• just a PSA I changed them from being in high school to University! I'm tired of typing those type of stories!, and I'm using blackpink's actual names cause I got them mixed up ahaha You may continue now.

My eyes flicker as I try to adjust to the sunlight I place one of my hands up to cover my eyes from the heaven gate lights, then I see all my scars on my arms and wrist, remembering everything that took place last night. It was a great night, don't know if it was all a dream or was it reality?. I sigh then roll out of bed grabbing my phone from the nightstand and seeing messages flooding from all the members I guess Taehyung added me in a group chat with them. They're really not all that bad as people portray them to be, they're actually super nice and chill.

Very funny and caring, with a hint of sarcasm, but mostly caring and funny at least around me.

"you should stay away from yoongi you may hurt him," my subconscious says leaning against the door frame, I walk past her and head towards the shower, should I just skip school? I look in the mirror at my sad pathetic pale body

"Wow, you look awful" I joke at myself, I pull my sleeves up getting a better look at my arms and wrist I sigh , well slowly but surely it's healing, along with my hand I scarred up just before yoongi's birthday party, as i walk back out the bathroom into my room, I don't wanna take a shower with my little brother because I don't want him to see my scars.

I grab my clothes and everything I need and head towards the shower only to be stopped by my mother I roll my eyes then look at her with no remorse.

"What's up your ass now?" , what I should've asked was what did I do now? It's always my fault.
"That boyfriend of yours, I think he's a bad influence for you" hm so it wasn't a dream after all? I smile brightly to myself as I hold my clothes to my chest.
"You think this is funny?!"

"He's just beautiful, well gotta take a shower I'll hear about your life problems when I feel like it" I walk in the bathroom as I smile softly while biting down on my lower lip. So it wasn't a dream? I ask myself

" I wish it was " she replies

"Oh shut the fuck up" I bark back at her

"Watch you'll destroy him like you did your last boyfriend, cause that's all you're good for, pushing people away it's your finesse" she says giggling on top of the sink, I ignore her as I remove my fabrics and get into the shower, the Luke warm water pouring down on my skin, as the way syrup pours on pancakes.

Today is going to be a good day I can feel it.


As soon as I'm done eating a tiny breakfast, a number calls me from who I'm guessing is yoongi, so I answer it "hello?"

"Would love to hear that sweet honey voice every morning, I'm like a hummingbird just attracted to you"
I giggle at his cheesy jokes then grab my bag "are you outside?" I ask
"Yeah come on out princess"
"That's my new pet name I thought it was dear?"
"I may call you whatever fits your cuteness"
"Typical Pisces always do what they want and don't care what anyone thinks"
"Thank you next" I swing open the front door hearing my mom bitch at me from a distance I see he has a nice car it's not too old but not too new, a muscle car it's beautiful.

"Well hello James dean on the low" I open the car door and look at him instantly
"Woah, how do you know about that?"
"Theirs more to me then the naked eye meets"
"Can't wait to unravel more trivia's about you" He holds my hand with his free one then he pulls out of my driveway, leaving that house feels like I'm cleansing my soul. All the toxicity is released from my body until I have to go back.

"Have you ate?" He asks
"I did, but very little cause if I eat too much I could potentially throw up," I say while laying on his shoulder
"I'm just happy you ate is all, I wasn't going to scold you, I could never unless you ate my food"
"Wow! Am I not cute enough to share your food with your girlfriend!" I playfully yell at him

"Say that last part again," he says softly
"You're a dork" I laugh then hit him
"I wanna hear you say it again" he teases
"Your girlfriend" I mumbled
"Huh? I can't hear" he says trying not to laugh
"Your girlfriend!" I yell
"I like the sound of that," he says softly I nod my head looking up at the clouds I see on the corner of my eye that were are at a red light "what you see in the sky?" He asks

"I see a polar bear," I say in a dazed tone
"Hm, I see a Komodo dragon" he replies
"What where?" I say getting excited, he grabs my hand and points at it "oh yeah I see it, that's so cool"

Yoongi pov

I look down at her as she looks at the Komodo dragon, I don't know why I've pushed her away, she knows about my mental health issues so she shouldn't be caught off by me. I look at the light then drive off as the light turn green.

Arriving at the campus I see my brothers sitting at the circle tables we usually sit at, Rose walking behind me, folding her arms across her chest, I stop and grab her hand intertwining our fingers together "FINALLY!!" Jungkook yells
" goddamn, it took ya long enough" Jin jumps in I sit down and pull rose down to sit next to me.

"What we playing fellas?" I ask
"Uno!" Jungkook says shuffling the deck
"Yep, such a family-friendly game" namjoon comments
"You should play rose," Taehyung says, we all turn our eyes on her but she has her eyes on me, those beautiful eyes that turned from awkwardness to panic

"Oh no, that's your guys' thing I don't want to break that up"
"No, it's not we didn't create the game of Uno," Jungkook says before I could comment any further Taehyung chops him in the neck and he starts choking rosé's whole body now changes from nervousness to worriedness

"he'll be okay, this happens on the daily" I comment "but yeah we just play it to past time, so join us, only if you want too obviously" jungkook finally stops choking and gives everyone seven cards and I look at rose to make sure she's doing alright and it seems like she is

"which way we going?" she asks in her innocent voice

"Usually we'll go the person next to the dealer but how do you play?"jungkook asks

"I usually play that way, also I stack like plus 2's and 4's, and draw to match"

"I like this girl! she's brutal when it comes to uno, everyone hates that way of playing" jungkook chuckles

"yeah cause I always end up getting twelve cards!" jin yells, we all laugh and start playing the game rose really is brutal at this game shes been challenging and making people draw cards, stacking and everything, then she uno out

"uno out!" she yells throwing her last card down

"Honestly, you're a damn beast!" jungkook says as he throws his card down "uno out as well"

"what the fuck," Jin says slowly

"yall working together I see it," I say as taehyung drops his cards down

"I agree," taehyung says before drinking his juice, rose giggles then lays on my shoulder hugging my arm loosely so I can still throw my cards down

"no, I'm just really good at the game," she says cutely

"I don't believe yall" I comment

Rose pov

we played a couple of more games then I realize my class was going to start in fifteen minutes "sadly I have to go, my class, is starting" I comment , they all start fake crying and falling all over the table even yoongi, I shake my head then hit jungkook cause he's the main one doing the most

"you'll see me after this class!"

"but why you gotta leave!!!!" yoongi screams

"HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO LIVE?!" jungkook screams and cries, I hug jungkook by his head as I rock is back and forth.

"I'll come back okay? I promise okay?" I say smiling
"You promise?" Taehyung pouts while holding my hand
"Yes I promise right after my class I'll come and find you," I say while putting my chin on jungkook's head.

"Okay, we'll be in the library when you're done!" Namjoon comments
"Okay" I walk over to yoongi and peck his lips softly then say bye. As I'm walking away I hear them screaming and awing at yoongi, I smile then just walk up to my class.

"Excuse me?" I sigh knowing who's behind me asking the question
"Yes, How May I help you?"
"Why were your lips all up on yoongi's" before I could answer Jennie swoops in And throws her arms around my shoulder smiling at them

"Because that's her boyfriend duh? She can do that, so stop bitching and deal with it they don't like you" Jennie adds
"Nor do they even pay attention to you" Lisa follows, Marcella and Penelope roll their eyes in defeat and walk away from our space Jennie pats my back then hugs me

"I told you whenever they're bothering you text me, they hate us just as much as they hate you," Jennie says while smiling
"I can see that," I say sheepishly


I walk into my class and tori is drawing in her graph-notebook, "you really are talented" I say to her softly

"Yeah my dad used to sit down in my room with me and teach me how to draw it was beautiful"
"I miss your dad, I haven't been to your house since the whole spilt, how is he holding up?"
"He hates that he lives so far from his baby girl, as he says and that he hates picking me up every other weekend, but he's doing great. He told me he's been hitting the gym and eating healthier for his health, I'm proud of him"

"House still looks like an art studio?" I ask
"From what he showed me on FaceTime, looks like a gallery" she whispers as the professor is talking.

We stop talking so we can pay attention to what he's saying, math wasn't really my favorite subject in highschool, nor was reading it bored me to death. I think my favorite was chemistry. Mixing things and learning about certain acids and bases. Was like the best.

Also biology I liked learned about life and living organisms as well as anatomy. I'm a weird child.

Yoongi pov

We're in our class for music, we all decided we would make our own group so let's go to the best college in the state and study music together, as well as teaching ourselves on our spare time as well.

"So you and rose?" Taehyung says seductively while elbowing me softly
"What about us?" I say dryly
"Since when?" Jungkook but's in, I swear taekook gets under my nerves, they share one brain cell together.

"Since like, yesterday" I comment back
"Hm no wonder you were out all day" Jin adds
"Okay, guys! Stop ganging up on me speaking of talks Taehyung, what were you upset about a couple of days ago?" I ask changing the subject

"I can't really tell someone else's secrets, so if you would like to know that I guess you would have to get to know her deeper, you know privacy reasons"

"Understandable, you're a mature man Taehyung," I say patting his head
"Thank you I try"


After our music and reading classes ended, we headed straight for the library, walking in there girls start to stare and maybe drool at us. It kind of makes me uncomfortable with a million eyes on you not knowing what their thinking a quite frankly I don't wanna know what they're thinking either. I see rose sitting at a round table reading a book, she was always a bookworm I would see her around campus and she would be reading a different book everyday.

I sit down next to her and she smiles up at us "seems like I beat you to it, I kept my promise!" She squeals might I add cutely
"Yes you did were no longer sad now," Jungkook says
"Reading a manga I see, yoongi mind if I claim her my best friend?"
"You may have to fight that place with the rest of them" I joke
"We have more in common anyways they could never beat me," Taehyung says flipping his invisible hair.

"Wow someone's getting cocky" namjoon fires back
"No not cockiness just righteousness," he says sipping his water
"Let's see then let's play twenty-one questions," rosé says excitedly.

They play it and I realize she has a lot in common with all of us, even though I wasn't the one asking nor answering questions, I figured we'd have some things in common. She lays back in the chair as the rest of them are arguing about super smash on their switches. She boops my nose making me open my eyes

"Couldn't sleep last night?" She asks softly
"No I slept well, it's just I'm coming down with a cold is all," I say to her, she places the back of her hand in my forehead and softly sighs

"Yeah you're kind of hot"
"Already we complimenting each other in a spicy way?" I comment
"Shut up" she smiles then lays her head on my shoulder, she grabs my arm hugging it as I place that hand on her kneecaps don't wanna tough her thighs I don't wanna make her uncomfortable, but nor am I a big skinship person either, well I rarely initiate the skinship.

"Drink lots of hot tea okay?" She mumbles
"I will, I know what I must do even swallows Satan's pee"
"Good old thick grape medicine" she jokes
"Disgusting, Just thinking about it I'm having war flashbacks" I say with a disgusted look upon my face.

"The worse one to me is cherry"
"Never tried it," I say not noticing my fingers combing through her hair
"Don't it's like eating crystals on cupcakes" she says while trying not to laugh.

"That sounds like hell itself" I comment making her giggle, I could get used to that.


Instead of going home she wanted to spend the night at our house which they were mad excited about so I was I but I'm more concerned about why she didn't want to go home. Is it because of what I told her mother yesterday? I mean she was shading her daughter I couldn't just sit there and let it happen. I see my room door open, looking I see it's rosé in my sweats and my shirt that's so big on her it could be a dress

"I look like the Pillsbury guy," she says softly "what are you watching?" She says laying her head on my thigh. Instantly I just comb my fingers through her hair

"Just watching rocket power," I say softly
"I always thought I was Regina and Otto" she chuckles
"Really?, I see you more as Reggie than Otto"
"Hm, really why?" She says now facing me her head blocking the screen

"You're really not the girly type, fashion isn't something you care about," I say poking her forehead
"I know it's big" she jokes
" I guess I could watch my shows on a better screen" I joke back she hits my chest making me chuckle at her, I move her hair out of her face then look into her eyes

"Well? , how has your mental health been?" I ask her
"Pretty okay today at least, I almost had a panic attack today when I ran into-" she stops her sentence as I furrow my eyebrows

Rosé pov

Rosé are you stupid? You were about to tell him those girls, the ones he hates the most.

"Penelope and her lap dog?" He says softly
"Um no ha," I say getting nervous
"I already know, Jennie told me, she said she would fight her if it didn't mean she would get kicked off campus," he says caressing my cheek with his thumb very softly

"Yeah, it was them, they saw me kiss you and flipped, I'm sorry I'm just not that open with people it scares me to tell people what's going on with me" I begin ranting

"No reason to be scared with me I swear that, but I understand I'll wait on you no matter how long Okay? No rush"
"Okay" I smile, scooting up to him I kiss his lips softly then lay my head on his chest hugging him, he turns off the tv and I see Stars light up on the ceiling.

"This is what makes you fall asleep peacefully?" I say looking at the ceiling
"Yeah, That or I play on my piano," he says while stroking my hair
"I didn't know you were a musician" I whisper
"I didn't know it took so little to get you tired" he chuckles
"Listen- I had a long day, my classes wore me out"
"I know lovely, go to sleep," He says as his fingers caress my back.

"You too okay? Don't stay up too late" I comment
"I won't" he kisses my head softly then he placed his chin on the top of my head.

Yoongi pov

Those girls are beginning to become a pest, obviously, none of us wants you! So why are you so determined? What is the obsession with us??. Not only is it making me mad and annoyed, but it's also messing with rosé's mental health. Maybe I should report it so they could kindly just fuck off. Or confront them.

Nah, they'll probably come harder at her if I do confront her. But I just can't see someone bully anyone for no fucking reason.

I look down at her and see she's deep sleep, she's so beautiful inside and out, Pillsbury boy and all. I caress her ear lobe with my thumb, feeling my eyes get heavy, I guess I should join her. I'm tired as hell.

I'll figure out a way to protect our souls. I promise.

Authors note:

Yo yo yo I'm back bitches! I hope you guys didn't forget about me, if you did that's okay I am a friendly ghost lol, anyways here's an update! A very cute nonstressful one, I gave y'all a break, because I didn't want bomb rush you with so much dark subject, even though that's the theme of the story. Anyways thank you for being patient with me! Cause Ik I always promise and don't fulfill it lol. But ilysm and see you in the next chapter!

I love you all remember to stay happy and healthy and let no one tell you otherwise because a million people love you.


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