/2/Drunk Harry/

Warnings; drunk touchy touchy Harry.


I looked behind me locking eyes once again with the curly haired stranger. I sighed and decided to ignore him, he was probably there for Niall. I turned back to staring at the ceiling contemplating my options.

I could stay here and put up with everything or go back home thousands of miles away knowing I would never be allowed out of England ever again. She only let me come because it was a well known school, and even then it wasn't until the school year was two weeks in and the chance at the school still accepting me was dwindling did she finally say yes.

My classes started in two days and I was nervous and scared. Already feeling the butterflies in my stomach moving nonstop. I felt something firm press against my bum I gasped and instantly sat up. My eyes flickered to the laughing tattooed man standing beside my bed.

"Did you just touch me?" I demanded. He stopped laughing and he arched his eyebrow, crossing his inked arms in front of him. The action made me uneasy but I was not willing to back down.

"So what if I did?" He said in a taunting voice. I huffed and glared at him.

"It was rude. You are rude." I stated. It only seemed to amuse him even more and he walked closer. His arm muscles tightening. His knee hit the side of the bed and he leaned down so that his lips were only an inch away, his eyes flickered to my own a second later.

"What are you going to do about it?" He whispered. His dark gaze locked on me. I rolled my eyes knowing his intention.

"Never in a million years." I muttered and I lied down and turned my back towards him. This opportunity at freedom was too important to me, I was not going to let him ruin it for me. A sudden force pulled me back so that I was now lying on my back, pressed hard against the soft mattress.

An amused figure hovering over me. His hands placed on either side of my head to help keep him supported. His green eyes looked me up and down and I was starting to really get annoyed. Did he not understand I wanted nothing to do with him? He smiled, this time it seemed genuine and it exposed two deep dimples in his cheeks.

"Get off me you idiot." I said annoyance seeping into my tone. His smile just grew. That's when I noticed the room was quiet except for our breathing and glancing at the door affirmed that it was closed.

I reached up and the palms of my hands pushed at his chest. I pushed slightly though he might be annoying I didn't just want him to fall and get hurt, but he didn't even budge. Then we heard the doorknob start to move and in a heartbeat just as fast as he was on me he wasn't. He was standing up beside the other bed looking at the door patiently as if I didn't exist.


A second later the door opened and in stepped Niall. He didn't even seem surprised that his curly haired friend was there. "Hey Harry." He said, and he walked over to his dresser. "You coming tonight?" He asked him. "Oh hey Louis." He said turning to smile at me.

I figured out that Niall was definitely the nicer one and Harry seemed completely rude and cocky. The other dark haired one I still didn't know so I wouldn't judge him. I may not be like them but I was smart enough to not judge someone just by the way they looked. Though Harry confirmed my suspicions, Niall was definitely not who I had thought him to be.

"Yeah obviously. Matt and Alexa will be there, Alexa's a good fuck." He stated with a casual shrug. My mouth fell open, how could he be so casual about something like that.

Niall just rolled his eyes and he turned towards me. "How bout you Lou?" Then he laughed. "That rhymed, but seriously you wanna come?"

My eyebrows rose in apprehension. "Go where?" I asked him.

Harry snorted, and he turned towards me. His eyes were a cold shade of green and his arms were tense in front of him. "A party where else?" He stated his voice sounding harsh like this morning. I shrank back at his tone and shook my head.

"No, I have to catch up with all the work in my classes and I wanted to start tonight and hopefully finish by tomorrow. I've already read the book that we are reading in literature and the maths class seems easy but the other ones I shou-"

"Yeah whatever. Seems like you got stuck with another prude." Harry stated coldly tuning back to Niall. He was taunting me to see if I would say something rude back. I sighed and turned to lie on my back. Niall came into view and he smiled at me.

"It's cool. I might be back by 2 or I might be back by 12 tomorrow, depends if I get laid. Have fun." He said.

"Niall can I borrow a shirt?" Harry asked lamely. I tried to ignore him as I gave a reassuring nod to Niall who turned back. He looked through his dresser and came up with some black material. Which he threw at Harry before he grabbed his shoes and walked out of the door once again.

I started to get up to get my books so I could open them thinking I had enough of a break to start off with. When I picked up my book bag all the breath seemed to flutter out of me. Harry was peeling off his ripped white t shirt.

His back was towards me so all I could see was his back muscles as they flexed. Suddenly he stopped moving and he turned to look at me a dark, cheeky smirk placed across his lips, tattoos covered half of his left arm, a few were on his chest and his right seemed to look like it never once held clear pale skin.

The same smirk from the first time I met him. When his front came into view I blushed darkly and looked down at my lap, finding my book bag interesting. I heard his footsteps, I wanted to sink into the ground at the moment. The first guy I met in the whole school and already I was putting everything that I had done to get here at risk.

I would not let anything happen. I felt his finger tips graze across my jaw and I shuddered when he tipped my head up with the ends of them to meet his emerald cold eye gaze.

"Like what you see?" He asked cheekily. He took one of my hands and placed it on his chest, I felt the hard muscle underneath it for a second but quickly drew back. He laughed softly, the sound ringing like bells.

"There really isn't much to look at." I stated, his eyes widened, but his smirk didn't falter. He leaned down his lips just a few centimeters from mine. They moved slowly across my jaw, before his breath fanned over my ear.

"You sure?" he spoke softly, the vibrations of his voice sending shivers down my spine. I jerked back only to be grabbed roughly by his hands and pressed flushed against his tattooed body.But for no more than a moment.

"Harry!" Niall called slamming the door open, I jumped back and Harry seemed more cool about it, he pressed a fleeting kiss to my neck before he dropped his hands and walked towards him. Niall waved bye and if he saw what Harry had done he didn't comment about it.

I lifted up the flap to the book bag and pulled out my chemistry text book. The class was in the middle of chapter one and the test was the following Friday. I opened it to the first page and quietly started to read about the different types of Elements that were located in the world/universe (maybe).

It was past 11 when I finally deemed myself worthy enough to be able to pass the following test. I slid the book back into the bag and decided to go to sleep. Knowing my brain would useless in containing more information and it needed to process the information I just barely fed it. I pulled back the covers fully and decided to finally sleep.

I placed the book bag under my bed, putting my glasses on top of my dresser. I rummaged through them and pulled out sweatpants and a white loose t-shirt, I crawled underneath the covers. Sighing blissfully I let my mind going to sleep, I was finally on my own in a different country and though things were strange I had no doubt they would change for the better.


"Louis." Someone whispered harshly. Groaning I turned from the noise, a cool hand pressing itself against my hip. I shivered and turned to hit it away before I realised there shouldn't even be a hand there. Blinking I abruptly sat up and shrank back from the dark figure that was sitting on my bed.

"You're awake, cool." He said though his voice sounded too raspy and the words came out slightly slurred. He leaned in closer and I could make out curly hair and dull green eyes in the moonlight. I heard snoring coming from the opposite bed. I caught sight of blonde hair, I sighed in relief that he got back okay but now what about Harry?

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"It's 3, party's over. Niall said I could crash here." He mumbled and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Stay where?" I demanded getting annoyed, it was too early and I was easily cranky in the morning.

"Here." He stated and to prove his point he toppled over so that he was lying beside me and I was crushed beside him and the wall.

I gasped and pushed him away but he caught my wrists and smirked lazily at me, he let them go a second later. I regretted not switching roommates when I had the chance too.

I would even go back to my prior roommate who had platinum blonde hair and was dancing in ballet slippers then this (after introducing each other he had gone to show me his favourite dance from the school's national ballet class which is why he was attending the school for.) "And where the hell do you live that you can't go there?" I asked indignantly.

His smirk grew and he seemed to be more sober now. He pushed me so that I was flushed against his chest, one second in and I realised he was shirtless. "Where the f-ck is your shirt?" I demanded. I don't swear often, only under intense conditions.

"Mouthy." He said and he started to lean in and I pushed the palms of my hands against his hard chest. But to no avail for he simply caught them once again in his hand.

He pulled it towards him and placed it on his shoulder and the action made his smirk grow. I immediately tried to pull it back. "Don't." He said darkly and I hesitated but didn't.Who knows what this man could do to me? Of course Niall was five feet away so if I really did need help...Though I am sure it would never come to that.

He turned so that he was staring right at me. His eyes were wide and part of his face was hidden, his curls messed up covering part of his forehead. His green eyes still had an edge of being bloodshot, and the way they hazed over seem to indicate something else. I felt sick.

All my life I've been told to stay away from people like the man that was now only inches away after just one day out of home, because they were bad news, dangerous, and cruel. Harry definitely seemed like bad news and dangerous.

Yet what am I to know? Here I was pressed flushed against this strange man's chest. I could feel every hard muscle through my flimsy t-shirt.

I felt his now warm hands fall from where they were lying still on the side of my hip as they traveled lower. And suddenly he gripped the left cheek of my bum. I gasped trying to pull back but resulting in just a cheek grin from him and a grunt from his lips as his grip on my arse tightened. "Such a tight arse babe, wonder what my cock would feel like inside it." He whispered as he hotly nipped at my ear.

"N-no." I whispered pushing against him roughly. The action just made him laugh, I felt his soft lips pressing lazy kisses against my neck. My mind came back as I grew uncomfortable in my sweatpants.


"No?" he mused. Realizing only something bad would come from this, I watched him with wide eyes.

I loosened up, and just as soon his grip on me loosened me as well, it allowed me to push him away roughly. He grunted as he fell off the bed. He was stronger than me most surely but I was too quick for him. I slipped out of the covers and was now standing facing him at the end of the bed.

My cheeks flushed a dark pink while I heard him laughing quietly. He was drunk, he probably didn't know what he was doing. I didn't know what to do, having never been faced with this type of behaviour before I was utterly loss. Blushing fiercely I turned to walk away, catching sight of Niall with his arm around a petite girl.

Yes I would definitely not stay in this room. My hands felt cold and sweaty and I just hoped that Harry was passed out drunk because I was scared. I never hated my mum more then I did now, if she had let me had a normal teenage life I would be used to this but no. My hand was just grasping the doorknob when someone pushed me roughly against the door. I gasped and opened my mouth to scream. A large hand was placed over my mouth muffling any noise.

I was gently turned around and my eyes widened with fresh fear when I noticed Harry's face only an inch away. His other hand reached to grasp the back of my neck and pull me closer to him. The hand on my mouth fell and he dropped it to my waist pulling me impossibly closer. He leaned in, his breath tickling my ear. "Don't act like you don't like it." He said his voice still sounding slurred together.

"Actually. I don't." I said through my teeth.

"You don't think I can't just fuck you right up against the door?" He said tilting his head to the side.

"Stop, touching me." I said through my teeth.

"You sure about that?" He whispered, he pressed sloppy kisses against my neck as his fingers fumbled with my shirt.

"I am." I said, before I pulled back, raised my hand and slapped him across the face. He staggered back and when he locked eyes with me they were dark as coals. I opened the door and just managed to slip half my body when he reached out.

I gasped as his hand made contact with mine and he pulled me back the door shutting behind me. I glanced at Niall's bed and saw he was still fast asleep, the girl beside him as well. I was grabbed from behind and pushed to the bed.

"Harry, stop!" I said. He pulled back and looked at me long and hard. He dropped his hands and pushed me away. I just eyed him wearily. His staggered back, biting his lip. Before he abruptly walked away. That was definitely a situation I did not want to revisit.

Cocky brat didn't understand when someone says no they mean no. I wasn't going to let him get to me.

I wasn't that stupid.


I woke up to loud laughter and shouting.

"What's going on?" I mumbled.

"Hey look Princess is up." An unfamiliar voice said.

Ruckus laughter caused me to sit up straight, the light hit my eyes causing me to scrunch them up. When I opened them I was shocked to see three amused faces staring back at me. Niall was lying on his bed a regretful but amused look clear on his face, Harry was sitting on the edge of Niall's bed, dark amusement placed on his features and the new voice from earlier had come from the dark haired guy from yesterday who I just remembered was name Zayn.

My eyes locked with Harry and after a second he scowled and looked away. A hint of amusement made it's way to my face, so he remembered. However it soon disappeared when I remember my 'nickname'.

I turned to the dark haired guy, "My name is not princess. It is Louis." I said politely. Just because he was rude didn't mean I had to be rude. The man's smile grew in amusement and he shook his head.

"You're right Harry, he is mouthy." He said turning to Harry and it caused the both of them to laugh. My face paled. He told them? Did he tell them how I blankly refused him?

"You guys are rude." I mumbled. I stood up and walked over to the dresser. It was half past 10, and I was going to go use the restroom. To my luck my glasses stumbled from my hands as I grabbed my bathroom utilities and they fell. I blushed and bent down to pick them up.

I heard whistles, "Look at that round arse." Instinctively I grabbed my glasses and stood up straight. Wordlessly I walked away towards the bathroom that was connected to the room, knowing if I turned back around I would be faced with more laughter and snide comments.



Happy one year BSE<3

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