single dad Giyuu X Shinobu
I feel like at this point I could be known as "that one author who does Giyushino AUs" lol
Warning: a little bit of cursing
Shinobu met Giyuu in elementary school. He was a year above her, yet they always seemed to run in to each other while in school.
Giyuu thought Shinobu was annoying for the most part, but a small part of him longed to get closer to her even in those days. Eventually, when highschool rolled around, the two became close friends.
Well, more than close friends actually. Neither of them really wanted to label their relationship at that time. Shinobu liked being around him, she wanted to be by his side. Giyuu wanted to talk to her more, to be near her. They had that awkward, teenage kind of romance that is still somewhat pure, untarnished by adult greed.
Though, when Giyuu was 16, he dissapeared. Shinobu didn't get anything but a letter explaining he had to leave and go live with his cousins in China. Shinobu's first response was confusion, but it quickly turned in to anger. She cherished him for years and he just left her without even saying goodbye to her face.
You can imagine the shock she felt when he turned up 7 years later at the same company Shinobu worked in.
Shinobu Kochou had been working with Giyuu tomioka for a little over a year now. She even dared to say that they were friendly to each other. Shinobu tried to start a conversation with him many times. She wanted to know what her friend/highschool sweetheart had been doing all these years. She wanted to ask why he had left her. Giyuu never gave her an answer. In fact, he avoided her questions and the topic of his life in China. Giyuu had always been closed off from his colleagues, even when others tried to befriend him. Shinobu had made it her mission to get him to open up, and so their "friendship" started. Giyuu didn't participate in group activities outside of work. He never went drinking with the others, always saying he was busy. Many assumed he just had a second job and left it at that.
Giyuu was sitting at his table in the office, his hands running through his hair as he had a stressed look on his face. He glanced at his phone before starting to thrum his fingers on the plain, whitewood desk as he picked up his phone and put it to his ear.
He first started speaking quietly, but his tone became more frantic and loud the longer the conversation lasted. The other workers stayed out of it, but Shinobu being Shinobu, she marched right up to him.
-I understand but- what? I- ... yes." He muttered, his face turning in to a deeper frown by the second. He sighed.
-Alright, goodbye." He set his phone down and leaned back in his chair, his eyes staring up at the ceiling.
-What's wrong Tomioka-san?" Shinobu asked, leaning on her co-workers table and grinning. Giyuu let out a grunt.
-I'm not in the mood for your antics, Kochou." He said harshly. Shinobu didn't move, she just put her elbows on the table and balanced her head on her palms. After a moment Giyuu looked to her and sighed deeply.
-I have overwork today, but no one is available to babysit." He finally said. Shinobu cocked an eyebrow.
-Babysit?" She was confused, Giyuu wasn't married, he didn't wear a ring, and he had never spoken of a child.
-Yes.. my son, Haruto, is 4 years old and I need someone to babysit him tonight." He explained. Shinobu straightened out, her mouth agape in shock.
-You have a son? And you didn't tell me??" She was almost hurt.
-Yes, and I was hoping to keep it secret." He groaned. Shinobu shook her head in disbelief.
-That's cold Tomioka, but why can't the mother take him?" She asked. Giyuu said nothing, he only glared at the woman Infront of him. "Sore spot" Shinobu thought.
-Forget it. Anyway, what are you gonna do?" She asked. She doubted he could let his four year old be alone at home all night.
-I guess I'll just have to defy orders and go home. I'm so going to get my ass beat for this tomorrow by our boss though.." he rubbed his temple, he seemed exhausted. Shinobu had an idea.
-I could watch him." She offered. Giyuu looked straight at her, narrowing his eyes.
-Do you even know how to take care of a child?" His tone was cold, Shinobu sported a confident grin.
-I have a younger sister I've babysat before." She assured him. Giyuu seemed to think about it.
-What about work?"
-I can do most of it at home. I've been in this company far longer than you have, mind you." She explained.
-Are you sure you can? I'll pay you, within reason." He seemed hesitant but it seemed like he needed the money from overtime.
-Yes, I am sure Tomioka-san. And don't worry, I don't need money. Think of this as a favour." Now that got Giyuu's tounge. The man looked almost surprised, but he masked it well.
-If you're sure.."
-Hang out with me later, that is payment enough." Shinobu added
-Don't push your luck" Giyuu deadpanned. Shinobu smirked.
Shinobu had gotten a note from Giyuu the next morning at work. The note contained emergency contacts and allergies. She also got the spare key to Giyuu's apartment.
-So, I should pick up Haruto from the kindergarten at 3pm sharp, and then let him burn some energy at the playground before geting him some food." Shinobu made a mental note to remind Haruto to wash his hands after coming inside from the playground.
Shinobu arrived at the kindergarten. Just by looking around she could see this was one of the more low-income places. Old and broken equipment on the playground and chipped paint screamed it for all the world to see.
She looked around, trying to match a boy with the description that Giyuu gave her. He also said he had a safe word for his son to use, she should say to him that she's "salmon" weird codeword but it had to do.
In the sea of small children that all wore the same blue and black uniform with black hats, she saw a boy with jet black hair and bright eyes.
Haruto was hiding behind a tree in the yard near the building. He was recognisable from the hair, his right eye was green and his left one blue. The child had heterochromia.
-Hello, Haruto." Shinobu greeted the child softly, moving slowly as to not scare the seemingly shy boy. Haruto's little face scrunched up. He looked up at her.
-How do you know my name." He asked. Ouch, he definetly got his glare from his father.
-I'm salmon." She said simply. The child looked confused for a moment, before he realized the safeword.
-Oh..." He sounded almost dissapointed. Perhaps he was waiting for his father.
-I'm Shinobu, I'll look after you for today, your father had some work to do." She explained. Haruto just nodded, finally coming out from behind the tree.
-Shi..nobu.." he sounded the name out, looking puzzled.
-Yes, I'm a friend of your father."
-Oh.. if papa is ok with it.. I guess." He said, playing with the hem of his uniform shirt.
The playground was a short walk from the school. Shinobu had tried to make conversation, but the child only answerd in one or two words, perhaps he was just a shy child.
-Your eyes a really beautiful." Shinobu said. This made Haruto stop and look at the ground.
-Really? You don't think their... Creepy?" He asked, almost inaudibly. Shinobu was confused, of course his eyes weren't creepy.
-Of course the aren't. Why would they be?" She asked. Haruto kept his gaze on the ground before swallowing and starting to walk again, not answering to her question.
The rest of the walk was silent. Shinobu had been thrown off by Haruto's question. The mood seemed to lighten a little when they got to the playground though. Haruto looked up and a small, adorable smile flashed on his face. He teetered to the slides and Shinobu sat down on a bench nearby.
-Stay where I can see you, please." She called after him. She got an "okay" from him.
Shinobu could relax for a while. She watched as Haruto ran around the playground with another kid who's father was watching them. The woman breathed in the clear autumn air.
Shinobu had greatly underestimated the energy of a four year old. Haruto seemed to never stop running, even after an hour of playing around. Shinobu decided it was time to go home and eat.
-Haruto, it's time to go home!" Shinobu called out to the child and he stopped in his tracks, looking at Shinobu and.. was he pouting?
-Alright.." he said something to the other child and then skipped over to Shinobu.
The child gave Shinobu a toothy grin, he was missing a tooth from his bottom teeth. Haruto started wiping his dirty hands on his pants. Shinobu quickly pulled out a tissue from her bag.
-No no, use this." She corrected, handing the boy the tissue. Haruto took it and obeyed, wiping his hands on the tissue.
-What do you want to eat?" Shinobu asked as they walked over to Giyuu's apartment.
-Hmm.. I want cereal!" The boy decided. Shinobu giggled.
-Cereal is good, but I think you need something a little more filling. How about I order us some Chinese and you can have apple juice with it, hmm?" Haruto seemed to think it over, and then he nodded his head excitedly.
When they got to the appartment complex Haruto and Giyuu lived in, Shinobu ordered Haruto to go in the bathroom and wash his hands. The child obeyed without a fuss and Shinobu reached for her phone, calling the nearest Chinese restaurant.
Haruto went in to his room. He said he wanted to do his homework in peace. So Shinobu opted to look around for a little bit.
The woman noted that the house was cozy and clean. The furniture was cheap but Giyuu has succeeded in making the place feel lived in. There was a bag of chips on the counter and a crayon set on the table across from the TV and sofa.
Shinobu sat on the couch and breathed in a sigh. She was tired, but she needed to be awake for the child, at least long enough to get him fed and in to bed.
After around 40 minutes, Shinobu heard the doorbell ring and got up from the couch. She picked up the money that Giyuu had set on the table for food.
She thanked the delivery man and then called for Haruto. There was a thud from his room and the child scampered to the table with a grin.
-Yay! Food!" Shinobu smiled at the child and set the food down, seeing Haruto practically foam at the mouth when he saw the food.
The two had a nice dinner. Haruto opened up about his day a little, saying he played alone with some rocks on the playground and that they learned how to do some math.
After dinner, Haruto took his plate and thanked Shinobu for the food. He brought it to the kitchen counter and then went to sit on the couch.
-Do you want to watch something?" Shinobu asked the boy as she got up to rinse their plates and cups. Haruto nodded enthusiastically.
-I want to watch Hachi!" He announced. Shinobu giggled. She had watched that show when she was little. It was about a dog that got in to all sorts of mischief when his owners were away. It was a pretty standard kid show.
-Alright, but if I let you watch your show, you need to go to bed when I tell you to, ok?" Haruto nodded, eager to watch his show.
-Hachi it is then."
The evening was pleasant. Shinobu didn't have much interest in the show, but she sat on the couch and did some emailing on her phone while Haruto's gaze was glued on the little dog on the TV screen. Every now and then, the child would giggle and tell Shinobu to look at something happening. Shinobu tried to be nice and nodded along as the child continued to watch his show.
Eventually, Haruto's bed time was coming, and Shinobu stretched her arms, prepping herself for the child to throw a tantrum.
-Now, time for bed." She announced. Haruto just kept staring at the TV.
-No! I want to watch Hachi!" He said adamantly. Shinobu sighed and stared him down. She was going to put her foot down.
-No, you remember we had a deal. I let you watch your show, and now it's time for bed." Haruto stuck out his bottom lip, his eyes glinting. "Oh no" Shinobu thought. Haruto's shoulders started shaking and he burst out in tears. Little children could be so emotional at times, she knew this would happen. The volume of the boy's cries were ear piecing, but Shinobu needed to be calm in order to calm him down. After all, yelling wouldn't fix anything as children don't know how to regulate emotions at this age.
The woman stood up from the couch and crouched beside Haruto so that he was at her eye level. She softly reached for his head and patted it. A moment later Haruto was still crying, but now he wasn't loud.
-Buddy, you have to go to bed, it's already 8.30 and I let you watch your show. How about I put on your favourite audio book?" She said. Haruto was quiet for a moment and then nodded his head, he looked like a kicked puppy, but he didn't argue more.
-Thank you. Now, go brush your teeth and I'll go put on your book." Haruto didn't say anything. He slouched off in to the bathroom and Shinobu breathed in a sigh of relief.
Shinobu got the bed ready, and when Haruto walked in to his room, there was his nightlight on, and he climbed up in to his bed with his stuffies. The room was painted in beige and white colours, Haruto's bed was a yellow-ish hue with a lion painted on the side and a dreamcatcher hanging above the headboard. His nightlight hung on the wall above a toychest. There was a backpack on the table beside the door, and a drawer just opposite of the bed with a cd player for the audiobook.
-Are you all done?" Shinobu asked. Haruto nodded and yawned, his dual coloured eyes drooped, a clear sign that he was tired.
-Will you be here when I wake up?" He asked suddenly. Shinobu shook her head slightly.
-Not likely.. your father will be home soon, and then he will pick you up tomorrow."
-Oh.." he sounded dissapointed, and it made Shinobu's hear ache. Had she gotten attached already?
-But, maybe I'll see you again, if your father ever needs a babysitter." She tried to cheer him up. Haruto stayed silent and layed his head down on his pillow, staring at the ceiling.
-Ok.. good night." He said meekly. Shinobu smiled and ruffled his hair.
-Good night."
Shinobu sat on the couch, setting the TV off and then she slouched. She was exhausted and wanted Giyuu to come home quickly so that she could go home and sleep.
It wasn't long before Giyuu turned the key and got inside, yawning.
-Hey, I'm home." He called to no one in particular. Shinobu looked up from the couch and greeted him back.
-Good evening Tomioka-san. Haruto is in bed already." Giyuu's eyes widened slightly, like he had forgotten that Shinobu would be here. He sighed and nodded.
-Yes. Thank you for watching my son, Kochou." He said politely. Shinobu waved him off.
-It was no trouble, he's a sweet kid, and he listens...most of the time." She chuckled. She could swear she saw him smiling at that.
Giyuu took off his shoes and jacket and then went straight to Haruto's room, quiet enough to not disturb him. Shinobu followed cautiously. She saw him smiling at his son as he peered through his door. The child was snoring softly, his audiobook still playing in the background. Giyuu turned to Shinobu, now his usual emotionless self.
-Thank you, again. Do you want to.. stay the night?" He asked. Shinobu shook her head.
-No thanks, I need to get home anyway. But thank you for the offer." She headed for the door, pulling on her jacket and shoes and then looking back to the man. She smiled.
-Good night, Tomioka-san." She opened the door and stepped out in to the hallway. She could have sworn she heard him say "bye" to her.
After that day, Shinobu would sometimes watch Haruto and do her work at Giyuu's place. Giyuu had to take on more and more extra work, but he needed the money so he couldn't refuse. Shinobu kept insisting that it was no problem.
After another long day of work, Giyuu arrived home. He saw Shinobu watching Hachi with Haruto, and something in his chest felt warm at the sight of his son smiling at Shinobu. Giyuu cleared his throat and Shinobu visibly flinched.
-Oh! I'm sorry I didn't realise it's so late already." She apologised while smiling sheepishly. Haruto yawned and got off the couch to walk to his room.
-Night' Nobu.." The child called sleepily.
-Good night, Haruto."
And then, they were alone. Neither of them spoke for a moment. Giyuu was depating on whether or not he could have this conversation.
-So, are you planning on avoiding my questions again?" Shinobu asked. Giyuu shook his head.
-No, let's talk."
The two were sat on the dinner table across from each other. Shinobu was waiting for Giyuu to start explaining.
-So.. 7 years ago, I left Japan and moved to China. This was because my mother died. I was left with no relatives in Japan, and as I was a minor at the time, I had to move in with my cousins who were living in China." He started. Shinobu nodded along. It was good to know he wasn't lying in the letter she had read.
-And you finished your school there?"
-Did you ever think of me?" Shinobu didn't know why she asked that. Maybe it had always been nagging in the back of her brain. He didn't answer.
-Or did you move on to Haruto's mother as soon as I was out of the way?.." she said that part rather bitterly, she supposed it was a valid concern, since he always looked so guilty when Shinobu was near him.
-Shinobu, Jesus Christ I am a lot of things but I'm not a cheater!" He growled. He seemed genuinely hurt by the idea of Shinobu thinking he was cheating on her back then.
-Very well... When did you meet Haruto's mother?" She asked, hoping to change the subject a little. Giyuu thought for a moment.
-I met her in shanghai, two years after I moved in with my cousins. My mother's death left me with no relatives in Japan, and being a minor I couldn't be alone, so I moved." He explained. Shinobu nodded. It made sense.
-Why do you have custody of Haruto, is his mother still... Y'know.." she gestured vaguely with her hands. Giyuu clenched his jaw.
-I would rather not talk about it. But rest assured, she is alive, but she is not in the picture.." He said. Shinobu felt like she wouldn't get anywhere with pushing the topic, so she let it be.
-Allright, now, do you want some left over Chinese food? I kind of ruined the pan." Shinobu asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice. Giyuu's lips twitched up, and Shinobu smirked.
-Oh, did I make you laugh?" she teased him. Giyuu chuckled slightly, trying to gather himself.
-I did!" Shinobu yelled, a light sparking in her eyes.
-I hate you.." Giyuu groaned, laying down on the couch dramatically. Shinobu laughed.
-I beg to differ!"
-Beg harder."
Shinobu was back at the house again. Giyuu had gotten a day off, conveniently at the same time as Shinobu. Now Haruto wanted Shinobu to go to an aquarium with him and his father. The boy was still changing in his bedroom, so Shinobu was with Giyuu in the living room.
-I wanna see the otters!" Haruto exclaimed.
-Are they your favourite animals?" Shinobu asked the boy. Haruto shook his head.
-No, my favourite animal is the fox, but there's no foxes in aquariums."
It was rather sweet how Haruto clung to his father's hand while the three walked down the road to the aquarium. He looked like he was ready to sprint to the animals, but his father had a tight grip on his hand, making sure he didn't run off and accidentally get trampled or lost.
-Come on, let's go!" He whined. Giyuu looked unamused and Shinobu had to stifle a laugh from coming out because of his expression.
-The animals won't go anywhere, slow down a little Haru." She tried to calm him. Haruto rolled his eyes but stopped tugging on Giyuu's hand.
When they got to the tickets, Giyuu insisted on paying for them, but Shinobu wouldn't let him.
-No need to be a gentleman, Tomioka-san." She smirked. Giyuu looked annoyed.
-We invited you, it's only fair that I pay. And stop calling me "Tomioka-san" I think we're a little past those formalities Shinobu." Shinobu smiled. It had been a long time since Giyuu last called her by her first name.
-Fine, how about we split it? I will pay now and you can pay me back." Shinobu suggested.
-You won't let me pay you back." Giyuu narrowed his eyes at the woman, but she only scoffed.
-Come on, please?" Giyuu rubbed the bridge of his nose.
Haruto seemed mesmerized the second he stepped in to the first room. He was skipping around the room, looking at everything. He was almost pressing his face against the glass of the enclosures. The speakers played sounds of waves, and the room was painted in blue and gray hues. Shinobu had always liked blue, it was a calming colour.
When Haruto had had enough of looking at the animals, Giyuu suggested they all go to the small play area by the food place and eat. Haruto was all for it, and Shinobu had to admit she was getting a bit hungry herself.
-I'll pay this time." Giyuu warned Shinobu as they neared the counter. The woman put her hands up in mock surrender.
Haruto gobbled up his meal with the ferocity of a starving wolf. He must have gathered quite the appetite with his excitement earlier. Shinobu had to admit she missed the insane energy she had when she was his age.
He then excused himself and ran off towards the indoor playplace to run around even more.
Shinobu and Giyuu watched the child from their table by the corner with affection. Shinobu had to admit it, she was getting really attached to the boy, even if he wasn't biologically hers. There weren't many parents or children at the place because it was Wednesday, most people were at work.
-She didn't want him..." Giyuu stated
-His mother... She- fuck, she didn't want him." He choked out, casting his eyes on the table. Shinobu blinked, she stared at Giyuu with wide eyes. She didn't expect him to get so emotional out of nowhere.
-She looked at him after he was cleaned up and brought to her.. and she didn't want him, how could she do that?" He slouched, putting his head in his hands and staring at the table surface. Shinobu's heart ached to see him like this, so melancholy and exhausted.
-I don't know... But you don't need her, Haruto has the best father he could ask for and you have done all you can."
-It's not enough." His voice was so small and desperate. Shinobu thought it didn't suit him at all. She reached for Giyuu's hands and gently pried them off his head. She held them and he looked in to her lilac eyes.
-It's more than enough.. and you don't have to do this alone anymore, I am willing to help you." She argued. Giyuu blinked slowly, his face showing a myriad of emotions. He finally nodded.
-Thank you, Shinobu." He whispered.
Time went on like it always does. Just a few days after the aquarium Shinobu was yet again babysitting.
-Nobu.." Haruto tugged on the hem of Shinobu's shirt. She looked down at the boy and hummed.
-Yes Haruto? Dinner will be ready in ten minutes." She informed him.
-I was wondering.. if you have the time... Could you come see me dance? We are making a show for the school and my class has to learn a dance..." He explained, looking at the ground. Shinobu smiled.
-Of course. I would be happy to see you perform." Haruto looks up to meet her eyes, his lips form a wide grin and he hugs her legs suddenly.
-Thanks mom!" He cheers and then runs off. Shinobu laughs lightly. And then it hits her. He just called her "mom"
-HE CALLED ME MOM?!" she screeches out loud, and then takes a deep breath. She hoped no one heard her. Truth be told, she was extremely happy. Her chest felt warm and she felt tears prick at her eyes but she kept them in. She had dinner to finish.
Little Haruto was so adorable all dressed up for the performance. He had black, slightly loose fitting pants and a white shirt with a black bowtie, his shiny black shoes were clean and he looked like a very handsome young boy.
The front of the school was filled with similarly dressed children and their parents. Shinobu stood beside Haruto and Giyuu. The child looked eagerly at his classmates.
-Nervous?" Shinobu asked him with a grin.
-Nuh-uh!" The boy replied quickly. He jumped up and down, his small body practically shaking with excitement.
-Alright, alright, save some energy for the dance." Giyuu chuckled. Haruto giggled, his dual coloured eyes shining.
-Oh, I gotta go stand in the line, bye!" The child scampered off to stand with his classmates. Giyuu turned to Shinobu, his face soft.
-I'm glad he's excited, I was worried the other children would force him out of the show again." He said truthfully. Shinobu was confused.
-What do you mean? Why would the other children not want him to be in the dance?" Giyuu's eyes flickered with brief anger.
-Well, some of the children think it's funny that he has heterochromia. They teased him pretty relentlessly about it when school started. He even wanted to wear contacts but I didn't let him." He said. He sounded angry, and Shinobu couldn't blame him. It wasn't fair that Haruto was made to feel different because of his eyes. His eyes were beautiful, and no one had the right to bully him for them.
-I think their wonderful, one eye blue like yours, and one like his mother, right?" Shinobu said softly. Giyuu nodded.
-Yes, he's my special boy, and I won't let him ever forget that."
The auditorium was packed with parents and grandparents. The siblings were all conversing loudly and jumping around. A curtain was drawn Infront of the stage and the kindergarteners were behind it.
Soon, the lights were dimmed and parents gushed their children. Shinobu was excited to see what Haruto had practised so eagerly.
The little kids were so adorable in their costumes, the music was happy and up beat. A drum was heard clearly, along with a guitar.
Shinobu thought it was adorable, and by the small grin on Giyuu's face, she could tell he was proud of his son, too.
A few weeks after the show, Shinobu was sitting by the table of Giyuu's apartment, a wine glass in hand and a smile on both her's and Giyuu's faces. Haruto had been given to Shinobu's sister Kanao and her husband Tanjiro to look after while Giyuu got some well earned adult time with his friend. (*Cough* crush *COUGH*)
The two were reminiscing on their time in highschool. It was nice and Shinobu wasn't sure she wanted the night to end yet.
Shinobu felt like she had gotten closer and closer with Giyuu for the past month or so. It felt like they were back in highschool. Shinobu knew she was starting to form some more than friendly feelings for him again, but she also couldn't deny she was scared of being with him again.
-What's wrong?" The question snapped Shinobu out of her thoughts, and she shook her head slightly.
-It's nothing.." She gave a strained smile and Giyuu deadpanned at her.
-come on, Shinobu, you can't hide anything from me." He sounded irritated by his friend's unwillingness to be honest with him. Shinobu took a nervous sip of wine, she really didn't want to have this conversation, but she also just wanted to get it out of the way.
-I've just been thinking a lot..." She paused, Giyuu tilted his head.
-About... Us. About how we used to be." She explained. Shinobu moved her gaze to the carpet under the dining table. She was embarrassed, maybe Giyuu was uncomfortable with her bringing up the past.
-That's all?" Shinobu furrowed her brows at the indifference in Giyuu's tone.
-Yeah, I know it's stupid but you asked me." She wanted nothing more than to get up and leave in that moment, she wanted to shield herself from getting hurt again, but she stayed. For some, unexplainable reason, she stayed.
-It's pretty funny to me." To Shinobu's surprise, Giyuu laughed. It wasn't a chuckle or a forced sounding laugh, it was genuine.
-Why is that?"
-Because I've been thinking about us too." He said simply.
-Really?" Shinobu rose her gaze towards the man sitting across from her. She studied his face, looking for any signs of him joking. But she was only met with a delighted face and eyes that seemed to hold fondness.
-Then.." Shinobu didn't know if she could say it, but luckily, she didn't have to. For once, Giyuu spoke up before her.
-I'm willing to give us another chance. I want to know if we can work out like we used to." Giyuu said, his eyes now looking directly at her. Shinobu's eyes softened as she looked at him. She decided to take a deep breath, and she let herself take a leap of faith.
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