
Charlotte's POV

I took a deep breath leaving my suitcases by the front door, but I carried my carryon with me down to the lab, where I knew he would still be.

As I entered the lab I could see Tony working on something. I cleared my throat, to get his attention. He turned away from looking at what he was doing, before smiling and walking over to me.

"Hey Char, are you okay?" He asked obviously noticing my tears.

"No. But I can't take it anymore. I'm leaving Tony," I whispered.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You missed our dinner again. I've had enough. You don't care about me anymore all you care about is working and going to parties," I frowned, "So I've bought a plane ticket to London."

I let out a sigh, before removing the band from around my finger and handing it to him.

"Charlotte, you can't do this."

"I'm sorry. You had a chance to change, you've had more than one chance to change. I've told you how this makes me feel for so long, and you never change. It hurts me so much every time you make me go to a party and then you just flirt with other women. I thought when we got engaged you would change, but you didn't you don't even try to spend time with me anymore, I have gone to bed alone too many nights and I have thrown away too many dinners."

"Charlotte, you can't leave. Please don't go. Think about all of our memories. Think about the day I proposed, how magical it was, or when we first met or our first kiss," he practically whispered.

My breathing hitched, "that's the thing Tony. They make it worse. It proves that you are a decent guy that you are a sweet amazing man, I fell in love with, and it just shows that you chose to be the way you are now."

"I can change darling, I can be the man you want me to be," he said softly looking at his feet.

"I wish I could believe you. You've promised to change too many times, you've promised to be an amazing fiancé, and one day a great husband, but I can't let myself fall for it again, without you proving to me that you. You can't even look me in the eye when you promise me that you will change because you know you won't. Just look me in the eyes Tony and tell me that you have treated me the way you think you should. Tell me you are still the man I met all those years ago," I whispered.

He looked up but rather than actually speaking he pouted and had his signature sad look that for years made me melt and fall back into his arms but this time I couldn't let him do that. I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a plane ticket to London.

"Here," I said handing it to him, "My flight is tonight. This is a ticket for midday tomorrow. If you really want this all to work out, if you want a second chance like you say, then you will get on that plane tomorrow and meet me in London."

His eyes drifted to the plane ticket in his hand and then back up to look at me.

"I can't Charlotte, I have a meeting tomorrow, so can I go the day after?"

I let out a laugh, "And now you can see why I'm leaving. If you can't drop one meeting for me. If you'd rather go to a meeting that you will probably sleep through and isn't vital for you to go to, than be able to stay with me, then I think we'll be better off apart. You will be happy, you will be able to expand Stark industries and go to any parties you want to, whilst I go back to England and start some sort of future for myself."

"I'm sorry. I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too, and that's why this was such a hard decision," I said softly letting more tears fall down my cheek, "Goodbye Tony."

I went to leave even though he called my name. I made my way back up to the front door and left the building. I didn't own a car here, so I was thankful for the number of taxis that drove down New York streets.

One stopped for me to get into it.

"Can you take me to the airport please," I whispered throwing my suitcases into the car before getting into it myself.

"Are you okay miss?" the driver asked.


He looked into the rear-view mirror looking concerned, before he began to drive. The drive took a little while, due to the horrific quantity of traffic in New York. Granted London had its fair share of traffic but nothing this bad.

I knew that I wouldn't completely miss the city, or the country in general, I loved living in England, but I left it to live with the man I loved. Although Tony had promised me one day, once we were married and he had found someone he trusted to run his company, we would move to England together, and buy a cottage in the countryside. Well now that wouldn't come true, not unless he met me in London tomorrow.

The flight would've been easier if I could have slept the whole time, but instead I stayed awake and quietly cried (resulting in the woman next to me calling a stewardess to see whether I was okay) along with reminiscing about my relationship with Tony.

Once I had landed in London, I found the closest hotel and paid for a room for two nights. I highly doubted Tony would come to meet me here, but I kept hope. I wanted to stay near the airport for now, so I could go and wait there, and hope he would arrive soon.

I set my alarm, so that it would wake me up so I would get to the airport about an hour before his flight would land. I used the time until then to sleep and try to make myself feel better but I knew that it was highly unlikely that I would feel any better.

Once my alarm went off, I showered and got changed before heading back to the airport.

I'd never wanted something to happen so badly before, but I was desperately wanting Tony to turn up at the airport. From day one I knew our relationship would never be easy, but I still loved him and I wanted him to show me that he could be the same man I first met.

When I got to the airport, I waited with many other people. All of the people that were waiting had big smiles on their faces and looked excited to see their loved ones who were going to arrive. People kept arriving and were met with hugs and kisses, and it was a room filled with happiness. But when it came to the point at which Tony's flight should have landed, he didn't arrive. People walked towards me and everyone else who was waiting, but he didn't arrive.

I waited for a long while after, but still he wasn't there. Even though I didn't think it was possible, my heart shattered in my chest.

Tony had made his choice, and so had I.

I would never see Tony Stark again, and I would start my new life here in England.


A/N- Hello

So this part is a bit short but they will be longer after this one.

I hope you liked this part, if you did then comment below. If you have any suggestions or ideas for this story then please comment.

I also have a book for imagines and one shots based on Marvel if you'd like to request one PM me.

Thank you.


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