Chapter 6
A Hologram map of Verdansk appears with enhanced images of the enemy area including a compound.
Jones: Airstrikes are hitting enemy positions in Verdansk. URNC and Armstrice will begin a campaign to retake the Verdansk against terrorists. Intel confirms a base of AQ fighters and an OpFor base within the valley. There were three houses, confirmed to be AQ and OpFor's base.
An Image appeared of Silver Wolves, Eagle Flyers, Kraken Swift Squad, Noah Walker, Logan, Juan, Louis, Los Vaqueros, Cecelia, Team Fireborn, Cronen Squall, M16, and Sun Jimei's T-Doll Team alongside US Marines and New Federation special forces units.
Jones: The groups will lead both Demon Dogs and New Federation special forces units. The president has fully authorized Operation Shadow Hunter. We will send two teams. Stalker Bravo will rescue the hostages in building 1. And Stalker Alpha will go to building 2 and 3 and capture or kill Al-Asad.
Maxwell: All shooters have executed authority, but we want Al-Asad alive for interrogation.
Silver Wolves, Noah Walker, Logan, Juan, Louis, Cecelia, Team Fireborn, Cronen Squall, M16 and Sun Jimei's T-Doll team were seen board VTOLs.
Maxwell: And be advised. Al-Asad is OpFor's lifeline. If he is there, they will die for him. Good hunting...
The camera shifts to the inside of the VTOLs.
We see Irene teaching M16 to speak Spanish while Cronen Squall listens.
Logan: Like old times, Diego?
Odaz: Heh. Like old times, Logan.
Angelia II: So what's the plan?
Jack: Stalker Bravo team will offloads here. Stalker Alpha team stay here to land downrange. Both team in the middle.
As for Demon Dogs and New Federation special forces units, they prepare to offload.
Aiden: Remember, we want Al-Asad alive, but this is capture or kill.
The Stalker Bravo team stands up, including Noah who trades fist-bumps with Thomas Vaqueros and join the others.
Logan: Keep up, Noah.
The team exits the helicopter just moments before the first VTOLs flies off, the second VTOLs flies to the next destination. Noah deploy his scoped M14 EBR rifle.
Noah "Spear" Walker
Operation Mascot
Verdansk, Vastovia.
28 October 2067 0130
Hornet 1 pilot: *COMMS* Hornet 1, to all Stalker Bravo team deployed. Moving to the secondary HLZ.
Hornet 2 Pilot: *COMMS* Copy, this is Hornet 2 returning to base.
Stalker team moves through the area to its target building were AQ and OpFor base. Up ahead, their VTOL comes under fire from Al-Qatala's anti-aircraft guns and missiles...
Hornet 1 pilot: *COMMS* All stations-Hornet 1 is bracketed, we're getting lit! Incoming - Flares! Flares!
The helicopter deploys flares and narrowly avoid the missile.
FSS Hurricane: Shit, that was close!
A second missile fires at the VTOL.
Louis: Second missile!
The VTOL deploys more flares, but the missile hits it this time.
Cole: Oh fuck!
Aiden: Hold up!
Everyone watched the VTOL loosing controls as pilot can be heard on their channel.
Hornet 1 pilot: *COMMS* Hornet 1 going down! We're going down!
Stalker Bravo team watches as their helicopter spirals out of control and crashes to the ground.
Juan: Damn, hope Thomas was okay...
Sun Jimei: Do you have eyes on Marines?
Super Sass: No..
WA2000: Nothing there...
NTW-20: I don't see anyone, because of that smoke.
Aiden: Thomas, what's your status?!
The radio crackles with the sound of Marines alongside New Fed Special forces coughing from the crash.
Aiden: Thomas?!
Thomas: *COMMS* Stalker Bravo - Stalker Alpha is immobile. Multiple critical! Oh, shit-! We're taking effective fire!
New Fed Soldier: *COMMS* Estamos pegando fogo pesado! *To his man shot* homem para baixo!
Aiden: Copy, we're moving to building 1. Hold tight!
Noah: Aiden, we need to secure that crash site now.
Logan: Not so fast Noah, first we need clear for Al-Asad, that takes the heat off Stalker Alpha. Then, we secure the crash site. Clear?
Noah: Okay Dad.
Aiden: Alright, Sniper team, Adam, you'll provide support the rest of you going to building one.
All: Right.
Jack: Let's move.
The sniper team including MTZ Interceptor will provide watch for Stalker Bravo team to resume its mission and heads toward the target building.
Aiden: Force up to the house.
Stalker Bravo team reaches the house.
ISO 45: Wait!
The Fireborn with Juan, Noah and Angelia II halt while Logan, Louis, Aiden and Cecilia reach to the top building.
X12: What's the point?
ISO 45 opened the door peak, slowly seeing AQ shouting.
AQ Soldier 1: *arabic* Bring more ammo! Fast! Fast!
AQ Soldier 2: *arabic* Fire at the VTOL! They will send others to help them!
AQ Soldier 1: *arabic* Kill all that they send here!
AQ Soldier: *arabic* Our brothers are on the way!
ISO 45: They're brining more reinforcement.
Noah: Then we have clear that building one first.
X12 reload his pistol.
X12: Get ready...
Noah delpoys his SMG AMR9
Tempus Torrent use a slegdehammer ready to bash the door.
Aiden: *COMMS* Get ready...
Tempus Torrent slam the hammer against the door and forces it open.
Aiden: *COMMS* Sweep through!
Noah, Juan, Angelia and team fireborn shoots the Al-Qatala soldiers inside the first floor.
X12: First deck clear! Negative on Al-Asad.
Louis: *COMMS* Second deck's clear!
Aiden: *COMMS* Rog.
The group move up to the second floor and spot the second building where OpFor soldiers fire on them.
Logan: *COMMS* Noah shoot that RPG user.
Logan deploy his M14 EMR, aiming at OpFor rocket launcher user and then OpFor soldiers, Louis alerted them
Louis: *COMMS* Contact! Building two!
Cecelia: They know we're here!
Stalker Bravo team moves up to the next building and spots OpFor soldiers firing rockets on the crash site.
Logan: Formed up!
OpFor soldier 1: *Arabic* They are coming! Take positions!
OpFor Soldier 2: *Arabic* Amin! Guard the back room! Do not let them in!
OpFor Soldier 3: *Arabic* Where are the reinforcements?!
OpFor Soldier 2: *Arabic* They will be here soon!
OpFor Soldier 1: *Arabic* Do not let these shit dogs take you alive!
Ordaz: *COMMS* Those gringos acting prepared.
Logan: *COMMS* Los Vaquaros with Aiden and I will move to the front window.
The group before entering the door, M16 grabbed the door nobbed but Cronen Squall halt.
Cronen Squall: Wait!
M16: What is it?
Cronen Squall: AQ, know they plan a trap. Remember Si esos enemigos colocan una trampa, usa granadas o granadas aturdidoras. As I say, Vaqueros always like challenges back when they challenge Cartels.
Irene: *Chuckles* I like that, Vargas.
Cronen Squall pulls out a grenade pin, open the door, throw and shut the door as OpFor panic at the grenade in the manhole.
OpFor Soldier 1: *Arabic* Grenade!
Then they heard an explosion behind the door, they enter the room seeing dead OpFor and the manhole was decimated.
M16: Manhole?
FSS Hurricane: Those are technique just like in Vietnam war, were Vietcong use their techniques against American forces.
The group enter the building. Noah and Angelia see Aiden kill an OpFor soldier with a Tomahawk to the head, before retrieving the knife. Noah with FSS Hurricane moves up the stairs to the second level.
FSS Hurricane: Pushing up to the second deck.
Noah: 7 -1 moving interior.
OpFor Soldier 1: *Arabic* They are inside the building!
OpFor Soldier 2: *Arabic* Fire the rockets! I will cover the door!
OpFor Soldier 1: *Arabic* Okay, brother! Kill anyone who comes through!
FSS Hurricane: They're up here.
M16: Must be those guys... on the door.
FSS Hurricane approaches a door only to fired upon and hit by an AQ soldier.
FSS Hurricane: Agh - I'm hit!
He quickly scampers out of the way.
Logan: M16, prep for breach.
M16 pull the a flashbang pin, throw the flashbang at the hole of the door, when they hear a loud bang, Noah quickly kills the lone OpFore soldier before going to check on FSS Hurricane who is lying against a hand railing.
FSS Hurricane: Agh... Fuck-
Cronen Squall: Your alright, Heramos?
FSS Hurricane: I'm fine... there's one in that hallway.
Logan: Noah, finished them off, we'll patch him up.
Noah enters the hallway, seeing OpFor with rocket launcher, he instantly, finished him off with AMR9.
Noah: Dad, enemy rocket's down.
Logan: *COMMS* Nice job Noah.
Noah moves down the hallway and enters a room filled with computers and servers. A woman who is huddled over a dead AQ fighter spots Noah and fires on him with SMG, but Noah shoots the woman.
Noah: Fuck...
Aiden: *COMMS* Spear, are you okay?
Noah: I'm fine... that woman is attempt to shoot at me...
Aiden: *COMMS* Must be the soldier's wife.
Then Cronen Squall, M16 and Irene appeared on the door.
Irene: You okay?
Noah: I'm okay and-
Cronen Squall: Guys... *pointing at the TV*
Irene, M16, Cronen Squall and Noah watched a broadcast of Malik Al-Asad plays from a TV in the room.
Malik Al-Asad: We're here today because we lost a great leader, and I am here to declare revenge for the killing of General Mohammad. The West, and East including Union of Rosstarist Nation Coalition (URNC) must pay for a century of hostile acts against us. Together, we will avenge the death of General Mohammad. We will have revenge for the death of our General! If the world courts do not punish these war criminals, we will take matters into out own hands at the time and place of our choosing. If we must, we will retaliate! We hold your soldiers and generals directly responsible for assassinating General Mohammad... Our brave General was executed by the West! The perpetrators of General Mohammad's execution must be sentenced to death penalty and world must witness the deaths of those responsible!! The killers must be executed in public for the world to see! Just like we did in Urkizstan executing President Al-Fulani!! The West, East and URNC will pay for their hostile aggression on my nation and our noble leaders. Because, they are lawless cowards who kill from afar. We will invade your borders and fight you face to face, like warriors!!
Aiden: *COMMS* Spear, what's the situation.
Noah: Got a video of Al-Asad in here.
Cronen Squall: Must be 161 killed General Mohammad back then.
Logan: *COMMS* Al-Asad's their hero.
Noah: They're gonna need a new hero...
The three leaves the building were FSS Hurricane was patched up.
Irene: You good?
FSS Hurricane: Yeah, plate stopped it. These fuckers that hit Stalker Alpha?
Noah: Yeah, now we can secured the crash site.
Logan: Okay, the house is clear, time to go.
Ordaz: All Bravo, circle up outside.
The group of Stalker Bravo team meet up outside the building.
Logan: Alright, Noah, M16, Vargas we're moving to the crash site to help the wounded. Rest o' you hold here and cover us.
All: Got it.
Logan: Thomas, its Logan. Building two secure. We're coming to you.
Thomas: *COMMS* Alpha copies all.
Aiden: *COMMS* Expect contact. AQ waiting for us, including they're bringing hacking Manticore from Sangvis Ferri.
M16: What?!
Cronen Squall: Those gringos, got High grade military combat robots.
Logan, Noah, Cronen Squall and M16 make their way to the crash site, and reach the VTOL. Thomas along with remaining New Federation Special Forces soldiers while Thomas carrying fallen comrade to a better spot.
Logan: Blue! Blue!
Thomas: Damn good to see you guys. We got ten 10 KIA, one wounded. Its just me and five Feds and were low on ammo. Help me move him.
Logan: No time. They're here. Get your gun on the Tree line.
New Federation Soldier 1: Ocupem a vossa posição, irmãos
New Federation soldiers were at positions. Noah readies his EBR once again. Cronen Squall and M16 were guarding the hanger door. Noah looks through the scope and spots AQ fighters approaching.
Logan: You see anything?
Noah sees a bushes shaking.
Noah: Got movement.
Aiden: If you have a shot, take it.
Thomas: Shit, many are there? I'm ready to light these fuckers up.
New Federation soldiers noticed a figure in movement.
New Federation soldier 2: Sargento, tem um movimento aqui
New Federation soldier 1: *to Logan* Commander, got a movement here.
Logan: Take a shot.
Noah aims and shoots an AQ Soldier.
Logan: Engage!
Noah, Logan, Thomas and few New Federation Special Forces defend the helicopter from the attacking enemy soldiers. M16 and Cronen Squall engage the AQ fighters heading to the hanger door.
Thomas: Shooters at the wall!
Noah: You called it, L.T.!
An soldiers fires an RPG at the defenders.
Thomas: RPG!
The rocket hits the chopper, knocking Alpha 0-2 to the floor.
New Federation Soldier 4: Mierda!
Thomas: Fuck, man!
Logan then gets his son up to the fight.
Logan: Get your gun up!
Noah, his father, Thomas and his comrades continue defending from the AQ soldiers as the enemy approaches the chopper. M16 throw the flashbang stun some AQ soldiers and killed them. Cronen light the molotov and throws it to the bush burning more AQ soldiers alive.
Logan: They're getting close!
Noah snipes an enemy soldier.
Noah: Threat eliminated.
Thomas: Dropped one?
The first wave of enemy soldiers is defeated.
Cronen Squall: We clear?
Logan: For now... stay sharp on that tree lines.
Cronen Squall and M16 scanned the bushes, Cronen Squall use th thermal scope.
Cronen Squall: Found you perras.
Another wave of AQ fighters appears in the area.
Thomas: They're still moving out there...!
Logan: Diego, can you hear me?
Diego: *COMMS* Si Logan.
Logan: I want close air on that treeline.
Diego: *COMMS* Got it Hermaos. Calling it in.
Cronen Squall: Dig in guys... we're not done yet.
Diego: *COMMS* 9-4, CAS is in three minutes out.
Logan: Roger that. Air support's inbound.
AQ soldiers deploy smoke grenades in the area.
Thomas: Hey- we got smoke at the treeline!
Noah: No visual...
Thomas: Yeah, do your son say, I don't see shit... around.
The second wave of AQ fighters attacks with grenades.
Logan: Incoming! Take cover!
The explosion coming from grenade firing on helicopter. M16 and Cronen Squall take cover from the blast, M16 grabbed a case activate the Dummy links Cronen Squall engage the AQ with grenade launchers.
M16: They have grenades!
The US Marine gets hit from enemy fire.
Thomas: Charlie's hit! Man down!
Logan: He's dead! Keep your gun in the fight.
The team in the helicopters fought off the second wave of AQ fighters. Noah use his M14 EMR shot down enemy snipers.
Noah: X-ray, down.
The crash site defenders eliminate several more AQ fighters.
Thomas: Only a few left! But they're gonna bring a Manticore.
Eventually, the second wave of AQ fighters was defeated, and US Marines name Charlie was killed.
New Federation soldier 1: He's dead.
Thomas: Damn, bastard.
Logan: Parra I need you up here now.
Ramon: Coming.
Ramon rushed to the helicopter crash site, to replace Charlie. Noah, fear OpFor brought some hardware, he tell his dad.
Noah: Dad, we should fall back to the house.
Logan: Negative. We hold or we push forward. Al-Asad's still out there.
Ramon: Comandante, ¿se ha puesto en contacto con el apoyo aéreo?
Diego: *COMMS* Si, Epsilon 9-4, fire is one mike out. Adam prep for laser target.
Epsilon 9-4: Roger that.
The sound of enemy vehicles and enemy robots is heard in the distance.
New Federation soldier 4: We got company!
Thomas: Shit-! What now?
Outside the helicopter they see enemy vehicles, Makran IFV and two hacking Sangvis Ferri Manticore.
M16: They got Manticore?!
Cronen Squall: Those bastards managed to hack one of them.
Thomas: We'll shit our robot high-grade units are still in the fight in Verdansk.
Logan: Conserve your ammo. Let 'em get close. Sniper team, take down that soldier.
The enemy armored vehicles and Manticore approached.
Logan: Standby to engage! Get ready...! Cut 'em down!
The sniper team and MTZ Interceptor fired at the enemy fighters.
MTZ Interceptor: Sniper team is engaging!
AQ fighters responded fire as well as IFV with manticore attack them.
Epsilon 9-4: *COMMS* Stalker Bravo, Epsilon 9-4 is inbound hot, danger close.
Epsilon 9-4's helicopter arrives in air and fires down on the amrored vehicles, and Manticore aimed at the enemy vehicles, but the helciopter dodge its attack.
Epsilon 9-4: *COMMS* Engaging secondaries.
Epsilon 9-4 fire the gatling gun at Manticore to make it distraction and finally fire the missiles destroyed the manticore, and all the enemy vehicles.
Thomas: Epsilon 9-4, good hits! Good hits!
Noah: We're clear?
Thomas: Fuckin' hope so.
Logan: All clear!
Cronen Squall: Guys, its clear!
The others regroup with them while sniper team with MTZ Interceptor followed them make their way to the next objective as Epsilon 9-4 above in escort position, firing on enemy positions ahead of them.
Thomas: Those fuckers used us as bait, didn't they?
Aiden: They're well-supplied and fighting smart. Thanks to Al-Asad
Angelia II: And even brought that Hacking Sangvis Ferri.
NTW-20: Don't understand why those guys use Sangvis Ferri, since they turned against us?
FSS Hurricane: Not sure... maybe the leader of E.C. knows.
Then suddenly an A-20 VTOL variant flies overhead.
Thomas: Hell yeah! Flyboys are still on station.
Aiden: Keep 'em on standby. We're moving in.
Parran: Rog.
The group reach to the third target building.
Cronen Squall: Visual on building three.
Logan: That's our target.
The group proceed forward, an enemy sniper fires on the team and hits a New Federation soldier, and the rest of the team drops to the group quickly.
New Federation soldier 3: Mierda! ¡Hombre caído!
Thomas: We got man down!
Angelia: Its AQ sniper on the roof!
Aiden: Sniper team, Adan clear out that sniper!
WA2000 aimed at the enemy sniper on her scope that she spotted, and successfully shoot him.
WA2000: He's down.
Logan: Who's hit?
Federation Soldier 3: On our team leader is down.
More AQ snipers appear on the roof, forcing the team to take cover.
Logan: Sniper's all sniper team, Noah!
Noah snipes an AQ soldiers, MTZ Interceptor took out the sniper on the window followed by XM3 and Carcano M1891. WA2000 focus on the roof and Super SASS took out enemy sniper on the third floor followed by M200. More and more getting bigger inside the building.
Ordaz: We're getting chewed up out here!
Logan: AQ's pressing hard -- Vargas, Adam, Styker, Bell scanned at the building, if Al-Asad was there.
Cronen Squall, MTZ Interceptor, FSS Hurricane, and X12 (except Tempus Torrent, ISO 45 and COR-45 were still engaging) use the thermal scope finding Al-Asaf.
FSS Hurricane: Nothing, no sign of Al-Asad.
Aiden: Epsilon 9-4 Level up that building.
Epsilon 9-4: *COMMS* Copy, making our run.
Aiden: Force up to that warehouse! Move!
The team lead New Federation up the wall ahead while Epsilon 9-3 target building.
ISO 45: Yeah, get some.
Epsilon 9-4 fires on the building. Several explosions ensue.
Aiden: *chuckles* That's a glorious sight.
Angelia II: *giggles* you sound like ghosts.
Aiden: Oh come on Ange! I always like that.
The group reach to the warehouse as Thomas opened the door.
Thomas: I heard somethin' inside.
Aiden: Copy. Let's clear it.
The group crawl under the door and enter the darkened warehouse suddenly, the warehouse lights turn on, causing to diarm the Night vision and AQ and OpFor burst out of hiding.
AQ Soldier: *in Arabic* Die in shame...!
Noah: Contact!
Team Fireborn and Sun Jimei's team engage the enmy soldiers inside until the area is secured.
COR-45: We're clear.
Thomas: All clear.
Logan: Search it. Let's find what they were hiding...
Ramon: AQ got some serious trouble here.
Noah, Aiden and Angelia check the office and only to be found was his uniform.
Noah: Guys look *grab Al-Asad's uniform* It's Al-Asad's uniform. So, he was here.
Angelia II: Maybe they lost him, when we secured the crash site.
Aiden: Choices have consequences.
Super SASS, WA2000 and MTZ Interceptor check the containers, they search the cargo containers, as three opened the door, revealing sophisticated computer tech inside it.
WA2000: Sir,
Logan: What is it?
WA2000: You might want to take a look at this.
Logan moved fowards as three snipers stepped back, Logan made a shocking surprised.
Logan: What the fuck...
MTZ Interceptor: It's all in English.
Logan flips a switch on the console. The cargo container doors on top open to reveal ballistic missile.
Irene: Madre de Dios!
ISO 45: Holy steaming shit...
XM3: W-What is that?
Aiden: It's Ballistic missiles.
Noah: Damn shit... It's a mobile launcher.
Thomas: These'll go 1,000 miles.
Angelia II: How the hell the American built this?!
Aiden: Because during incident happened in October 2022, to 2023, AQ and Konni group used the American-made ballistic missiles. And WWIII Americans secretly used it.
Noah goes around the side of the container and climbs up top to look at the missile.
FSS Hurricane: How the hell OpFor and AQ get their hands on this?
Aiden: Thomas, get us through to Maxwell.
Thomas: On it, stand by, Victor 4-3 to Dark Knight 1, how copy?
Maxwell: *COMMS* This is Dark Knight - 1, send traffic.
Aiden: Maxwell, this is Hawk, we got something.
Maxwell: *COMMS* Tell me, have you found Al-Asad
Before he asked about location of Al-Asad, Noah tell Aiden that his face was shocked.
Noah: Aiden... take a look at this.
Noah points out the American flag etched into the missile.
WA2000: America flag?!
X12: Oh that's great, OpFor and AQ using American-made ballistic missiles.
Maxwell: *COMMS* Hawk, do you have AL-Asad?
Aiden: Negative. We found a weapons cache. Al-Asad's got missiles... they're American.
Donald Shepherd: *COMMS* Hawk -- this is Silver Eagle Actual, repeat that last...
Aiden: I say again - Al-Asad has American missiles.
to be continued.
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