/10/More Parties/
dedicated to one of my favourite authors, and old friend (who I miss dearly)
Comment, vote, fan :) x also thank you for 1k reads!
I clutched the phone in my hand and looked up to meet Harry's blazing green eyes, his whole body seemed tense. I slowly put the phone back and shrugged, drawing my eyes back to the plate.
"What were you doing?" He demanded again, and I sensed it took all of his power not to shout.
I decided not to answer. I picked at the yellow fluffiness with my fork.
"Louis!" Harry spat.
"Nothing." I said quietly.
I heard him let out a long sigh. "What did you see?" He asked in a softer tone.
"What did you see?" He repeated.
"Nothing, okay?"
I got up and went to throw away the uneaten pancake. My hunger being gone.
I placed the plate in the sink and turned back to Harry. His eyes were closed and his was pinching the bridge of his nose with his good hand. When he opened them again they were soft and he cleared his throat.
"Niall asked for you." He said. I just nodded, showing that I was listening to him. "Zayn asked about some new....deal." His voice was tense, as his lips curved over the words. Again I just nodded and shrugged. He didn't look like he was going to say anything else so I turned back to the sink and began washing my plate.
Confusion and anger making it's way through my veins.
"Alexa asked about a party she's holding tonight." He said after a moment. I hummed in response. I placed the plate away and walked through the kitchen door, ignoring his existence.
I felt him follow me, but I just ignored his tantalising footsteps.
"Louis, talk to me." His low murmur broke the silence.
Finally I turned and glared at him. "What is there to talk about? It's your phone, it's your life. Do what you want." I said carelessly. "I'm going back to my dorm, have fun with Alexa." I muttered.
His mouth parted open slightly, and I walked past him. His hand came out and grabbed my arm, I was pushed roughly against the kitchen counter. Effortlessly I was picked up and placed on the counter top. I crossed my arms and looked anywhere but at Harry. I felt his fingers touch my chin, and he grabbed it, forcing me to meet his beautiful eyes.
He radiated warmth causing me to lean into his soft yet rough mannered touch. He leaned up and pressed his lips against mine.
"It's just a party love." He said.
I placed my hands on his shoulders. I dipped my head against his neck. His breath ghosted along my neck making goosebumps run through me. I grabbed his injured hand and brushed the pads of my fingers over the white gauze.
"You're going to it?" I asked.
I felt him shrug. "It's just a party. I just won't drink or hook up with anyone." He said.
My face perked up at the words. "You're not?" I asked quietly.
"Why would I go with a slut when I have a perfect angel?" He whispered and he captured my lips with his. He slid in between my legs and placed his warm hands on my hips, the grip was loose but strong enough to pull me forward. I was old fashioned, really in the heart, he didn't ask me to be his, but I didn't want to tell him, if I mattered to him, he would blatantly ask me to be his.
I kissed him back, revelling in the feeling of happiness and another emotion I didn't quite know. He swiped his tongue over my bottom lip but I just smiled and kept my mouth shut. His fingers gripped my hips surely to leave bruises but at that moment I didn't care.
It wasn't until his lips moved down to my neck and he sucked along the skin there did the full realisation of what I was doing hit me.
I grasped his shoulders and gasped, pushing him away. My head fell to his shoulders and for the first time in a long time I swore.
"I-I need to go." I spoke in a hurried voice. He backed away, confusion clear in his bright green eyes. I wanted nothing more than to place my hand on his cheek and trail it across his soft skin.
"You don't know how to get back to your dorm." He said. He grasped my arm and I shivered at the feeling of the warm contact as it ran down up my arm.
"Than t-take me home?" I asked him. I didn't know what reaction do expect him from, I had pushed him away and due to previous actions that only lead to him being even more persuasive.
He didn't object, he didn't yell or anything he just nodded and walked away. I followed in suit and started to put on my shoes.
Wordlessly he opened the door, and I walked through it with him following just a moment later. We walked down the one flight of stairs, and though the air held tension, he did not speak.
"I-I'm sorry, I just need to think things out." I told him sincerely. We walked through the front doors and I spotted his motorcycle beside his car just a few spots down the lot.
"It's not a big deal, there's more time for that stuff later. Alright? I'm not cruel." He said tersely.
"I know but-" I started to say.
He stopped by his car and turned towards me, his eyebrow arched. "I'm not using you for my pleasure Louis. Stop assuming so." He opened the passenger door for me, and I nodded slipping into it. The door slammed shut and he appeared in the passenger seat minutes later.
"Why do you have the bike if you have this car?" I asked him after another some moments of tense silence.
He glanced at me as he pulled out of the driveway. His hands tensing over the wheel. "Everybody drives cars, and I just like to ride bikes as well." He answered.
Though I knew he was hiding something I didn't pursue an answer. I played with my fingers and just watched him drive. His eyes stayed on the road, the suns rays hitting his cheeks, and hair, making his curls look lighter then usual. A knowing smirk began to grace his lips revealing that I had been caught. I blushed and looked down at my lap.
I felt his hand grasp my thigh and my eyes flickered toward his pale hand as it grasped at the material of the sweatpants. That were his. Which I was still wearing, I didn't have time to over think the realisation before the hand began to creep upwards.
I grabbed it hastily and was ready to push it away, before I felt the feeling of what his fingers felt like intwined with mine. They were rough and calloused. I could make out faint scars on the palm.
I placed my hand on top of his and marvelled at the size difference. The tips of my fingers just barely reached his first knuckles. I glanced up to see how he was taking the small simple actions. His face held no smirk, it seemed expressionless. I went to place his hand back onto his lap but just as I did so he squeezed my hand lightly.
Taken aback I just kept my eyes on our intwined hands, "We're here." he spoke out.
My cheeks began to tint with pink, and I dropped his hand. I reached for the door handle but his hand swiftly caught my wrist pulling me back. I looked back at him, and his face was getting closer to mine.
My breathing became shallow, his warm breath fanning over my face. Though by now I have probably kissed him lots of times, and even went farther then a kiss, the action still seemed so wrong to be done in such a fast manner. By fast I meant that the actions he has done towards me should not be acceptable and I should be telling him off not enjoying them.
Still I didnt reach out to push him back as his lips came in contact with mine once more. Our lips moved gently against each others, this time when his tongue came in contact with my bottom lip I slowly parted them apart.
Our tongues mixed together and though I just wanted a gentle kiss he seemed to think otherwise. One of his hands went to the back of my neck pulling me closer to him, while the other landed on my shoulder, coming down slowly against my clothed chest.
The upbringing of my whole life knew this was indefinetly wrong, in anyone elses eyes it was wrong. In anyone sensible they would know better then to enjoy the touch of a stranger. Though I knew his name, I knew his character should I even consider him a stranger anymore?
His warm hand came in contact with the skin underneath my shirt. Then just as how he started the kiss it ended.
He pulled back and I found myself dazed, staring into his dark green eyes that were full of sole amusement. I fumbled with the handle to get out and I heard his deep laughs emitting from his plump, dark lips. Was the fight I had in me at the beggining even worth while?
I could feel his eyes watching my every movement as I walked toward the front door. I didnt give him the satisfaction of me turning back so that he could see how flustered I was. I pulled open the door and walked up the few stairwells to my dorm. I never was the one to excercise so I try to get the most out of it during a normal day.
When I opened the door to my flat I was shocked to see Liam and Zayn kissing on my bed. The door fell against the wall with a slam and they pulled apart. Zayn glared at me while Liam shot me a shy smile. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, had they settled things out?
"Freaking princess always has to ruin everything." Zayn muttered. I crossed my arms and glared at him.
"I am not a princess and this is my dorm." I shot back.
I had always assumed that Liam's personality was close to mine. Yet here he was making out with Zayn, even after the thoughts he had shared with me on him. But was I any better?
"I know what you are thinking Louis, but its different now." Liam said, and I was surprised to not hear a stutter.
"It is not any of my business." I said instead and went to sit on Niall's bed. The question of where the blonde bloke was clear on my face for Liam muttered that he was at the food court getting food.
"Whatever." Zayn muttered his amber eyes watching me reproachfully.
I got courage at this and though I wanted to look away I just stared back at Zayn reproachfully. "What is your problem with me? I have not done anything to you. Niall hasn't treated me how you are and neither has Harry. What did I do?" I asked.
Zayn snorted and shook his head. "Niall can't be rude to anyone even if he tried, and Harry only wants to get into your damn pants." He said.
"No he doesn't." I said back immediately.
A mocking smile grew on Zayn's face. "I now understand why Harry makes it a game between how fast he can get one of the new nerds in his bed."
Liam gasped beside him and Zayn's smile only seemed to grow. I was utterly at loss for words. "And judging by the way you look it seems it didn't take him very long."
"Get out." I said the next instant. His eyes flashed with an unreadable emotion but he just shrugged and grabbed Liam's hand.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." was all he said.
"Get out, don't come back until you realise how not to an insolent rude prat." I said indignantly. His laughed died as he came closer to me.
"Me a prat? Why I am flattered you think so highly of me, princess." He sneered. If it wasn't for Liam's hand on his shoulder seemingly calming him who knows what would have happened. He was taller then me at a reasonable level but I was not going to back down.
"You're a liar. Harry already sai-" I started to say.
He rolled his eyes and backed away. "Well then if it isn't for your gorgeously good looks then it's probably for your m-"
"Zayn." a low voice declared from the doorway.
it was Harry.
He was dressed in a black shirt that had a bands name on it, with a red bandana pulling back his ridiculously long curls. Against my better judgement my heart fluttered at the sight of his dark annoyed eyes.
Zayn's hands rose in defense and without another word or look towards me both him and Liam were out of the room, shutting the door behind them. Leaving Harry and I in a closed off tense situation.
Zayn's words kept repeating in my mind. He was lying, because for some reason that I did not understand he disliked me and just wished to get me under his dark amusement, I walked over to my bed and sat down. Even though I tried to reassure myself with that thought I could not help but still worry.
"Why did you come back?" I asked him. I looked up and watched his facial expression.
"You left this, I just brought it back." He said and he held up my cellphone. "What did Zayn say?" he asked coming closer.
I just shook my head. "It isn't important."
"By the looks of your face it is." He said and I felt the bed dip beside me. His prescence radiating warmth, I couldn't help but lean closer into him, before I abruptly stopped myself.
"He just said...that I was just a game piece to you in your game, that you just want to use me. Nothing I haven't already assumed so it does not matter." I finally said.
He didn't respond and I found myself looking away from his mesmerising shades of green.
"Given the past I would say he isn't wrong."
I gasped. "So that is all I am?" I demanded.
He chuckled which just infuriated me even more so.
"No, you are much more. I thought we have already discussed this? Believe what you want. Here is your phone and if you wish to stop believing such childish rumors you know where I'll be." He said, his figure standing up and looming over me. The cold metal of my phone bounced againt the spot he just deserted as he walked away.
"So that's it?" I asked angry at his lack of caring. He shrugged and his lips pulled up into a sly smile.
"I have no reason to explain myself, I have already done so earlier. Believe what you want. Until next time Lou." he said and he leaned down and planted a swift kiss against my lips, surprising me and before I had time to react he was out of my room, leaving me alone to my thoughts and confusion that were overwhelming.
I knew what he meant, he meant if I cared enough that I would go to the party later on tonight.
Though it was true that he had explained himself, the fact was that he had a past that I did not know about, whether it be good or bad it was still something of a mystery.
Harry Styles was a tall, tattooed mystery of a man.
A mystery that I wanted to solve.
It was close to 11 and my mother had just messaged me. In England it was 7 in the morning, yet I still answered and when she asked where I was I replied; In my room studying.
She did not need to know that I had an alcoholic drink in one hand while my other was being tightly grasped with that of a curly haired man's.
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