
I am going into the 11th grade (on tuesday)! How bout you?

I think this went to fast? Please leave opinions?! X

There's loads more to come seriously...it's barely beginning. cx

Don't hate Harry for what he will do.

Louis is just like anyone else falling for someone who isn't right for him.


Louis didn't reply, he turned his head toward the window and watched as houses and trees passed by in the darkness.

He felt a familiar grip on his thigh and he glanced down to see Harry's large hand on it. "Is that your favourite place for your hand?" Louis asked annoyance clear on his voice.

He was a mixture of emotions, angry, sad, confused, annoyed, and worst of all disappointed. Disappointed with the fact that he couldn't walk away.

"No, actually this is." Harry said, and a moment later, Louis felt and saw Harry's large hand palm him through his jeans. Instinctively Louis slapped the hand away and recoiled within himself, bringing his knees to his chest (the car was spacious enough for it), glaring at Harry.

"I rather you not touch me right now." Louis said simply.

"You weren't saying that a while ago." Harry replied, both his hands now resting on the wheel, turning it.

"Stop it Harry." Louis said stressing out the words.

"Stop getting so worked up, damn." Harry replied.

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

Harry slammed down on the brakes, causing Louis to almost hit the head board but his knees just hit it instead and he gasped glaring at Harry.

"No. You. Don't." And to prove his point Harry turned towards Louis, green locking with blue. Harry placed both of his hands on either side of Louis' face, Louis bit his lip and looked away. Harry caught his chin and forced him to look back, his face was only inches away. Louis expected to be kissed, but instead Harry placed his lips by his ear. His thumb brushing against his cheek, his breath fanned over Louis' ear.

Louis blushed, feeling his whole body warm up at the gesture. He shut his eyes as he felt Harry press his lips softly against his neck, before he quickly pulled back. A smirk gracing his plump lips.

Louis opened his eyes and saw Harry looking at him with an 'I told you so' look. "Just take me home." He said quietly, fiddling with the bottom of the black shirt.

"We are here." Harry answered back opening the door. Louis glanced out the window to see Harry's familiar flat.

Harry opened Louis' door and Louis stood his ground. "This is not my dorm." He said glaring up at Harry. Harry sighed and placed his head against the top of the cover, blocking Louis' view of the outer world.

"Get out of the car." Harry said tensely.

"This isn't my dorm. I want to go back to my dorm." Louis insisted.

"Damnit Louis why do you have to be so fucking difficult?" Harry shouted. Louis cringed away, not used to getting yelled at. He looked down to his lap, out of the corner of his eye he saw Harry's hand reach out and unbuckle his seatbelt. Louis brought his legs to his chest and turned away from Harry.

He heard him sigh, but Louis didn't turn back around. "I'll just stay here than." He said softly.

"Louis." Harry whispered. His name being spoken out in a low whisper made him shiver but still he kept his ground. A moment passed and then Harry cussed, the door was then slammed shut and Louis heard loud grunts coming from outside it. He tuned around and his feet hitting the bottom of the car harshly while his eyes widened in horror.

Harry standing by the building wall, another man standing in front of him, in the moonlight Louis noticed a metal glint in the mans hand.

"Harry." Louis instinctively said out loud. Harry looked like he was standing tall and trying to talk to the other man, Louis was frozen in his spot. Not once did Harry glance at him, a moment after the other man raised his arm and punched Harry across the face, but Harry didn't fight back, he ducked his head and stared at the ground.

The man kicked him in the gut, and hovered over him. Finally Louis found it in himself to move, but the door was locked. He saw the man walk away, yelling something that Louis didn't hear. Soon the man disappeared around the corner into the night. There was a loud click and in the frantic move to open the door Louis almost fell head first onto the pavement, he fixed himself and ran to Harry.

"What just happened?" Louis demanded, but he gasped seeing Harry's face. There was a bruise growing across his cheek, and his lip was bleeding, but that's not what made him fall to his knees beside Harry. It was the tears that were falling from his eyes. Harry looked so vulnerable at the moment, completely different from the cocky boy just minutes ago.

"Nothing." Harry muttered turning away from Louis. Louis saw him raise his hand and brush away the tears.

"Why did you lock the door? I could have helped you." Louis insisted helping Harry up. Harry yanked his arm away and glared at him.

"No, you would have made the situation worse." He said bitterly.

"If they know you live here why do you stay here?" Louis asked him.

Harry laughed, shaking his head, "I'm not going to live my life in fear Louis." He simply stated.

Of course.

"Why didn't you defend yourself?" Louis asked.

Harry didn't say anything, he stood up, and walked away, walking towards the front door of the building.

"Harry answer me." Louis said following him.

Harry could easily defend himself, he could have defended himself the night some days prior as well. Louis was just coming to terms with this, so then why didn't he?

When they finally got to Harry's door, Louis was still trying to get an answer from him with no luck.

The door closed behind them, leaving them in eerie silence. "Harry-" Louis started to say, but Harry turned around, his eyes dark and cold. His mouth set in a tense line.

Louis' words died on his lips. "You're right I could have, why give them more of a reason to kill me? Besides you were-" Harry stopped talking and shook his head.

"I was what?" Louis asked quietly.

"You were there, I had to think of you." Harry answered after a long pause filled with increasing tension.

"Why?" Louis asked.

"Why? Are you an idiot? Why? Because if they had known you meant something to me, or have seen you, you think you'd still have that pretty face of yours? You think they wouldn't have hurt you? Why else." Harry replied. "I am not a helpless idiot, the last time I kept the attention on myself, just like right now and knowing your stupid self from last time I knew you would have helped me, so I locked the doors now is that enough of an answer for you princess." He continued.

Without waiting for an answer he turned around and walked towards his bedroom. Louis stayed back, reflecting on Harry's words.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Louis demanded finally walking after Harry. When he got to the bedroom with the door wide open he stopped in his tracks. Harry had taken off his shirt, he was wiping his cheek with it, wincing at the pain. Louis shook his head, clearing his head and walking towards him.

Harry didn't look at him as Louis walked past him to the bathroom where he found the box of medical supplies from the week prior. He walked back and gently pried Harry's shirt from his hands. "Sit back." Louis said quietly, pointing to the bed.

Harry didn't respond but did settle onto the bed watching Louis open the box and take out a disinfecting wipe. He looked awkwardly around and finally decided on sitting beside Harry. He leaned over and gently wiped the wipe over the cut, removing dried blood and disinfecting it. It was a two inch long cut, but it wasn't that deep. The bruise on his cheek had started to darken. They didn't speak and the only sound heard was there breathing. Louis kept his eyes on the cut, but he felt Harry's eyes on him.

Louis' mind thought back to Harry's words. "I-I m-mean something t-to you?" Louis asked quietly.

"You're starting to." Harry answered.

Their eyes locked and Louis starting to get up to throw the wipe away. He came back and stood a foot from Harry.

"I think you need ice for that. I'll get it for you." Louis told him his eyes staying with Harry's trying to block his tattoos that surrounded his naked chest and he turned to walk away.

A large hand wrapped itself around his own and he was pulled back. Harry was standing up by the edge of the bed, Louis standing a foot from him. Louis was looking down at the ground, at the moment he felt unsure if anything really.

"Look at me love," Harry said, taking Louis' face in his hands, making him look up. "You're starting to mean something to me. Okay? The moment I saw you, yeah I did just want to get into your pants, but I know you aren't like everyone else. I know you're not a slut, or a whore, you're everything but any of that. I know you act without a thought with those guys, and in no way should I have said anything. You're lovely and different. I don't know what it is about you that makes me want to get to know you, and want to be with you. Since that day on the roof I haven't slept with anyone else or even thought of it, I've only thought of you. But what you do...just by talking to anyone else...You're mine, fucking hell Louis you're mine. No one else has the right to touch you or be with you but me." Harry said his hold on Louis' hand tightening, and bringing him closer against his chest. Louis was at loss for words, hearing his confession. "Fucking let anyone come near you like you did with Liam and that other guy I swear I'll hurt them and you'll regret it." He growled leaning down pressing his lips against Louis' forehead.

"Harry I-" Louis started to say.

"No, don't say you don't trust me cause hell knows you wouldn't be here right now if a part of you didn't believe me or trust what I say, and you know that." Harry insisted.

"But you don't know me." Louis threw back.

Harry ducked down and brushed his lips against Louis' holding his head in place. "Then let me please. I will never let anyone hurt you. I know you want this just as bad I do." He whispered looking straight into Louis' eyes. Louis cleared his throat, so many things running through his mind. The authenticity of his words, the genuine look in his eyes, the way his words and gaze made Louis shiver.

He should be in his room sleeping, not in Harry's arms. But in reality he wouldn't choose anywhere else to be.

"I believe you." Louis whispered back.

Harry's face broke into a smile which quickly flickered to a second of pain before it was back.

"Does that make us?" Louis asked.

Harry nodded, pressing his lips to Louis', once, twice, "Louis will you be mine? My boyfriend, my beautiful, lovely boyfriend?"

And Louis' only known him for two weeks, but he didn't care about the time, he only cared about Harry. He cared about the caring side harry had, about the tattoos that he wanted to know the secrets to.

"Yeah," Louis said quietly. He pressed his lips once more and moved them across Louis'. After a moment Louis pulled back. "Aren't you hurt?" He asked.

Harry grinned, "It doesn't matter just as long as I get to kiss those lips of yours babe." And he captured Louis' lips once more. Louis' eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his soft lips. Never being used to them.

Harry's hand went around Louis' waist bringing him closer, Louis' own hands fisted Harry's curls.

In such a short amount of time Louis had done everything he was told never to do.

And it felt empowering.

Harry was a beautiful person, but Louis knew he has yet to see the true Harry, but hopefully he will get to see that.

Harry seemed genuine in his words and Louis being the naïve, young person that he was chose to believe him.

Even after everything in his mind that told him not to do so.

Harry placed his hands on Louis' waist, hoisting him up by his thighs, instinctively Louis wrapped then around Harry's waist as Harry walked back to his bed, softly he pushed Louis down on it. Louis gasped feeling the soft bedding of it behind him. His eyes fluttered open and Harry was looking down at him, his larger form hovering over his body.

So yeah Louis knew it was wrong, but all those thoughts flew out of this mind as Harry settled one of his legs inbetween Louis' all the while keeping his eyes on him. Using his elbows to prop himself up, he leaned down and kissed Louis' mouth.




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