Rosé pov
Cold sweat dripping on my body, tightened throat capacity, but also warm body,body feels untouchable, nose clogged, eyes on Fuego.
The common signs of the flu.
"Darling" yoongi pouts
"I'm sorry I had to wash my hair" I explain
"You couldn't have just waited until the morning dear?"
"I mean I could've but I didn't want to cuddle with you and you smelled my sour hair and then you run your fingers through my nasty scalp then your fingers smell-" my sentence is cut off by a deep kiss pressed upon my lips so passionate and soft, almost like a delicate dove. Just when I thought he would pull away, softly he cups my jawline in one of his hands,his thumb caressing my earlobe knowing that's my weak spot, he melts me everytime.
Pulling away slowly, I open my eyes at a slower pace meeting his, as he press his forehead is on mine, our eyes trying to follow one another, we're both just speechless, neither one of us wants to say anything. We're just so overwhelmed by that kiss, we're in a state of starstruck.
"Rose, you think too much" he whispers upon my lips, I nod my head slowly smiling " you don't have to try and look beautiful for me, you're already beautiful okay? and like I've gone a week without washing my hair everyone has done it, okay it's nothing to be embarrassed about, alright?"
"Okay" I whisper back, as our fingers intertwined "you're going to get sick dear" I tell him
"It'll be worth kissing you" he tilts his head to the side kissing me softly while I'm smiling through it, you're going to be so sick yoongi, but I guess if you don't mind it why should I press you so hard?
Taking a shower with yoongi I had to plug up the heater because he didn't want my cold to get worse than it is, he even put me in a hoodie after we showered. To keep the warmth inside my body. Not to mention the socks he gave me. I was just being so taken care of. and in a way it felt nice, but still a feeling to get used to.
"good morning guys" I say to the boys
"Good morning rose, I heard you're coming down with the flu" Jin says, I nod my head as he shakes his " oh no no no sweetheart, you need medicine for that cold the quicker you get medicine the faster it'll go away"
"Thanks mom!" I joke, I feel fingers pulling on my hoodie and it's just Jimin pulling my hoodie down in the back "oh thank you Jimin"
"You're very welcome, how bad is your flu?" Jimin asks
" well, I have the common side effects right now, it kind of just hit me this morning" Jin hands me tea and I bow to him "thank you" I see food is already served and I start eating along with them joining in at certain conversations, they really are a family indeed. These families you see in movies, they're real.
Just have to find the right one.
After eating breakfast we decided since all of us don't have class for today we should hangout on this day all the time. We decided to go to a drive-in movie, Because they didn't want me to do too much moving because they're afraid I may pass out or throw up.
Yoongi and I cuddle in the back seat of his car, as the ads before the movie play in the background "you feeling okay?" He asks softly
"My nose feels less clogged, but my body still feels cold, you're probably really hot aren't you?" I ask
He moves my hair out my face smiling, I'm literally shaking like a deer in his arms right now. It's really freezing for me at the moment. but then again it is night time and the weather drops expeditiously so it could be both.
"No it's actually quite chilly at night" He comments, he opens his side of the door grabbing whatever Jimin is handing him "thank you Jimin"
"You're welcome, stay warm the both of you" He says walking back to the car
"We will" yoongi says closing and locking the door back. "Here, nice honey tea with coffee creamer coconut caramel with sugar for you" happily I grab the tea I give him a quick kiss on the cheek then drink my tea. "Can I get one on my lips?" He asks, smirking and raising his eyebrows slightly
"No don't want you to be sick" I look at him, and his feline eyes are already pounced on me.
"I have a strong immune system" he pouts, I give him one long kiss then I wipe his mouth with my jacket sleeve
"That's it now, I don't want you getting sick I'm serious" I tell him, I lay on his shoulder as we watch toy story 4, I love toy story so much, even though I think this one shouldn't have been made but I'm still excited for it
"Are you warm?" He asks me wrapping me in covers
"Yes thank you"
"Anything for you darling" he caresses my back sliding his fingertips up and down my spine. I took the medicine jin gave me for my for the cold who know how long I can stay up, I really want to see this movie. i really hope i dont fall asleep during any part of this movie,specially the credits
Yoongi pov
Just when the credits came on she fell right to sleep, I'm not surprised with that big pull Jin provided her, I figured she'd be sleep. My phone rings and it's the man himself.
"How is she?"
"Sleep" I chuckle
"Really? wow,She just took that pill" Jin says shocked
"That pill must be really strong or she went to bed late"
"Maybe both, alright we'll see you at home"
I slowly and softly place rose in the bed then I walk out the room slowly closing the door, and back into the living room. "she's been sleeping here for two days her mother is probably writing you on her hit list" Taehyung says we all laugh then I sit down next to him. Her mom doesn't have any control over her. She's legal now, but she does live under her roof so she does have to obey her rules. But in reality she is forced to take antidepressants from her mom or forced to talk to a psychiatrist. Her mom just fails to see that her daughter is actually not okay.
Parents just see that as being ungrateful or you're moody, well dear parents we go through very grave situations and just because we're young doesn't mean we can't feel these things.
"Hey yoongi you okay?" Jimin asks
"Yeah, I was just thinking about something" I answer
"He's thinking about rose don't worry she'll wake up soon" Jungkook nudges me, I grab the pillow beating the crap out of him but all he does is hug me around the waist. "Okay okay I'm sorry white flag white flag" he tells me I stop hitting him seeing jungkook get up slowly "Jesus you animal"
"Says the one who literally lift up a fish out the water" namjoon speaks, we all start laughing as jungkook try to defend himself "and then you opened a pineapple with your bare hands" hoseok adds.
It was a really great day, I wish all days could be like this, I wish my nights would be like this. Before my nights consisted of staying in my room tossing and turning to force myself to go to sleep. Now I don't wanna go to sleep. It's all thanks to me letting my guard down and just going for whatever I want, I love this new mentality.
Yes it's going to come back every now and then, but I won't let it completely consume me.
Not while I have everything in my life right now that makes me so happy.
I get in the bed behind her slowly wrapping my arms around her waist. She turns in my arms facing me wrapping one of her arms around me "baby?"
"Yes darling?"
"Thank you for today, and thank you for taking care of me, you and your brothers it meant so much to me" she mumbles
"No need to thank us, we'll always make sure you have fun and always make sure you're happy okay? Don't forget that" I whisper, caressing her ear lobe softly.
"Okay, I promise to reciprocate that love back, I won't treat you like jewelry"
"I know you won't, cmon let's go to sleep we have class tomorrow"
"I love you" she giggles
"You're such an interesting character, but I love you more"
Authors note:
Yes I know, this chapter is hella fucking short, vs the previous chapter I've uploaded. But theirs a reason to the madness okay. I wanted to upload a very chill less dark chapter. Because you'll never know when. They'll pop up again in going to just do it no warnings. So I just want y'all to be mentally prepared and stuff. But if you want longer chapters I will most definitely do that for you. I can get it done, just let me know that's what you want and I can get it popping Okay? Anyways sorry for being inactive I'm going to get better at it I promise I have to before my break is over so thank you for reading and I'll catch you in the next chapter.
I love you all remember to stay happy and healthy and let no one tell you otherwise because a million people love you.
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