Rosé pov
Sweating off all the medicine I was drugged up with, and today I feel better than I did yesterday, it was the worst yesterday, my body was so sore, I couldn't stop shaking. My forehead was burning yoongi said to me. I rub my eyes and see the empty space on the bed next to me, I guess yoongi already left for his class. I stretch very aggressively then slip out the bed. Grabbing clothes from the closet. It kinda feels like I'm moving in here.
The boys bought me new clothes and they're hanging up in yoongis closet. His side and my side. It's kinda new and fresh for me. It's a great feeling. I really didn't want to wear my hoodie so I grab one of yoongis hoodies and I grab a pair of my ripped jeans along with my socks to jump in the shower.
After my long needed shower, I ended up skipping downstairs seeing all the boys in the living room, with game consoles in their hand I gasp making them all turn in my direction.
"What happened?" Jungkook asks
"You guys are still here?" I say noticing how dumb it sounds afterward
"Yeah??, where else would we go?" Namjoon answers with a smile upon on his face. I legitimately facepalm myself
"I- I thought you guys left and went to class" I say still in utter shock, the man of my world shows that gummy smile to me as he walks over to me, still in utter nervousness I just look at him directly in the eyes as he looks down at me " why would you think we'd leave you?" He whispers softly
"I don't know, maybe cause I woke up late" I reply
"We've been late before rose" Jimin adds in, making the both of us look at him
"Oh?" Is all is say, yoongi ruffles my hair and sits me down on the barstool, I turn around and he's fixing s plate for me then hands it to me, he presses his lips on my head and rubs my back up and down softly.
"Okay yoongi we get it!! You got a girlfriend before us!!" Jin yells, which only makes me embarrassed but yoongi is proud of it. I just drink my orange juice out of nervousness. Yoongi grabs the glass slowly from my lips my hands still in the formation as if I'm holding the glass
"Slow down, they're only teasing in a joking way" he comments
"All jokes in this house" jungkook says " that's why he lives here" he points at Jimin, Jimin gives him squinted eyes as he slowly gets up to chase him around the living room, I giggle softly as I feel hairs pushes behind my ears I look up at yoongi meeting his glossy eyes.
"You feel better?" He asks
"I feel so much better than yesterday, but I still feel sick as a dog" I sniff, I feel him cleaning my nose with some soft tissues. "Thank you baby" my nose feeling so much better.
"you're welcome, ready to drive to your class?" He asks, I nod my head as he presses his lips against my forehead.
Before we came to campus he literally bought me some hot tea and some halls cough drops, he's always watching out for me. wish I could do the same for him. I'm not doing my part as a girlfriend.
Feeling kisses upon my cheeks like a parent to their child I giggle smiling slightly trying not to smile at all, because yoongi makes my cheeks hurt"what are you thinking about?" He asks as the tip of his nose rubs up against mine, I can't help but to smile when I'm around him. He makes me super giddy, he makes me feel like a kid again.
"I'm thinking about how you're so nice to me" I whisper
"Yeah? That's called love rose"
"I think I can get used to it" I giggle, yoongi presses his lips against mine as were sitting on the floor of the library not worrying about are we in the way of someone trying to check out a book, we just care about each other, minding our own bubble. The rest of the boys went to a little event that was being held somewhere on this campus. So yoongi and I had some alone time.
My legs on top of his as my eyes staring into his, we just laughed and talked about everything an anything followed by people telling us to shut up and people passing through saying excuse me.
We wasted all the time we could and now it's time for us to head to our classes.
Taking three classes it's a struggle in its self, and I'm sick on top of that, my day just couldn't get any better could it?
Oh, it did.
Penelope and Marcella walk in rolling their eyes and sucking their teeth at me because I took their spot unintentionally because someone took mine, but it's okay.
Marcella scoffs at me as they sit next to me because it's the only available seats on the class room.
"I guess, she's officially lost it taking them meds her mom gives her, what type did they switch you on this time?" Penelope asks me, but I don't even entertain them, I have everything going good in my life I can't let miserable unhappy people bring me down when I'm so happy. I start jotting down notes from the board highlighting and putting stars next to things that I needed. Tests were in three days and I know what I'm doing today I'm going to be hitting the books.
My thoughts plunder into deep wonder as I start reading the questions I haven't been to my actual home in maybe two or three days. And honestly I'm glad I haven't, it doesn't feel like home it feels like an asylum.
Snapping back to reality I begin writing for my prompt. The prompt is " what is fear?" , oh boy do I have a lot to say about that.
All of my classes were knocked down, now I'm hungry,Walking out of my class I feel a hand grab my wrist pulling me into a chest a hard one too, I look up to see a blue-haired boy smiling down at me "How was class?" He asks hands never leaving my waist.
"oh um it was great I was able to write a lot today" I smile, he tilts my chin up to him pressing his lips on mine it shocks me because yoongi isn't really a pda person, he'd like to do it when no one is around, but I guess he wants people to know I'm his and he is mine. Pulling away slowly he wipes something off my lip with his thumb smiling
"Lips taste just like that strawberry milkshake" he smirks, and my cheeks start burn and turn red by the sounds of his chuckle he noticed it too, I walk out of his grasp heading towards the parking lot, yoongi walks beside me rapidly and throws his arms around my shoulder "you're cute when you're blushing, maybe I should flirt with you like that often" he kisses my temple and I just ignore his comments
Passing by the misery loves company girls, they give me the most disgusted face easing me up and down, not even looking where I was going I didn't even noticed she had trip me, I fall onto the concrete fast skimming up my knees I whence of pain as I slide my finger across it, yoongi helps me to my feet and he is bone twitching mad.
"I'm sorry Rosé, I didn't know my bag was in the way" Penelope says moving her bag out the way I know a difference between tripping over a bag and a foot clipping me.
"Are you guys unhappy?" Yoongi asks them
"No, what do you mean?" Penelope answers
"Must be, because you're in rosé business twenty-four-seven, worrying about who she's dating, who's kissing her, why is she dating, always trying to hurt her, you must don't get love at home or from any guys really, whoever date you must be a fool, or he wants some of your rich daddy money, Yeah isn't your dad cheating on your mom at home?"
He asks then walks away with me hand intertwined and all but he stops for a spilt second and tilts my head up to him taking are kissing to a new level, this was more sloppy, more passionate. Yoongi has something to prove, but also respected me to not go any further. Pulling away his eyes gaze upon mine trying to find any hint of uncomfortableness but there isn't. Just a hint of shocked and lust.
"Yeah, she's my girlfriend isn't she beautiful?" He turns smiling looking at thing one and thing two, they're so mad that a vein vessel could pop any minute now. Yoongi throws his arm around my shoulder as we continue walking
"Wow sir that was um great and unexpected" I stomach up the courage
"What was?" He points out desperately wanting me to admit it
"That kiss" I push him up against his car making him sit on the hood of it I stand in between his legs fiddling with his fresh new undercut, his arms wrapped around my waist looking like a scene from fast and furious.
"Wanna do it again darling? Can't get enough?" Yoongi plays with my emotions knowing damn well I can't get enough of him
"I think you're the one who can't get enough you've been showing a lot of PDA today sir" I test him
"Hm, you're right, it's because I want everyone to know and you look damn good" he licks his lips traveling his eyes up and down my body, usually I would be insecure but he makes me feel a bit confident about myself.
"Oh boy shut up and kiss me again" I comment almost desperately, and he does as I ask hands placed on his neck feeling this warm autumn breeze past through us like we're being cleansed from all evil and bad spirits. Nothing was going to ruin my grab of happiness I longed for.
But who knows how long it'll be perfect, life isn't a fairytale, nothing stays the same and nothing ever stays broken. It's always shapeshifting and we'd have to adjust.
I told yoongi that he could drop me off home, well he's my home, but my mom's house, and he wasn't too fond of the idea but knows that I have a little brother and I want to check up on him. I just can't leave him there and not check on him.
he's literally my baby.
"Promise you'll come back for me astriocat?" I smile cheekily
"I can never break a promise when it comes to you" his eyes roaming all over my face, I lean in pressing my lips on his moving in sync, smiling in between the kisses.
"You better not" I smile
"I'll come to get you whenever you're ready Okay?"
"Okay bye I love you"
He scoffs " I love you more darling" I hop out the car closing the door waving at him one last time. Walking up the steps and into the cold silent house.
They're probably sleeping.
I freak my baby brothers room door open slowly seeing that he's in the making of falling asleep, I slowly walk in closing his door behind me softly. I crawl in the bed with him cuddling him in my arms "Rose is that you?" He whispers
"Yeah it's me bubba" I caress his head because I know it helps him sleep faster.
"Can I meet yoongi when he isn't busy?" He says making my heart thump, my little brother it's such a kind soul. It's something the world needs to have.
A soul.
"Trust me he'll make time for you to fit on his schedule, I'll tell him" I smile brightly
"He really makes you happy so I like him a lot!" He says cheesing in my chest.
"He really does, come on you have to go to bed"
I grab my phone to let yoongi know everything is fine and I'm staying here, I don't want him to worry about me.
I wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, I should've never listened to jungkook and try out that smoothie he bought. As I'm going to the bathroom I hear someone clear their throat.
"Yes dad" I say sighing at the end
"Where have you been? Have you been taking your medicine?" He asks
"I've been with my boyfriend at his house, and no I poured them down the toilet before I left" I answer very calmly not wanting to piss him off, slowly I begin to walk away but he grabs my wrist
"You've been sleeping where?!" He yells at me, my heart starts to beat heavily, my words can go so many different ways and have so many different outcomes like an rpg game.
"Dad please, don't yell we can talk about this quietly" I say softly, which only just fuels his anger even more he pushes me by my wrist bouncing me off the wall.
"So now you think you can tell me what to do because you've been fucking this boy for what? Four days?!" He yells at me
"No you're going to wake Oliver up", because once he wakes up it's hard to put him back to sleep, "dad please don't yell okay?" I ask very quietly and politely. But this just grinds on his gears even worse.
"You need to get your life together! You're wasting your time on that good for nothing boy! Instead of focusing on your education!! , well why don't you just move in with him?! Maybe he can pay for your medicine" he pushes me up against the wall again then wakes up my mom "you need to have a talk with your daughter!" He yells at her
"About what honey?" She asks half asleep
"Over here throwing away that expensive ass medicine we bought her down the drain, with that new boyfriend you told me about"
"I told you that boy ain't no good!" She yells at him, I the hear her footsteps approaching me sighing heavily I wipe my face away from the tears leaking through my eyes.
"Oh so now you wanna cry for attention huh?!, what this boy got a hold on you or something you just realized it?!, I didn't raise my daughter to be stupid, I raised her to be independent, and look at you already all over a man before marriage"
"Shut up you're hurting tata!!" My little brother yells, I turn around to see him holding his teddy bear , his eyes beat fucking red so is his nose, my poor baby was back there crying, crying so hard he couldn't take it anymore. "Mommy tata is hurt by you!! You're so mean!!!" He screams at the top of his lungs, I rush over getting on my knees to hug him tightly, he's so young, he doesn't deserve to witness a unhappy home, he doesn't need to witness a fight between his sister and mother.
Why can't they just see?
"I'm sorry Pooh Bear" I whisper through the pain
"It's not your fault tata, it's theirs" he says hugging me with one hand I look back and his fingers are pointing at our parents "they're to blame" he says very strongly about his feelings.
"Baby boy, we're not hurting your sister we're just arguing and agreeing to disagree, okay?" My mom says softly
Yeah she would use the card, when he was much younger it used to work, How knows now.
"That's not true, my sister didn't even speak mom!" He yells again, my baby brother isn't dumb not by a landslide, he's so intelligent for his age it's kinda beautiful. I pick him up not wanting this fight to drag out any long, I walk into his room and lay him down on the bed as I cuddle with him.
"Tata?" He says softly
"Yes my love?" I answer poking his cheek
"Why can't you live with kitten?" I smile at the nickname he's given him, because I told yoongi one time he smiles like a kitten, and every since then Oliver has called him that.
"You know I have to be closer to my baby brother" I start tickling him as he giggles and kicks all over the place, I stop as he tries to catch his breath, I give him so many kisses then I lay back on my pillow
"They treat me great tata! I just want you to be happy, and with kitten you're happy!" He says excitedly "can you go home to him?" He asks. He's right yoongi's house gives me so much great energy and I feel at home, but I don't want to live with him and his brothers that's their sanctuary. They all saved up their money for that house. I don't wanna disrupt that.
"Well baby, yoongi doesn't live by his self, he lives along with his brothers as well, and I don't wanna break that bond they have, and plus I'd just be staying there rent free that's not good" I take off something off his nose and he kisses my finger I smile at him and hold him closer to me.
"I bet they wouldn't mind, tata don't stay for me if you're not happy, you can visit me! And FaceTime me!" He says very excitedly, I swear my brother is way too smart for his age, he says the best things that light my world on fire. He says things physiatrists can't say and that's their job.
"Okay baby, I'll call him later, let me hold you until you fall asleep baby deal?"
"Yes yes yes!" He says jumping up and down, I giggle and hold him tightly kissing him everywhere.
A couple of hours my little brother fell asleep, and I called Uber to drop me off to yoongi's house, I press the door bell waiting for someone to open the door. I cross my arms across my chest. It's pretty cold out here, after a couple of minutes the door flies open and it's yoongi, his eyes turn from sleepy to concern.
"Rosé? What are you doing outside this late?" He asks, I was in desire need of a hug, I say nothing but throw my arms around his neck trying to contain myself "oh baby I see" he says softly he closes the door behind me and lifts me up by my legs, I instantly wrap them around his waist as he walks back up to his bedroom.
He lays me down softly and goes in drawers finding me some clothes to change into, also known as my clothes, I push my hair behind my ears, waiting for him to hand me my clothes. "Here you go, I'll go out the room so you can change" he says softly, but I just stop him.
"It's okay" I say taking off my shirt, yoongi ends up turning away anyways, and I just giggle at how he's such a gentleman, "you can turn around now"
"You're a very daring young lady"
"Damsel in distress right?" I joke, he lays next to me and I fall into his arms instantly I play with his soft fingers as I stare at his chest rising up and down.
"My little brother told me to move in with you" I start off
"Really? Your brother is a smart man, he's talking business" he adds, I hit his chest hearing him chuckle
"because of the fight my parents and I had today" I sigh "we fought over me declining the pills, and they blamed it on you, claiming that I gave you v card"
"If only they knew I would never take it until you've deliberately give me the okay and even then I would still wait until you tell me three times maybe a fourth, I wouldn't even make a move on you unless I knew you were okay by it, and plus we just started going out, what type of man do I look like to do some clown shit like that?" He rants in anger
"You're a daring boy when you're angry" I smile
"Damsel in distress right darling?" He throws back at me, I kiss his collarbones softly,he pulls me closer to him caressing my shoulder blade.
"Listen rosé, you know I love you so much, you just don't know how much you've changed my mentality, you made me realize that I don't need to ask rationally to get attention and love because you feel in love with me despite the bad shit I've done, I haven't bought a cigarette since I've met you" he looks down at me, my emotions just shows through my eyes, I'm literally speechless.
"Rosé you're a literal angel that has came to save me, you're the angel I prayed to god about, you're special to me and in no way would I ever hurt you, I will always show you love no matter what" he says softly
" I love you" I say dazed
"Cutie did you hear anything I said?" He kisses my forehead
"I did , I swear I'm just speechless, and you missed the spot babe"
"Oh shit you're right I'm sorry" he comments, he then presses his lips upon mine, I throw my arm around his stomach and wrap on leg on him, he grabs my hand and intertwine our fingers together.
"I love you more" He says softly "I would love for you to move in with us"
"I may take your offer on that" I say before we drift off to sleep, this is the only thing making me happy at the moment.
Please let it stay this way forever.
Authors note:
I just want to strangle the mom and dad, someone hand me a metal spoon ima stan their eyes out sksksk anyways how you guys feel about this chapter? I typed a long one this time because my comeback is also on one hundred, I gotta come out with a banger! Lol but all jokes aside please tell me what you think about this chapter and what would you like to see in the next chapter.
And yo I noticed something this whole chapter is in rosé pov that's cool wtf
I love you all remember to stay happy and healthy and let no one tell you otherwise because a million people love you.
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