/13/Don't Forget/

Fear crept it's way throughout Louis' body but he tried to not let it show.

"I am no such thing. You are." Louis said, all the while taking his other hand and trying to loosen Harry's grip on his wrist.

Harry pulled him forward with a sudden force that they bumped hardly against each other's chest.

Harry's eyes held nothing but a dark amused glint to them. "Tell me Louis, if I hadn't come down here would you have let him grab your arse?" As if to show Harry's other hand trailed down to Louis' jean clad bum and grasped it harshly. Louis' eyes narrowed. "Cause I believe you would have."

"N-no, you're wrong." Louis said defiantly.

Harry leaned down and nudged Louis' head to the side, his breath hitting Louis' face sending shivers down his back. His grasp on his bum never seeming to loosen, "You're a bloody liar." He whispered, pressing his lips against Louis' neck. Louis shivered, drawing back.

"It seems that if you want to be a slut you should get treated like one." Harry said his voice exposing nothing along the line of joking around.

He dropped Louis' hand and used both of his hands to grip Louis' waist, pushing him roughly to the bed. Harry kept eye contact on Louis' eyes as Louis laid frozen on the bed, anticipating any movement from Harry.

He was scared but at the same time he wanted to see what the curly haired man would do. He was curious, but spiteful of his actions at the same time. He knew Harry was ruthless but he didn't think Harry would make him do anything. Or take anything too far.

"You're such a fool." He said and climbed on to the bed, Louis bit his lip and looked away. Harry's gaze too intense for him to keep looking into the green pools. "Come here." He said his voice huskier.

Louis yelped as Harry brought him closer so that they were lying chest to chest on the soft bed. He was confused, if anything he thought Harry would get violent and be like the one day a few weeks prior. And though Harry's hands never strayed from grasping Louis' hips. An amused smile made its way across his cheeks as he took in Louis' confused expression.

"Y-you're not going to?" Louis started say but blushed and looked down to Harry's torso.

"To what?" Harry asked.

"I-I don't know." Louis replied softly.

Suddenly his chin was grabbed and his face was tilted up giving him just one moment to focus before Harry was crushing his lips against Louis' own.

Shocked at the sudden action but not force, Louis' hands reached up to grip the back of Harry's neck but one of Harry's hand went up to keep them locked there while the other pulled Louis ever so crushingly closer.

As quick as Harry crushed his lips against Louis he took them away, leaving Louis gasping for breath and more confused then ever. "Stop doing that." Louis said as soon as he came to.

"Doing what." Harry said innocently.

"Kissing me. Touching me. Acting like you care." He replied.

"I kiss and touch because I can." Harry replied a moment later.

Louis' eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Before he could speak however Harry brought his fingertips to lightly tap against Louis' mouth. His thumb brushing over Louis' lower lip.

Roughly he pulled Louis closer and leaned closer so that his lips were brushing over Louis' ear. "You're mine Louis and I don't like sharing. You don't let anyone else touch you but me." He whispered lowly into the smaller framed man's ears.

Louis pulled away from Harry but the action only caused Harry to tighten his grip, "No, I won't just be used for your damn pleasure."

He heard Harry's light laugh. "You are a feisty little fool Louis." He spoke Louis' name lowly, barely above a whisper, the sound of it resonating throughout Louis' body.

Louis looked up and finally met Harry's green eyed gaze. He sighed, "Go back to Alexa or anyone, they would all be more then willing to be with you. I don't w-" he started to say.

Harry let out a disgruntled sound and scowled, his perfect features turning ever so darker in that second before it turned back to a cocky smirk.

"Yeah but there would be no fun in that." He murmured.

"All you care about is having fun." Louis replied solemnly.

"That's not true." Harry replied and he pressed his lips against Louis'. "I care about you." He breathed against the younger mans lips.

Louis let out a breathless laugh, "No you don't. You're lying. You're a liar Harry Styles." He said emotionlessly.

Harry frowned, his eyes showing that he was in deep thought. "It's because that girl kissed me Isnt it? You're jealous?" He said his voice teasing.

Louis scowled. "Jealous? Of what? A low life girl throwing herself at you, as if. She probably didn't even know you and you let her kiss you." He finished off saying steely.

"You kissed a guy you barely even know, you let him kiss you." Harry reciprocated.

"That's different." Louis said his voice off.

Harry arched an eyebrow. "How so?"

"It just is." Louis pressed on. "It happened and it can't be changed." He continued.

"No, tell me how the fuck is it different. If what I did makes me a whore then so does what you did. We're both whores now aren't we?" Harry said smiling darkly down at Louis.

The words hit Louis like a ton of bricks (every time Harry said those words that's what it felt like). "Listen now Harry, Dylan is my friend, I gave him permission, it barely even happened. And let me say it was better then any kiss you ever gave me." He said his tone final. It wasn't true, the kiss couldn't compare to what Harry's felt like but at the moment he was beyond done with the curly haired man.

Harry's lips pulled up into a smile before they set into a thin line. He pushed Louis back so that Louis' whole body was against the bed. "W-what a-" Louis tried to say before Harry climbed on top of him and slammed his lips hotly down against Louis'.

Harry grinded his hips roughly against Louis' smaller waist. The younger lad let out a breathy gasp allowing Harry access inside his mouth. "Who do you belong to?" Harry asked as he pulled away from Louis' dark lips and kissed along his jawline, enjoying the look of conflicted emotions crossing the smaller man's features.

"No one." Louis replied though the words came out strained and weak.

Harry just hummed in response, reaching up to brush Louis' cheek. He felt the boy shiver underneath him. He ignored any movement the other boy gave him as he slipped both of his hands underneath the black ripped shirt that he knew was Niall's.

The shirt was cut off so it showed off Louis' defined biceps, something Harry couldn't help but admire seeing as the boy seemed rather small and he hadn't thought there would be much muscle but after the first moment they had, he had been delighted to see he was wrong.

Harry's fingers brushed over Louis' skin, up his chest. Harry pulled back to watch Louis' face. Louis was biting his lip, emotions flying through his eyes. "S-stop it." He muttered.

Though against all odds his body decided to thrust upwards towards Harry's own. Louis blushed darkly in embarrassment. Harry smirked and his fingers finally reached their destination.

They brushed over the hardened nubs on Louis' chest. The simple action causing Louis' to lose all sense of pretense and moan out. The noise sounding so beautiful to Harry's ears.

He dipped down and captured Louis' lips with his own. "Who do you belong to?"He whispered again.

Louis glared at him, defiance still clear in his voice. "Fuck you." He spat out.

Harry's eyebrows went up at the use of derogatory language. "Why babe, I didn't think you could swear. So much for being a gentlemen." He cooed out.

His hands played with the hem of Louis' jeans. Watching the boy's face for any horrible reaction, but the boys face was stoic. He grinned and pulled the jeans along with the boxers down the delicious thick thighs. Louis shouted, not expecting that to happen.

Harry never pulled down his boxers.

His eyes were wide with anticipation and Harry just smirked back. Though now no hands held Louis down and he was willing to do as he pleased. Push Harry away or anything really.

Except he didn't.

"Who do you belong to?" Harry repeated softly his eyes moving down to Louis' hard cock.

Still Louis said nothing.

Harry leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the head of cock, his tongue poking out and licking off any precome that had come in contact with his red lips. "One simple word Louis." Harry whispered, looking up and meeting Louis' wide opened blue eyes.

At the contact Louis' eyes narrowed and he glanced away. Harry just gave a small smile, but he was getting tired of the attitude Louis was giving him.

He used both of his hands to push Louis' legs open. He glanced up to see if the younger boy was making any movement to push him away. Louis wasn't.

Taking that as a 'fuck you but do it' Harry pressed open mouthed kissed to Louis' thighs. His breath fanning over the hard cock at times and he smiled everytime he felt Louis' hips rise. When he looked back up Louis was whimpering and his hands were fisting the sheets around him.

"Such a pretty babe Lou. My pretty Lou." Harry said softly. He leaned over Louis' cock. Ever so slightly he opened his mouth and wrapped his dark lips around the head.

Louis watched him with heavily lidded eyes. Just as soon as Harry had his lips wrapped around Louis' cock they were gone and he was giving Louis a look.

Louis knew what the look meant.

He felt weak, all pretense of fighting Harry off gone, his heart racing a million miles an hour, beating rapidly against his chest. Thoughts and words being screamed and thrown around in his head of how wrong the whole situation is.

Harry was toying around with him, he knew exactly the reaction he was getting from Louis and he loved it. It was expressed clearly on his face.

Harry opened his darkly swollen lips, his hand rising to grasp at Louis' cock. The sudden friction left Louis breathless and panting. Harry moved his hand across the thick cock, his fingers brushing over the slit while his eyes remained on Louis. The burning and aching feeling only grew, Harry was the only one to ever touch him like this. The only one to ever make him feel this desperate. Desperate for a touch, for a release. He tugged at it and Louis shrieked as he came all in one spill.

Always so weak.

Harry watched the way Louis' eyes were shut tightly and the way his body tensed before he released, his lips parting open. He looked desperate and wrecked and Harry loved it.

Harry's own cock twitched in his jeans at the sight. His eyes were dark but he wasn't going to push his actions.

"Who do you belong to?" Harry asked him, his voice smooth and slow..

"You." Louis whispered back his voice sounding absolutely wrecked and hoarse.

Harry smirked and got closer to Louis, and pressed his lips lazily against Louis' thinner ones. Louis kissed back as well, the kiss stayed gentle and soft. Harry trailed his lips down Louis' neck, sucking softly on spots before moving on, hearing Louis' little moans of pleasure just barely escape his thin lips.

He leaned closer to Louis' ear, his breath fanning over the sensitive spot, making Louis shiver ever so slightly at the feeling.

"And don't you forget that." Was all he said before he pulled back, a satisfied smirk on his face, before he walked away.

Leaving Louis feel more used than ever before.

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