/28/ The Necklace/
A/n I tell you to wait a lot I know, but seriously so many things are yet to happen. Also if you think Harry will come back the next day with the whole "I was wrong I really love you." I'm telling you right now that's not going to happen in this story. This chapter will be a full on confrontation between them, reveal exactly why Harry did what he did (no the last chapter only had part of why he did it, cold meaningless words is what he's best at innit?) but seriously anyways Louis being so young and naive...anywho keep this in mind:
People are not who they seem to be.
Anywho 25+ votes and 5+ comments...you get to 15+ too fast.-.
Anybody ever been heartbroken? The feeling of utter betrayal and sadness crushing you from the inside...
(While Louis stayed in the flat)
After arriving at the building in which Harry resided at, I looked at it for a long time before I decided to walk up the few stairs it took to get to his room. I knocked on the door, and it didn't take long for him to open it. His green eyes clouding over when he saw me, but he didn't slam the door, he let it go and walked away. I took it as a cue to enter. The moment I stepped inside I could hear giggling.
"Harry who is it?" a loud girl exclaimed, walking out of the bedroom, bed sheets wrapped around her. My eyes considerably widened, Niall had told me about Louis and Harry's relationship. From what he had said, they had been together for almost three months, he had related that Louis was soft and kind spirited, he wouldn't hurt anyone, but that he was endangering relationships with others by being with Harry, because he thought Harry cared for him like Louis cared him. The earlier actions from Louis only proved how deeply infatuated he was with Harry, the way his eyes had softened the moment he saw Harry walk through the door earlier, but quickly went expressionless only moments later. He had cared for Harry so much, and that had been clear since the moment I saw them together in the morning, doing as Harry told without so much as a protest.
And only minutes after the fallout here was Harry, with another girl. A little part of me had hoped Harry did care about Louis, maybe not nearly as much but at least somewhat. He really did have a cold heart, and seeing what had happened I could only hope to persuade my brother in making things right.
Harry didn't look at me as he looked at the girl and whispered in her ear, she blushed and sauntered off, giving me a small wave before disappearing back into the room, emerging moments later half dressed, or at least to me it seemed like she was half dressed, her clothing consisted of shorts that were much to short, and a shirt that went to her midriff, she wore no shoes, she went and wrapped her arms around Harry, kissing him, he kissed back and I turned away. She giggled once more wiping her lips and walked away. Halfway down the hall she picked up something, and then the door opened and closed as she left.
It was silent for a long time, neither of us speaking. Harry stayed near the doorway to his bedroom, and I did a onceover of his new room before I opened my mouth only to shut it, now that I was here I didn't exactly know what to say.
"Did you come here to stand there or what? 'Cause you just cost me a f*ck, so what the hell do you want now?" he said his voice harsh.
"It's been forty-three minutes since you and Louis had that fight Harry. I thought that at least you'd be thinking about what you just did, alone...just like Louis is right now but I see that I was wrong. I'm sorry I cancelled your plans for the night, but what you did with him was wrong."
He humorlessly laughed, "You think I care?"
I shook my head at his crude words. "He cared for you, what in the world were you thinking by doing that to him?"
"I was thinking, he had a nice arse, why shouldn't I get it? Not my fault he was willing to give it up so easily. No, he's not f*cking innocent, so don't believe that bull. He was ready to give it up to any guy who came along." Harry replied coldly.
"I thought you were done with this game crap? Haven't you always had it in for girls? Why him? Why now? How could you do this?"
"I was thinking he was di- I was thinking he'd be a good f*ck is all." Harry exclaimed.
I snorted in disgust, "You are 22, he is 17, he is basically a kid. I thought you had changed, grown up. You need to go and apologise, fix this mess that you made."
Harry's eyebrow rose. "Apologise? For what? You shouldn't have come, little brother, you always screw up everything. Always. You apologise when you regret and feel sorry about something. I feel nothing." he said emotionlessly.
"Nothing? Honestly stop with your lies harry. You have had everyone fooled for years that you're cold and heartless, but me, I always believed you were a good person deep down and now I see that I am wrong. You took this innocent teen that came to you when he probably thought he believed he cared and had love for you, because teenagers obviously know nothing about what love is, and you use him for your own gain. You corrupted him, you ruined his relationship with others, for what? A meaningless f*ck? As you so call it? Was corrupting a young teen worth it?"
"Always the one to make a big deal out of nothing." was all Harry shot back.
Marcel grimly smiled, "I see I am not getting anywhere with you. I'm not due back home for at least a week, rest assured if you won't fix this mess then I will."
"You can't play that card on me, you think I care? I don't. Just leave okay, you wasted your time coming here, though I thank you for ruining everything."
"GET OUT MARCEL." he shouted, without another word he walked into his room and slammed the door shut.
I sighed, what I had done was plausible, he couldn't have kept going with his lies. So now how was I going to fix it? I made my way out of the flat, to the car parked a block away. My mind running endlessly through ideas to help Louis, yeah, Louis, not Harry because he obviously doesn't need anyone's help.
{Back @ Louis'}
Dylan wrapped his arms tighter around Lou, who shook silently against his chest. Dylan hadn't said anything since Louis' slight outburst when he first came, and he hadn't questioned anything yet. Slowly Louis began to pull away. "I am sorry for bothering you so late, I just didn't know who to turn to. And I remembered your number from that one time and-"
He made a "sh" noise. "I don't care how late it is, you're hurt right now, and I'm here to listen okay? Though why did you first text me now? I gave you the number a while ago."
"H-Harry wouldn't let me." Louis stammered out. He got an understanding look, he kept an arm around Louis, and they stayed silent for a few minutes.
"Am I so stupid as to believe someone could love me?" Louis asked.
"What? No, of course not, you're not stupid and I wouldn't blame anyone if they couldn't help but fall in love with you." Dylan answered back.
"So t-then why didn't Harry...he never loved me. He lied, he only ever cared about sex. Y-You probably only care about sex too." Louis cried out, cringing away from Dylan to the otherwise of the bed, his face falling forlornly.
"I can assure you Louis, I don't just care about that." Dylan told him.
"That's the only thing anyone in this damn school cares about." Louis shot back.
"Louis, don't be cruel, I'm not going to judge you or anything okay? I'm here for you, you don't have to tell me what happened, I don't need to know. Please don't make an accusation like that, because I am not Harry. Now, if you want to talk about what happened I'm here, and if not than I can stay until you fall asleep okay?" Dylan softly said.
Louis sighed, his eyes feeling heavy. "Don't lie to me. You're the only friend I have left." he said with a soft whimper.
"Hey, I got you okay?" was all Dylan responded with.
Louis crawled into his bed, Dylan smiled and got up, he began to walk away. "Where are you going?" a panic stricken Louis asked.
"Niall's bed. Don't worry, I'll be gone in the morning."
"No, stay. Here." and Louis pointed to the spot next to him.
"You sure?" Dylan asked, surprise and worry clear on his face.
"I don't want to be alone." Louis whispered his bottom lip quivering.
The whole reason he called Dylan, was so that he wouldn't be alone, because if he was alone then his thoughts would overtake him, and things would happen and he..he can't be alone, not now at least. So Dylan crawled into bed next to him, and Louis had a fleeting reminder of Harry's "slut" comment about him, but he wasn't doing anything wrong? He just didn't want to be alone. Dylan kept his distance, and Louis turned so that their faces met. "Thanks." Louis sighed out. His eyes fluttered closed, and Dylan was left to look at his perfect face, the cheekbones standing out, and the dry tears on his face, some still clinging to his long eyelashes before he turned away. Louis' small form radiated heat against his and all Dylan could think was, damn, Harry f/cked up, big time.
"This needs to be some sick joke." a voice shouted. Louis blinked and sat up, Dylan sat up as well.
A disgusted, angry Harry was glaring at them. Dylan glared back, but his eyes turned to Louis, it didn't take Dylan long last night to piece together what had happened, and he had pretty much had it figured out by the time he went to sleep. Still, he didn't want Louis to be more hurt than what he already was.
However, Louis looked far from the broken, crying Louis from last night. His eyes were sharp and cold, his voice icy, and blunt. "Get out, how dare you come in?"
Harry ignored him and turned towards Dylan. "Listen you preppy little sh/t. Stay the f/ck away from Louis, got it? Get the f/ck out of this room, and never let me see your sh/t face near it ever again, or so help me." he sneered.
"Don't listen to him, Dylan can stay, you need to leave. I'm sick and tired of you Harry. Don't ever come near me ever again, after everything, after everything I did for you? I gave you everything and you...you couldn't even give me a few sincere words. Leave, damn it. Just leave."
Harry ran a hand through his hair, "We need to talk." is all he said.
"I'm pretty sure you said all you could last night, kindly f/ck off." Louis replied.
Harry glared at Dylan, before his eyes shifted back to Louis, "I see you can't really mean those words, you're still wearing the necklace." he exclaimed.
Louis glanced down and sure enough, the metal airplane hung from his chest. A wave of emotions crashed against him. He shuddered, and touched it with his hands.
"Lou?" Dylan asked quietly.
"I need a moment, with Harry. Just wait outside please? I'm mature enough to not ignore him like a child, if he wants to talk we will talk. Though I don't see the use." as he said this, he let the necklace go, and it felt fell against his chest, a cold reminder.
Dylan nodded, and walked away, he bumped shoulders with Harry along the way, Harry looked at him smugly as the door shut behind him.
Louis wasn't going to let him see how much Harry had hurt him, last night was embarrassing enough, he wasn't going to be seen as the pathetic, weak fool.
"Well, what? You here to rip what's left of my self esteem?" Louis snapped. He got up from the bed and walked towards his dresser refusing to meet Harry's eyes. Harry watched him move around, neither spoke for the longest time.
"Lou..." Harry finally whispered. Louis turned around.
"Don't call me that, don't ever call me that again." he shouted. "You lie to me for months straight, every thing you ever said was bullsh/t. You wanted me for sex, you got it, so why cant you just leave me alone? Why come back? What? To laugh at my foolishness. Because I was stupid enough to believe you? Shame on me for trusting you, but more shame on you for taking advantage of me. I hate you." He continued.
"You don't mean that, you don't hate me." Harry continued, walking closer to Louis.
Louis walked backwards shaking his head, "How did you even get in here?" he asked. Harry stopped in his tracks and tilted his head.
"You left your key at the flat, you left a lot of things actually. What the f/ck were you doing with that asshole?" he shot back.
"And you care because? Get out, just leave I have nothing left to say to you."
Harry walked towards him, and Louis backed against a wall, his posture faltering a Harry's closeness. "You don't mean that, I know you don't." Harry asked, leaning down, their chests bumping.
"You know nothing."
Harry smirked, his hand coming up to touch his necklace, "You see this Louis? This shows you're mine, you, your body, everything belongs to me, I don't give a damn if you say you hate me because I know you don't, and you're just lying to yourself. Know the best part? I could do anything and you'd still want me back, don't even f/cking deny it."
"Don't touch me." Louis muttered jerking away from his touch, but having no where to go, he only managed to press himself harder against the wall.
"Oops." and with a daunting smirk, Harry placed his hand on Louis' side, Louis reached out to slap it away, but Harry removed it seconds later, his cold smirk placed on his lips. Harry reached up, and cupped Louis' cheek, Louis tried to turn away, but Harry just gripped it harder.
"I thought you were different, you know? At first, I actually thought you were different, prancing around, making everyone believe that you were so innocent. I think that's what made me so...I guess you could say...attached? To you. It wasn't about sex at first really. I could easily get that from anyone else, but you were so willing, a few drinks, few words and you easily gave in. Yeah, you weren't different, had everyone fooled with your innocent act, f/cking slut, don't, just don't even say anything I mean, he was in your f/cking bed. I did care about you, to an extent, I cared about your money, and god your beautiful ass, but maybe that's it. I mean really a good f/ck is all your good for."
Louis refused to cry, but every word was just a slap to the face for him. "You have money, you have people for sex, so why even bother with me?"
Harry didn't respond, they just looked at each other, green burning against blue.
"I believed you, everyone said not to, Zayn, Alexa, Niall....they all told me, and I still believed you, why? Because I actually did care about you. I thought you were this beautiful person, who was probably hurt before and that's why you were so cold, and I had this foolish idea that I could help you. That we could open up to each other. I mean, I think I knew you didn't mean it when you said you loved me, I could hear the hesitance in your tone, but I believed that maybe you would one day. I thought, I meant something to you because...well because yeah you're right, maybe I'm too easy, but maybe I'm too easy because I easily believed the words you spoke to me, I believed them to have meaning, making me weak, making my heart speed up, making me fall more in love with you, that was the easy part of me, how I easily believed whatever you said. Even after that first incident I chose to ignore everything and be with you. I wanted to help you in any way possible, keep the money I don't want it. I don't want anything to do with you, not ever again. I ruined so many possibilities to be with you, took so many chances, and I guess...I guess this is where the rubber band breaks apart, but I can deal with it. I want to hate you in every possible way, but I can't. And it's not because I love you, it's because that's just who I am."
Harry let him go, and Louis looked up, a sad smile on his face. "I knew what I was getting into, when I first saw you. I'm not completely clueless." his hands reached onto his neck, and he took off the airplane necklace. "I'm also not going to give you the power to keep hurting me. So congrats Harry, you got what you wanted." Louis finished saying, holding his hand out with the necklace in it. Harry stepped away, a dark look overcoming his face. In one fluid motion, Harry grabbed Louis' face and crushed their lips together. Familiar waves of indescribable emotions washed throughout Louis, his mind going blank for if only a moment, before he remember why this was so wrong. He pushed against Harry, but he wouldn't let him go.
So Louis did the one thing that was worse than hearing Harry explain how he didn't care about him. He didn't kiss back, he kept his mouth shut into a thin line, and pushed the tears away that we're threatening to fall, because damn it. Harry was right, he didn't hate him, he never could. He was deeply in love with Harry, but Harry didn't give a damn about him, so what would be the use? Harry finally gave up against Louis' statue like structure. Breathing heavily, Harry grunted, "This isn't over." he whispered harshly, he wasn't going to let Louis walk away, not now.
Louis broke away, and then the door opened and Dylan was stepping inside, his eyes quickly finding Louis. "Oh, but it is." Louis dropped the necklace at Harry's feet and proceeded to walk away.
You're probably thinking "Why isn't Harry satisfied with what he's gotten from Louis? Why can't he walk away."
Easy, he still wants Louis, in that physical way of course.
"Why is Harry so cruel?"
He's got walls and protection like everyone of us.
"Are they ever getting back together..."
Hell if I know.
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