight of it. It held five textbooks but still. "I will be b-back later." I mumbled.

Quickly I walked out of the room, and made my way through the maze of hallways. I looked at all the other students and though some had tattoos they seemed to be more like Niall, while only a few with the tattoo covered arms had the menacing glare like Harry.

Loud laughter and voices was heard from all around and they all seemed pretty big and I have never felt so tinier in my life. I tried to slink back into the shadows as the rest of the guys ran around enjoying Sunday break.

Finally I was out of the dorm and out into campus. I involuntarily smiled, here what all those months of begging my mum to let me leave England was for. Students scattered the campus, some on laptops others reading and others in groups walking and laughing. Though the air held stress it also held something I haven't had in years.


Quickly spotting the main office I made my way towards it. "Louis." A voice called loudly. Reflexively I turned towards it, nobody else knew me here so then?

Finally my eyes landed on him and my breath stopped. Harry was leaning against a sleek black motorcycle, his arms crossed in front of him. A dark and annoyed glare on his face. Though I didn't see his green eyes due to the fact that he was wearing black sunglasses, I could tell he wasn't pleased with being there.

I shook my head from side to side and brushed my brown fringe to the side. Turning back around I quickly made my way to the office building. A strong hand grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me around. I bumped hard against the figure and I whimpered at the slight pain. Harry's hand was gripping my waist.

"I'll take you to the library." He stated not loosening his grip. Up close and in the early morning of the day he looked more dangerous then before. My eyes barely met his chest and he was wearing a black jacket, a white t shirt underneath that I could see through and make out black inked tattoos. I swallowed dryly.

He tugged on my hand and pulled me towards his motorcycle. I could feel stares, looking back I could see some of the students eyes on us.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I told him boldly.

He cocked an eyebrow, "You fucking sure about that babe?" he said.

My cheeks flushed at his words. His grin only grew at my reaction, after a moment he flipped his curls. "Y-yeah I'm sure." I said.

He pulled me closer to him by my waist, I glanced down at where his hands were. "About last night..."

I stiffened.

"yeah?" I said.

"Next time, you'll be wanting me near you."

I pushed away from him which only got him to laugh.

"That a threat?"

"No it's a promise." he said with a wink. I scoffed.

"Not much of a promise."

He laughed, "I already know you're going to be fun."


"The innocent ones never end up being innocent." he simply responded. "enough talking, get on."

"I'm not getting on that." I said angry at his words.

"Yeah well you need to shut up." He said as he got on. He looked at me, slight annoyance in his face.

"Look. I can just go to this one, you don't have to take me. Or just tell me how to get there. I do have a car. Or you can drive me in my car." I said.

"Get on the damn bike." He hissed. "Don't make me get you on it the hard way."

"I don't think I'll fit." I muttered.

"You're tiny. Yeah you will now get on." He said.

I just stared at him blankly. He sighed and brought his hands to his face. "Here." He said and he turned around and came back with a black helmet. "Happy?" He said.

"You have one?" I asked incredulous, he seemed like the type to go out and ride without one.

"Yeah but this one's not for me. For who rides with me. I wear one when I go a long way, this is only five minutes away." He said carelessly. I grabbed the helmet, I debated on whether I should take it and go with him. On one hand he scared me and he could hurt me, on the other I really need to catch up on the studies I missed. Grumbling I hoisted my book bag, and got on, looking at him I noticed a hint of a smile.

"Who usually rides with you?" I asked, I couldn't think of Niall or Zayn so then?

"I dunno, girls usually." He said and he started it up, instinctively I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist and pressed my face into his shoulder. I could hear his laugh, and it didn't sound harsh or mean it sounded genuinely happy.

I groaned. "Shut up." I told him, as we gained speed I couldn't help but grasp him harder and bury my head deeper.

Gratefully soon we stopped and I immediately dropped my hands and placed them in my lap. "I'm sorry. I don't usually ride these." I said standing up as I said it. I handed him back his helmet and got out.

I looked at him awkwardly and tried to fix my hair. The library was absolutely massive, with glass doors lining the front way. I felt happy and at home just looking at it.

"Bye." I said hurriedly flashing him a small wave.

His hand caught mine and I was pulled back to be facing him. He was standing to the side of his motorcycle, curls messed up even more then before due to the wind I guessed. I glanced around nervously. His fingers touched my chin and he softly forced me to look at him. His green eyes were soft and I noticed he had put his sunglasses away.

His lips curled up into a cheeky grin. "I got something else you could ride later if you want." He said. His hand dropped from my face and caught my waist pulling me closer to him.

"That's so funny." I said humourlessly trying to pull away. His grin grew and his hand trailed down my waist. I felt his soft touch and I shivered. His smile grew at my action.

"It's true, maybe after your done here..." Harry said.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Not going to happen." I told him.

He leaned down and his lips skimmed over my jawline. I gasped at the feeling, he pulled back with a knowing smirk. "You sure?" He asked. I blushed darkly and looked away.

Actually no I'm not.

I have no idea what I am doing.

"Why do you do this?" I found myself instead saying. His face flickered with confusion.

"What?" He asked.

"This." I said. "You do this, and when your with your friends you act like I don't exist or are extremely rude. Well more so."

He shrugged, "Why not?"

"Because it's not right?" I said.

He chuckled, his hands gripping my sides. "Who said I did what was right?"

I swallowed thickly. "I-I do, it's better to follow the rules."

He leaned in, his lips just there, so close I could have leaned up just an inch and I'd connect mine with his, but I didn't. "Is it?" he asked softly. I turned away, and looked down at my feet.

"If...y-you have Alexa, why did you come t-to me?" I said instead. I looked up and caught him staring down at his arms before he looked back up to me.

He rolled his eyes and pushed me away. "It closes at 8." He said briskly walking away an getting back on the bike he flipped his hair and put the helmet. Without another word or look he started it and left me along standing in front of the library. Annoyed and confused.

Though I decided to push it to the back of my mind and I ran inside the library. Overwhelmed by the sheer size inside, books were everywhere. Shelves and shelves of them even a spiral staircase that lead to another floor.

I went and grabbed some books that I knew I would need for each of my classes. Walking up the staircase I was faced with common literature and other novels. Posters lined a wall indicating the newest movies.

I found a couch that was pushed in front of a shelf and I sat down. I opened the first book, and settled into a world of information. I heard footsteps and I looked up from my book. A boy with dirty brown hair was walking along the other side of the library looking at a bookshelf. He noticed me and he blushed. I waved at him, and settled back to my book. Minutes later I heard his retreading footsteps.

Somewhere around four I dropped the textbooks and grabbed a novel. Mockingjay to be exact, I was planning on seeing the movie but I had to read the book first.

I was so enwrapped in the book that I didn't notice soft footsteps until a hand was grasping my thigh and I squeaked and jumped that the book tumbled off my lap.I frowned and bent down to pick it up. The hand slipped from my thigh and roughly grabbed my bum. Instantly I backed away from the hand and I heard a deep chuckle.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked nervously.

Harry was wearing a black shirt with half the buttons unbuttoned and my eyes flickered to it for a second noticing bird tattoos on his chest, before they settled on his green dark eyes. The action didn't go unnoticed and his smirk seemed to only grow. "Having fun." He murmured coming closer to me. I stumbled back and my back hit the shelf causing me to whimper in pain.

"W-what?" I whispered in a small voice.The room was dimlit, with the only light coming from the sun that was dropping from the sky. His hand roughly grabbed my chin forcing me to meet his eyes while his other hand harshly grabbed where my back met my waist. He leaned down and I turned my face involuntarily or well I tried to. His fingers became bruisingly hard and his lips barely touched my jaw.

"I know people like you. I've done people like you. I know how to get people like you." He said his voice cold. His curls brushed my cheek and I tensed up as I felt his large hand cup my arse cheek.

He pulled his face back and peered down at me through thick, long eyelashes. I looked back up and met his intense gaze. His green eyes held nothing but mischeif and delight. "Have you been kissed before? Touched?" He asked his voice rough. I blushed furiously under his look and shook my head. "Damn it Louis use words." He demanded.

"N-no, I haven't." I shamefully admitted.

I wanted to push him away, it's not that I didn't hate what he was doing, in any other situation I would have liked this but I don't know him, and I don't want him like this.

"You're really fit you know." He said. I felt his hand move from where it was on my bum and I almost let a sigh or relief before I felt it inside my pants pinching at the skin.

"S-stop." I said. He didn't listen, he just kept watching me, his eyes dark. I felt his hand near my entrance. "Stop." I shrieked and pushed him away. His eyes flashed with anger as he stumbled back. I gasped and grabbed my bookbag, quickly running down the stairs before he could catch me. I pushed my glasses up my nose and looked for the front doorway.

A rough hand grabbed mine causing me to come to an abrupt stop. "You can't just do that Lou." Harry said his voice menacing.

"Just leave me alone." I said begging.

The grip on my wrist only tightened harder, I whimpered trying to pull away. He was angry I could tell I just don't understand why he couldn't leave me alone.

"I met you yesterday, I don't know you. Leave me alone." I said earnestly.

"Hey. What's g-going on?" A warm voice shouted. The grip on me didn't loosen instead it tugged me closer to his hard body as we both turned towards the new voice.

A tall boy with warm brown eyes was looking at us-at me with concern clear on his face, it was the boy from earlier. "Nothing. Mind your damn business." Harry stated and he pulled on my hand tugging me out of my room. I shot the kid a pleading look but he just shot me a helpless glance while looking every where else.

"T-theres-" I started to say, and Harry shot me a warning look. "Books upstairs I didn't get a chance to put away." I finished off saying and looked down submissively as Harry lead me away. Harry finally stopped pulling me when we were in front of his motorcycle. He pushed the helmet into my hands and I just held it as he got on.

"Well?" He inquired briskly.

"I'm not getting on this."

"Get on the damn bike don't make me hurt you." He stated. I froze and solemnly nodded. I hoisted my bag closer up and got on placing the helmet on my head. I wrapped my arms around Harry's waist, and looked to the side as he started it up.

When we got back on campus, it was barely 7:30. I quickly got off the bike and pushed the helmet into Harry's hands walking back to my room without looking back.

I didn't pay attention to any of the other students I just wanted to get back into my room. When I finally got their I was thankful to see the door was open, I quickly closed it behind me and locked it.

"Woah what's going on?" Niall said from his bed.

I didn't have time to answer before their was a slamming sound against the door.

Niall looked at me questioningly. "That's Harry?" He said. I nodded. "Why is he banging on our door?" He asked and he started to get up and walk towards it.

"No please." I said shakily.

He quirked his eyebrow. I took a deep breath. "He scares me." I whispered. He nodded in understanding. I went to my bed and crawled under the covers.

I still had time to go home.

Was I really going to let some rude man ruin my one chance at living?

I heard the door open and I froze but then I heard loud shouts from behind the door.

The door slammed open and the covers were yanked away from me making me shriek.

"Stop it you're scaring him." I heard Niall shout.

"Shut up Niall." Harry shouted back and he roughly grabbed my arms pulling me up. "What was that? You think you can just do that and embarrass me?"

My eyes were wide open and my hands were clenched at my side. "Answer me damnit." He shouted.

I didn't respond. "Harry, just leave him alone. He's not like the rest, can't you see, you're scaring him."

Harry's face was dark pink with anger and his cheeks were flushed. His eyes were green and blazing with fire."This isn't over." He said hotly before he let me go.

I fell to my bed and my shoulders sagged in relief. I heard the door slam open and shut once again.

"Hey you okay?" Niall asked quietly.

"No." I whispered. "What does he want from me?" I asked him.

"Isn't it obvious." Niall said with a humourless laugh.

I shook my head.



Happy Four Years One Direction!
I couldn't not update.

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