Rosé pov
Should I skip school? Is that an option. I mean you could just kill your self right now? No I have a one month full trial. I gotta see the end of this trial. Sighing I roll out of bed. I make my way to the bathroom and I already see my brothers clothes on the counter . I walk back out to grab my clothes than I place them next to his as well,
"I'm coming in!!" I yell
"Oh shit you scared me!!" He yells back , I smile then get in the shower with him I see his hair full of soap.
"My hair smells bad!" He defends
" I didn't say anything !" I snap back , then we start laughing.
I towel dry my hair as I spray some vanilla leave in conditioner. I blow dried my brothers hair because I don't want him sick but me I'm going for the wet and wavy look today. I brush my teeth than wash my face. Stepping out of the bathroom I want into my room to grab my socks and shoes.
"Sister why do you always wear converses? I'm surprised they haven't broke yet" he confesses
"Hey" I say pointing my finger at him "converses are the best thing in the world okay? Not only are they cute, but they're comfortable" I tie my shoe then I walk over to my dresser to grab my bag.
"Are you ready?" I ask
"Yeah but when you come home from school May we go to the park?" He asks softly
"Yes we can go to the park I haven't been in awhile" I giggle . As were walking downstairs I hear my mom and dad talking about me I sigh really wanting to hear what they have to say but I don't want my brother to worry about me.
" what are we going to do with her? She's out of control she's yelling and talking back to us" my mom says
"Should we send send her to her grandma?" My dad replies
"She would have to change schools? She's already half way through the school year"
" maybe we should get some medical weed or something"
"She needs to tighten up and stop acting like a baby, she's a grown woman"
I feel the anger in my body rise, but my brother grabs my wrist and we walk out of the house he then continues walking towards the bus stop, he then turns around and looks up at me.
"you're not leaving right sister?" he says softly
" no baby what makes you think that?" i saw squatting to his height i pet his hair then i kiss his forehead "im not going anywhere i promise" i whisper and wipe his watery eyes as he hugs me tightly.
a promise that i made to him would soon be broken,
a promise that i can't even keep to myself, a month
from now everything will change.
yoongi pov
i place my red hoodie on my head, then i head in the classroom as i sit in the corner as i place my elbows on the table then looking at my shoes. i haven't seen her anywhere around the school campus, i bounce my leg up and down at the things i've said to her i lowkey regret the way i said but wasn't i right? wasn't my reasoning valid? or was it wrong? urgh inner demon inner self shut up and stop making me think of her, she clouding my judgement.
"yoongi?" someone says softly, i look up slowly to see taehyung looking at me with his boxy smile "are you okay?"
"Oh yeah I'm fine" I stammer, I really hope he doesn't ask any further questions, cause honestly I'm not in any mood to answer them , or talk about it, I have too much in my mind and I don't think he would understand it.
After my classes I scope around the halls trying to look for her as were walking to our economy class , I see Emily and her group at her locker confused , I walk over towards them as I hear my friends calling me.
" hey! We know you talk to her right where's rosé?" Emily asks
" I was just about to ask you the same thing" I reply dryly
I wish I did talk to her as much as y'all do.
"No we're like freaking out , I hope she's just sick she missed first period and homeroom, you think she's okay?"
I wish I could answer that question confidently but I can't.
"I think she's going to be okay, she's a tough girl right? Let's wait patiently, she'll come around" i say with fake happiness in my voice I hope they don't hear the fake in my voice
"Yoongi!" One of them yell at me
I turn around slowly then clear my throat " yes?"
" please take care of her okay?" They smile then walk away.
Do they think I'm her boyfriend? Oh no no no not at all.
I start to open my mouth but they're already half way down the hall, I shake my head then walk back to my friends.
"What was that all about?" Taehyung comments
"Nothing I was just asking a question" I cough
Rosé where ever you are I hope you're safe and your not hurting yourself.
Rosé pov
Walking in the empty train tracks smelling the rusty wind mixed with fresh leaves , the world is beautiful it smells nice. It feel nice . But it doesn't treat me nicely. Life just uses me as it's pawn and throws me around like a feather in the wind, I want to be a bird, a bird that sores throughout the sky just freely enjoying the landscape without someone hurting them or destroying their happiness. That's a true definition of free and maybe I'll be just like a bird one day. With my body here but my mind in the clouds, my spirit in the clouds in the hands of my grandmother who once held me and told me " I understand what you're going through" and not in the hands of toxic manipulative people or those whom want to eject drugs into my bloodstream. I deserve love.
Is this when I'll be able to find it?
Sitting in the railroad tracks I pull out my tiny flatbread sandwich and I begin eating it as the win surges through me. I look at my watch and see that I've missed homeroom and one period class. I figure I may swing by the triple A meeting to talk to them and ask them for a note to excused , to say it was for health reasons. So then I can use that excuse all time when I don't feel like going to school.
Rosé this is a great way that no one would find you if you missed school !
Well in a couple of weeks I'll be dead so...
I shrug my shoulder then get up from the train tracks , the train stop working late last year I used to come out here all the time and watch them go by. It was the only thing that made me happy before someone ultimately broke my heart I guess you can say I never healed from it.
Yoongi pov
I told my principal I was going "off campus" to get some "food" but the actual plan is I'm trying to look for rosé , I went by the triple A meeting to see if she was there and they said the last day they saw her was the day I came as well.
How convent.
I roll my eyes then I keep on driving to Wendy's to pick up my order, as I'm driving my thoughts and my inner self starts talking to me.
You know if you hadn't said that she would be missing right?
"No , yoongi it's not your fault"
One hundred percent it is your fault , she ran away after you broke her heart even more.
I sigh then growl as I pull into Wendy's drive through " how can I help you sure?" A tan short young woman asks me
"I'm here to pick up an order for yoongi"
"Yes sir it's right here, two bacon cheeseburger, a large fry and a cheese baked potato?"
"Yes ma'am" she hands me the bag and then I give her the money
"Thank you sir have a nice day!" She smiles
The baked potato isn't for me , I really hope she comes back.
Rosé pov
I walk into the triple a meeting and I see the guy pouring him some juice , I walk up to him and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and smiles
"Hello, it's so great to see you" he hugs me and I hug him back.
"It's great to see you too" I smile
Obviously a fake one,
but people never realize them.
"So how are you? , are you eating well getting enough rest tell me" He says pulling the chair out for me I thank him then I sit down.
"It's going well at least for now ha" I nervously chuckle " um as for eating I miss one meal maybe or two it depends but um I'm sleeping a lot "
He places his hand on top of mine "that's improvement at least you're sleeping so how about that friend of yours? Or is he your boyfriend?" He nudges me
Who? Who is he talking about?
Rosé the boy whom you wanted to be friends with cause you thought you finally found someone who understands.
"Oh no, we're not friends, and I don't like him" I fire back he just smiles as a response then he places his forearm on the table
"How about I take you on a date tomorrow, I would say now but it seems like you're skipping school, let me sign you a paper to let's you come here the miss your homeroom and first period class is that okay by you?" He says softly , I nod my head then I look at him get up and pull out a stack of papers. I look at his figure as I start to admire his figure, he's pretty fit , broad shoulders nice undercut green eyes, white teeth.
Is this the type of guys that play bad boys in movies?
What if he really is a bad boy?
What if he breaks my heart?
Well rosé you really don't have nothing to do, you're dying anyways.
I bring my mind back to reality as he hands me the paper "you're all set, do you mind if I drive you to school?"
"No, lead the way sir" I smile
I walk into my second period class and the looks on my friends faces are out of relief , what were they so scared about?
"You're really late ma'am, do you have an excuse?" He asks nastily
" as a matter fact I do sir" I clapback , I had him the note and then he scans it handing it back to me I grab it out of his hands then sit with my friends
"Where were you are you okay?" Gabby asks
"I'm here aren't I? Of course I'm fine"
Lying to everyone just gets better and better each day.
And the horrible fucked up part about it is.
I don't feel guilty.
Suga pov
I walk into the building and I see all the kids coming out running in herds, that's how I know it's lunch time. Then I see a familiar face over by the water foundation I see her then put her hair in a ponytail then I see her face clearly.
"Rosé?" I say softly she looks me In the face then she starts walking towards me
"Thank you for taking care of friends for doing something crazy while I was gone , I guess I'm as important as I think, that's all I gotta say goodbye" I grab her wrist then she slowly turns around to look at me.
"Your friends wanted me to buy you this" I hand her the bag with the baked potato and a bacon cheeseburger she looks down at it then grabs it.
"Oh thank you" she smiles then walks away , I could tell that smile was fake , her eyes didn't have the shine anymore.
I guess you can say I killed her soul.
Rosé pov
I slam my room door as I throw my back on the floor , Urgh I just wanna punch that kid , why do I have feelings for someone who doesn't even want to be my friend?
Remember he said y'all don't mix rosé.
I nod my head then I sit up straight " that's right he doesn't like you, he doesn't want anything to do with you"
No one does..
I walk over towards my window and look up at the sky smiling as the stars twinkle I feel the cold air passing through me then it gets warm.
" hi grandma, I love you and I miss you , I wish you were here to hold me like you did when I was smaller"
I'll get to see you real soon grandma, I hope you'll welcome me with open arms.
Authors note:
I know I know I know I haven't been showing much love to this story but it's cause I wanted to show love to this story I've been working on for two years now lol I was wrapping it up and everything so yeah now I can give this and my other story my undivided attention! I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy typing it for you! I love this story is different from what I'm used to typing , it brings me out my comfort zone. Anyways I love you all and take care of yourself be happy!
I love you all remember to stay happy and healthy, and let no one tell you other wise because a million people love you.
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