/12/Not This Time/
Updated because
-One Direction are in my state.
-I'm just really emotional right now.
-I told my crush my feelings and I-
Enjoy x
Louis momentarily paused as he took in Harry's cold expression. His hand on his knee kept grasping it to the point where Louis was positive there would be bruises there in the shape of a handprint. He reached forward and grabbed the larger hand.
Harry's eyes glanced down to their hands before Louis swiftly pushed it off and brought his legs to his chest.
The others didn't react the few moments between them. "You guys know the rules, you're in here to play. You're not gonna play you gotta drink some shots." Alexa declared.
"No." Harry said his voice low. Alexa turned towards him in surprise. "What I mean is. Louis won't play but he won't drink as well." He stated. Though relief washed over him, knowing no one was going to fight Harry on this, Louis was irritated, with how Harry thinks he can just declare something for him. Also if apparently Louis couldn't play, than why could Harry? If Harry had control over what Louis did, why didn't Louis have control over what Harry did?
"Liam isn't either." Zayn said from beside Harry.
"I'm not gonna play, but I'll take those shots." Dylan said. Alexa now on the verge of annoyance grinned and handed over some glasses and the bottle. Louis inwardly cringed as the smell of the alcohol hit his nose after Dylan opened it.
He wasn't here from the last party so where was he from?
"It used to be the whole thing but last night someone passed out and we had to change the rules..." Alexa said.
The others laughed, finding amusement in the statement. Dylan downed three shots without so much as flinch before he handed it back. He just grinned smoothly and sat beside his -what Louis- assumed to be friend.
All the while Louis watched him, and he didn't seem to notice. It wasn't until Louis heard a grunt beside him that he turned back to looking at Harry. Who had displeasure and annoyance on his face. Louis couldn't help but feel even more annoyed.
He did wink at the girl with the pink tips did he not?
"Come here." He spoke out.
Louis gave him an odd look. Impatience flickered on Harry's face and his hand reached out and grabbed Louis' wrist pulling him towards him, so that Louis was in front of his face but on his knees.
He didn't waste time in cupping Louis' cheeks and crushing his lips almost painfully against his. The action was to rough for Louis to enjoy it at first but even after the pain subsided to Harry just moving his lips against Louis' harshly, He found himself trying to pull back.
Not in front of all these people.
As his hands made contact with Harry's trying to pull them away, he let out a small sigh against Louis' lips and pulled away. At Louis' embarrassment He blushed and ducked his head against Harry's shoulder. "Mine." Harry said simply.
Louis wanted to roll his eyes and slap Harry because no, he was not Harry's, Harry never asked and he had no right in just making that statement.
Louis pulled away from him, and noticed Harry's lips were darker them before. He didn't even want to think about how his own looked. "Well, now that Harry's done playing with his new toy lets get started alright?" Zayn said. Louis glared at Zayn who just smirked back.
Harry didn't say anything on the face of contradicting him.
They began to play.
Unsurprisingly but surprisingly no one chose truth, but they also didn't choose sexual dares. Everyone stuck to embarrassing small dares toward each other that even Louis found amusing.
"Hey." A soft voice said beside Louis, who was currently making funny faces with Liam(who was on the other side of Zayn). Startled Louis jumped, he had been so sure everyone had been too into the game.
Dylan was sitting beside him. A warm smile on his face, Louis smiled shyly but he couldn't help but glance at Harry. Sure enough his eyes made contact with Harry's green ones.
The look on Harry's face was impassive. Still angry at the fact that Harry could just wink at someone and expected Louis to just shrug it off he reasoned that he did not need Harry's permission to make new friends. So to say, Harry didn't have control on him, he wasn't Harry's. He would make a point of that.
"Hi." He replied.
"You look really young," Dylan continued.
Louis sighed but nodded. "Yeah, so I've been told. I-I am 17 y-years old."
Dylan's eyes widened. "Damn. And you go to the university a few blocks back?"
Louis nodded. Dylan whistled. "Well, damn aren't you smart."
Louis smiled. "Maybe." He whispered. Dylan laughed and playfully punched Louis' shoulder.
Dylan leaned in. "Maybe you could help me study? Seeing as I'm pretty much an idiot." He whispered beside Louis' ear.
Louis felt a strong hand wrap itself around his waist, before he was pulled away from Dylan's form.
"What do you think you're doing?" A low voice demanded. Louis glanced to his left and Harry was a lot closer, his eyes dark with brewing anger. He looked back to Dylan who shot him one more smile before he went back to his friend.
"Making friends." Louis replied stiffly.
"This is getting quite boring, I think I'm going to go downstairs. Who wants to come with?" Dylan declared right before Harry could reply.
"Don't even think about it." Harry declared.
Louis was beyond done with Harry's attitude. "Oh it's okay if you can wink at some girl, but I can not make n-new friends?" Louis said.
He grabbed Harry's hand and released his hard grip. "I do. Liam you coming with?" Louis asked. He hoped to ease whatever anger Harry had towards him with at least the knowledge that he wouldn't be alone.
Just as I said that, Alexa shrieked out. "Jamie I dare you to make out with Harry." I froze, Harry looked at me, his face expressionless.
Jamie (the girl with pink tips apparently) giggled, but nodded.
He wouldn't.
The moment their lips came in contact Harry's eyes still wide open not breaking eye contact with me I felt sick.
"No, Lou. I think I'll stay." Liam said but I was already out of the door, not looking back afraid they would see the tears running down my face.
How dare he.
He can do that but he dare give me looks when I am talking to someone?
The party was in full swing downstairs, and everyone seemed even more drunk then before. I fumbled making my way through their drunken bodies, and then my eyes made contact with a door beside the table that held countless bottles of beer. I eyed the bottles, people got drunk to forget things didn't they? I was also underage which made it illegal.
Blinded by anger and sadness I didn't think as I opened up one of the many cans. The smell was disgusting but I just looked at it and kept seeing Harry willingly kiss that girl, almost mocking me.
The drink left a burning sensation as it went through my throat. I laughed cause really didn't I technically know that he would do that?
He did it to antagonise me, get back for making him angry even though I did nothing wrong.
A warm hand wrapped itself around my hand that held the cold drink.
"I highly doubt now is a time for you to drink." Dylan said. I looked up at him and glowered.
"Leave me alone please." I told him.
He rolled his eyes and easily pulled the drink away from me. I pouted and crossed my arms. "Now, please tell me why you ran out of there? That guy, he's your boyfriend?"
At those words I found myself feeling very stupid. No, Harry was not my boyfriend. Though we had initially sparked the conversation he never asked, or made it official. So really he could do what he wanted, what did I think he wouldn't just because I admitted a foolish crush?
"No, he is not." I replied quietly.
"Well then he is very stupid for doing what he did. You are prettier than any other girl here." He said his lips turning up into a quick smile.
"Because that is what every guy wants to hear." I retorted but I couldn't help but smile.
"Hey it made you smile! So I'm proud of it." Dylan replied.
I wiped at my tears and sighed. "Who are you?" I asked him curiously.
"My name is Dylan and I am 21 years old, I hope to find myself at least partly amusing. And I find boys like you to be very cute." He said.
I blushed and shook my head. "No, no you wouldn't." I told him.
He frowned. "Why not?" He asked.
I bit my lip. "Harry doesn't like me and he said he did. You're probably lying too." I said hoarsely.
"Well Harry is a complete idiot." Dylan said coming closer.
I frowned, "No he's not. Why would anyone like me? I'm 17 years old and I know nothing. I'm inexperienced in everything and to top it all I'm not even good looking." I said. "I'm the idiot for thinking someone like him could even think about me, I mean maybe all he wants is sex, maybe that's all anyone wants. No one here cares about feelings." I said my voice growing louder.
He tilted his head and reached for my hand. The action sent a wave of calmness throughout and I closed my mouth. He pulled me towards the door that was near the table. It was dark and I felt stairs underneath us. I tightened my grip on his hand. Finally I felt solid ground and soon enough a bright light was turned on and I dropped his hand.
"What is this?" I asked him.
"Guest room." He replied. I walked over to the soft bed and sat down.
He followed in suit and sat beside me. "Though I don't know you, I know you seem like a really nice guy. I also know that if Harry can't appreciate you, then you definitely don't need to be wasting time on him. If he really cared then he wouldn't have done that." He said.
His face held sincereness, his blond hair falling in short waves across his head. He had a strong jawline, and his lips were full, tainted a dark pink. His blue eyes held nothing but genuine concern, maybe it was because I was hurt. Maybe it was because I just wanted to feel the same feeling that Harry gave me. Or maybe I was done being so submissive and shy on things.
He leaned in and I leaned in as well. Our lips brushed over each other, and it was different, with Liam it was okay, with Harry it was an emotion I could never describe with him it felt...different but in a good way.
He pulled me closer, and it wasn't rough like with Harry, it wasn't shy like with Liam, it was without a second thought. Like he really wanted to do this. Our lips moulded against each other softly.
The door upstairs slammed open, and there were shouts and loud footsteps but I didn't pay attention. His fingers brushed over the dried tears on my cheeks.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing." A voice growled out. I was yanked back harshly that I whimpered in pain.
My body was pressed tightly against Harry's larger form. "If you don't want that pathetic face of yours to be slammed into the floor I suggest you get the fuck out of this room this moment."
Dylan stood tall, and crossed his arms. "Actually I think the only person who should leave is you." He said.
I tried to pull away but Harry's fingers just tightened even more and he threw me to the bed. I fell back and scrambled up going to Harry. He didn't even look at me, Dylan was holding his stand.
"Get the fuck out now." Harry said.
"No. Why do you care?" Dylan said.
Harry laughed, the action being loud and harsh. I gave Dylan a pleading look, not scared for Harry but scared for him. Dylan saw it and he rolled his eyes.
"I'm not leaving because of you." He said. "Ill see you later okay Louis?" He said, I gave him a smile and watched him leave.
Harry turned towards me.
"You're such a whore." He spat out.
I backed away from him.
"You give me the whole bullshit that you don't want to give in too fast when in reality you're probably willing to give it to anyone who walks by." He continued.
My tongue was tied, his words slamming against me. "N-no, you're wrong." I said.
He laughed and shook his head, biting his lip. "You're exactly like any of those other easy whores." He continued.
Trembling I got off the bed and walked over to him. I brought my hand back and was ready to slam it against his face. He grabbed it in his hand and a smirk grew across his full lips.
"Not this time babe."
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