I rush through the frosty wet weather causing splashes to a halo around my feet, sliding and pushing through people inhale the seawater rain exhaling warm love I have for someone.
Please don't die on me
Don't leave me in this cold world, with these cruel cold humans.
Just thinking about the message you sent my angel please don't leave me I take back everything that I've ever said and everything that I have done to you. My angel, you really are special why can't anyone else see it, more importantly, why can't you see it?
My angel, you really are too pure for this world but they tainted your heart black. Let me purify your heart again.
I run up to the mahogany door as I start beating on it with incredible force praying begging that someone will open the door if not then I'll have to open it myself. I wait a couple of seconds then I slide my under the dusty brown welcome mat for the spare key I grab the goldenrod metal key then put the key and as I'm turning the key, someone swings the door open.
" Hello, I've heard a lot of good things about you are you here to see her?" the flaxen hair woman expresses with a smile painted on her canvas pale face. I sigh softly as I smile appears on my face slowly
How could they be so oblivious?
Do they not see the hurt in their daughter's eyes?
Or is her eyes to dark to see the pain?
"Hello nice, you and yes I am may I?" I respond
"Of course" the flaxen hair woman opens the mahogany door wider for me to get in I then start speed walking through her house when I see the stairs I climb up them really fast missing steps in the process. Just by the look on her dad's face, I made a bad first impression he probably thinks I'm here to sleep with his daughter.
Never would I take advantage of a beautiful angel like her.
I jiggle the doorknob and find that it's locked, I have to knock it down I ram the door with my shoulder then bounce back I ram it a second time as the door collapses I then run to the bathroom and kick it open to see her lifelessly and slowly sinking in the cherry red water I look at her lifeless alabaster arm hanging out the tub as I see the sanguine thick blood dripping from her wrist I take off my shirt then wrap her wrist with it kind of tightly to stop the bleeding, I then grab her other wrist and see that it's scarred up too.
Please, angel, hang in there fight to love angel, I finally realized that pushing you away did nothing in the end.
Of course, I'm in love with you angel, come into my arms, please.
"Stop.." she expresses lifelessly she starts to lose air
"No! I will not stop! I care about you and I love you, angel! I love you!! IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!" I yell through the tears
I grab her out of the water then I wrap her other wounded wrist then wrap her in a towel I run downstairs past her parents as they holler her name. Then they start yelling at me but I don't care I can't lose someone else in my life that means so much to me.
Placing her in the car softly I click the seat-belt over her body as I make a full circle to the car I get in the driver seat as I see her parents running out the house waving their hands. I growl out of frustration.
How could they not know what their daughter is going through? That's your child!!
I ignore her parents cries then I start speeding to the nearest but the perfect hospital swerving from lane to lane trying to make her come back to me I look over for a split second to see her eyes starting to close I bite my lower lip to hold my tears back I can't see her like this but I figured this was going to happen one day.
I park in a space that's forbidden but who cares right now tow my car I don't the car I fling the charcoal seatbelt off me then I run over to her side I side her out slowly and cover her in a big blanket then I speed walk to the hospitals emergency entrance. I start screaming for any doctor, and they all start coming up to me and they grab angel and her place her on a stretcher I zip my jacket up over my bare golden stomach, I break down in the floor as the blood smears all over the floor. I punch the floor repeatedly as my knuckles start to bleed
"don't you die on me!" I express softly as I grit my teeth, I start to sob as I feel someone picking me up I don't even check to see who it is because me myself I'm weak from the running the terror in my heart.
Two hours past and I'm pacing back and forth waiting for the doctors to give us good news. As I'm bitting the nails off my fingers, her parents are shaking their legs patiently waiting. We haven't made eye contact since they picked me off the floor. Finally, after two hours and fifteen minutes, a doctor comes out and talks to her parents.
"she lost a lot of blood but she's ali-"
"Thanks, doc!" I start speeding to her room as I pass by all the doctors if I have to push them out the way. I will my angel is in there. I open the door and see her laying down with an oxygen mask on her face I walk to her as the tears start to roll down my face, I place my hand on the side of her anemic face as I caress her face with my thumb
"My beautiful angel why did it have to be you? Why are you dealing with this on your own when you were screaming for help? When were you begging for someone to love you? it'll never happen again not when you're in my arms and in my sights", I kiss her forehead softly then I hear her groaning in pain. I look down at her and she slowly starts blinking I kiss her softly as she tries to kiss me back I slightly smile then hover over her.
"yoongi.," she says dryly
"yes my angel?" I respond
"do you love me..?" she says
"yes I do"
"will you leave me..?"
"why. ?I'm helpless.."
"because you and I are the same and we need someone to love, so I love you"
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