China, Shanghai
At the port many people came to visit this place, a young man wearing his long brown coat and he wore a hat, as he breath through the air in the city of Shanghai, the man's name was Alistair Rhodes, he one his way to the to enlist the veteran of Sino-French Conflict Yibo Li Chang at his home.
The man: Sir, umm your payment *offering a coin*
Alistair: *surprised* Oh I'm sorry, I'm just taking a view of this city first time.
Alistair give the coins to the man who is paddling the boat.
The scene sees Alistair arrive at Yibo's home
*knock* *knock*
The man revealed himself as Yibo Li Chang, who opened wide open seeing a young man standing in front of him in his house.
Yibo Li: 先生,我能帮你什么吗? (How can I help you sir?)
Alistair: Good evening Mr Chang, sorry for interrupting your peaceful home.
Yibo Li: English? Are you-
Alistair: Yes, I'm from the far side country than French. Now, Mr. Chang, I would like a request.
The scene shows outside his house as the two talk about the information of the mysterious Artifact held on the island called Beilan Island.
Yibo Li: So me get this straight You want me a veteran of the Sino-French war to send my best veteran units and peer into the mysterious realm in the island of Beilan Island in Southern East China, that none of the locals will go anywhere near to that island?
Alistair: That's about the size is it, yes, the Beilan Island is very mysterious island in Shanghai, no one ever been there before.
Yibo Li: And if I find that... *confused* what did you call it?
Alistair: Sentinel Artifact.
Yibo Li: Sentinel Artifact, then I'm to bring it to you? Not publish? Not alert the Emperor Guangxu, not mark the occasion.
Alistair: Seems so, that's why I want you and the best units you had fought with the French to investigate the Beilan Island, look old man, not put too finer point on it, what else are you going to do with your time? My wife got a pregnant right now, you and your men must investigate the Beilan island and I'll be sure to smooth things over? We have you back in time.
Yibo Li: So you want me to recruit my old former units to investigate that site? And then retrieve the Artifact.
Alistair: ...and I'll pay for you anything you want.
Yibo Li: All this Sentinel seems to be very important. Why aren't you handling it yourself?
Alistair in his worried and mood looks.
Alistair: because, I was keeping a low profile, I heard rumors about those cults with robes and a golden mask, I didn't mentioned those group aswell... when I learned about the mysterious Artifact held in Beilan Island, I must learned about those Artifact.
Yibo Li: Cults, you never heard of them?
Alistair: Neither do I, remember, when I was a teenager, I witness those "men" in robes walking down the alleyway carrying the innocent man. Whatever those guys are after, but I need you to do exactly as I can do to retrieve the mysterious Sentinel Artifact.
Yibo Li: *determined- Alright, I will help you retrieve the Sentinel Artifact, I will get my former soldiers back on the frontline to mysterious Beilan Island, I will keep in check.
Alistair: *smile* Good, Mr Chang, thank you.
Alistair and Yibo Li Chang handshake as the scene faded to the present.
The scene sees the VTOL flying towards the Beilan Island, with people inside were Boris Weaver, Maiko Takenaka, Tara Redfield, Eugen Von Phonix, Aidan Belikov, Aiden, Arya, George Ridge with Fire alongside only few Dolls, DEFY and Eagle Flyers team with Aliana but why Aiden's squad, well... he cannot risk of loosing another Doll, so he decided send only few Dolls.
Xyu: Okay guys, we arrived at destination, but the Beilan Island seems to be changing the Collapse radiation number became decreasing.
Arya: *confused* What?
Xyu: Well you see, look outside, *empathetic* Damn city turned into a ruins.
With Gandulf, Polina, Gerasim, Tasha, Arya and Aiden looked at the window, to their shocking surprise, to see the unforgotten ruin Relic site sitting lies in preserve of collapse Fluid since the explosion the entire site collapse. Today, to ruin remain place with all the sharp crystallline spires.
Polina: *shivering* O Боже мой. (Oh my god.)
Geraism: Here we are. Beilan island. Now lays to ruin in China.
Xyu: According to this radiation is over 10,000 Vebryan, it could destroyed electronic objects if I get close to that site due to the Collapse Storm!
Sora: *COMMS* Damn shit, Fire find something to land somewhere from the radiation storm, we need to put this thing right. This is gonna be difficult challenge, we disobey enter the Black Zone to Governments.
Ridge: *COMMS* And according to this, if anything you got exposure to the radiation it could rapidly turned.
Jennifer: *COMMS* Sometimes if you had to survive the Black Zone, but this is gotta first time to test out the experiment Holographic suit.
Romy: *COMMS* What holographic Suit?
Maxim: Never heard of it.
At the laboratory room
with Burno and his scientist team ready to test the latest holographic suit for the animal test including the Collapse fluid capsule inside the protection walls as Jennifer explained.
Jennifer: Holographic suit design to withstand the Collapse Fluid it can go anywhere with holographic suit to protect your skin, like in 10,000 Vebryan, Red zone over 150, and 10,000 Vebryan and Yellow Zone over 1 and 150 Vebryan. For example, we test out the animal if they survive the Collapse Fluid in result it was a success, the Holographic suit can be the gamechanger for PMC and the for the people for themselves.
XM4: *surprised* Damn, Doc you are genius!
Jennifer: Like Neo-Soivet Union's post war high-altitude large synthetic aperture satellite, LOKI remained the largest satellite bombardment to get away from the Collapse Radiation.
The VTOL first landed near the Ruin of Relic Site in Beilan Island, Everyone place their holographic suit on their arms, chest and waist to protect themselves from Collapse but as the storm coming Xyu quickly escape and avoid the Collapse storm.
Aliana: *shivering and gulp* Oh boy... this is our second time in Black zone just like in Dead Sea.
XM4: *comfort* Hey, Aliana it's okay, we got the holographic suit, It'll protect yourself from Collapse.
Aliana: I know...
S.A.M.: This ruin of the Beilan Island Relic Site is considered, a neutral non-militarized region. However, this site is not dangerous due to release of reserve Collapse Fluid into Atmosphere in first incident, the radiation still 100,000 Vebryan.
Gandulf: *COMMS* So that means still no spiking levels, the cloud had settled nearby in ruin of Beilan Island Relic site.
S.A.M.: Exactly, according to radiation the level, if the presence of the New Sentinel Artifact could cause the Ruin of Beilan island Relic site radiation zone, so proceed with caution.
Boris: Welp. *sarcastic* We've got a magic amulet, a staff of ice that we've recovered from the excavation site and a shitload of bullets. What could possibly go wrong.
Aiden: Yeah, in case of speaking of which. There's a zombie coming right at yeah. *pointing at the zombie*
The group turned around see the ELID infections but due to the appearance, that's a zombie but with ELID radiation, to increase some damage to the humans, so they call it ELID zombies.
M8A1: Shit, did those zombies going level up into ELID zombies.
Kian, Vargo 52, DEFY, C58 and the rest starred at M8A1 who got the name ELID zombie.
M8A1: *curious* What?
Kian: Kid, *smirk* I like the name for the meatbags.
C58: Mmmphhh, interesante, ELID zombies, perfect type of zombies freaks.
AN-94: *shrug* I agree with Ferandez, ELID zombies are the type of freaks than ELID infections.
Tasha shoot the ELID zombie with Odav in the head and dies.
Asuaka: SAM, any status radiation of new zombie type called ELID zombies?
S.A.M.: MMMmmphhh, I don't think they don't have radiation, due to the Aetherium, the zombies can't feel the radiation of Collapse Fluid.
Sigmund: *place his finger in his chin* Interesting, the ELID doesn't affect to the Zekes.
Krig 6: And one question...
AK-15: *surprised* How the heck your four still alive, and why aren't you using Holographic suit?
Maxim: Da, I saw you four don't feel the ELID radiations.
Gandulf: *COMMS* Is like I said, AK-15, we're immortals, we don't affect the Collapse Fluid.
Aiden: Right. *whisper to Arya* Only they find out they are acting like angels.
Arya: *whisper to Aiden* Yeah.
???: 好了,伙计们,把你的后背放进去吧!我们到达了神秘的北兰岛。(All right, men, put your back into it! We've arrived at the mysterious Beilan Island.)
All: Huh?!
Aliana: *Freak out* Who said that!
Aliana hid behind XM4 with him and her wield their assault rifles preparing.
Tara: Wait, something is not right? How come people live there, I thought the Black Zone was due to Collapse.
Eugen looked down notice the Amulet glowing from Aiden's pocket.
Eugen: Uhhh, Jack, look down at your pocket.
Aiden looked down at his pocket, pulled out revealed the Amulet the one they got from the Citadelle seen glowing, and everyone lean at Aiden look at the amulet shows a man in 30s speaking Chinese language.
Aiden: I don't understand that language.
The Amulet, then sees the word of Aiden wants the translation, and the man speak.
???: Our mission lies beyond this mysterious Beilan Island, and our mission must go beyond so-called "Door to Nowhere" lies underground 70 meters, which admit, the strange symptoms lies underground... as sure I'm General Yibo Li Chang, the veteran of the Sino-French War dated back in 1884 to 1885 of our last fight! And those brave soldiers who those who find that door first!
Gandulf: *COMMS* 1885? Wait... S.A.M. what is he talking about?
S.A.M.: According this man name Yibo Li Chang, that transmission emanated from the Obscurus Altilium! I believe the amulet somehow channeled an echo from the past.
Tara/Tasha/Eugen: *confused* Echo from the past.
Gandulf: *snap his finger while in COMMS* I get it! This man came from 1885 that is 19th Century! Before Tsar Russia found the Relic site!
Vargo 52: Well, whoever that was, he sounds like a real buddy-fucker ghost.
AK-12: It could be connected to the past to echo us in the future.
C58: Let's just hope, that guy can help us for finding any clues.
The group proceed to clear out the ELID zombies who were spawning from the ground, killing off, as Maiko wield the Staff of Ice freeze some ELID zombies into shatter pieces by Polina's RPK-16 attachment laser.
Tasha: *empathetic* This placed used to be crawling with people, now it's an haunted place.
Arya: *sigh* This island is were it all started. Because of a reckless group of teenagers playing with an uncontrollable thing like the Relic Technology.
Aiden: *sigh* Young people do stupid things, that one was the stupidest thing ever. My dad once said that you should never play with fire.
After clearing out the zombies, the group proceed to the ruin Relic site as the group looked at each other in case of preparation to go down.
Boris: Don't know, how far down this place goes, but you can bet that damn Artifact is all the way at the bottom.
Maiko: *Sarcastic* Nice pet talk, fearless leader. Want to poke me in the eye with a chopstick? now? *smirk* I say, old chum, don't suppose you have a beer concealed about your personage? What may be some spiffing biscuits? Pip pip.
Boris: *chuckles* Oh Yeager is that you? *empathetic* I'm glad Hugo Jager never went looking for the new mysterious artifact himself. This place could chew him up worse than Belikov did.
Maiko: I didn't know, who's the tuff stuff teddy bear. World War Three Survivor like my dad was. If the big one didn't break you nothing would. An unforgotten ruin Beilan Island Relic Site on a pegan mass grave for ELID mutations with us rasing in hell between them.
Boris: Tch. Story of my life. Always some version of a rock, technology and a hard place.
Kian: *annoyed* Could you two enough talking, should we go down this underground 69 meters to 70 meters?
Boris: Oh right, let's go.
XM4/Vargo 52: *pale* What is wrong with those two couples.
XM4: You know Vargo, I was thinking those two were close, am I right?
Vargo 52: Ja, Boris and Maiko are close, they know each other like twenty-nine year according to their files.
The group make their descend down to 69 meters ground, but somewhere no one knew there were some several Embryos kept in safe.
Vargo 52: Loose nukes, Collapse Fluid, Outbreaks, Relic technology, Mad scientists, cults. Fine. We trained for that. But this magical shit exist was not the brochure.
Krig 6: *sarcastic* If you're scared of a little spiders, just admit it. But if you do, I'm gonna start charging for these shrink sessions some different about you today. *Sarcastic* Little more Gung HO. A little less stick up your ass.
Vargo 52: Tch. Yeah. Yeah. How about you, pull your own weight leave my ass out of it.
Krig 6: *gasped and mad* How dare you, I give up on cake and my body is temple!
AK-15 giggles hearing conversation betwen Krig 6 and Vargo 52.
Vargo 52: Tch, suit yourself Antonov, I don't like SAM calling us all the shots. But as an intel asset, she's proving invaluable.
Krig 6: Yeah, I ain't giving the computer lady or flowers just yet. Took me long enough to trust that woman an AI and that she ain't be Maxim's grandmother Maxis. But I knew that old veteran of Chinese General from 1885 in history book lesson. Now that's one of the hell as follow in hell. But this I would call him Yibo guy.
Vargo 52: He inspired as much confidence as a dynasty warrior as rubber band. But if his mistakes, teach us anything. I'll take it.
AK-12: Are you done talking?
Vargo 52: Were doing this fine 12, but still going down.
As the group keep waiting down, Polina analyze the radiation levels.
Belikov: *COMMS* Somewhere within this underground is the door you guys must breach. Luckily you are well versed in the particular art.
The group still walking down as the group witness some mysterious Embryos lies within somewhere kept in stasis, Boris thinks about Hugo's son Sergey.
Boris: But a little heads up that Khristenko was Hugo's son would've been nice, S.A.M.
Yosef: *COMMS* And why did he turned against his own father?
Polina: Yeah, we have no idea what's going on since Hugo died and revealed us about Khristenko.
S.A.M.: I did not know - but a search of adoption records confirms it. I must confess: I do not understand parenting. I doubt anyone does.
XM4: Tch, more know we know about parent records.
Once they arrived 70 meters ground, a very deep, the group comes to lies of ruin temple that Unknown civilization live deep underground, and they see a mysterious door was block with the circle symbol and on the center a mysterious shaft with purple crystal on the center stood.
Boris: There it is.
Sigmund: The Long-lost Unknown civilization city underground.
Maxim: And lies within the door lead us to the Door to Nowhere.
The group full of determined to get the Artifact and bring back Anna, that's their mission. But to other side of nexus, where lies of Relic Sentinel Artifact kept alive.
to be continued.
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