mermaid Shinobu X fisherman Giyuu (3k words)

I'm trying Something a little different today. This is inspired by the "Annabell lee" poem by Edgar Allan Poe so is this technically a poem fic? Is that even a thing?? If not I guess I'm making it a thing.

Raucous laughter sounded throughout the town by the sea. A group of young children laughed and played, chasing a ball around town. The play got closer and closer to the shore, and as the town sat on a hill overlooking the sea, the ball rolled down towards the bay.

A child screamed and ran after the ball, their friends following suit.

This ball rolled down to an old fishing shack.

The children saw the old fisherman sitting on his porch swing, staring out in to the horizon. He did that a lot.

-Hey! Catch the ball!" A child screamed. The old man turned to look at the group of children chasing the ball. He sighed and got up using his cane as leverage.

He caught the ball when it rolled down to his feet on the sand.

The children were not far behind, and they thanked the man for catching their toy.

-Thank you Tomioka-san." The Oldest of the children, a brown haired boy bowed respectfully. Giyuu nodded, not really paying attention. He seemed even more out of it than usual today. It was as if he was waiting for someone.

-What's wrong, gramps?" Inosuke asked. Giyuu looked at the kids from the corner of his eye and contemplated answering.

-tis' the anniversary of her death." He said simply. Tanjiro was the first to pipe up.

-Who's death?" Giyuu looked at the boy, hesitating on his answer, but he sighed.

-I'll tell you."

"It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

It was a day of great excitement. The youngest Tomioka was beaming with pride, as his father stomped down the stairs in the small house they called home.

The best fisherman, that was what the child had always aspired to be. He wanted to make his father proud. At just 9 years old, Giyuu already knew how to pick a bait, handle a fishing rod, how to clean a fish and how to wait patiently for a catch.

-Father, let me go with you on the sea, Please?" He clung to his father's sleeve, but the man just shooed him away with a tired look.

-No, you're still far too young." He said. Giyuu stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.

-But.. but you always go! I want to help too!" He protested. His father sighed and reached his hand to ruffle the child's hair.

-No, Giyuu. You can come when you're older, just wait patiently." He said sternly. Giyuu wanted to protest but he figured it wouldn't do any good.

-Fine..." He crossed his arms over his chest. His father said goodbye to the family and walked out of the house, promising to return with fish to feed the whole village. Giyuu's mother crouched down to his level.

-Don't be sad. How about you fish by the rocks?" She suggested. Giyuu didn't want to fish by the rocks where only little fish would catch the bait, but he figured it was better than doing nothing.

-Alright.." he mumbled. His mother handed his a little bag with a sandwich and a flask of water.

-Here, come home before sundown, ok?" She smiled at him. Giyuu only nodded and turned to walk out of the door.


Giyuu sat on the docks by the water. The weather wasn't great, he could see storm clouds by the horizon as he stared up at the sky. In his hand was a fishing rod. He waited patiently just as he had been taught to do, but it was hard today. He found himself daydreaming of the open sea. Something tugged and he snapped back to attention. He waited for the lure to go under the surface and then he pulled up, but it was heavy. It certainly wasn't a small fish. He looked down to see not a fish, but a..girl? Wait.. a girl with a fish tail?? She had a grimace on her face, and Giyuu could see she was holding her arm. He gasped and let go of the rod, his eyes wide in surprise and confusion. The girl looked up to see him and she looked equally as surprised. She rose to the surface, her tail catching the light as she emerged. Her head poked out of the water.

-Who...who are you?" Giyuu squeaked. The girl looked about his age. She only stared at him. Giyuu felt even more nervous.

-H..hey" she said finally. Giyuu glanced to her arm, he could see blood and the small thread that connected to his fishing rod. He quickly put tow and tow together.

-Oh! I-I'm so sorry." He apologized bit the girl shook her head. She was wearing some sort of shells over her chest, they were tied with a material resembling string, but what was really eye capturing was the tail she was using to keep herself afloat. The scales were like a salmons, gray and black that was well suited for living under water. Giyuu found himself Mesmerized by the sight. He was brought back to reality by the girl snapping her fingers.

-Quit staring!" She huffed. Giyuu shook himself.

-Geez, sorry. I'm not used to fish girls." He said, rather grumpy. The girl scoffed.

-I'm not a 'fish girl' I'm a mermaid." She corrected him. Now Giyuu was even more confused, he had heard of mermaids but they were mere legends. Yet now... He was having a conversation with one of them, and they seemed to speak the same language. She tried to get the fish hook out of her arm but only managed to make herself bleed more. Giyuu waves his hands.

-Stop that, you're making it worse!" He yelled, a little panicked. The girl seemed to listen, her eyes glistening with tears. Giyuu slowly reached a hand out to her. She seemed hesitant but showed him her arm. He carefully released the hook from her arm, the wound wasn't anything severe, thankfully. But the salt water probably wasn't the best on it.

-You should wrap that up.." he mumbled, almost to himself. The girl shook her head.

-I'll be fine... But thanks, for getting the thing out." She dipped her head towards him.

-No problem. I'm Giyuu Tomioka, by the way." He introduced himself.

-I'm Shinobu Kocho." She answered back. Giyuu dipped the hook in the water to rinse it off and then carefully put it beside the fishing rod and his lunch bag. Shinobu peeked at it curiously.

-What's in the bag?" She asked casually. Giyuu looked at her.

-Lunch. My mom made it for me." He answerd. Shinobu's eyes lit up.

-Humans eat too?" She asked. Giyuu didn't know if he should be offended.

-What, you think we don't?" He asked. Shinobu shrugged.

-I don't know, humans are weird and we don't know much about them."


-Me and other mermaids." She said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

-Uh-huh.. how many of you are out there?" He asked. He was curious now, and the girl didn't seem to mind sharing, her eyes lit up.

-A whole lot! I live down by the bottom, it's nice and cool there, but there's not much light. We use glowing seashells, they kinda look like the stars from surface. My parents never let me venture beyond the kingdom's borders." She said. Giyuu nodded along, he could relate to not getting to do what he wanted.

-Me father won't let me out on the sea either." He sighed.

-Guess we're in the same situation then." Shinobu said, her tail splashing languidly in the water. Giyuu found himself staring.

-I never knew you were real, I just thought mermaids were made up." He admitted.

-I can assure you, we're as real as sirens are." She said. Giyuu shuddered. Sirens were definitely way less cool than mermaids if they were real.

-What..? So sirens really can get me?" He asked, a bit scared. Shinobu chuckled.

-Yes, but don't worry they usually won't bother, they would rather swim around and eat fish all day." She tried to reassure him.

-What do you eat?" He asked.

-I love clams, fish, crabs and anything else found in the ocean." She smiled.

-Raw fish?" He asked again and Shinobu nodded.

-Of course! It's best when it's fresh." She said. Giyuu made a sour face, the thought was disgusting.

-No thanks, I'll stick to cooked meat." He reached for his lunch bag and pulled out a sandwich with chicken, lettuce, cucumber and cheese. He held it out for her and she raised a brow.

-What are you doing?"

-Offering a bite." He said simply. She looked surprised.


-Let's call it me apologizing for accidentaly hurting you." He shrugged. Shinobu chuckled at that. She reached a hand out to take the sandwich.

-I've never seen one like this.. is it poison?" She looked at him skeptically as she asked that. Giyuu looked almost offended.

-No, just try it you'll see." He urged her. She hesitated for a moment longer as she looked over the weat bread, turning it around in her hands and then took a small bite. Her eyes lit up.

-This is so good!" She exclaimed. Giyuu had an 'I told you so' face.

-Better than raw fish?" He inquired. She shook her head.

-Nope~" Giyuu's face fell again. She chuckled at his face before her expression moved in to something more serious.
-But.. please don't tell anyone you saw me."

-Why?" He asked.

-Humans want to hunt us for our tails.. my parents warned me about it." Giyuu felt suddendly cold. He had just met her but.. he understood, so he nodded.

-I won't tell a soul."


Years flew by and the two became teenagers. With each year the call of the sea spoke to both of them. Shinobu was growing more and more adventurous. She'd tell Giyuy all about her adventures beyond the reef, about the animals and enviornments she caught glimpses of. Giyuu was glad to have her as his friend.

-Hello again, finless boy." Shinobu sang as Giyuu made his way to the rocks. It was away from prying eyes, just how they liked their meetings.

-Hello, fish-breath." He answered her. Shinobu only laughed.

-Aw, so mean.. and I even made you a present." She feigned hurt. Giyuu quirked an eyebrow at her.

-Really now?"

-Yup!" Shinobu held out a necklace made of shells and pearls, more beautiful than any jewelery Giyuu had seen.

-Woah..!" He breathed, his eyes lit up like candles.

-I know I know, I'm amazing." Giyuu snorted at her comment

-Don't let it get to your head, you're still a fish breath.":

-We eat raw fish, what did you expect? For my breath to smell like flowers?" She argued.

-Y'know in the legends, mermaids are supposed to be beautiful." He quipped. Shinobu faked offence.

-Okay you asked for it!" She raised one arm and brought it down on the water in a slashing motion, sending water splashing towards Giyuu. The boy tried to scramble back but the rocks were slippery and he slipped in to the water. Shinobu laughed as Giyuu spluttered and rose to the surface, his hair sticking to his face.

-Ugh, did you have to do that?" He asked in an annoyed voice. Shinobu was still laughing, her tail swishing in the water. Giyuu used the rocks as leverage and pushed himself by his feet towards her. He pushed her backwards and Shinobu finally stopped laughing, a smile still on her face.

-Water will do some good for you." She said, clearly not sorry. Giyuu splashed water in her face as payback and Shinobu quickly retreated underwater. Giyuu looked down, the water was clear and cool, perfect for a summer day.

-Coward." He snickered. Shinobu swam under his feet in circles, as if mocking him. Giyuu rolled his eyes, took in a deep breath and dove under the surface. It was so much quieter than on land. The sounds softer, lulling him in to a sense of comfort. He kicked his legs and tried to catch her but Shinobu was faster, she maneuvered with ease with her tail. She slipped his grasp and Giyuu furrowed his brows. Shinobu stuck her tongue out at him. The boy knew he couldn't last under water much longer so he began to pedal back to towards the surface, taking in a gulp of air once he resurfaced. The noises of the world once again rang in his ears. The sounds from the people away from the water, the wind, the sound of waves hitting the shore.

-Better luck next time~" Shinobu sang as she poked her head out of the water.

And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee-
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven
Coveted her and me.

-Shinobu!" Giyuu yelled out to the sea, his voice clear and happy. Shinobu's head rose from the depths of the sea and she called back to him.

-What is it this time?" Giyuu skidded over to the rocks, loosing his footing and falling backwards, but the grin never left his face.

-I'm going on my first solo fishing trip beyond the marked area!" He said proudly. Shinobu watched him with amusement, her long, beautiful tail splashing lazily.

-Congrats." She said. Despite all the appearances, she was happy for him. She knew how much he loved the ocean, she knew he had been waiting for this his whole life. He was finally old enough to move past the markers, in to the clear open waters with the most fish. Giyuy puffed his chest put in pride.

-And, I have a bet to make." He spoke again. Now that got Shinobu's attention.

-I'm listening." Giyuu sat up.

-If I bring back more fish than my father did on his first solo trip, you have to take me to the coral reef west from here." He declared. Shinobu raised an eyebrow, curious.

-Sure. And if you lose?" Giyuu thought for a moment. He shrugged his shoulders.

-You decide. I'm not going to lose, after all." Shinobu snickerd.

-So confident.. but fine. If you lose then.. you'll have to make me sandwiches for a week." She decided. Giyuu snorted at the request.

-What am I? Your husband?" The words left his mouth before he had the time to stop them and Shinobu's eyes opened in surprise. But before the boy had time to take it back, Shinobu piped up.

-Husband, eh?" She smirked, her eyes gleaming with amusement. Giyuu felt a blush rise to his cheeks and he coughed in to his fist. Shinobu spoke again.

-That's sweet, but how about we start with boyfriend?" Giyuu felt like he might have a heart attack. He looked at her with his jaw wide open.

-I..can work with that." He nodded, still baffled. Shinobu smiled at him, her expression a bit softer.

-Just come back alive, ok?" She turned to swim away and Giyuu shook his head.

-You got it!"


Giyuu's first solo fishing trip was a long awaited opportunity. He was 18 by now, and his father had finally trusted him to do it on his own. At the crack of dawn the young man, now tall and handsome, set out on the sea with nothing but a boat. Two flasks of fresh water, fishing gear and lunch. The weather was clear, so bright and perfect. But then, why did he have such an awful feeling about today? It must've been the nerves... It must've been...

He set sail, determined to make his family proud. He wouldn't come back without a good catch. He had done this a thousand times with his father, nothing new would await him. He grabbed the wheel of the boat, his body quick to take control of the ship. He loved it, loved the feeling of being out on the sea, complete serenity. He finally settled on a spot after a while. He couldn't see land but the bird that flew over his head was a clear sign of stability. He'd be fine, but for now, he was alone with his mission.


The day went well, all things considered. Giyuu layed out nets for the fish and scattered crumbs in the water. It was... Peaceful. Yet Giyuu couldn't relax. He looked around, the sound of silence growing heavy and loud. He began to daydream as usual, his thoughts wandering back to Shinobu.

When the sun began to set beyond the horizon, the last rays of light shone on Giyuu's face. The warmth making him feel sleepy. He wondered wether Shinobu was watching the same sunset. Where is she right now? Would she be happy with his mission when he got back? Would they eat sandwiches by the rocks and joke and... His thoughts were cut off when clouds emerged in the horizon. Dark, gloomy clouds, promising rain. Giyuu knew he didn't have much time before it would start pouring. He did what he could. With effort he pulled the nets out of the water, a fair amount of fish caught up.

And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsmen came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.

It didn't take long for the storming to start. The boat rocked in the new waves. Wind picking up. The raindrops fell, mixing in to the salty seawater like stars fell from the night sky. Giyuu moved his hair back and walked up the small deck, the boat not being large but still holding up ok.  He secured the fish and then took the wheel again.

Eventually, lighting flashed, the boom sounding out of place on the once calm waters. Water splashed on to the boat, but luckily not much. Giyuu was soaked and trying to figure out whefe he was going. The rain stung his eyes, he felt cold and confused. He looked around desperately but the waves pushed and almost threw him off balance. He didn't have time to hesitate on anything he did.

But it was too strong... Giyuu could barely see, his sense of direction completely thrown off. He could only pray he made it back safe. With a 'thump' he turned his head to the side to see sharp rocks hitting the side of the boat. His blood ran cold. This was not good, if he sunk he'd be easy pickings for sharks or worse. The water Began to sleep in and Giyuu with quick thinking ran to the fish still on the boat. He cut the nets with a knife found in his bag and threw the fish overboart in an attempt to stop the sinking, or at the very least slow it down. He looked around for anything that might help. He heard a voice call out to him in the storm.

-Giyuu!" It was Shinobu.. but how was she here? He didn't have time to wonder about that. The boat gave out with a sickening crack and Giyuu felt the floor give out under him and he fell. A sharp pain shot through his leg and body. He felt the warmth of his blood rush past him in the water.

He barely heard Shinobu before he was dragged away from the sinking ship. He let out a yelp of pain, it hurt. His leg was definitely broken. He couldn't kick to keep himself afloat and was left to rest on Shinobu's back as the mermaid swam. For both of them, trying desperately to keep them both over the surface. She could breathe fine under water but Giyuu was too weak to do anything. She was panicking as well but the adrenaline was making it easier. She swam and flicked her tail, she tried so hard but exhausting soon got the best of her. She could hear human boats, could feel her head hit something as black spots danced in her eyes. Then...nothing.

Giyuu woke up in his house, in his bed, alone. His leg forever lame, his eyes forever glazed over with sorrow. And he never saw Shinobu again.

The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes!-that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we-
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in Heaven above
Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;

When Giyuy was finished with the story the children were quiet. Zenitsu and Tanjiro were holding back tears while Nezuko patted Giyuu's knee in an attempt to comfort him while Inosuke was quietly processing the story. (Nice of you to trauma dump on children, Giyuu)

Giyuu turned away as the children stood up and left without words. The jaded man's brittle, old bones ached but he stood up. He limped, using his Cain for support. On a shelf by the window was a beautiful wooden box, and inside that box that had already started to break and chip, was a handful of mermaid scales. The scales  were light but they weighed heavy as lead in his hands. Shinobu... This was all he had left of her. He looked out the window to the sea, the quiet, serene tomb of everything he held dear.

For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling-my darling-my life and my bride,
In her sepulchre there by the sea-
In her tomb by the sounding sea."

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